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Emily Thrace

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Posts posted by Emily Thrace

  1. On 3/23/2024 at 7:59 AM, Heathrowe said:

    Am I the only one who found the site review from Claire Lustig Sherman on the home page weirdly anti-Semitic? I haven’t watched the show yet, but read the book. The daughters walked across Russia to get to safety. Hard to ask them to check their privilege. 

    Yeah it was kind of gross actually especially when you consider that the stereotype that all Jews have money is half the reason they were targeted by the Nazis on the first place. Also the Kurcs don't seem all that rich to me. They are solidly middle class but they live in an apartment not a mansion. I think the reviewer might have been confused by the crystal and college educations which are now more of a rich person thing but back then were just standard requirements for middle class people especially in Europe. Also the story about keeping the older kids alive on scraps during WW1 makes me think it more that the family built up their business from not much and made it successful. In any case calling Holocaust victims privileged is a bit ridiculous. The characters are going through what is one of histories worst atrocities money alone never saved anyone from the Nazis. 

    The first Passover scene broke my heart a bit. It would have been the last one happy for so many families. It helps hit home that the Nazis destroyed not just people but a way of life.

    I do like that this is a bit of different story and it's not a torturous slog through Auschwitz. (There have been a bit of glut of those stories in the last few years and some of them felt explotive and dubiously historical. ) I like that this story is pointing out that the Soviets were often not so much liberators as they were less bad oppressors than the Nazis. 

    I also like that the cast is almost all Jewish actors.  There is something missing often in stories that cast actors who don't have a full understanding of the culture and history. 

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  2. On 3/22/2024 at 1:55 AM, CoyoteBlue said:

    Ah. but the Coast Guard was "working the hurricane", so apparently a cruise ship doesn't warrant their attention?

    I wonder if it a case of since the ship has its transponder off the US coast gaurd is assuming the Mexican coast has it in thier sights and vice versa. It did look rather close to the border so it may be a case of each government assuming the other is taking care of it. Especially since no SOS has gone out.

    On 3/25/2024 at 11:05 AM, Kel Varnsen said:

    Also with the number of people on a cruise ship, the number of swimming pools and other activities and the amount of alcohol served I really doubt that the ship's doctor mostly just handles sea sickness.

    Yeah think about all the kitchen staff slicing and dicing in 10 foot waves. Don't tell me he never sees any blood. Most cruises would at least have IV bags for dehydration and extreme seasickness. Disney offers B12 infusions AKA an IV in the freaking spa on thier new ships.

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  3. On 3/15/2024 at 9:58 PM, CoyoteBlue said:

    I'm thinking that Athena's issue might be more with her being idle than being alone with Bobby. We know she won't retire until they pull her bodily off the streets. And here they have Lola and Nathan parading their retirement escapades in front of them and Bobby signing up for a ton of activities and she's panicking at the idea of retirement. Rather than examine that, she redirects that panic of the unknown towards something she knows is solid - her relationship with Bobby.

    And Bobby will reassure her and ride it out with her and get her out of her head. Eventually.

    But that's just my theory for why she's acting the fool. :)

    I think it something like that. Although with the therapy and the migraines I wonder if we might be headed for a health crisis with Athena. I feel like they are trying to set something up here with Bathena that is going to be ongoing after they get off the cruise ship.


    9 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

    I think it wasn't the non-exclusivity that was the problem, it was honesty.

    From what Buck got out of him, it seemed Christopher made each girl think they were special to him, which read as exclusive to the girls.

    Yeah I feel like Buck took the wrong tack there and should have just underlined the importance of honesty and transparency in relationships. Empathy is great but not the strongest suit for most teens in any case. Honesty would appeal to Christopher's sense of right and wrong which has been pretty solid historically.

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  4. On 1/17/2024 at 3:55 PM, astrohip said:

    On many players, you can. But what made this scene weird was that only the brief T&S segment was replaying... over and over. Almost like a record skipping.


    Watching the opening it looks like the guy watching the DVD goes to hit pause when he gets up. I suspect he hit the repeat button instead because he was distracted. 

    I also find it interesting that there is the implication that the scientists had some kind of role in a Native woman's death. I do wonder if the isolated all male environment wouldn't be a breeding ground for aggressive behavior. There have been cases of people going off the rails in places like that. The nature of the activists murder is meant to make it seem like her death is tied to her activism but "disgust" as Navarro put it would fit with intimate partner violence as well. Or someone who was rejected and hates women for it. Maybe getting away with one murder led him to think he could do more.

  5. On 8/19/2023 at 5:07 PM, aghst said:

    Been listening a little to the audio book.

    So far I haven't come across the manipulative Amy.

    One thing is Amy has disappeared and they've done the press conference with her parents but Amy's entries are still back when they're still in NY.

    It was their third anniversary and he took his co-workers out to drink while she was waiting at home for him, with plans she had made, while he spent her money to buy drinks and flirt with waitresses.

    When he got home he was resentful about the prenup and she never having to worry about money.

    Meanwhile she was thinking how she was the cool chick, always being available sexually and not being demanding of him, not making him give up his hobbies, like other women, etc.

    Obviously Amy is warped, since she's capable of murder..  But her accounts, at least so far, seems like believable accumulations of resentments, as she was aware how screwed-up his misogynist father was.

    Something to keep in mind is the diary is something Amy wrote to incriminate Nick not necessarily the gospel truth. It's likely his anger and resentment were exaggerated to make him look guilty. 

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  6. On 10/3/2023 at 2:30 PM, cardigirl said:

    Find the whole review here

    The reviewer says it better than I could, and sounds like he's been reading my mind.  🧐

    Also, I've read people thinking that Steve Martin wants out, but he's said that after this project, he's pretty sure he wouldn't want to do anything else. Not that he's tired of OMITB, or ready to quit it. 

    I think Steve Martin is 78 so the show will continue for as long as he wants to do it. I also think that since Steve Martin is 78 TPTB  are hedging thier bets on how long he will be able to do it. It's not so much that Steve Martin doesn't want to do the show it's just everyone involved recognizes that he he could quite easily be forced into retirement. So I suspect renewal in this case came down to Steve Martin feeling like he had another season in him. (And possibly his doctor decarlaring him fit)

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  7. On 9/26/2023 at 3:27 AM, ofmd said:

    A fun episode.

    Hmmm... It's only the penultimate episode, so I doubt it was Donna. I'm still not totally discounting my 'Loretta gets exonerated but it was her after all' theory. Could be she finished Ben off after his miraculous recovery, to free dickie. But... Joy was mentioned numerous times. Hmmm...

    Oh, and they gave Tobert a motive.

    So glad the Mabel in wedding dress scene wasn't her wedding!

    Oliver and Loretta were cute.

    ETA: I admit I'm much more pro Tobert as a murderer, mainly because I don't like him and I do like Loretta.

    How about this: Ben stumbled and fell, and Tobert just decided not to save him, much like the baby elephant?

    Which reminds me, how can the police be sure it was murder, not an accident? Ofc this is the same police that set a violent kidnapper free just because he wasn't a killer, too.

    I'm more resigned to it being Tobert. It does feel a bit repetitive for it to be one of their love interests. I do like the theory that he is actually an undercover agent investigating Ben's drug use.

    I do wonder if it's going to turn out that Ben tripped over Howard's cat and fell or something like thay rather than being pushed.


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  8. 7 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

    I like to think he had a slight epiphany. Living in that apt has the issue with his son or ex wife being there at any time. 
    If he gets a new apt closer to his bar he has more privacy. A place to hop to for hanky panky. Privacy, peace and quiet. He has done all the right things for so long. I understand the show is not about men, but it’s time for him to move on with his life and for Miranda to see just what she left in order to be with Che. Starting with Steve’s revenge body 🔥

    I think he is trying to play the long game. He thinks if he moves out and gets a crappy studio it will be easier to move back in. He also doesn't want Miranda moving in with Che. Plus if she is living with Brady it might put a crimp in that relationship. I think Steve agrees with most of us that this relationship is doomed and is waiting them out.

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  9. On 7/4/2023 at 5:08 PM, greekmom said:

    I hope that the whole thing falls flat in Frank's face. I think it's only Abby's parenting that is in question at this point.  Except for what happened with Jo Jo, since Abby got sober, she's been an excellent parent. And despite what Frank has done to her, she never acted vindictive in front of the kids and tried to co-parent with him fairly.  It's Frank who's been a vindictive SOB. 

    Yeah I don't think it's occurred to Frank that this could backfire. He has been trying to alienate Abby from the kids the shrink might call him out on that. It might also be worth noting that Frank doesn't seem to have the support system that Abby does. That is something judge's will often take into account.

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  10. On 6/21/2023 at 9:56 PM, Lady Calypso said:

    Well, that's annoying if that ending isn't a fake-out. Maria Hill has always been underused in the MCU and THIS is her potential exit? Getting tricked by a Skrull and shot and left to die? I get the idea of a character being tricked by a Skrull is tempting in a series about Skrulls being undetected, but there were certainly other characters to choose from that wasn't a beloved character who never got a chance to shine in the first place. It's not like she's had massive development, either. Which is what makes this more disappointing, if it's not a fake-out. 

    The ideas stemming from this episode are interesting enough, but man did they do ALL the women dirty in some way:

    • Maria dies and is essentially fridged for Fury's arc;
    • G'iah is an antagonist who will likely be redeemed at some point but she is still going to be a massive part of this massive evil plan to destroy the world;
    • Sonya is an antagonist who is going to be portrayed as someone getting in Fury's way;
    • Soren is killed offscreen, oops!

    And that's literally all of the women on this show, the only two female regulars are antagonists and one will clearly be redeemed, but probably not before she helps kill a bunch of people in the process, and the other who is probably going to make some massive mistakes that will also get people killed. 

    I didn't completely hate this episode, mind you. I really like Talos and I think his relationship with his daughter could be great to watch. I also liked Sonya's scenes with Fury, as that could be an interesting dynamic. And as much as I bemoan about G'iah's redemption arc, I do think Emilia Clarke is a great actress who has already added some layers to the character.

    Plus, I do think that Gravik is a solid villain thus far. I did kind of like the explanation that G'iah gave to Beto about how that particular community worked (Skrulls who weren't warriors getting to be their true selves, and why warriors still wore human faces). 

    Obviously it's still early so maybe the series will turn around on the two female characters they have, but with how few major kills they've done thus far, even all the major kills they HAVE done in this saga have pretty much been all female characters.

    One thought I have had is that this show might reintroduce Monica Rambeau. Especially given the relationship she had with G'iah in Captain Marvel.

  11. On 6/20/2023 at 8:12 AM, dubbel zout said:

    It was brutal, but I kind of appreciated her honesty. No one has told Ryan exactly what Tommy has done, and at 16, he's old enough to know. (I repeat my complaint about him never looking up Tommy online. I find that completely unrealistic. I can see him starting to read about Tommy and then stopping, but to not even google him at all? No way.)

    I'm bored with the crime story involving Faisal and the gym teacher. Though I did get a laugh when the gym teacher kept saying Catherine thought he was guilty of killing his wife. And I loved the stink eye his younger daughter gave him when he saw them at his mother's. He may not have killed his wife, but he's an abusive piece of shit.

    I loved Ann's speech even if it was brutal to watch. It reminded me why I liked the character initially she refuses to be a victim. It was also something Ryan needed to hear. It's probably why he went to see Tommy in the first place, he sensed Catherine was holding back so he thought Tommy might give him the truth. If Ryan truly hadn't wanted to hear what Ann was saying he would have stormed off in typical teenage fashion. He stayed because he was finally getting what he wanted.

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  12. On 5/24/2023 at 6:48 PM, snarts said:

    I suggested that they'd return to the woods and pit girl would be Callie. Everyone poo pooed it as preposterous so here it is again....

    I was thinking something would happen and they won't end up drinking the shots. Then Lisa would come in and take the loaded shot unaware (she has been built up too much to just be Natalie's guide to cult life). Callie would fit with that too but I don't know if the show would want go that bleak.

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  13. 2 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

    8 months isn't fast to resort to cannibalism. But to go from eating your dead friend or even wishing for someone to die to picking cards to decide who's throat to slit if a big leap.

    I do think it was faster for the group in the Andes because they had no food at all to hunt or scavenge. The Yellowjackets landed in spring and were able to hunt for awhile and found mushrooms and stuff. Then they had the bear meat for the first few months of winter. 

    Evidence of what? To whoever found them, this was a rescue, not a crime scene. I would think the rescuers would let them pack up their stuff to take with them, if they had any. Then they would ask the girls what happened, but unless someone talked there would be no reason to bring CSI out to the wilderness. Plus, we don't know how they were found. Maybe they walked to civilization at some point.

    The scene with the press was pretty brief, so you could easily explain there was someone else carrying a bag behind them.


    Yeah I doubt anyone's first thought was cannibalism. The Indigenous people have been surviving in that area for hundreds of years, with a cabin and a gun it not impossible a group of girls did the same. I have a feeling someone talked. Maybe not one of the girls but perhaps a rescuer saw enough to draw conclusions.

    One thing that has occurred to me about them getting  on plane after the rescue is most are assuming Coach Ben is dead because he obviously isn't in the press walk with the kids. It is possible he was simply loaded separately. In most cases airline's would use a chairlift for someone on crutches rather than have them attempt the stairs. He did seem to be rallying in this episode.


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  14. On 5/16/2023 at 5:54 PM, Black Knight said:

    Yeah, I live in Boston now, and while I wasn't here for it, I've heard a lot on the neighborhood FB group about the "100-inch winter" a few years ago, with pics of the snow piled all the way to the top of their doors after one particularly bad storm. As far north as the YJs are, they definitely would get that kind of snow sometimes.

    The adult counterparts are in a tricky position, though, because so much of the mystery is about what happened in their past. So I see why Lynskey opted to be told. Knowing your character's backstory can be critical for your performance.

    Which, BTW, goes to support the thought that:

    If Shauna didn't remember anything, Lynskey wouldn't need to know because Adult Shauna doesn't know what she's forgotten and so it'd be essentially the same as playing a character to whom something hasn't happened yet.

    Lottie is probably very near the right of it - Doomcoming, the Roman banquet of eating Jackie (which Tai did not remember), and so forth. I can see individual women having a memory of that kind of group madness without being sure what they themselves did or didn't do during it.

    One of the more popular theories I've seen is that they are actually being poisioned by mercury or lead and the land they are on is contaminated. So group hallucinations could be the result of that. Long term low level exposure is hard to detect and can cause cancer. Mercury contamination isn't  unheard of in the Canadian wilderness. It would also explain why a place only 600 miles from the border is so uninhabited. 600 miles from the border is still cottage country in most of Ontario. (Although that could be the American  writers not getting how big Canada is, it wouldn't be the first time.) Plus it explains why all the animals are so unafraid of humans.


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  15. On 11/29/2021 at 11:35 PM, Yakima said:

    Ignoring all the ludicrous stuff in this show one thing that just really stands out for me is that they find that cabin, And that cabin is full of processed lumber and heavy timbers, glass windows, tools, furniture and none of that got carried in there on someone's back.  There would have to be a road out.  


    It hasn't been occupied in decades though. It's most likely there was a road but it's overgrown. Or was flooded out by a Dam. Ontario built a lot of hydro dams in the 60s and 70s and it rearranged a lot of their northern landscape. It also could still be hundreds of miles from anywhere there are a few abandoned mining towns in that part of the country. 

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  16. 4 hours ago, possibilities said:

    Maybe ABC/Disney wanted it back and raised their licensing fee high enough to get it?

    I don't see ABC wanting this show that badly since they have Station 19.

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  17. On 4/20/2023 at 12:28 PM, greekmom said:

    Not at all.  They buried that hatchet years ago and do cons together.  I rather think that Kate Mulgrew knew it was a shit show and didn't want to join. They probably would have killed her off anyway like they did Ro and Shelby. 

    I wonder if Matalas doesn't just want to save a Janeway and Seven reunion for the new show. When they have time to build a whole episode around it. Also a lot of this was filmed just post Covid so she may not have been available. 

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  18. 10 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

    Wouldn't the biggest gut punch with no clear motives be Din himself? It would make no sense but I do wonder why Gideon captured him instead of just killing him.

    He thinks Din still has the Dark Saber so he wanted to capture him and keep the Saber out of anyone else's hands.

    Which means if Moff has a spy in the Mandalorians thier information is out of date. So it would have to be one of the Death Watch tribe unless it was a merc who wasn't outside when Din made his speech. I also think that means it can't be the armourer because she noticed Din didn't have the saber anymore right away.

    I wonder if someone in Navarro is the spy.  Not Greef but someone  who works for him. Moff Gideon was based on the planet there he probably had allies and spies all over the place there. It would explain how they knew the Mandalorians were coming but not that Bo Katan had the dark Saber.

    Also Grogu is going to use his force powers to take control of the Mythosaur and use it to rescue his dad calling it now.

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  19. 12 hours ago, LtKelley said:

    On the other hand, talking to a doctor friend, apparently some people sometimes... find the wrong hole for things....

    On the third hand, I am not that familar with vibrating sex toys but I do have SOME knowledge, and I don't see how something that size goes anywhere near insertion into the uretha, let alone up into the bladder.

    The membrane between the vagina and urethra isn't all that thick though. My guess the vibrator went off long enough to tear a hole somewhere. Which would also explain the pain. It could be wedged in whatever path it's made so it's not causing a lot of bleeding. If she had given birth she might have had a tear there previously. Plus some people just have weird anatomy.

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  20. On 4/6/2023 at 4:10 PM, paigow said:

    Irumodic Syndrome was a pre-existing condition before assimilation. Borg implants are irrelevant. 

    It's possible there is something different about Picards brain that he passed to Jack. Maybe Borg made Picard into Locutus rather than a generic drone because there is something unique about his brain and how it works. I also wouldn't be shocked if assimilation alters the genome it's an extreme process. (I also wonder if someone shouldn't let B'lanna and Miral know as well if that is the case). I do wonder if that might have something to do with Jack's abilities.

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  21. 7 hours ago, paigow said:

    Gideon is likely supervising the cloning operation for Snoke / Palpatine

    Yeah that would fit timeline wise. Although if Mandlorians were involved in breaking him out I wonder if it might be more just be to give him thier own trial and punishment. He did commit genocide against their people. I can see a group of them deciding New Republic jail is too good for him and deciding to inflict Mandalorian justice on him. Either that or Moff Gideon is outfitting some of his followers with Beskar armor.

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  22. On 3/23/2023 at 4:04 PM, Sbeetle said:

    I was trying to remember the timeline. Would Padme have known about Anakin at that point? She could be just trying to save the Jedi, thinking he was with them? Although the senate being like WTF and helping the Jedi is still plausible. I love the meta aspect of Jar Jar doing it. 

    I also read Beq's backstory on the wiki and he's the perfect person to save the padawans/younglings. I hope we hear more about his fate. 

    I wonder if it was another Senator like Bail Organa or Mon Mothma. Considering Mon would be Chancellor right about I wonder if she might be making an appearance at some point. Having her be part of Grogu's rescue from Order 666 might set that up.

    Personally I've never thought Din's journey was rejecting the covert completely. I always thought he was being set up to unite the various factions and lead Mandalore into the new Era. Which probably  means finding a middle ground between Bo's liberalism and the Armourer's rigid rules.

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  23. 2 hours ago, Wouter said:

    I doubt she could even reach Janeway. Ro said she didn't get past her "gatekeepers", who may not forward such requests to Janeway.

    Which might mean Seven might have a chance to get through. We might get a Voyager reunion  yet.

    In regards to Ryan vs Mulgrew. I always got the impression Jeri Ryan blamed those in charge and Bermanga in particular rather than any specific cast member. (Which makes sense since one of them is her ex). Reading between the lines from a few different  sources (RDM's experience on Voyager jibes with this too) that the rot on that was from the top down and that Bermanga's particular brand of control issues and lack of people skills created a fairly toxic work environment. Mulgrew was mostly  just towing the line and has apologized. (Braga still never really apologized to RDM who was his writing partner last I heard.) In the case of Jeri Ryan's  introduction I think she blames the people who allowed the bullying to happen more than anyone which is fair imo.

    I think Jack Crusher is part of how the changelings have evolved. He was part of the medical team or accidentally stole some of their tech. He has some piece of their new secret and that's why they want him back. 

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  24. On 10/27/2022 at 12:20 AM, bilgistic said:

    The first episode reminded me so much of "There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane"—similar complete denial by the family of what most likely happened.

    I was a high-achieving teenage girl, and I attempted suicide (pills, which didn't work, obviously). Outwardly, I appeared happy with friends, did well in school, dated, and was on the dance team.

    I inherited all the mental illness in both sides of my family and have always struggled to keep going. The way Tiffany's family still hasn't processed their grief at all after seven years, along with the mother's abuse screams (genetic) mental illness to me.

    I agree with other posters who say Tiffany's family feels extreme guilt and won't accept that she ended her life. It's natural to feel guilty because "I should've known". Instead of working toward acceptance, they continue to try to find a reason that will "absolve" them of not doing more when she was alive. One therapy session couldn't begin to fix Tiffany's and her mother's unhealthy relationship.

    The texts Tiffany sent/posts she made were telling. Saying she's "feeling content even though I shouldn't be" points to suicide. Often, once suicidal people make a plan, they appear at peace and may feel "better" because of a sense of control.

    Yeah but this why I feel like cases like Tiffany's (Rey Rivera is another one) were it should have been ruled as accidental unless they have direct evidence. (Like a note or her saying something to that effect) Its just too hard on the families to declare it a suicide when it could just as likely have been an accident. I also feel like in this case the railway authority did it that way to avoid any responsibility. If it was an accident you could argue the rail company was at fault and sue.

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