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Emily Thrace

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Posts posted by Emily Thrace

  1. On 10/17/2019 at 12:44 PM, SmithW6079 said:

    I'm in total agreement with the network.

    That text to Ben was so over the top, Darlene must have been standing on a ladder to write it. That flowery bullshit is not who Darlene is, at least as they've shown us for decades.

    Personally, I'm glad she got dumped by both men. She has always been my least favorite Conner -- she's just a toxic bitch to almost everyone, but especially to the man she supposedly "loved" since high school and with whom she had two children.

    I love that David said he wanted to go first and then he dumped Darlene. I also take her tears with a grain of salt. She's upset only because she didn't get to dump him first (she even says something to the effect that she really wished she had gone first -- because she wanted to step on David one last time, the way she's done for 25 years).

    I didn't care for the scene at the highway, because it was overtly comparing gentle David with manly Ben, with David coming up lacking, as though being a gentle man somehow makes him less of a man.

    I also think her text to David being so basic doesn't necessarily mean she loves him less. Its just after 20 years they have a short hand. A more telling question would have been who did she tect first imo but that wouldn't have been as funny.

    I also hate the"David is a weakling" jokes it just very reductive for a show that talks about gender as much as it does.

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  2. On 10/10/2019 at 2:27 PM, AriAu said:

    So after listening to Toby talking about wanting to get healthy so he wouldn't drop dead and seeing Kate's reaction, I decided to go back and watch the flash forward from last season. It seems like the implication was that Kate and Toby split up at some point and that's why he got the "glad you decided to come" from Randall and Toby's look etc... 

    But what if instead Kate died and he became sorta estranged either because of something Rebecca said or his feelings of guilt or.... who knows. 

    And, while that snippet has been dissected like the Zapruder tape, but  Toby says he talked to Jack and that they were on the way and everyone assumes that "they" means Jack and Kate, but we now know that Jack is married so "they" could mean Jack and Lucy, his wife.

    Anyways, that interaction made me think about it again

    I wonder about that too actually. Especially since Jack had an arrhythmia Kate could have it too and not know it. Arrhythmias can go undetected in women especially because doctors don't look for heart problems the way they do with men. Plus Kate's size would make it harder to hear it in her case.

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  3. I wonder with the scene at the end with Athena's daughter means we might get a story with her yet. I wonder if after what happened she decides to say screw college I'm going to be a paramedic. And Athena thinks she should still go to college and Bobby ends up seeing the daughters side.

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  4. On 9/27/2019 at 9:43 AM, CarpeFelis said:

    I wanted to see it too, but wasn’t watching real closely... because I was knitting. It does bug me though when characters who are supposed to be knitting obviously don’t know what they’re doing.

    (Don’t even get me started on that line in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina about a character knitting their own death shroud when they were clearly using a crochet hook...)

    The knitting bothered me a bit because it not as likely a hobby for a Native woman. There are several traditional handicrafts that are similar like beading or quilting that would serve the same purpose but be much more in keeping with the culture Sue-lynn is supposed to represent. To me it just makes it clear that while the show has Native characters TPTB are not native. Which is disappointing since it was Tatoo Cardinal who made me watch in the first place. Its a small nitpick and really there is nothing to say Sue-lynn couldn't knit but I can't actually think of a Native woman who does. 

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  5. On 8/26/2019 at 1:04 PM, iMonrey said:

    Assuming they continue doing the Young Smurf flashbacks I would expect to see Pam again at some point. They didn't really fully explain why Smurf left the bulk of her estate to Pam. I know they hinted at it being gratitude for helping her out when she had nothing. But this entire season has been laden with expository flashbacks explaining things we didn't even really need to know. It would be uncharacteristic, at this point, to just leave the whole Pam thing to speculation.

    Also, given that there were instructions to give copies of the will to Smurf's three children, it would seem likely there would also be instructions to give a copy to Pam, since she's the primary beneficiary. I can't believe this didn't occur to J.

    Whatsherface covered that when she brought Jay the file on Pam. The will was sent to an address Pam no longer lived at. In any case all Jay would have to do is produce a new will that is dated later than the first one. Since the will included Julia who has been dead for several years it wouldn't take much to argue that a new will was created and Smurf simply forgot about the old one. Its actually fairly easy to fake a will (they did it on Shameless another John Wells show) well within Jays skill set. 

    I keep thinking Jake should be able to fill in a lot blanks regarding Smurf and how she parented. He was around her for longer than anyone it seems with the possible exception Pam. He probably did a fair amount of parenting with the twins considering he was around from practically the day they were born. I wonder if that might be why Smurf threw him out he was getting too close.  Smurf is more than capable of getting rid of anyone who gets between her and Andrew. It the real reason she got rid of Catherine and I suspect its part of why she got rid of Julia.

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  6. Calling it now Arthur is the black cat. Whether he was deliberately trying to take his brothers crown or just stumbled into it I'm not sure but he is the one who betrayed Tommy I would bet on it. He was a bit too eager to hang Michael out to dry and his reaction to Linda was OTT unless there was more than the usual gripes. Whatever Arthur did he blames Linda for it.

    I felt weirdly gutted seeing Johnny dogs in that state. Maybe it just because he is such a happy comic relief character most of the time. Anyway hopefully he can heal up at Tommy's and teach Charlie to play the fiddle the gypsy way.

  7. Well that was intense. Mia should never have told Jay about Baz. Jay may not have cared much about Baz as a person but I think a small part of him still wanted his Dad to like him. That's the thing about Jay he hates Smurf for what she did to Julia but I think he has softened a lot towards his uncles. Pope has kept a few secrets for Jay now including what Tupi said, I think Pope would lay down his life for Jay as Julia's son. I do wonder if Pope cares much about Jay as a person though. Funnily enough I think its something of the opposite for Deran and Craig, when Jay arrived they didn't care that Jay was related to them but they have come to accept him as family based on his own merits. 

    I think Jay initially wanted to take down his uncles along with Smurf but realised a) they're useful and b) they are as much Smurf's victims as Julia was. I also think he likes them and likes being a part of their unit. I also wonder if he thinks somewhat naively that without Smurf things would be much more functional.  

    I've seen speculation that Smurf is going to find Colin but I wonder if its Jake. I think Jake makes more sense for Craig's story. Also I wouldn't be surprised Jake had a relationship with Pope, he doesn't seem like the type to be indifferent to a kid he spent about 5 or six years with. I'm not sure what Colin would bring to the table we haven't already seen in the flashbacks. Plus guys like Colin don't tend to live until a ripe old age anyway. 

    I wonder if we might see a custody battle or at least the threat of one between Craig and Renn. The way shes acting I wouldn't blame him if he got a court order for a DNA test. As far along as Renn is social services is going to get involved if she doesn't at least offer up a fixed address and soon. Her lack of any kind of plan would be a major red flag to anyone official who asks. I wonder if that isn't how the situation gets resolved Renn gets arrested or just ends up dumping the kid on Craig.

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  8. On 9/13/2016 at 4:12 PM, phoenics said:

    About diversity - Yes I would love more diversity though and totally get the arguments on both sides about why it could have more vs why it doesn't - but still would have liked more diversity.  One of the ways a show can be progressive with diversity but still be realistic to the times is by at least not ignoring the racial reality then.  If you go "realism" w.r.t. not having many people of color because of the demographics of the time, then you at least need to show us the PoV of the people of color you do show and illustrate any difficulties they face because of it.  You might as well just add in more diversity as "real" characters and not just foils for the white characters.  You can't have it both ways on the realism front.  So don't argue that diversity is an "anachronism" for the times, but then be fine with them presenting the PoC characters as paper thin stereotypes where racism isn't even noticed or their point of view is not shown.  Because I'm sure every person of color is still a fully human and fully realized being - which means they shouldn't only exist as "foils" to play off the main white characters who get depth in their storytelling.

    To me diversity for diversity sake feel wrong in any kind of historical context. For one its patronising and treats POC as window dressing. For another it minimises and erases the fact that we were excluded from white spaces for so long. Lucas being the only black kid in town is a part of his story and a very real experience for many young POC. Bringing in false diversity is its own form of whitewashing the past . The only purpose it seems to serve is to make white people feel better. I suppose you could argue it creates jobs for POC but this has done that.

    I agree that Lucas's character could use some work but that a combination of a lot of things. It not necessarily racist and more a result of his function in the story. Lucas exists to push back against Elle and since she is one of the main antagonists it makes his character seem petty. 

    Also in regards to the Upside Down its possible if reality is truly different there then the building and tree roots aren't really there its just how humans interpret things. Our minds do a lot of the creating of our reality it possible if light is different there that none of the building are really there its just how our brains are making sense of something that doesn't make sense. 

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  9. On 6/19/2019 at 12:05 AM, tennisgurl said:

    The rabbit guy is totally Pope/Julia's father, isnt he? I dont hate the flashbacks or anything, especially if Smuf really is dying, but I wish we could get some flashbacks from when Smurfs kids were young, I really want to know what that family dynamic was like. 

    Yeah and flashback Jake is probably the same Jake that showed in season two as Craig's father. Note the similar passiveness with flashes of emotional intelligence. So at some point Colin and Smurf split and Jake winds up back with Smurf again. Maybe Colin get his own head blown off. Or maybe He smacks Smurf around(he hasn't yet but he will) too many times and she shoot him in the back. (or get Jake too). It colours her relationships  with both her sons Pope was always a head case in her eyes and Craig is easy because their fathers were.  Which is the other point of the flashbacks not just to show how Smurf became Smurf but to show how her relationships with her boys fathers affected her relationships with them.

    Speaking of father I had a though about the scam Jay is running with the rich kid. What if it not a scam? Before he died Baz mentioned some boyfriend of Smurf who raped Julia and was Jay's dad. I wonder if maybe the rich is actually someone Jay suspects is his father. There was something almost a little too eager about the way he was questioning the kid. 

    Also a note about dating the flashbacks if Jake and Colin are Viet Nam vets then it can't be any later than 77 and its probably a fair bit earlier than that. The war did taper off on American recruits towards the end so it probably more like around 73-74.

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  10. On 6/11/2019 at 12:11 PM, iMonrey said:

    I don't think she ever threatened to kill him. What she held over his head was the "safety" that they were providing Smurf in prison and she leaned on him for the weekly (?) payments pretty hard. 

    He knew them, he just hadn't seen them since he was little. (I recently re-watched the pilot.) But J isn't that much younger than Deran and Craig, who I assume to be in their mid-20s, so yeah, they would have been kids themselves when Julia moved out.

    For what it's worth, Sean Hatosy (Pope) is 44, Ben Robson (Craig) is 35, Jake Weary (Deran) is 29, and Finn Cole (J) is 24. It strikes me that Craig is played younger than the actor's age, closer to Deran's age, so J would only be five years younger than the youngest of Smurf's kids. 

    Dennis mentioned when he met Smurf Pope was 7 and Craig was in diapers. So there would be about 5-6 years between him and Pope and Julia. There would only be 3 years at most between Craig and Darren. So Craig and Darren would have been kids. However its never really been said exactly how old Jay was when they moved out. I would assume it was when Jay was pretty young but who knows. 

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  11. 17 hours ago, deerstalker said:

    I think Luke deliberately exposed himself and baby Nichole, in the hope that word would trickle to June that the baby is safe with him, and loved. 

    I’m not sure that the baby ending up with Luke really implicates June. They “know” that Emily kidnapped the baby, and that Emily knows June. Once she escaped to Canada, why wouldn’t the baby eventually find its way to June’s husband? June’s knowledge or help is not needed for that to occur. 

    Yeah I think Luke was also giving a deliberate fuck you to Gilead there. He wanted the Waterfords and everyone else to know that Nicole is free and safe. I also don't think it was anything like a dangerous situation. It was a peaceful march probably mostly people he knew I doubt Nicole would have been in anymore danger at a walk in the park.

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  12. On 6/9/2019 at 4:28 PM, nodorothyparker said:

    I rewatched just the scenes introducing the Lawrence household from last season because I'm trying to put the pair of them into some kind of context too.  When the wife first meets Emily, she's weirdly apologetic/seemingly wanting to befriend Emily and screaming at Lawrence about what was being done in the colonies that his vision had created, and after ushering his wife away Lawrence tells Emily that "Life didn't turn out the way she wanted it to.  She was an art professor.  She wanted everything to be beautiful."

    Is she mentally ill?  Has she snapped under the weight of the horror that her husband's ideas have ushered forth?  As an educated woman, does she really just hate Gilead?  Without more to go on, it feels like it could be any of the above or a combination of the three.  She seemed calm and lucid enough this episode in playing hostess to the Guardians searching for the injured Martha and telling the other women to make sure they cleaned up the blood on the wall. 

    She might be clinically depressed. Depressed people can be active if they have to it just takes more effort. One thing I noticed last season is that the actress who plays Mrs Lawrence is Jewish. I think it explains a lot about her reactions to everything and her relationship with her husband if the character is Jewish as well. The colonies being the worst of it considering their Auschwitz like nature. It also explains why Mr Lawrence is so protective of her. As a recent "convert" she would be under a lot of suspicion even without the rest of it. 

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  13. 10 hours ago, alexvillage said:


    As I mentioned several times before, the writers must be all men. Why would someone not even consider a short dialogue about Luke getting drunk and on Emily's face, knowing that she just escaped a place where she was repeatedly raped, mutilated and abused? She should not be anywhere near men at this point, especially a men who is demanding answers from her because his ego is hurt. Seriously, Moira could have said something (something that had a real impact, not a platitude), or the writers could have given Emily a real PTSD moment. But know, in the best misogynistic fashion, it was all good, Emily is strong, she can take verbal abuse for a drunken man standing near her and demanding to be heard. 

    Yeah Luke failing feels human though at least. He's still fucked up nothing that has happened to him is normal either. My heart broke for him a little when he saw that picture of Hannah last episode. I really wish the show would back down a bit on the men are assholes tick it has sometimes. In its own way the idea that women are strong and virtuous while men are are vile animals is sexist as hell.  I had hopes for Lawrence but he seems to be as much as bully as the rest. 

    I wonder what the papers Luke was delivering were about. Legally in Canada and under international law Hannah is his daughter. He has proof she is alive and is essentially being kidnapped by Gilead. He could in theory file charges or sue for custody and see what happens. International custody cases are a crapshoot and Gilead could easily tell him to fuck off but it would at least shine a light on what is happening. Considering the precarious state of Gilead's economy it could actually work if Canada dangles a carrot like some kind conditional deal for food or other basics (Unofficially of course since no one ever admits to tying human lives to trade deals)  in exchange for Hannah. It would give Luke a way of fighting for his family and tie him back into the story more. It would also be a great way to expand on what the rest of the world thinks of Gilead. 

    I'm not sure if Nick is done but I have always thought Nick would make a lot more sense if he was actually working for the CIA(or NSA or Homeland or whatever) the whole time. His determination to stick with Waterford would make a lot more sense if he was on orders to do so. Plus then he could go to Canada and we could have a bridge between those two stories. 

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  14. On 5/29/2019 at 6:48 PM, iMonrey said:

    We don't know that the lawyer told the Feds where he got the counterfeit money. It's unlikely he would have pointed to Ruby, he would have had to answer a lot of awkward questions about why he would accept that amount of cash from a client, so it might not turn out any better for him if he did.

    Yeah all he really has to say is "I'm a criminal attorney I obviously don't ask my clients where they all get there money" and invoke confidentially. Legally for all involved its easier to leave it there. Technically they could go after the lawyer but getting arround client privilege and the roadblocks the high priced lawyer would throw up make it not really worth prosecuting.  Equally the lawyer could give up Ruby but its a bad idea for a criminal attorney to give up his clients. Word gets around and they stop trusting him. Plus even an attorney at that level probably has a few clients who still believe snitches get stitches.

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  15. On 5/14/2019 at 11:09 AM, PrincessTT said:

    If they were going to fly commercial from here, surely they would have just flown straight to Seattle... If I wanted to get to Seattle at short notice from London there are no less than 7 different airlines that fly direct - at only around £100 more than a flight to New York from London. I think they must be wanting us to believe that they took the private jet all the way from London.

    Also, I’ve lived in London for all 30 years of my life and I’ve never seen fog like that - so I don’t know why she said it reminds her of home.

    They might have flown from London to Toronto or other parts of Canada and then on to Seattle. That would explain the immgration issues in Seattle. Canada has very different rules for people coming over from London than the US does. If it was a last minute flight and there were weather issues in New York, Toronto or one of the east coast cities like St John's would make sense.

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  16. Something that concerned me about the show this week was how they handled Sadie's request for puberty blockers. On the one hand it was good they are acting like it no big deal but at the same time it actually is a big deal and not like he was asking for a skateboard. Hormone blockers are serious medicine that haven't been all that well studied in trans kids.  At the very least her other parent should have been consulted. I worry that the show is going to handle the rest of Sadie's medical journey blithely and that transitioning is a forgone conclusion when really its not usually advised for kids under eighteen.  I just worry the show is going to gloss over the risks (particularly with hormone therapy) in favour of a feel good "progressive" story. I think this why I would rather the show had avoided a trans story altogether as I doubt they will pull it off effectively. I would rather not be annoyed with my light Sunday night fun show. 

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  17. 20 hours ago, LaMatadita said:

    I was rewatching an episode from the first season a couple of days ago, and Annie tells Rio a story about how Beth wanted piano lessons, so their parents spent $3000 on one for her, and then she decided she wanted to play the violin instead. That level of privilege doesn't really match up to what we saw in the recent flashbacks, but I'm going to guess that their father died or left, and their mom didn't take it well and let everything fall apart after that. Either that or Annie was just making shit up to try to appease Rio (if so, Beth played along really well, because she looked embarrassed).

    I'm curious about how young he was when he got started with the criminal activity, and also whether there's anything in his backstory that would explain why he developed such a soft spot for Beth. I don't think I'd want an entire episode devoted to him or his backstory--I think that would be too much info at once, and I like finding out little things here and there as Beth chips away at him--but a little more info would definitely be welcome. I have a fear (hopefully an irrational one) that they're going to use his backstory as a way to create empathy for him right before killing him off. I really, really hate that TV trope. 

    I've seen a few people float the theory that Noah is Rio's mole. It kind of makes sense because such characters are often ones we already know, and the writers wouldn't have to introduce a new character. If that were the case, though, it would mean Rio knows that Annie opened her big mouth, so combined with Ruby apparently botching their smuggling job, he'd be extra pissed!

    Spending $3000 on a piano because your kid took a couple of lessons would be pretty classic manic behavior actually. Its possible they weren't affluent and their mother was just bi polar. They already mentioned she was depressed. I also feel like if they were truly affluent Annie wouldn't know the price, families with real money don't ever state prices. 

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  18. 46 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

    But I could see Conrad's dad willing to commit money to the cause of the girl Conrad likes and possibly to save Chastain because Conrad loves it. 

    Conrad probably has a sizeable trust fund he just refuses to use. Not too mention he's the sole heir too a major mogul with a known medical issue. Conrad is a whale. He was looking at a multi-million dollar house not that long ago after all. 

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  19. 30 minutes ago, Texasmom1970 said:

    I know this is a stupid thing to nitpick about but how is Maddie so familiar with the streets. On the whiteboard she quickly corrected them how to go to the pregnant woman; just curious.

    There was actually an earlier episode where she made the same mistake. So she knew because she learned.

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  20. 4 hours ago, Marci said:

    Wouldn’t be surprised if people don’t understand propaganda when they see it.

    Let’s compare United States and Japan.

    United States:  14 childbearth deaths of mother per 100,000

    Japan:  2 childbearth deaths of mother per 100,000

    United States number of births:  3,800,000 

    Japan number of births: 941,000

    What does this actually mean? 

    It means roughly about 546 mothers died during childbearth in the United States out of 3,800,000.

    It means roughly about 19 mothers died during childbearth in Japan out of 941,000.

    And most importantly, it means, Torture numbers long enough and they will admit to anything.

    That still doesn't explain why it disproportionatly affects black women and Native women. The numbers actually get worse if you separate by income level with middle class black women having some of the worst outcomes. That was one of the points of the episode that these aren't just numbers thier women and mothers and the only real explanation we have is thier race.

    I love that the show went in so hard on this issue. Most shows haven't even touched on it or left out the racial aspect (sideyes Grey's).  The Resident much like its lead character isn't afraid to ruffle feathers and its better for it.

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  21. 12 hours ago, Cristofle said:

    Carina has sworn up, down, and sideways that she will never kill an LGBT character (the "bury your gays" trope) so I don't think it's Alex. Honestly, I'm wary that it's any main cast member, or that whatever it is, is as shocking as she makes it out to be. 

    That kinda bothers me actually, I get that she doesn't like the trope but it seems self defeating. She still isn't treating gay characters the same as straight ones.  It actually comes across as vaguely patronising, like gay people are in need of her protection. It worries me that she might be another privileged white girl who doesn't quite understand the difference between being an ally and being a white saviour. I get not killing off the shows only explicitly gay character because of the history but saying never killing him off ever just because he is gay seems off too. 

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  22. 10 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

    Do we know anything about Mrs. Manes? Because - and maybe it's just me being me - I'm having a hard time imagining Jesse Manes, the man who heads a Nazi alien death camp, marrying a Indigenous/First Nations woman. And having children with her that have his name. 

    I mean, he has issues with gay people and he has issues with aliens. I don't think it's that much of a stretch to think he might have issues with other groups of people. 

    Plenty of rednecks fetishize and appropriate Native culture while waving around Confederate flags. Plus I've seen a lot of bigots marry WOC because it makes them feel powerful. It means they can bully somone at close range. Plus gays and aliens are a threat to Jesse Manes twisted little world, Native Americans not so much. TPTB apparently said on Twitter that Alex's mom is Native. I don't think they could have played the actor as white whatever the case.

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  23. It really bothered me that they had a Native man defending that place. He was supposedly brainwashed by his dad but it still feels wrong.  He was Native enough to say dey instead of they but he couldn't empathize with these people? Aboriginals have been used as lab rats more than once the idea that one of us could go along with that torture is abhorrent. And the show was doing so well with Alex being smart and nerdy and Native. 

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  24. 42 minutes ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

    I think she might kill off Alex (or evil Daddy sends him back to Iraq/Afghanistan).  

    Alex was killed in the original show. I wonder about Kyle though he has kinda served his purpose. Killing Alex would still be be killing off a POC though as the character is clearly meant to be Aboriginal. (If they meant him to be white they wouldn't have cast a Native man as his brother).  We're probably one of the few groups even less represented on television than black women. Plus there is the whole bury your gays issue.

    Cameron supposedly left this episode maybe she'll count as the one leaving.

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