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Emily Thrace

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Posts posted by Emily Thrace

  1. On 12/18/2017 at 5:22 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Poor Lip. I can't tell if he now has savior syndrome or if he's truly terrified that if Youens and Brad can't stay sober that he is going to fail too. It was sad to see him try SO hard to do such a simple thing (get Brad and Youens to court). That was beyond herding cats. But even sadder was the scene of him with Youens after court.

    I think its partly both those things but its also mostly displacement. By dealing with other peoples shit he gets to avoid his own and Lip is someone with a lot of shit to deal with. I think given the way he reacted to Cami's breastfeeding a couple of episodes ago its about Monica too. Looking back I never really saw him grieve and Monica was his mother too. I think that's part of why he invested in Brad specifically. I think on some level Lip see Brad as Frank, Cami as Monica and himself in their kid and he wants to fix them and avert disaster. I think Lip feel like if he can put Brad's family back together it will somehow make up for some of his own scars.

    • Love 7
  2. 1 hour ago, Dee said:

    The problem is a softer approach doesn't work with Ian.

    Fiona, like many others in Ian's life, has repeatedly tried that road with Ian and he's always coldly disregarded her/them.

    Also, there's no real comparison between Ian and the center kids. The center kids are at real risk because of their respective situations. Ian, not so much.

    I also wish someone would point out to Ian that he would have been one of those shelter kids without Fiona. Maybe Lip will next week, since it was Ian who has usually played mediator when it was Lip and Fi butting heads.

    • Love 3
  3. Lip was amazing in this episode (and so was JAW) and so raw and open and dogged. I think he may have found something of a calling here. Perhaps not an substance abuse counselor I have a feeling he has too many triggers for that to really work but helping people in a general. He might make a good teacher himself or a more general type of counseling (God knows the Gallghers could use one).  Hell he's smart enough for med school if he could get his shit together long enough.

    Its funny all the Gallaghers were fixating on some type of quest this week, Fiona with the old lady, Ian with the shelter,Debbie with her morning after pill and even Carl with paying for school.

    • Love 4
  4. 7 hours ago, mledawn said:

    As cutthroat as Polly is when it comes to Michael, I think she underestimate's Changretta's loyalty to his word.

    I don't think she has. I think she knows damn well Chagretta is trying to cut her off at the knees. That's why she put a black star in Tommy's diary to warn him.

    • Love 1
  5. On 7/13/2015 at 9:17 AM, attica said:

    Dramatic economy aside, Gillian is exactly the kind of woman that kind of man wants to 'seal the deal' with. Open-hearted, hard-working, long-suffering. Although they each frame the proposals as wanting to provide for her, what they want is the kind of emotional caretaking of themselves that she represents. She'll soothe their brows, buck them up, and run interference for them. Even Gary, a successful guy, used Gillian as his entree into the family. This is why she's such a screw up, I think. She's socialized (as are many, many women) to do all the emotional work of everybody in the household, but she doesn't want to. Her little rebellions run hard up against her inculcation, so she can't really commit to setting boundaries or telling people off in the ways they deserve. She ends up making an ass of herself and, as she put it, chipping away her personality bit by bit. (The drinking self-medicates, but it doesn't help.)

    I don't think Gillian is someone who hates or resents doing emotional labour, I think she probably actually happiest when taking care of someone else.   I feel like sleeping with John is more like self sabotage then rebellion. Due to her abusive history she has a bit of impulse control issues. A lot of women after being tightly controlled by a partner go a bit to the other extreme and sort of run wild. I always felt Gillian's sleeping around was her way of reclaiming her autonomy and body after what her ex put her through. I think with this go round with John though was more about being wary of Robbie's proposal and wanting screw it up in someway.  Both because her self esteem issues say she doesn't deserve him and he's going to leave anyway but also because domesticity and marriage are terrifying for someone with her history.  Even if she knows logically that Robbie is not his brother and would never hurt her part of her still has PTSD and is terrified at the thought of being married. I do think Robbie knows her though and could be good for her. He's calm and patient  and really seems to love her even when she in a full on rant. That secret between them is a doozie though.


    On 7/12/2015 at 10:39 PM, Starchild said:

    The writer said she couldn't think of another way to bring Celia and Caroline back together, if you can believe it.

    Why not just have the baby have some kind of health crisis? That would have given Celia a chance to really recognize what Kate and the baby meant to Caroline and that they are a family.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

    Honestly, this felt so grimy, especially Jemma becoming the property of a bigwig, where a big part of it is going deaf. And why didn't Phil ask about the Avengers? Too many continuity headaches?

    I kept expecting him to ask about the Asgardians. This definitely seems like something they would have put a stop to. Although may now that their planet is destroyed they lost their influence in that part of space.

    Also where is Xandar? Would Coulson know about them? They seemed to be the main people fighting the Kree in Gaurdian's timeline.  The more I think about this the more likely it seems like this has something to do with Thanos and his reign of terror. Why else would both Xandar and Asgard seem to be missing from the timeline.

    I doubt Daisy destroyed the Earth. In fact I would bet money the Kree did.

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  7. 5 hours ago, snowwhyte said:

    I really hated Tommy's talk with Finn. Just because a man doesn't want to have sex with prostitutes does not mean he isn't a man. 

    Eh I don't think that was Tommy's point.  I think he was just telling Finn if he didn't want the hooker he should have stood up for himself and told Pol to fuck off. That a man doesn't let people push him around.

    Speaking of Pol maybe I'm just being optimistic but I don't think she's actually selling out Tommy. I just don't think she would forgive Luca for killing John and hurting Michael. No way she lets the man who hurt her baby keep breathing. I think she's drawing him into a trap. I could believe she hoping for mutual annihilation but I don't for minute believe she intends to let Luca to just go back to New York.

    I liked the scene with Michael and his adoptive mother. It was good to see that addressed since it felt like a bit of a plot hole. I also liked that it was left with him loving her and respecting everything she did for him but he belongs with the Shelbys. For good or for ill its where he fits in and what he's good at.

    Arthur covered in paint and shooting Italians was awesome and amazing to look at.

    Jesse Eden was an interesting character note for Tommy but she still isn't quite the badass I was hoping she'd be.

    • Love 2
  8. 12 hours ago, ahpny said:

    The trope of Lip's irrestistability to women never made any sense, even in the fluid reality of this show. While Jeremy Allen White ("LIp") is a reasonably attracitve guy, he's at best in the middle of the pack of 20-something actors. His chain smoking, emotionally erruptive, and addictive personality must amp up that attraction I guess.

    I can see it in that neighborhood.  Lip is a smart, kind, mostly responsible guy who has no hang ups about taking on other men's kids and is actually good looking and funny  to boot. In a place like that he's like gold dust. Hell if he existed in my hood there would be women scrapping over him daily. They did show him struggle a but more at school with girls so he's not quite the memetic sex good Frank is. In fact the only two real relationship he had at school both had  some kind of agenda.

    • Love 4
  9. On 9/26/2017 at 6:56 PM, imjagain said:

    I'm only at the Sept 11 episodes on hulu. I'm so freaking bored with Phealen and Andy . To think, I actually cared when I thought phealen killed andy. That story goes on and on with nothing really happening.  Michelle and Will  are pretty boring to me too. I can't wait to see the fight between Eva and Maria.  Don't worry spoiler stuff for me ,as read stuff about what happening  irt. 

    The fight between Eva and Maria was one of the best Corrie moments in years.

    Yeah I'm over Phelan at this point. It feels like there isn't anything new here. Phelan isn't any different than half a dozen Corrie villains before him and he's getting way to much screen time.

    I actually like Nicola if that not a contradiction. She actually is something different and works well with Anna and most of the other characters.

    I kinda wish they would do more with Peter and Toyah and the Rovers. The scene with Peter scaring of Gemma's worthless internet date was great. Its exactly the type of thing that would make Peter a great landlord if they would write it more often. Peter cares about and has history with most of the street and isn't above meddling a little. He could be a more benign Annie Walker watching over his flock and playing the older brother to most of the street. He needs to ditch Toyah though which I am hoping is still the plan when the whole surrogate deal inevitably goes sideways.  I just hope he stays the fuck away from Carla. (Although from the impression I get I wouldn't be surprised if the actors insisted it was in their contracts that a reunion of their characters was not allowed).


    I'll be sad to see Todd go for the characters sake. Although reading between the lines he didn't leave TPTB much choice. That fact that he fired rather than suspended and ITV felt the need to investigate his on set behavior speaks volumes. I suspect someone on set came forward with an allegation actually. Why else would they feel the need for an internal investigation?

    I hope Summer stays even if he leaves and Billy has a big story coming up. She's a tough kid and I like her friendship with Amy. Summer more interesting than Faye whose been around for years.

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  10. On 11/19/2017 at 0:38 PM, WatchrTina said:

    Um, why would anyone broach a cask of crème de menthe with an axe while it was sitting on its side in a warehouse surrounded by other casks?  Why would they broach that particular one?  That scene made NO sense.  The only fan-wank I can come up with is that what we saw on screen was Claire’s imagination -- not what really happened -- and that in reality there was some clue that something other than Crème de Menthe was in that cask when Sir Percival and his men came calling at Jamie’s warehouse after he fled Edinburgh.

    I would think if they were looking for contraband they would have tapped the outside of the barrels with something heavy. That way they could verify if anything was hidden in them without dumping them out and destroying them.  The barrel with a body in it would have sounded a lot different than the others. Or they were planing on destroy all the illegal alcohol by breaking the casks and just got lucky

    • Love 1
  11. On 11/18/2017 at 10:48 PM, mledawn said:

    That episode was AMAZING. I can't wait for next week - I can't see how John and Michael won't die, they were shot in the chest at pretty close range. Stupid Esme, she's off her nut. I find it so strange that she and John are together, she hates Tommy so much (even before shit went sour last year). Linda is also a piece of work, Arthur just bows to her wishes. The women in this show are getting a bad rap, here.

    I am interested to see how the union negotiations go, and if Tommy has underestimated Jessie Eden (likely the answer is yes, as she's a real person)

    Michael is the one saying the line about killing Alfie in the preview so he probably makes it. It doesn't look good for John though. Johns had the least growth and no real place to go unlike his brothers. Killing him off underlines what a threat Luca Changretta is and shakes up the family dynamic. Its also showing how the family pays a price for all their excess. Which is something that feels compulsory in British television even the protagonists seem to have to pay for their crimes. True Tommy lost Grace but that didn't really affect the rest of them.  Losing John will change the family forever. It also gives room for Finn and even Jeremiah to step up and fill that void.

    I'm  not sure if Esme hates Tommy or just feels trapped. We haven't had a lot of Esme but she did want Tommy to be a part of her run off to France idea so I don't think she actually hates him. Of course that could change with John's death. It could also bring them closer since Esme is going to be on her own with all those kids. Although some kind of tug of war over those kids is probably more likely. We might actually hear their names with of this.

    The Jessie Eden story concerns me she was a real person and a tough feminist rabble rouser. The idea of someone like that falling into bed with Tommy could veer into trite All Girls want Bad Boys territory if their not careful. That was my issue with May actually more than her just not being Grace but the way she apparently found Tommy irresistible instantly. (If the actors had stronger chemistry it might have worked but as written it felt rushed ) The Tommy the memetic sex god could get very ridiculous and insulting real quickly. 

    • Love 2
  12. 3 hours ago, tpel said:

    How's this for a wacky explanation for the connection between Lorca and Michael? Lorca is actually MirrorLorca, and in the mirror universe, he was Michael's mentor. Specifically, he supported her in committing mutiny against MirrorGeorgiou. It seems that people in the mirror universe have personalities that flip around a fulcrum, such that some mirror characters are not hugely different from their prime characters (e.g., Spock) while others go to the polar opposite extreme from their prime counterparts. PrimeGeorgiou was a wonderful, idealistic human being; MirrorGeorgiou = the exact opposite. And she is descended from Empress Hoshi Sato, so she's got power . . . ;-)

    A couple of issues with that. Archer was still an Admiral when Kirk was at the Academy so Georgiou could at most be Hoshi's daughter and even that would mean Georgiou was born when Hoshi would have been at the very end of her child bearing years. Also Hoshi was Japanese and Georgiou is Chinese.

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  13. 40 minutes ago, maddie965 said:

    When Michael convinced Lorca that she was the best person for the mission, I think I saw some real emotions in that beautiful face of his. Sorrow. Regret. Concern. I think that he really cares for her, like a father/mentor/Picard-like captain would. Why is that, I have no idea.

    Yeah maybe its just me re-reading Harry Potter but I wonder if the connection might be with Michael's human parent's. They have given us no information on them and it wouldn't be that odd for him to have known one or both of them. Hell if he was serving with them at the base the was obliterated by Klingons it would help explain why he hates them so much. It seems like Michael pretty small when the attack happened Lorca could have been a family friend and she simply doesn't remember. Or he could have been part of the rescue team and she's blocked it out.  The way he was acting was very protective and paternal which tracks more with  him knowing her a child then them being lovers in another universe.  Although I suppose he might have mentioned something like that in the episode where Sarek was lost.

    • Love 1
  14. 18 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    I have know idea what to make of what happened with Tyler.  Part of me is down with the theory that he is really Voq, but if that ends up being the case, it seems like he no longer has his memories?  Either way, L'Rella clearly has done something to him and I'm curious to see where this goes.  Thought Shazad Latif did a great job to the point that I almost hope he is simply just Tyler, and they explore him having PTSD and being a torture and likely rape victim.

    Yeah this is kinda why I hope there is some other explanation. Even its a Stockholm syndrome violent relationship. The story of Ash Tyler s actually braver and more interesting than Voq.

    5 hours ago, The Kings Foot said:

    I don't get what you're trying prove. 


    Im saying that if female admiral is actually from medical service as is implied, then she cannot take command as she would not be a  line officer. 


    Starfleet isn't the US navy though. Its more like NASA where everyone is ranked but being a Lieutenant in the command stream doesn't mean you  out rank a lieutenant in the science division.   As was pointed out Troi commanded the Enterprise at certain points. When Paris pointed out he outranks Torres it because he was made lieutenant first not that he wore red. In fact Tuvok outranked Paris despite the fact that he was security.   They made a point that Janeway was a science officer.  I don't think Starfleet works that way. They've always been more about straight ranks than specific lines. Which makes sense since its primarily a scientific organization. You wouldn't want a command only made up of line officers you would want them to be scientists and doctors too.

    • Love 2
  15. Well that was interesting, and a lot. 

    There was a lot of joint Starfleet and Klingon wreckage there. I wonder if they haven't jumped in time. It would be a hell of mind screw for the crew if they jumped into the middle of the Dominion war where the Klingons and Starfleet were allies. I have this vague idea of them being hailed by Martok and everyone being very confused.

    1 minute ago, MrWhyt said:

    Yeah i think the "Tyler is a Klingon sleeper" theory is pretty much confirmed now.

    I think it could be but I also think it could be that he colluded  with her while he was captive. That would certainly explain why  they kept him alive. Of course I could be giving the writers to much credit. Also turning Voq into Ash complete with memories seems a little head of the technology at least as far as I can remember.

    Michael is awesome I know this is gonna start the Mary Sue haters up again but she was truly awesome.

    Kol cannot be dead. He's Dax's buddy. Unless we were always in a mirror universe which would explain a lot.

    Stamets and Hugh killed me, I wish I could believe he was gonna be okay.

    • Love 3
  16. 6 hours ago, Paloma said:

    That is terribly sad, and I have heard of other cases where it seems clear that the best interests of the child were ignored. This is one of the more tragic recent cases: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/foster-parents-lose-appeals-fight-for-native-american-choctaw-girl/

    Its more complicated than that.(This case was big on my heavily NA social media feeds for a while) The fact the foster parents were getting some help from some fairly racist organizations for one. (There were some groups who got involved with helping cover the foster parents legal fees who clearly thought protecting the child's whiteness was paramount) I also seem to remember the foster father made some comments that made it clear he should not be raising a mixed race child. They are also the ones who called in the media circus hopping to stir up a public outcry. Frankly they were lucky to keep the kids they had by the time it was all over.    Also the law that came into play in this case was because of residential schools and other racist policies that split up Native families. I also think placing the child with family is optimal and usually in the best interest of the child unless they are actually unfit.

    3 hours ago, GodsBeloved said:

    If Rebecca and Jack, who just had twins, could/would take on the responsibility of caring for a crack addicted baby, I can't believe there weren't at least some black couples who would have taken Randall. For that reason, I don't see crack addicted baby Randall's fate being a childhood in foster care but for the Pearsons.

    It was heroin not crack that Randall's mother was using. In the final scene William is preparing a needle you inject heroin, you smoke crack.  Heroin doesn't have as many ill effects on unborn babies like crack does, which why opiodes are used in epidural's. Heroin doesn't cross the placenta so the only ill effects Randall might have had at birth are more likely to be from his mothers poor nutrition than anything else. 

    • Love 10
  17. 11 hours ago, Tikichick said:

    Speech and language pathology isn't merely about knowing the words to express yourself.  We know from Will's session with his speech pathologist that one of the main things they are working on is his difficulty in stringing his sentences together properly.  He knows the words, but getting them to come out is a challenge.    His scream in this episode when Jen simply walked in the room really drove home the point that the behavior isn't rooted in a lack of discipline.  I think we may be seeing a kid with auditory and sensory processing disorders in addition to other issues that may not be all clearly diagnosed yet, let alone something his parents feel should be shared with the audience.  

    I'm not sure about  sensory issues he doesn't seem to have the issue with over stimulation or loud noises you see in kids with those types of issues.(Colin does a lot of this in the early seasons of Jon and Kate)  I wonder if its a language processing issue which given his history wouldn't be unexpected. Both the language switch and inner ear issues could contribute to something like that. The way he was frustrated when Jen asked him to spell Dad but was fine when Jen was telling how reminded me of kids with things like dyslexia. It might be part of the discipline issues as well,. It does seem like a lot of the time Will isn't willfully ignoring his parents he's just wrapped up in what he's doing and doesn't seem to process what they are saying. 

    • Love 9
  18. 6 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

    No idea if Ash is a Klingon spy or operative. Time for a Tribble!

    Now that you have brought this one up, it feel like a plot hole if Ash has never been to Lorca's office. Hell knowing Lorca the whole reason he has the damn thing is because its a Klingon detector. uhj;ojiho

    The only thing I've really noticed that about Ash that stands out is that his English is a little formal. No American says "Pardon" like he did with Tilly last week. If an American uses the word at all it would be "Pardon me". Its all just little things like how he phrases things that are more in line with someone who isn't a Native English speaker. Which given his colouring could have a perfectly innocent explanation. Or even just be the London born actor slipping up. Its really the only thing that doesn't feel right and doesn't feel like the writers are trolling.

    • Useful 1
  19. On 10/30/2017 at 3:47 PM, DittyDotDot said:

    They called it Consumption back then, I think.

    ETA: What @GHScorpiosRule said while I was distracted by a co-worker.

    Consumption was a bit of a catch-all term for lung disease back in the day. Asthma was often referred to as consumption, along with COPD and most other chronic lung conditions. Ian could simply have scar tissue from old lung infections. Claire will probably be able to clarify in the next few episodes.

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  20. 5 hours ago, tpel said:

    So, Lorca comes off looking a bit uncouth in comparison to Picard, but really, who among us doesn't? In comparison with the other captains, he's just more honest and practical about his attitude. (Yeah, I know, I skipped Sisko -- nothing funny popped to mind ;-)

    I feel like Sisko would be all"Look at this rare thing of beauty, lets enjoy it for a moment,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, now lets get back to fucking with Dukat"

    So sort of halfway between  Lorca and Picard, very warrior prophet. Sisko liked African art and building Bajoran light ships and he also liked kicking ass. I have a feeling he would have liked Lorca better then Picard though. (Locutus aside Picard and Sisko are very different people).


    1 hour ago, Biggie B said:

    I love that Al Green song so much, "Love and Happiness." Brings me right back to my youth! 

    Overall, an engaging episode for me - really got a lot out of it. 

    I really loved the music in the episode that song was perfect for the moment and I have no trouble believing that song is still played several hundred years from now. The Wyclef Jean seemed a little modern at first but the Staying Alive  cue got funnier  with each repeat. It also worked surprisingly well as a background for Tyler's speech.


    I also really like Tyler and he and Micheal are totally cute. I haven't liked a scifi couple this much in a long time. I really hope he not a Kilingon Ash Tyler is actually a pretty awesome character in his own right.

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  21. On 26/10/2017 at 1:50 PM, meep.meep said:

    Yeah, moving the body took me right out of it.  I remember my mother talking about it being impossible to move my grandmother after a stroke, and they were the same size.  Andrew is almost twice the size of Laura.  Dead weight is really hard.

    He would be heavy but not impossible, especially since she didn't give a fuck if Andrew got a few bumps and bruises in transit. All she would have had to do is drag him under his arms or by his feet. Of course the other explanation is that she called Tom to help her. I can imagine a very funny scene where Tom shows up starts to ask what the hell Laura is up to and then realizes it Andrew and he doesn't care helps her move him and leaves her to it.

  22. 19 hours ago, Chas411 said:

    This exit of Riggs confirmed for me that they will go there with Alex/Meredith. There's nobody else to put her with now they've removed her love interest. I had wondered why they reunited Jolex so quickly but now I'm thinking it was just about to break them up for good eventually. 

    I actually wonder about Deluca. He seems to have been deliberately cast as a younger Derek and has been given a lot of moments that are very Derek like. I wonder if he isn't the end game and they have been working on getting him there.

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  23. 4 hours ago, Snow8585 said:

    Will does have a mean streak. He has hit people including his mother and has bit and tackled his sister. One can only imagine what goes on behind the scenes. Not to mention how he tries to steal the show from his sister whenever he can. Bill finally apologized to Zoey for ruining her party and making her cry. We did not see Will do the same.

    I don't think Will has a mean bone in his body, he actually really sweet and loving. He gets angry and expresses it in a physical way its not uncommon in kids his age. (My cousins boy reacted to his sister taking away something he was playing with by hitting her last time they were here. He's only a little younger than Will)  Will is a little less controlled in his reactions but he has BIG reactions to everything. I think he is a bit behind his peers but watching the old episodes it actually remarkable how far he has come. Considering his rough beginnings and even just his own natural enthusiasm I think he's actually doing quite well and a lot of that is a credit to his parents. Will is a  kid who would have struggled with self control even if he had the best possible start in life and he certainly hasn't had that.   I also wonder if the move to the US set him back a bit too since the Chinese culture would handle Will's issues differently.  

    I also don't think being authoritative is the best approach for Will. With and impulsive kid like that simply saying "Stop That" is only going to work for about half a minute. Empathy works though and explaining to Will that he needs not to "Chop" because he might hurt somebody would probably work better. 

    I also don't think the kids are completely undisciplined by any means. In fact the one thing Bill and Jen are really consistent for is putting the kids in timeout if they lash out physically. There not perfectly consistent every time but I suspect no parent ever is.  Kids needs change and every situation is different being inflexible causes its own problems.  


    52 minutes ago, flyingdi said:

    Also, tiny as she is, I have great faith in Little Miss Zoey's ability to defend herself.

    Yes this might actually be one of my favorite things about her.  I also love that Bill and Jen embrace that. So many little girls get taught that fighting for yourself isn't "Nice".  One thing you can say about Bill and Jen is they appreciate and embrace their kids for who they are.

    • Love 14
  24. Its taken them 60 years but Star Trek finally has a female friendship that actually feels real. They talk workouts and hot guys and are awkward and funny and awesome. I know Star Trek had has female friendships before and they have tried I just can't remember it ever being this natural.  Dax and Kira always felt forced and were often used as a way to info dump about who they were dating.  It was always clear their scenes were written by men. B'lanna and Seven had some honest conversations but were always sisters and never really made it to friends. Janeway was close to both of them but the power differential always meant she was more of a mentor then a girlfriend.

    I also like that pretty much everyone on the show is flawed and complicated. Lorca is a mess and he is all the more interesting for it.

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