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Emily Thrace

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Posts posted by Emily Thrace

  1. 59 minutes ago, Willowsmom said:

    We saw this today. Watched three episodes in a row. Hated the way they trashed a beautiful fireplace and replaced it with modern reproductions.

    I don't really see the point of a show if they are not showing the work. This might as well be Flip or Flop.

    This kinda is supposed to be like flip or flop its made may be the same people. I like it though in spite of that, I'm more interested in the design.I love thier style and how much colour they include. I like that they go into the history of the neighborhoods and architecture, too.

    • Love 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Brn2bwild said:

    Again, it's this notion that everyone would be up in arms over an invasion of Canada, while shrugging their shoulders or even popping popcorn if people in the US were subjugated or killed.  I realize the US is the popular boogeyman, but other countries gave a fuck about us after 9-11, and after other tragedies we suffered.  I'd imagine at least some would in the face of a much larger tragedy. 

    That's not really what I was trying to say but the two conflicts would get a very different reaction for a couple of reasons. Gilead emerging in the US would be seen as in internal conflict so other countries wouldn't be allowed to intervene under most international statutes.  There would be a time when no one would be sure who was the legitimate US government so they would hold back on sending aid until they knew what was going on. We actually know they have responded somewhat with trade sanctions. Which would be the proper response to something like this. Invading Gilead even at the behest of whatever is left of the US government would be interfering in an internal matter and a violation of US sovereignty. Its the same reason no one has invaded North Korea and not officially chosen sides in Syria. As horrible as it sound they have the right to treat their citizens however they want that what being a sovereign nation is.    Invading Canada however would be an external conflict so Canada would have every right to ask for help from their allies. There probably would be countries jumping at the chance to to take on Gilead.

    • Love 7
  3. 19 hours ago, Brn2bwild said:

    That they were a military faction would make sense, but again, the show doesn't say this.  Even if this were a military faction, would the rest of the world sit back as the country with the largest economy and military had its people slaughtered and enslaved?  Surely they would see this wasn't a mere fight between two parties for power once they saw the "new" government essentially carpet-bombing the country with chemical and nuclear weapons?  Surely long before the U.S. was fully subsumed, they would already suspect that a cabal like the Sons of Jacob would not stop at the border?  They wouldn't necessarily know that Gilead was weak and desperate (if it even is, comparatively) - or rather, would know that Gilead's desperation would make it that much more dangerous.

    If Gilead didn't control the US military and the full nuclear arsenal, it wouldn't have control of the country.  As for the Commonwealth countries you mentioned, the US military is probably as large as all of their forces combined.  Gilead with the US's fire power would be a scary, scary country.  While the U.S. might not want to take territory from its neighbors, Gilead might be a different animal entirely.   

    You claim Canada is too dangerous to take over - and the US isn't?  The world would shrug its shoulders as hundreds of millions of people in the US were murdered or enslaved, but Canada would be a bridge too far?  

    I think if they had any brains at all they would be smart not to try. First of all every theory or projection about invading Canada has said the same thing, you could invade in summer and you might do well until winter hits. After winter hits you would be lucky to hold on to what you grabbed in summer before Canada could come up with a counter attack to push you out again.  That's actually one of the reasons why one of biggest military bases is in Edmonton. Its far enough away from the border to work as a fallback point for CFB Shilo and the other more southern bases in the West. In the end I don't think it would be worth it for Gilead. They also would simply be pissing off to many other countries to make it worthwhile. Also the entire common wealth army probably  would be larger than whatever Gilead could muster. I doubt they have the entire US military and even if they did the US was stretched when it was trying to hold Afghanistan and Iraq at the same time Canada is twice the size and has much stronger military presence. I think Gilead wouldn't be in a hurry to overstretch themselves. That will bring them down even faster than resistance we could inflict. 

    • Love 5
  4. On 2017-06-25 at 7:17 PM, Brn2bwild said:

    If Gilead, which appears to be a group outside of U.S. government and military, can overcome the U.S. military, then the British military would be no match, nor would the UN combined forces.  Plus, the British military would still need to cross the vast swath of the Atlantic Ocean.  It works as a nice ideal that there is still a "free" society in existence the starts conveniently the moment you cross the Canadian border, but I think in reality, the border would be under constant siege.  There's no way a society like Gilead would sit back and let another country allow a resistance to Gilead's very existence to foment within. 

    I think Gilead might not control the entire US Military for one. Taking over DC doesn't guarantee the whole military followed and a lot of Us military is on the West Coast where it would be easy for them to resist. Also it probably wouldn't just be Britain that would respond. The commonwealth includes India, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and a slew of other smaller countries as well. Not all of them would be required to respond  but some of like the Anzac's  definitely would.  We are also a former French colony and would probably get some support from them if not with direct military support then certainly economically. Our second largest trading partner China might want to stick their noses in to protect their investment. Basically Canada is the goofy kid no one dares pick on because they have a lot of tough friends. In the end I think it more a matter of resources. With Gilead fighting civil war they're probably too busy to worry about what Canada is doing.


    Perfect! What with that, the huge Canadian flags everywhere, and the free healthcare, all that was missing was the Timmy's maple-glazed donut (yum) and a double-double (not that she would have known what that last one is).


    Don't forget the hockey stick. Although one thing I noticed is that he said it was "mac and cheese night" Canadians usually say Kraft Dinner even if it generic macaroni noodle and cheese. I suppose you fanwank that he was translating for Moira's sake.

    • Love 7
  5. On 2017-06-16 at 2:26 PM, laredhead said:

    Has Vintage Flip been discussed yet?  I didn't see it on this thread.  I've see seen two episodes and I like them because they have tried to keep as much of the original character of the houses as possible.  Also, the hosts aren't annoying.

    I like them too , they seem to genuinely love each other with out  I also love that they like colour in their design and that the houses are so different.

    • Love 3
  6. On 2017-06-17 at 7:46 AM, Packerbrewerbadger said:

    My favorite scene was Gunnar(  who is British I think) mocking the British accent?!  He always has to cover his accent so I'm guessing everyone was cracking up at that scene!

    Yeah I got a good laugh at that one especially how he tried to sound Posh at first and then just gave up and went full Liverpool (his natural accent).

    • Love 4
  7. On 2017-06-07 at 5:33 AM, NoSpam said:

    That's part of where this disagreement stems from for me. I think feminism should be about women, not about men (of any color -- his color is not my issue).

    Except feminism is about equality not supremacy or exclusion and by its very nature has to include men. Women can never be accepted by society as equals unless men accept it too. We can pass all the laws and have all the marches but unless  we win over the male half of the population we're fucked. Men should care patriarchal structures hurt them too (male stats on mental health and suicide alone prove that) but many of them don't realize it. That's actually what makes Luke's journey so essential to this story. He starts off as a typical clued out male. Then slowly he becomes aware of what is going on and he becomes a victim of Gilead's system.  Finally he emerges out the other side someone willing to fight for himself and his family.  Its a completely feminist story even if it is based around a man.

    • Love 12
  8. 2 hours ago, seewillrun said:

    I love Deacon, Juliette and Avery so I'm going to watch this show as long as it's on the air, but what the hell was that?  Juliette's dad was in the military... I don't think his hair was regulation.  Since Gunnar and Scarlett's previous relationship has been retconned, and now Juliette's dad, why not just make the girl that Daphne has brought home be Deacon's long lost daughter from a one night stand?  

    I don't like Zach at all, but I did think his idea of Maddie's single release was good.  Bucky isn't an idiot, he can learn new ways to promote songs.  I hope this isn't the last we see of him.

    I would like Juliette to find out about Avery's offer and encourage him to go even though it seems like she still needs lots of support at home.

    The Gunnar-Damian-Scarlett mess is indefensible.

    I was thinking Bucky could step back from the label and be Maddie's manager. Its what he's actually good at and it would keep him in the family.

    I suspect the show is not so much retconning Juliette's Dad's death as Juliette never new the truth herself. The "Whole Daddy was killed in the Marines" always rang a little false and sounds like something Meth Mom might have cooked up. She didn't want to explain that Daddy got killed in a bar fight after I caught him with Trashy Tammy or a drug deal gone wrong with his deadbeat friend Jimmy so she lied to poor little Juliette. I half expected him to turn out to still be alive.

    I felt bad for Deacon tonight, he clearly is using the girls and the label to help fill the void left by Rayna. I half expected him to turn up at Scarlett's when the girls didn't need him. He is a little lost without her but that's to be expected. He just needs to make some friends his own age. That might makes things interesting when useless Teddy gets out of jail. With Rayna gone they might finally be able to actually be friends.

    I half expect that Scarlett is going to lose this baby (the over the top morning sickness is so often a sign of that in TV land) so I'm not invested in that. I was observing that Scarlett and Gunnar have amazing chemistry and the writers thrown everything but the kitchen sink at them to keep them apart. It ridiculous at this point.

    • Love 2
  9. On 2017-05-29 at 4:38 AM, NoSpam said:

    That's not in my reason for disliking him. We don't know what his relationship with his first wife was like, and I've been on both sides of the adultery coin so I've never judged it. Sex lives can be complicated, messy, and ugly. I don't judge him for that.

    He's just really immature, and a total "bro." He thought it would be kinky if June and Moira had gotten it on (I despised him for the "all women are bisexual in college" line). He was patronizing with the "I'll take care of you" bit -- completely not giving June the right to be enraged and scared of the elimination of her working rights. He didn't go to the march with her and Moira (even though other men did).  Now we learn that he didn't want to leave when Moira did, and he got out of Gilead without much suffering to himself. He's like the embodiment of white male privilege, which is odd since he's not white.

     I have never had patience for his type, even when I was in my twenties.

    I feel like with Luke people are reading a lot into the asking about Moira and June's relationship that isn't really wasn't his intent. If June's best friend had been a man he might have asked the same questions. Its June who actually makes the "all women are lesbians in college" joke. Luke back pedals and shakes his head. Also he was a lot younger in some of these flashbacks(He and June would have been together almost ten years at this point) so its less immaturity and more actually being less mature. He tried to make his wife feel better, when she lost her job. What was he supposed to do rage and throw things? I wonder what response would have actually gone over well on this board.  He probably skipped the protest to care for Hannah since it was more important for June to be there. If they were losing an income paying a babysitter probably wasn't the most practical idea. Luke is still mostly a cipher and an example of how we got here rather than an actual character at this point. He is someone with room to grow which isn't such a bad place for a character to start. I for one am not writing him off based on two comments. The show has many more characters worthy of my hate.

    I also think the tale of black man escaping to Canada certainly has its place in a story about American oppression. As long as the show isn't saying Luke story is more important than Junes its not problematic. Feminism should be about inclusion not how white women's stories trump a black man's. A story like this should have room for Luke's story and Junes story and Moira's and anyone else who is being torn apart by this regime. The lack of POC is something that was a flaw in the original book that I'm glad is being corrected.

    There were flaws in the episode execution and Lukes character in general. (The writers really haven't given him much characterization) It  does feel like a bit of a missed opportunity but the basic idea of focusing on another character wasn't the problem. Mostly the issue was them not wanting to commit to actually showing us anything about Luke or the greater world in which Gilead takes place.

    • Love 6
  10. 7 hours ago, Stillhoping said:

    I could accept the race aspect somewhat UNTIL the new Ofglen? arrived....the former drug addict who happens to be Black

    That stretches the imagination for me. .that food and a place to sleep was a ok with her . No lingering addiction. Well spoken and happy...no I dont buy it

    I'm actually surprised they aren't drugging the hell of the Handmaids just generally to keep them compliant. Opiods have low risk of birth defects and low doses would be a very effective way to keep the handmaids "happy" and dependent on the state. I wonder if its not a result of supply issues as well. Gilead does seem to have issues with getting imports.

    • Useful 2
    • Love 5
  11. 5 hours ago, Canada said:

    How big is Gilead supposed to be?  Is the group of Handmaids shown in this episode all that there is?  Is this just the group in one city in Gilead?  I'm very confused.

    Serena Joy mentions these are the children born in the district. So I would assume that is only the children born in a certain area. How big the district is is anyone's guess at this point.

    • Love 4
  12. On 2017-05-18 at 6:41 PM, guilfoyleatpp said:

    I'm about to fan wonk the crap outta this, so forgiveness in advance...

    What if all of our fertility tests and IVF treatments and ovulation predictors just stopped working? As in, they work for how we understand them now, but something so damaging (and perhaps dramatic - they mentioned "new weather patterns") has poisoned the world's food and water and air and changed the way human bodies process available and needed resources.  What if a higher carbon dioxide level in the air throws off reproductive systems in a way we haven't seen and don't understand? What if filtering water doesn't remove whatever new toxin we created for fertilizer? What if by modifying plants or animal feed we were creating a lack of some essential nutrient? It could make our standard fertility tests obsolete. A woman and man could seem perfectly fertile and still not manage to create a child. You would have to depend on women who have had children in the recent past to continue to do so. And if it's an accumulation of toxins or lack of a certain nutrient thing, then even their time could be limited.

    Sometimes, even now, a woman just can't get pregnant and medical professionals can't figure out why. 

    I'm assuming that the limited understanding of fertility from the time the book was written (early 80s) has somehow recurred and the entire world is impacted. 

    From this episode you can see they are leaning more on the "organic" explanation. I would guess that with a world population that is decreasing they're not as worried about mass produced food. 

    Something to note about using fertility treatments opposed to handmaids is that sex still has a higher success rate than anything else. So I can see if things got desperate that they might see handmaids as a solution instead of IVF.

    • Love 4
  13. On 2017-05-23 at 7:26 PM, LadyChaos said:

    I loved this season,  but I think this season probably is that season every show has  that is really just the set up for the next season. 

    What I would love to see going forward is showing Barbara and Tom have have some arguments.  They rarely have any open disagreements about anything.  One of them always caves before things get heated, it kind of takes away from their relationship.  I want to see them argue over points of contention between them.  I think, that maybe, they are setting that up.  Tom’s look implied that he was not happy that Barbara decided to use birth control.  REMEMBER, this is a time before ‘My body, my choice’  Tom can’t be thrilled that she is making this choice without asking him.  I don’t even recall them every discussing children before.  Not only that, but when Tom and Trixie were engaged, he was going to take a new post and was expecting Trixie to give up midwifery to help him in his new parish.  That was one of the points that Trixie was furious about.  Now, clearly Barbara has every intention of continuing to work.  I would like this to see some development.  Some differences with them coming together, and working through it all.

    I would like to see the development with Trixie and Christopher’s daughter.  Maybe having Trixie going to Shelagh for advice about possibly being a step-mother. 

    I am kind of wondering if we will find out that Delia cheated on Patsy with that girl who called her a cab. I suspect that possibly they will get caught in s7, but I would like if it turns out that everyone kind of suspected.  Especially Trixie, I think she knew from the beginning.  Unfortunatly, I think Sister Juliene will say that she will have no choice but to kick them out(given the time and that Nonnatus House is a religious place), but I would love to see that everyone rally’s around for support.

    Yeah I think that's half the reason I find Tom and Barbara so boring. That and Barbara is boring in general which is a much bigger sin for an tv character IMO. Frankly I hope Tom talks her out of working so we see less of her.

    I kinda hope we see Patsy and Delia outed next season too. I don't think they would get universal support though and I think it would be a more interesting story if the didn't. For instance Trixie would be supportive but I don't know about Barbara (Shes such a mousy thing actually having an opinion would make a nice change) especially since Tom's job basically requires he doesn't at this time. It could be a great conflict and it bothers me when period shows include LGBTQ characters but skate over the very real hardships they faced. Realistically if they were outed Delia and Patsy would lose their home and jobs and would have to pack up and start over somewhere else. Probably somewhere quite far away. I can see Sister Juliene be conflicted about them, much like she is about the pill. She loves them and wants them to be happy but she would have trouble getting her head around the idea that what they're doing is wrong in the eyes of the church. 

    On 2017-05-23 at 10:11 AM, Mumbles said:

    While the stories of the Poplar residents are still compelling, the framework of the Nonnatus House is just kind of sloppy. The only thing Patsy did this season was go away. Oh and Sister Winifred learned to drive a car. Oh and they found Mary Cynthia and sent her to a nicer hospital. Never mind the first few episodes where that mean nun took over, I suspect only to set up the premise of the show's ultimate conclusion - more women on contraception, more institutionalized medicine = no need for Nonnatus.

    I think you would be surprised about that. Nonnatus House itself might disappear but that's more due to a lack of nuns then patients. The clinic and district nursing still exist in some form today. The Baby Boom slows down so their not a s busy but even with more hospital births they still do baby well checks and home health checks. Shelagh and Patrick's grandkids could still be running a clinic not that different from the one they do.

    Also given her vehemence about Birth Control I wonder if Valerie's secret isn't that shes a lesbian but rather is contraception or even abortion related. Giving out that sort of information outside of the family planning clinics was illegal at that time. I think that would be less contrived and potentially more interesting than another lesbian at Nonnatus. I would love for Valerie to be more of a sixties child who burns her bra and fights for womens lib.

    • Love 3
  14. On 2017-05-12 at 0:59 AM, chocolatine said:

    If "colonies" always refers to sites of past nuclear disasters, then really, really, bad. Like Moira said to Janine in Ep2, "your skin will peel off in sheets and then you'll die". Death by hanging sounds more humane in comparison..

    All things considered I wonder if the colonies are really as bad as they are made out to be. The only information about them comes from the Aunts and the Commanders which makes it suspect to me. It could be just propaganda for all we actually know. Like how District 13 was supposed to be irradiated rubble in the Hunger Games. Perhaps will see that in the next season.

    On 2017-05-12 at 6:53 PM, Shangrilala said:

    I don't think any reaction would be outright directed at Nick but rather his wife for suggesting that he is incapable of impregnating June and I don't think it would be just be mad.  Remember...men aren't infertile in Gilead.  Women are barren.  And it was the Commander who played a major role in making creating this world.  And considering what a sick fuck that bastard is, how he thinks genital mutilation of a woman is a "very small" problem to take care of, his look while he was raping and violating June, I don't think it ends at mad.  There are myriad reasons why Serena had that conversation, whispered in the garden.  She may be a wife, but essentially doesn't have any rights either.  Not that I have much sympathy or her.  She's vile.

    Yeah I suspect if Fred could easily arrange a tragic "accident" for Serena Joy and get a new wife if he truly wanted to. Divorce might not be legal but I suspect a widower would be encouraged to move on.

    The other thing to remember about using Nick as a sperm donor is that June is quite fair. I can someone who doesn't pay much attention to biology might think that their child might pass as the commanders. Also that is an advantage of not knowing anything about June as well. Serena Joy could easily blame any Asian traits on June's background. She could say June had a Japanese grandmother or something like that and Fred would have a hard time arguing with her. 

    • Love 3
  15. On 2017-05-07 at 3:50 PM, starri said:

    I thought Zoe Saldana, who I like, even if she's not the most charismatic actress, was a lot more open this time.  Possibly because Gamora actually got stuff to do.

    And the scenes between Gamora and Nebula were so CLOSE to passing the Bechdel test.

    The movie as whole does pass the Bechdel test though. From one of the first scenes when Gamora talks to the Golden leader woman about payment and they produce Nebula. Three women talking about business not men.

    • Love 4
  16. In the spirit of ScifiDebris where all shows are scored relative to their series I give that a ten out of ten for maximum Scorpioness. It was actually terrible by many measures but in terms of this show it was great. I laughed, I awwed when everybody got rescued and I shook my head at the ridiculous "science". It was fun and the characters were cute that really all I ask of this show so I'm pleased.

    Also Scotty can come back anytime I'm sure the team could use a pilot.

    • Love 6
  17. 7 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    After contemplating violence or the threatening of it. Seriously, I realize these were just daydreams but it still bugs me that after everything he's been through, especially the recent incident with DeLuca, Alex's first impulse is still to beat the living crap out of someone. This guy is still a ticking time bomb just waiting to go off. 

    Alex grew up in violent household where he learned to protect himself with violence at the age of fifteen. He will probably always have violent urges and that will probably always be his first impulse. Its a product of how he grew up and the fact that he did not act on it is progress. Just like Amelia's first instinct will always be to self medicate. Alex can learn better ways of coping but it will always be part of who he is.

    • Love 12
  18. On 2017-05-09 at 8:08 AM, Eyes High said:

    I wondered that too, but in fact, we've seen POC Commanders in passing: some of the black-suited Commanders getting off the Toronto subway in 1x04 during June and Moira's escape attempt (a black dude and an Asian dude), and at the doctor's clinic, the photos on the wall of happy couples with their babies include a few POC Commanders posed with their blue-clad Wives. There's even a POC Wife or two in those photos. I think that was a deliberate choice. So POC Commanders and Wives definitely exist in the world, but they're also a minority in the command structure...which again accords with Miller's view of the American conservative evangelical movement in 2017: still mostly white, but with some diversity creeping through.


    I think this actually supports what I'm saying about POC being tolerated officially but being marginalized in practice. If we have one black commander in a sea of white faces it definitely suggests a racial imbalance in terms of who is in power. Especially since we have seen so many more POC in lower ranking positions. It also doesn't mean he isn't the token black and is actually Commander in Charge of Paper Clips or the Gilead version of Ben Carson. Like the Aunts show there are always those who will sell out their own for some token esteem from the powerful.

    I also suspect like with Handmaids tolerating POC is necessary to the regime itself. It occurred to me is that given the current demographics of the US military(Over %30 POC as of 2015 mostly either Black or Hispanic), I doubt they could pull off a military coup  without involving any POC. I also wonder if its just a matter of time and that they are waiting for an excuse to remove the non-white males from power as well. 

    • Love 7
  19. I think its important to note that while we are still seeing POC in this Gilead we haven't seen them in any kind of position of power or authority. I think it entirely possible the commanders are completely lily white and so are their wives and anyone with actual power but they are fine with subjugating POC as Martha's or drivers(Is Nick actually POC or just really tan?) or handmaids. Like how Trumps cronies insist they aren't racist but can't seem to comprehend a black man as an equal either. It actually makes more sense for a couple of reasons. One it gives them an easy exploitable labor source, killing off all the non whites in the US would actually be crippling to the economy in itself and the war and infertility would just compound that. Two its saves them the trouble of figuring out how to deport or systemically murder them or having to devote resources to those ends. (Insisting on devoting resources to continuing the Final Solution even after heavy losses on the Eastern Front is part of why the Nazi's lost) Finally it gives them a certain level of deniability internationally when it comes to human rights. Gilead can say "yes we are a theocracy but we are not forcing anyone to convert they can leave if they want to. Handmaids? What handmaids? They are volunteer surrogates. That woman who claimed otherwise is a liar. We are a tolerant nation. See how we let that one black guy wear a uniform and speak on the news."   Like how Dachau was just a camp for "Enemies of the State". Or how North Korea has work camps for it "Criminals".  Its actually a more realistic approach and even more on the nose than what was in Atwood's original book. Like with women the Commanders can't really afford to kill off all POC and ultimately don't need to. All they have to do is strip POC any power and make sure they know their place.

    • Love 11
  20. 13 hours ago, helenamonster said:

    And I think Harlee said "officer down" knowing it was Nate who was shot to get a faster response. I did think that was kind of weird, and honestly I think they just did it to create some tension for the flashforward at the beginning of the episode, so we'd wonder who gets shot and then have it be someone we weren't expecting, since Nate's not a cop.

    Officer down can just refer to officers in deep trouble or getting shot at though too I believe. Also I have a feeling she was just thinking Woz or one of the guys would be hit by the way things were looking when she left.

    • Love 1
  21. 5 minutes ago, Glaze Crazy said:

    I also kind of misted up with Liv Tyler when the drummer came into the room. I wonder if choosing to go with Liv as the primary celeb vs. Steven was because of her own acting career including that little known franchise, Lord of the Rings, along with Steven being a little more quirky and loose with his tongue, so to speak.  A show with a bunch of bleeped out words might have been annoying. I liked this one and also wished, for our benefit if not for theirs, they had gone down a bit of the Italian line.

    My question about this is, would a part black person living in New York State after the Civil War be in danger of lynching in the same way as in the south? Especially since NY had outlawed slavery earlier than the CW era and had taken steps to absorb former slaves and their progeny? I honestly don't know a lot about the sentiments of northern states post CW regarding persons of color, at least to the point of lynch mobs. I can understand that there were probably benefits to being perceived as white vs. mulatto as far as work and social status though. I also noticed that George's father was listed/presumed (because the column was blank) to be white in the earlier census, while the next census had the write-over of "M" for his father. I then wondered if his father was already a couple generations away from his own fully African ancestor and not a 50/50 mix himself and possibly, if not outright "passing," just not making it apparent to anyone (census taker? general public? strangers?) of his bloodline.

    There was actually several lynchings in NYC around the civil war era so it was possible. Copper actually included a couple of them in the show that how I learned about them. There was a lot of tension regarding the draft and the war itself.  Its hard to say how liberal the community was living in was but racism didn't end at the Mason Dixon line.

    • Love 1
  22. 3 minutes ago, auntjess said:

    I'd watch online, but US is probably blocked.  I used to love Bryan Baeumler, especially Disaster DIY, but when he started working with his wife, instead of homeowners, he was no longer funny.
    If there's another US season, I'll trade you Tim Tebow for Bryan.

    Well Sarah Baeumler is in this one, HGTV is passing her off as a designer but she actually doesn't work with Bryan. In fact Sarah  actually said she did this so she could work with someone other than Bryan. Although I actually like watching them work together even if I end up rolling my eyes a fair bit.

    • Love 1
  23. Any other Canadians watching Home to Win? They premiered the second season tonight. Its still chaotic and probably not for anyone with a low tolerance for Bryan Baeumler but its fun. It has Sarah Richardson so I will watch even if it means fast forwarding through Tiffany the clown. Its actually fun watching everyone interact and seeing who takes charge  (Sarah Richardson) who quiets down (Sebastian Clovis) and who becomes even more energized (Bryan Baeumler). The snark from Sarah Richardson, Tommy Smythe and Nicole Bryk alone makes it worth watching.

  24. 22 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

    Eh, I didn't much like Steven's reaction.  I thought he reacted like a white person that desperately wants to appear cool and non-prejudiced to their friends by saying "Some of my best friends are black".  He just protested a little too much, like he so much wants to appear cool that he loves being part black.  It also felt patronizing and based on very little DNA percentage-wise to act that way.   Just ugh.

    What got me is after all that talk about what her Civil War ancestor "must have gone through" given that he was part black, etc., we eventually see a photo of him in which he does not look black at all, and then find out that he was in fact passing as all-white and not being open about the 25% of himself that was black.  So how much could he have actually "gone through" for being part black and how much of a "hero" could he be if he was actually hiding it!!?

    I agree that Liv may not have much AA DNA in her after 8 generations so I wouldn't expect her to act like it related to her that much.

    My mind was blown to find out that one side of Steven's family is Italian.  Now I think THAT would have been more interesting to find out about.  Plus genealogists in the US seem to be overly obsessed with the Civil War.  I was surprised that we had gotten through an entire season of this show without much concentration on it as it has been done to death over and over again on this show and others like it.  I guess John Stamos and some of the other stars this season didn't have any connection to it, which is fine with me.  I'm actually tired of the subject after 15,000 shows on it already.

    I think Steven's reaction was a little over the top but I think that just sort of where he lives. I also don't think his reaction is all that different than many of the other celebrities who have found an ethnicity in their background that they weren't expecting. I remember Brooke Shields was even more OTT when she found out she  had French ancestry.

    Anyone who survived any of those brutal Civil War battles is brave in my book. I also think you underestimating the cost it would have on someone to actually "Pass". To pull that off George would to have had little no contact with his father not to mention any sibling he may have had who might have looked less white than him. He would have to live in fear of being discovered everyday of his life and possibly lynched  if he was found out. At the very least he could have lost his job and his home. Possibly even his wife and children if she wasn't aware. I doubt it was decision he took lightly or out of cowardice but out of necessity and as way out of poverty. I don't think it was necessarily the easy way out, or that it meant he never struggled.

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