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Emily Thrace

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Posts posted by Emily Thrace

  1. 4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    I don't think this thing with Pete is going to blow over. He's got a lot of gang members at his disposal and there are only four Cody boys. Now that Catherine's body has been found I'm guessing Pope will wind up either dead or in jail by the end of the next season.

    The thing is Catherine's body alone even with his dna on it doesn't condemn Pope. Baz makes too much sense as viable suspect with motive. They would need an eyewitness or something that ties Pope directly to the burial site if they actually want to get a conviction. Otherwise all Pope's lawyer would need to do is bring up Catherine's cheating boyfriend with a violent family history and you have reasonable doubt.

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  2. On 8/29/2021 at 10:43 PM, Marley said:

    I don’t understand why Craig is so amped up and mad.

    1) Cocaine is a hell of a drug

    2) He is grieving, anger is a pretty common response. Especially for someone who isn't introspective like Craig. Someone like him is less likely to get hung up on the depression and sadness but anger can be harder to let go of because you have to recognize it.

    I also think both Craig and Darren are taking out their anger on Jay. Smurf basically used her will to call them fuck ups but since she isn't there to be mad at Jay is a convenient target.

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  3. On 8/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Crashcourse said:

    This is going to be a sad outcome no matter how they play it--her and Conrad splitting up after all they've been through, or being killed off.  I just don't want Conrad and Billie to get together.  

    I could see them doing something like Grey's did with April. Where Nic is working some where else and so isn't at Chastain anymore. Conrad could just mention her every once in a while.

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  4. 5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    And that's relevant . . . how, exactly? Smurf is dead. Why are we being "treated" to flashbacks of a dead character? This would make somewhat more sense if she was still living with Pam, as I said above, but she's not. There are two different stories going on in two different timelines here, and they are only very tangentially related to one another. 

    I keep thinking the flashbacks are meant to fill in Jake and Pope's relationship in the past so we know where they stand when Jake shows up in the present. Or even that they couldn't get old Jake's actor back because of Covid so they went with flashbacks instead.

    Also isn't the cop in this episode the same one played by James Remar last year?

  5. Well Jake is around in the past but is still AWOL in the present but I think they are going to play the Pam card first. I can't see her sticking around though. The show just doesn't make sense with another woman in Smurf's house. The boys will have to outflank her or bury her. Surely she must realize that. I wonder if that is why she is hesitant. Maybe she thinks Pope will still have a soft spot for his Aunt Birdie? 

    Renn and Craig's dilemma is interesting one. Craig is right but I kinda see Renn's point too. Craig could get busted or killed most days of the week and then where would they be if she depends on him. I think giving her a legitimate job might work maybe she could run Jay's bowling alley?

    Speaking of Jay, I always thought his plan was to cut Craig and Darren in on the money he took from Smurf. They might be the only people he actually likes. I think he sees that those two are Smurf's victims too. Pope he is wary of. Some of that is Pope's fault and some of that is Jay's. They both have the same lack of communication skills.

    Also please keep Nicki in Barstow where she belongs.

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  6. On 6/28/2021 at 8:24 PM, EllaWycliffe said:

    Oh that's easily gotten around - she's a political prisoner. She's a political prisoner of the US being held in Canada. Or there's something nebulous about her status. Or Canada has changed the law since getting pummeled with refugees and babies of non citizens aren't automatically Canadian. Or babies ARE automatically Canadian and Canada won't send a Canadian citizen to Gilead, but they will boot Serena back to her beloved home without the baby. 

    The only possibility that really fits there is if Serena is not considered under Canadian jurisdiction. The idea that her baby would not be Canadian even if its born there or that we would deport a mother away from her child simply would not happen under Canadian law. It would be a betrayal of Canadian values and a complete 180 in terms of our laws. Canada is much more in favor of immigration in general and our laws are much more in favor of protecting the immigrant as than in the US. Our immigration laws were completely reworked in 1947 and are based in the old school open immigration ideas and the protection of refugees. There have been reforms and changes over the years but even us giving up Fred is a bit of a stretch since we usually won't hand over anyone if the death penalty is on the table.

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  7. On 6/9/2021 at 8:27 AM, BC4ME said:

    I just rewatched the entire series over the past few days. It's crazy how, upon rewatch, it all seems so obvious now. Except for the Dylan gun on Jess thing. That never really fit in.

    I think it did fit, Dylan didn't want John to be revealed as DJ's father. He was trying to protect and keep his child which is very much a theme of the show. 

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  8. On 6/18/2021 at 6:12 PM, EllaWycliffe said:

    More specifically Fred was handed over ON A BRIDGE at the US/Canadian border. Therefore it had to be upstate NY.

    Fred is driven around a bit. 

    Former handmaids drive to the kill site but there's no way they can just cross the bridge/bridges over the St. Lawrence River because its been previously established that those bridges are heavily guard. So the handmaids had to drive from Toronto up to the border at the top of New York, drive into Quebec and then cross the land border in Vermont/New Hampshire that for some reason is apparently unguarded, into "no man's land". Its ridiculous in that coordinating the meet up would be insane, its a ridiculous drive where June would not have time to get back to Toronto in the early morning. But it was Gilead, not Canada, likely Vermont or New Hampshire, and I can tell you from experience its not hard to find an abandoned stone structure out there. 

    If they're magically revealed to be in Canada, I will be really annoyed, and yes, there's all sorts of problems with this considering how locked down the border previously was depicted as. Not to mention handmaids taking that huge of a risk of being captured. 

    There really isn't a way to completely lock down the Canada-US border. There are too many old roads and woodlands. You can make it impossible to leave Gilead by having rings of security around where the people that makes it impossible to reach the border. Which is effectively the same thing.

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  9. On 6/18/2021 at 12:59 AM, arc said:

    Loki can shapeshift, right? It's not just all illusions. Perhaps the variants adopt different shapes to go with their different personalities.

    One comic book character that the Female Loki could be is that Loki has a daughter in some of the comic stories. He did seem to recognize her. It would certainly explain why he went with her. It would introduce a family element to the story something all the disney+ shows have had and was always a big element of the Thor movies. 

  10. 13 hours ago, chediavolo said:

    Not very nice to say  but aAlexis Bledel has really aged in an unexpected way in my opinion. I thought she was quite beautiful a lot of the time on Gilmore girls it’s just Little surprising that she hasn’t aged into her face all that nicely considering she is still youngish.

    otherwise I am liking this season also. I hate that Waterford’s have any support at all. 

    I can't believe we are having a discussion about a show involving mass rape and subjugation of women and you think it remotely okay to comment on the attractiveness of an actress as if it is her only value. Alexis Bledel gave an amazing performance in tonight's episode. That should be what matters. I don't understand how you can watch this show and still talk about the people in it like they are decorative dolls. 

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  11. I know most think Dylan is invested in destroying Erin's diaries because he did something wrong but I wonder if it might be about DJ. If DJ's biological father is revealed Dylan could lose custody. Maybe that is actually what he is afraid of. He acts ambivalent but he is also moving along with the adoption. I don't think he as detached he claims. He wouldn't have been so angry about the results of the paternity test if he didn't care.

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  12. 11 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    What I'm thinking right now is that John had a sexual relationship with Erin that Billy (and probably Ryan) knew about. John killed Erin with Billy present and has either convinced Billy he did it or manipulated Billy into taking the fall for him. ETA: Or possibly Billy accidentally killed Erin. 

    Yeah Erin being shot accidentally makes sense considering the way she was shot. It was a graze not a direct hit. Maybe Erin met up with John to get money for DJ's surgery. Billy found them and tried to shoot John but hit Erin instead. He was traumatized and/or drunk so he doesn't remember exactly what happened.

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  13. 15 hours ago, MinDC76 said:

    What distinctive traces are you referring to?  Please cite legitimate Medical Journal publications / studies confirming your assertions, because your vague statement is simply not true on its face.

    I'm not going digging through the internet to find my ten year old university genetics textbook. Believe me or do your own research its up to you. If you want a bit more specificity Erin would share about 3% of her dna with John and Billy. Usually on a dna profile this will show as shadows or duplications on the X chromosome. Its possible it slight enough in this case it simply missed by the lab. Or they just did a comparison and no other testing.

    Or DJ's father is actually someone who hasn't been considered yet. Just because John or Billy believe they are DJ's father doesn't mean its true. I actually wonder about Dylan's father, it would explain why they are eager to adopt DJ. Dylan could be trying to protect him by burning the diaries. Also Dylan being adopted might explain his behavior somewhat, he's a golden child who grew into an entitled asshole.

    The location of the murder still bugs me. Why would John or Billy meet up with Erin there? As Mare has already pointed out why not pick her up in his truck closer to home. I almost wonder if Erin went out to meet Dylan he attacked her and Billy came along and shot Erin while trying stop Dylan. That would make two people who tried to shot Dylan and missed. Plus I still don't think Dylan has strong enough motive. Unless there is something else going on.

    One thought I had is if Dylan is moving drugs he might have used Erin and/or the baby to do it. People don't expect there to be drugs in the diaper bag. With Erin's wide eyed look she would have made a great mule.

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  14. 4 minutes ago, Snapdragon said:

    For everyone asking, first cousins once removed are your parents' cousins or the kids of your cousins (it goes both ways).  Second cousins are the kids of your parents' cousins.  So Erin's first cousins once removed are John and Billy, her second cousins are John's kids.

    *In case you can't tell, I come from a very large extended family, with all the cousin types.  

    That's actually the one thing that bugs me about Billy or John being DJ's father usually a dna profile will reveal traces of incest. It leaves distinctive patterns on the dna. Unless Erin isn't Kenny's biological daughter. 

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  15. 38 minutes ago, Snapdragon said:

    So just brainstorming here but could Dylan, Jess and Sean (is that the third kid?) have all been involved in something illegal that Erin wrote about in her diaries and that's why they burned them.  I know they've connected Erin to prostitution but it could also be drugs.  We've seen a lot of with drugs in the show so far, so maybe the teens are all dealers?  Would explain where Dylan went in the middle of the night and why he has the gun.

    Yeah that's my theory the picture shows Dylan with a load of drugs. I actually know a couple of local dealers who got busted posting pictures of large amounts of money and drugs on Facebook. Dylan was at least smart enough to try to hide the evidence.

    Although one thing they haven't explained is why Billy met her all the way up by the college. He works shifts maybe its on his way home from work? I think the location rules John out actually since he was at the bar with Frank and then drove him home around 2 and Franks now ex girlfriend corroborated that. I don't know if John would have had time to go to the crime scene after that. I wouldn't be surprised though if John is actually DJ's father and Billy killed her to protect John.

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  16. On 4/28/2021 at 8:53 PM, FozzyBear said:

    I’d actually be interested in some flashbacks to the late 1990s/early 2000. I still have a lot of unanswered questions about Jays birth and would love some flashbacks centering on Julia, Pope, and Baz at the time.  I want to know what happened between the 3 of them that caused Julia and Jay to be banished. It’s never quite added up to me. The Baz we knew was ambitious and smart, but not too smart. He made the smart move, but the obvious smart move. If Julia was pregnant with Smurfs first grandchild, the obvious smart move for Baz is to marry Julia (or do some common law version of it) claim Jay as his son and secure his place in the Animal Kingdom as the father of the prince. I mean we know that probably wouldn’t have worked out, but it would seem like the good move at the time. So what happened? I still feel like there’s more there. Is it related to Pope’s irrational hatred of Jay? I mean Pope has reasons now but he’s hated Jay since long before he had justification. Was Julia banished because she was pregnant and Smurf’s didn’t want to share the Mom in Charge title? Why not try to take Jay the was Smurf tried to take Lelia? Wasn’t there something way back in S1 about Julia talking to the police? The Julia/Baz/Pope/Jay story has always bugged me with the amount of unanswered questions.


    They have cast a teenage Pope, Julia, and Baz. They won't show up until season 6 though.

    Season 5 looks good so far. One thing I noticed about the trailer is no sign of Angela(she won't be missed) or Frankie (who was mildly interesting). Renn is there briefly but it looks like she might be in trouble. I hope she doesn't end up fridged she's the closest any of the boys has come to a viable likable love interest.

    I think Pope saw Jay as a threat initially as competition for his place in Smurf's affections. (Darren had a similar reaction) He was just out of prison so when Jay showed up so his emotions would have been all shut down. I think by the time he calmed down he saw something in Jay he didn't like. I think Jay reminds him of himself or Baz at that age in ways he doesn't like. That Jay is too controlled and Pope sees it as being cold. Jay isn't actually cold the way Baz was but Pope has very little emotional intelligence and doesn't see that. Pope tends to assume the worst of people's intentions and since Jay's intentions are hard for us to read it basically impossible for someone like Pope. Plus Pope is right that Jay lies a lot and Pope hates liars. Jay doesn't actually intend to hurt Pope he wants to get Smurf but Pope doesn't know that.

    Its funny though Craig sussed out that Jay was a scared kid almost instantly because Craig is emotionally intelligent. That's why he gets along with Jay best initially.


  17. On 5/17/2021 at 7:22 PM, raven said:

    I noticed that too so went back to look.  The cup just says "Detective.  County of Delaware, Pennsylvania". 

    I think in this case it's the simplest explanation - he shaved.  The kidnapper had a lot of scruff, as if he shaves often and badly.  I think the kidnappings are solved and that Erin's murder is unconnected, except for the prostitution angle.

    On re-watch, Billy definitely says that Erin stayed him "at least 3 years ago, maybe more",  Of course that doesn't mean that they couldn't have had sex after she moved out.  I hate that idea, she would have been around 15? 

    I have sympathy for Jess.  I think she really was a friend to Erin.  She seems somewhat intimidated by the two guys, or Dylan at least.  She copied/photo something from the journal.  It looks to me that right now she is the only teen trying to do something for Erin.

    I think I'm on the Dylan is the killer train until proven otherwise.  His occasional kindness to DJ is the red herring; the real Dylan is the one who stood coldly by while his girlfriend and other people beat up Erin.   Erin was hysterical after receiving a text - maybe Dylan threatened to expose her on SideDoor and take the baby away.  She adored that baby; threatening to take him away would def make her hysterical and insistent that she be dropped off to meet someone.

    Yes, this is the only thing I think she did wrong in the kidnapping scenario.  Colin's inexperience was not her fault - though she may not see it that way.  It all happens rather quickly - shut the music off, spot the Winstons, oh shit Mare has no gun, Colin undo your holster, the girls start banging on the pipes, kidnapper tries to blow it off, Mare spots the security cameras which increases her suspicion, banging gets louder.  Mare has to tell Colin to draw his gun.   Even after being shot and running and hiding, Mare has the presence of mind to text for help.  Killing the guy was absolutely self defense, he would have killed her otherwise.  Other than the fact that she wasn't supposed to be working, I can't fault her in the scenario at all.

    Damn, I hate waiting so long for the next episode!

    I'm not sure about Dylan I think he could be involved in something shady like say dealing drugs that Erin knew about and might have written about. (Siobhan was in the woods that night to pickup pot) I don't think he killed her. I just don't see a real motive in his case. He had all the power in his relationship with Erin why kill her?

    I don't think Mare will be in any trouble. The press is going to love her that alone should save her ass. Plus it was her source who had the info that caught the bastard. I can see them bullshiting that she introduced Colin to the source and they stopped at the house on way home.

    I am starting to wonder about Frank Ross. The way his son was acting I almost wondered if he had been molesting him. That was going to reveal a family history of sexual abuse and lead to his sketchy brother being revealed as DJ's father. I am still thinking he killed Erin to cover it up. I wouldn't be surprised if Frank is involved somehow though. Also I have a feeling his side piece is Faye


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  18. On 4/28/2021 at 8:44 PM, chocolatine said:

    Of course that ended up happening anyway, because her husband chose to help June.

    I don't think she acted like June was a stranger, she acted like June was a monster. She was most likely told that her mom is responsible for the kidnapping of 86 children, and who knows what else. Remember in S2 or S3 where Nick arranged visits for June and Hannah at the Mackenzies' summer house? Hannah's Martha was involved in this arrangement, and, if I'm not mistaken, was killed when the Mackenzies found out. So Hannah was probably also told that the loss of the Martha was June's fault.

    Considering Gileads general policy on punishment I don't doubt they take "spare the rod spoil the child" very literally. Every child in Gilead is probably beaten or at least hit with something for even small infractions. I wouldn't be surprised if the McKenzies beat poor little Hannah severely every time Junes name came up.

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  19. 2 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

    As for the Native American story, my house abutted land owned by Yavapai Nation, and they have a huge casino and resort.  Each member of the nation receive a very large monthly payout and they provide college scholarships to anyone who wants to attend college.  Every member gets a 5 figure monthly stipend, free from taxes. 

    Most Native Americans live in extreme poverty unheard of in the rest of Canada and the US. The Navajo nation has double the unemployment rate of the rest of the US and had only 200 hospital beds for nearly 200000 people when Covid hit. I could post a wall of text of similar sad statistics from other reserves and tribes. One tribe having money doesn't erase 500 years of genocide. It doesn't make it easier when someone calls you a squaw. It doesn't erase the generational scars of residential school. Or bring back our land and way of life. I'm not sure how you missed the point of the episode so completely when Max beat it over everyone's head so hard.


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  20. 7 hours ago, circumvent said:

    Believe me, libs are not trolling progressives because libs do believe those performative gestures do count as solutions for all oppressive systems.

    Just to add to the voices here, the neuro doctor story was just silly and looks like they had to come up with some ting in a hurry and decided to go with the first bad idea. All the nonsensical points have already been laid and I agree with them all.

    I don't know much about bypass gastric surgery, I did know a teenager who had it and died. He was very obese and it was over 20 years ago, but still, it freaks me out. The points the girl made though, about her decision and body autonomy were valid. Not very well dealt with because she is young and would need more supports and conversations but valid points. 

    Iggy needs some vacation and some refresher training. He talks about his own issues with a patient and when patient picks up on what he said to make an argument, he says the conversation is not about him? Sure, Iggy. In a trial show that would be the moment the judge would have ruled to his objection: you opened the door counselor! 

    I commented on the professor refusing care based on 400 years of genocide and oppression before I watched the episode and I haven't changed my opinion after watching but now I am even more irritated because those indigenous actors had to be part of the very badly written story. Like someone already mentioned, she could have gone to a different hospital and not risking her life. I can see the point of protesting, but there are ways of doing so. At this very moment, there is at least one person protesting the situation in Yemen by being on a hunger strike. There are people on hunger strike protesting incarceration and demanding the release of prisoners, there are so many cases of protests that get little attention but still more than someone dying because a blood clot that went untreated. The hospital would have granted her wishes and let her go instead of having a death in the charts. That's how reality is, how funding works, how their efficacy is graded. It sucks, but this is how things work in our "health" system. Had she died while Max, The Great White Savior ran around trying to fix the last 400 years, he would have been fired.

    Another idiotic paternalistic fuck up in a story full of them.  Most Natives count out 500 hundred years of oppression. Starting in 1492 when Columbus got lost. I think the show was trying to use 1624 since that was when Manhattan was "purchased" but I've never heard a Native American use that date. Partly because we don't like distinguishing between groups but also that is pretty much when the Smallpox came and that affected everyone anyway.

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  21. On 7/31/2019 at 5:02 PM, AngelaHunter said:

    I can cook some stuff without a recipe. But for baking? I don't think even Julia Child could do that. 1/2 teaspoon or 1 teaspoon of baking powder can be the difference between success and failure unless you do nothing but make muffins all day every day. 

    Maybe they have recipe books that are just symbols like at the market. A picture of half a teaspoon for half a teaspoon that sort of thing. The same picture on the box of baking soda to represent baking soda in the book.

  22. I agree with those who say the pacing was off. Hen's story probably could have waited. I do wonder if this was also due to the writers not being sure how many episodes they would get.

    Another weird thing is all these people who supposedly speak Korean as their first language talking in English to each other.Its especially weird in Alberts case as he has just moved to the US. I get that not all of the actors may be fluent but its the details that matter when it comes to representation.

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  23. 16 hours ago, Aliconehead said:

    Bobby was drinking in a vacant apartment.  He was using a space heater that sparked a fire. Because there were a TON of code violations, ie no sprinklers, etc, it caused the whole building to catch fire.  He tried to get to his family but the fire was between him and the door, and I think a while opened in the floor, he was unable to get them.  I believe he confessed but because of the code violations it did not warrant an arrest.  

    The space heater started a fire because the breakers were not installed correctly. Bobby's actions wouldn't have started a fire if the building was safe. Also a lack of sprinklers and other violations made the casualties much higher than it should have been.  That is why he wasn't charged. Why he isn't rich from the lawsuits against his landlords and the city of St Paul is another question.

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  24. Something to think about with regards to Sharon being the power broker is


     Emily VanCamp missed three episodes of The Resident to film this show. I doubt the scenes she shot for this episode took three weeks to film. So whoever Sharon Carter is now I suspect we will see her again


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  25. 20 hours ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

    According to this


    Sharon disappeared in the Snap, but I have no memory of her being listed among the casualties when they were showing the pictures of the lost in the first scenes of Endgame so I don't know if she survived or not.

    She was shown as missing in Endgame along with Shuri and a few others who were blipped. Of course it's possible she was so far underground she was reported missing by her family but it does seem to indicate she was blipped. Which does excuse Steve seeming to forget about her somewhat. If he was on the run for 2 years himself and then was told she was among the lost afterwards.

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