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Emily Thrace

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Posts posted by Emily Thrace

  1. 10 hours ago, Chas411 said:

    I'd say they're just biding time until they feel they've done Enough to justify Peter and Carla's inevitable reunion affair being All Toyahs Fault - they've almost completed her transition into baby obsessed lunatic with the awful Eva baby storyline.

    this is why I hate Carla - she's such a writers pet to the point where every other character has to become a cartoon in order to make her look good. She's a victim of everything, nothing is ever her fault and the characters seem to just stand around remarking on how amazing, feisty etc etc she is while the ones who don't like her are Wrong! And mean to her!. Alison King is a great actress but the character is the worst.

    Also UO but I loathe Peter/Carla - they are poison together. Hurt everyone around them. He cheated on her anyway so I don't believe she's the one different woman from all the others.

    I preferred her with Nick as she was able to bring out his good character traits and the drama while there wasn't as eye rolling and exhausting as the crap between Peter/Carla always ends up. 

    I don't know about putting Carla and Peter back together. I think if TPTB really wanted that they would have put Leanne together with Steve to keep her out of the way. Honestly it feels a little like TPTB are not sure themselves. Also I totally agre with everything you said about Carla and Peter and Carla in general so you are definitely not alone. I'm also not sure it a totally unpopular opinion its just the other side is particularly loud and posts a lot on Twitter. 

  2. I feel like they brought back Carla but didn't have any real plan in place long term so she is just floundering. The Ali stuff is gross they are related, Michelles other kid calls her aunt.

    Karen Oates is on the way out and stories like that are why I won't miss her. Its just a headline no thought to characters or history just sensationalism.

    Even smaller stories like Tracy and Leanne squaring off were done terribly. There could have been a decent story there if they had bothered to hit any character notes. Like Tracy being insecure about her and Steve or Leanne being worried about Simon. Instead it was just women screaming for no reason and not even any resolution. It might have been okay if they had used to get two women who have been a part of each others family for years to bond a little. As written it was ridiculous with both characters worst attributes taken up to eleven and half. Frankly I don't believe Tracy would call her nephew Psycho Simon or that Peter would let her get away with it. Or that Leanne after years of trading barbs with Tracy would let her get under her skin in such an over the top way. I know I'm going on a bit about a fairly small story but I feel it dragged two of my favorite characters through the mud. I also think it shows the issue with Karen Oates fairly well. All headlines, no characterization and no follow through.

    • Love 2
  3. On 2018-04-21 at 4:04 PM, Holmbo said:

    I agree that in the real future race will still matter to many people. There will still be cultural baggage to deal with, and from what I've read there are biological factors at play too, instincts to favor people who look like ones family members. I'm fine with The Expanse doing the Post racism, sexism, hetronormativity etc-world though. Because sci-fi doesn't exist just to predict what will happen. It's also a way to explore and discuss what kind of development of the world we do want.
    But there must be some white privilege in this expanse world too. Considering how many white people seem to be in the UN, I agree it would have been better with a latino Secretary general.

    Okay I know you don't mean to be offensive bit I really don't consider my ethnicity to be "baggage". Its a part of me like my eye color. I think there are advantages to having different points of view and different experiences. Like Prax applying his botany experience to life on the ship. His different experience helped the crew conserve oxygen.  Just as my experience as someone who grew up across the river from a reservation helped me figure out Amos. 


    That's what really bothers me about the idea of a "post racial" utopia.  It implies race is a negative thing. It also tends to mean everyone conforms to standard white American values. I feel like its boring and perpetuates the very thing(racism) its trying to avoid.

    I also don't think thier being POC involved in the show removes the possibility of racial bias affecting casting. Even POC can fall into those traps without realizing it. It does explain why Avasarala is so well written. I also doubt the SG was a case of ability over appearance, the actor is a pretty mediocre Canadian character actor.

    • Love 2
  4. 14 hours ago, WildPlum said:

    If the producers actually cared about ethnicity in casting, they wouldn't have an Iranian actress sashaying about in saris. "She has dark hair, striking features and an exotic accent - sure, viewers will believe she is from India, just put her in a sari!"

    I think they care but its obvious sometimes that TPTB and the original author are white. The Secretary General one of the most powerful characters on the show defaulted to white in their minds is unfortunate. Its also notable that while the show has many POC it rarely informs thier characters with the exception of Avasarala and sometimes Naomi. I get that some of that is the idea that thier Martian or belter identies have replaced thier Earthbound races but that's a scifi trope that's never rung true to me. A lot of groups like Italian americans have left Italy hundreds of years ago in some cases but still have a strong sense of identity.

    • Love 2
  5. 8 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

    Well, what a tease! Setting up a Roci/Avasarala meeting in the opening mintues, then making us wait until next week!

    Yeah that actually kinda of pissed me off. Would it have been so bad to have Avasarala say James Fucking Holden and then pass out? As written it was kind of an anti-climax. 

    It seems Cotyar is a case of never found the body. Which naturally in tv land means he fine and will pop up when we least expect it. I hope it means he gets to stab Errinwright through the back in the end.

    Something I realized based on his name and politics is that the UN SG is supposed to be Latino of some variety. I get that its trickier to cast that particular group in TO since its only 5.5% of the population and most of that is fairly young but its not like they can't bring in an American. Was Edward James Olmos busy or did he just not like the proto matter story? Or even a Canadian Aboriginal would be closer than a white guy. Tom Jackson would have worked as Earths leader and he would have played well with Avasarala.

  6. On 2018-03-30 at 3:18 AM, millennium said:

    Now Tommy as an MP?   Ugh.

    Tommy as an MP during most other periods in history might not be as interesting. However Tommy is about to be a Romani MP during the rise of facism. There is alot of story to be mined from that. Not just the shows usual shtick of the Peaky boys getting up the noses of snobs but dealing with real hatred and veiwing Tommy as subhuman. It took a long time for Britain to realize what psycho Hitler was Tommy could easily be put in position where he's expected to shake hands with Himmler or someone like him(I doubt TPTB would bring in Hitler himself because of the baggage involved but there are plenty of lower level Nazis who would have dealt with a British MP). That could put Tommy's ambitions in direct conflict with Tommy the "wild gypsy boy" which is something the show hasn't really done before. The Shelbys have dealt with casual racists but Tommy could be put in a position to defend his people on scale we haven't seen before. In fact I can't think of any English language media that has covered the Romani reaction to Hitler which might make this story unique.

    There is also the fact that Churchill was both on the political outside during much of this period and formed his own anti-Hitler alliance across party lines. I can see Tommy being a part of something like that. Tommy might even find himself in a position to offer Churchill a deal rather the other way around.

    • Love 2
  7. On 4/16/2018 at 10:44 PM, jhlipton said:

    I know someone who is a diagnosed sociopath.  She is very high-functioning, enough that those who meet her don't know, and she is far from dangerous, but I see a lot of Amos in her.

    Yeah  I've known at least one and other possibles who I never spent enough time with to be sure. I would wouldn't say Amos is a true sociopath He seems more like Anti-Social personality disorder to me. There is a fair amount of overlap in the two in terms of affect and behavior but the cause is different.  He follows Naomi and Holden and functions as part of group, sociopaths don't play well with others. They can pretend but they tend to work toward their own goals and manipulate others.  He also empathized with Mei even high functioning sociopaths struggle with empathy. Choosing selflessly to go to Io when their is no direct gain for Amos isn't something a sociopath would do.

    • Love 2
  8. Based on the CTV preview David is the addict. He is very slurry and dopey in the scenes they're showing. Its funny with all the speculation about Mark dying of an overdose the idea that David was an addict hadn't actually occurred to me. It makes perfect sense though given the characters history. It also explains his absence. 

    • Love 4
  9. 16 hours ago, Snow Fairy said:

    But does he have a support system? It doesn't look like it to me

    His mother lives in town I'm sure she would help. He has Mer and April who would help out too. Even Amelia might help out in a pinch. Hes single but he's not alone any more than Mer is.

    • Love 3
  10. 10 hours ago, Eulipian 5k said:

    Nice idea.  I would also have liked a Luke & Leia, long lost sister twist; Amos needs family. (I know, they're from two different planets, etc,...)

    I think Amos kinda has a family on the Roci. It was a nice touch that he wanted to go to to Eros with Alex. Also No way is Amos any part Samoan or Australian Aboriginal like Bobby is. Frankly it would make more sense for Bobby to be related to Naomi or even Holden. Maybe even Alex since they are both from Mars.


    I know in the books Alex is actually who she ends up dating but considering that Cas Anwar is about twice the age of Bobby's actor I don't think that will quite work on screen.


    On 4/12/2018 at 4:34 PM, jhlipton said:

    Amos' childhood was such that he never developed much of a conscience.  He looks to Naomi for moral guidance, since he knows his own sense is lacking, and he sees that hers is strong.  So when she does something "wrong", it causes a disconnect in his head.  (He's not a sociopath, or if he is, he's a high-level one, since he knows not to trust his own judgement if Naomi is around)

    I wouldn't call him a sociopath but there does seem to be some kind of anti social personality disorder there.

  11. On 2018-04-12 at 5:17 AM, marinw said:

    I hope the Pinus Contorty has another coffee machine.

    I actually hope Naomi fixes it somehow as an apology to Holden. Regardless of how right she thinks it was she owes him one and Amos and Alex. 

    Cotyar and Avarasala were so wonderful together I hope he sticks around. 

    He might actually make a good love interest for Bobby there was some great chemistry there. 

    • Love 3
  12. 17 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    Season 8 Becky wants to go to go into the medical field its the one where they live in a trailer  and mark thinks hes going to lose Becky when she gets her GED and goes to college

    This is why I think Mark had a long illness. A husband getting cancer might make Becky put her plans on hold.

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  13. 8 hours ago, ChicksDigScars said:

    I don't think that they knew if Johnny Galecki could make an appearance until they had several episodes in the can.  WIth Roseanne and BBT being on competing networks, AND now probably competing for the #1 sitcom spot in the ratings, CBS was probably reluctant to let him go, even for one episode. I'd be shocked if they'd be okay in letting him do more next season., let alone be a semi-regular. He's under contract with CBS.  My guess is that they hadn't really planned on addressing David, much like they aren't addressing Andy's status. Darlene was a single parent and you could assume what you wanted to about it.  When he committed to making an appearance, they probably realized that they needed to come up with an explanation. I'm thinking that if they knew that JG was coming back, Harris might have thrown an "I miss Dad," or "Can I go live with Dad," line in last night's show. 

    Aren't all TBBT contracts up this year? I seem to remember reading this might be the last season because of that. Maybe he could negotiate that as part of his contract. Or even just quit altogether and out the show out its misery. (Which would be preferable IMO).

    Yeah the scene with the hose was a little OTT.  I don't know if it was completely out of character.  A lot of abuse suvivors will act out abusive behaviour but not see it as abusive because they didn't hit anybody. The spanking is good for kids speech felt off though.  Although since Roseanne Conner was heavily based on Roseanne Barr whose father was also abusive I suppose it is possible she has changed her views. 

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  14. 3 hours ago, Rap541 said:

    Well, I certainly agree that Trixie is one of the well developed characters. And I adore Helen George and really hope we see her in bigger and better things. 

    I suppose by gratuitous, I mean that her problem was seemingly resolved almost instantly (not helped that as near as I can tell, her meeting scenes are the first to go when PBS is clipping) with little but "I don't drink anymore" and veiled references to her problem. 

    And I am just cynical enough to note her drinking problem probably wouldn't have reappeared if they didn't have to hide the fact that in real life she's HAVING THE VICAR'S BABY!!! And needs to be hidden lest the show have to deal with a pregnant unwed midwife - which would be the more daring story. From a writing standpoint, my concern is that her drinking problem is so on the down low for the most part that I know I watched all of season four (it was the first season of the show I watched) and it totally whooshed over me that she was an alcoholic. 

    It might be daring but its probably a more permanent exit than the show would be looking for. Realistically for that time period if Trixie got pregnant out of wedlock she would just end up marrying the Dentist.  It would be the "decent" thing to do. The other options of her giving the child away would be another trauma for an already heavily written character and there is no way she could keep the baby and keep working as Nonnatus. Even if (and it would be a big If IMO) Sister Julianne wanted to keep an unwed mother on on the mother house would never allow it.   Trixie likes things picture perfect which in that era would mean staying home and taking care of her family. Sheila and Chummy were one thing they were both trailblazers in their own way I can't see Trixie working after she has kids of her own. If only because her own childhood was so scarred she would want to to everything she could to give her own kids the best start. So I can see why TPTB have chosen not to write in the actresses pregnancy that way we get to keep Trixie on our screens without inflicting too much on the character. The relapse story is realistic without creating a permanent exit for the character.

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  15. 7 hours ago, MissLucas said:

    It's been a while I saw this episode but the recap brought back how completely OOC almost everyone acted when it came to that poor family. Anyone remember how Sister Evangelina spent the last night of her life on the floor, scrubbing cracks with a piece of soap catching nits as to make the place sanitary for mother and baby? Imagine her watching that poor girl toppling over in the classroom *sigh* The writing really let down several characters but none more than Sister Winifred.

    I think its less of the characters being let down and more that their roles have changed. In Sister Evangelina's day Nonnatus would have been very involved in social work and might have been the only children's aid group in Poplar. By 1963 the state would have completely taken over that aspect of their work. I think the reason the Nonattuns were hesitant in this case was because they knew the kids would just be removed if they called social services and they wanted to only go that route as a nuclear option. That's why they offered help and treid to give the Dad a chance to pull things together.

    • Love 7
  16. 9 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

    Whatever happened to the diner? I know Leon and Nancy ended up getting it during the post-lotto episodes, but I don't recall them mentioning it tonight.

    It would be good to get some explanation but I could easily see it having gone under. That might be why they almost lost the house. Or since it was near the highway it could be the real estate was more valuable than the business and they sold it.

    3 minutes ago, LiveenLetLive said:

    co-sign your entire post about the ridiculous Becky surrogacy plot--she is too old period to use her own eggs

    I wonder if the couple themselves isn't up to something shady. Like they were turned away from an agency because the husband had cancer or is legally still married to someone else. Them not using an agency seems weird.  Maybe her husband is dead and she actually met Becky through some grief group? That might be a good reason for Becky to do this,

    The surrogate storyline does have some potential if it give us more information about Becky's last twenty years. I find it odd she and Mark never had kids. Its easy to handwave that the pregnancy the hinted at in the finale miscarried but if Becky had a history of infertility you would Darlene at least would point that out. Even if they didn't have money for fertitlity treatments you can foster to adopt for very little money. The waiting list for things like that can be a lot shorter in rural areas like Landford.  The only thing that make sense is if Mark had some kind of drawn out cancer battle that started not long after the finale. (Little Mark is 9 so I would assume he died around that time.)  


    27 minutes ago, Bastet said:

     Since when do the Conners say grace before dinner?  They don’t, so that was a noticeably uncharacteristic way to weave in some more exposition.  Jackie saying, “… since your husband died” to Becky was similarly awkward; she would have said Mark

    Actually in the finale Roseanne made a whole speech about who the family has a lot to be grateful for and needed to stop praying in dark corners and pray out loud. I can buy that it stuck at least for big family dinners. Kinda like my family always says grace at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

    Also I just realized when I came here DJ's daughter is probably named after Nana Mary.

    • Love 11
  17. On 22/03/2018 at 7:28 AM, seniorpatriot said:

    I think the show was MORE on track by having the black dr who assists the chief of staff all the time ,by  playing her as a genius. Whether it was poverty/riches or race that caused the rich old white guy to get the heart doesn't matter. What DOES matter is the fact that yet again a poor black guy gets portrayed as a victim. What the ??Just sick of that mentality in TV. Just more to stir up the masses. 

    Mina's inclusion in the show is an interesting one. One the one hand it shows that TPTB are aware of the tropes and are not making her to much of a Benton right off the bat. On the other hand the cast is still pretty white for an Atlanta hospital. Also as a Nigerian she is oddly placed to make commentary on the US racial system since she is not a product of it.   I would like to see more of Conrad's Internal Medicine Attending as more of a rounded character and less of an obstacle. 

    The young teacher in this story was a being victimised by the system. His story shows how money and power effect who lives and who dies. What it is more powerful and purposeful than that? This show is trying to piss people off and its why I like it.

    On 22/03/2018 at 7:28 AM, seniorpatriot said:

    Not sure where you get your facts about black children and moms being more likely to die in childbirth, but most of the successful births are due to how well mom takes care of herself and her unborn child for 9 months. There are plenty of free helps for this.

    This simply isn't true.  Particularly if you live in the rural south or inner cities as many black mothers do. In fact it probably one of the root causes of the following statistic and why the US does so poorly overall in maternal health rates.  Obstetrics is one of the least profitable specialities and hospital maternity wards are closing or shrinking because of it. Its a topic I would love to see the show get into. 

    According to the CDC Black women are 3-4 times more likely to die while giving birth or from complications directly after giving birth than any other racial group in the US. Here's a particularly poignant article on the subject https://www.propublica.org/article/nothing-protects-black-women-from-dying-in-pregnancy-and-childbirth. Even taking into account African American's higher genetic risks for preeclampsia and gestational diabetes it the numbers still don't add up unless their is some kind of bias when it come to quality of care. 

    There also the recent study pointing out the black patients routinely receive less pain meds than white patients do. Here

    • Love 8
  18. On 2018-03-20 at 10:30 PM, UNOSEZ said:

    Ughhhh for Sandra so damn self righteous and rude.   Ur homegirl  lets you stay at her swanky pad... I'm guessing rent free as its her parents place.. Gives you a closet... And you just keep ur stuff in a bag.  And have the nerve to put it back in the bag talking about I like it how I like it??..  Baby girl you can like paying rent for some rat infested studio apartment then..  And then her case.. Which she got by giving her work to someone else... Man ima stop now before I get real hot.   

    Thankfully the show also has Ms.  Littlejohn who was delightful again. Great with annoying Seth and even putting up with self involved and gleefully oblivious Mr. Knox  those two and their kinda friendly  relationship 

     Letting Sandra stay doesn't give Allison the right to go through her stuff and move it all around. Sandra might have been nicer about but if anyone was truly rude in that situation it was Alison. What does it matter if Sandra keeps her stuff in a bag? Especially since these two seem to know each other well enough for Alison to know Sandra has boundaries. To me it felt more like Alison was being passive aggressive and a little controlling. Her heart was on the right place but her privilege was showing in that scene. You don't touch anybodies stuff without asking thats ghetto 101. 

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  19. On 11/24/2017 at 1:52 PM, Bastet said:

    That one isn't a continuity error to me; an injury that disqualifies a cop from field duty does not have to be something that would also affect her daily life or pose an issue in another job, so there wouldn't be any reason to mention it other than in relation to that job -- they wanted to relegate her to desk duty, she resigned because that's not the kind of job she wanted, and it only ever came up again when her "Back when I was on the force" stories included mention of being injured in the line of duty (which led to the inevitable jokes about the guy being naked, not actually having a gun, etc.). 

    I wonder if it wasn't that her injury was that bad as much as her reaction made the rest of the force question her ability to the job. Especially as a woman and rookie she probably would have had to fight very hard to get off that desk if certain people had decided that was where she belonged. I could see Jackie deciding she didn't want fight that hard.  Considering the feminist of Roseanne I'm surprised they didn't go with this angle. Although I suppose 90's feminism would have demanded Jackie stay on the force and fight the evil sexists.

    • Love 1
  20. On 3/13/2018 at 12:30 PM, seniorpatriot said:

    I agree with you about the black teacher VS rich old white guy.  Very sick of any kind of race baiting on TV shows. I watch these dramas for the stories NOT so that some political point can be made.

    I think you may be watching the wrong show if your not into politics. This show seems to be trying to make a point about the medical system and its flaws, I don't think discussing race and how it impacts the care received is a bad place to start. The recent articles regarding African American rates of death related to childbirth compared to other populations alone is damming. Race does seem to  be a factor in care received in hospitals as a rule its something that pops up in multiple studies. The way race impacts care highlights what an absolute lie it is that a free market results in a egalitarian system better than almost any other factors.   If this show wants to be as timely and political as I think its does this won't be the last time it deals with race. I do think in this case the show was leaning harder on the economic disparity between these two patients then their races, though. You could have made the rich donor black and it doesn't have a big impact on the story.

    • Love 4
  21. 8 hours ago, Aliconehead said:

    I like this show but Abby’s story is a little close to home for me, as I am dealing with my father who has advanced Alzheimer’s. You grieve through the whole disease, each time they lose an ability or progress you grieve. I know I will be sad when he finally passes but I will also be relieve that he is no longer suffering. 

    As a note, Alzheimer’s when diagnosed before 70 can be a long process but generally averages about 10 years from onset of symptoms until death, according to multiple experts I have spoken with. 

    I seem to remember Abby's mom having a minor heart condition in a addition to the Dementia so that's probably the official cause of death. Especially since shes been agitated for several days that will aggravate a heart condition. I also seem to remember that heart issues are not uncommon for dementia patients since it can be caused by lack of blood flow to the brain and narrowing of blood vessels. Plus its tv, although I am surprised they killed her off this quickly. This show is starting to surprise me which is a very good sign.

    I have to echo although Henrietta and Athena love. Most shows are scared to even have two black female regulars let alone let them be good friends.

    • Love 6
  22. 2 hours ago, Katy M said:

    Kevin and Zoe?  Hmm.  Wonder where they were going?  To find out exactly what happened to Jack's brother? I sincrerely hope they don't try to get us to buy that he's been a POW all this time.

    He might have been a POW and their just finding his remains now there has been a lot of work in that area because of DNA analysis. Or his remains were located years ago and because Jack was dead they weren't able to find any family at the time and Kevin only finds out about it when he looks into their service records. I also just realized Jack only ever refers to him as lost not dead which could mean a lot of things. Nicky could have been one of the GIs who discovered heroin over in Viet Nam and Jack and his family cut ties with him shortly after they came back.

    2 hours ago, bettername2come said:

    I'm worried for future Annie! They're trying to trick us! 

    Nice Big Three moments. I especially loved Kevin telling Randall not to let him sleep with Madison. Kevin yelling at Randall about the wedding planning reminded me of Kate being mad at Toby last season finale over the balloons popping before William's funeral. In fairness to Kevin, waiting till the last minute is very un-Randall. I'm always happy to see Dan Lauria in things. Part of me is still in my six-year-old mentality thinking that because he died in Wonder Years he died in real life. 

    I wanted Kevin to let her wear Jack's necklace.

    I was yelling at the TV for them to do this it seemed so obvious. Especially since it could count as her something borrowed since Kevin would want the necklace back.

    I wonder if its Beth Tess and Randall are visiting, since Randall looks so much older. It would be believable for her to have just passed. Also I feel like if it was Deja or Tess, Beth would be there too.

    Dan Lauria's character also died of a heart attack and not long after his youngest left home. He was probably around the same age as Jack Pearson.  Its actually rather fitting he is on this show.

    • Love 3
  23. This wasn't my favourite episode but it did confirm my standing theory about Walter and his emotions. That its not that he's just repressed he actually processes his emotions differently than other people. That's why he seems callous so much of the time he literally doesn't feel things the same way other people do. His cognition processes so fast his brain has compensated by throttling his emotions like a computer does when you try to run one program too many.  He can learn some better ways to express himself but he will probably always struggle and never really be "normal".  That's Paige grated a bit in this episode asking Walter to think a certian way he literally can't. She knows this and has learned it more than once. Although in fairness I can see how it would drive her crazy sometimes it just felt like fake drama on the writers part.

    • Love 1
  24. On 2/23/2018 at 12:20 PM, seewillrun said:

    I don't think what Deacon did was that bad either, but I think it is going to be spun as an assault and then all the past stuff is going to get dug back up.  After all, the son has been told by someone that Deacon is a rageaholic and I'm assuming that was from Brad.

    I think Jessie's first and only stop should have been to her attorney that Brad was going to ship the boy off to, Texas?  No personal appeal is going to work with him; they are portraying Brad as a narcissist it seems.  Everyone knows he is going to say something to get at someone, wouldn't you have developed a shield by now to not give him what he wants?

    Yeah I have a feeling this could end up backfiring on the creep. For one the son is firmly Team Mom and he's at the age where that counts to the court. For another shipping a kid of to boarding school is not going to endear him to a judge. Hell the fact that things got so heated Deacon felt he had to intervene might not play well either. Ironically I think he has a point that Jesse over compensates for his dickishness so I do think not putting him in the middle might help. I just think it means Dad should exit or pull back though since h is actually the bigger problem. Realistically he should be looking at supervised visitation.  If it can happen to Brad Pitt I woud be shocked if it didn't happen to this asshole

    Also unless the dick can bribe every cop and judge involved in the case no way was what Deacon did assault. He was the one putting hands on child Deacon removed and restrained him. Deacon has two witnesses on his side and really he should have just as much influence as Brad. He runs his own label and should have plenty of money and goodwill behind him. People might be afraid of Brad but people like Deacon. He also has no history of violence when sober, which is a distinction a judge should take note of. Although I'm sure all of this will be ignored because DRAMA.

    On 2/27/2018 at 9:18 AM, kassandra8286 said:

     Of course for all we know she might be into girls. 

    Well that might be why she is so devoted to Juliet.

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