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Emily Thrace

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Posts posted by Emily Thrace

  1. 8 hours ago, Aliconehead said:

    I like this show but Abby’s story is a little close to home for me, as I am dealing with my father who has advanced Alzheimer’s. You grieve through the whole disease, each time they lose an ability or progress you grieve. I know I will be sad when he finally passes but I will also be relieve that he is no longer suffering. 

    As a note, Alzheimer’s when diagnosed before 70 can be a long process but generally averages about 10 years from onset of symptoms until death, according to multiple experts I have spoken with. 

    I seem to remember Abby's mom having a minor heart condition in a addition to the Dementia so that's probably the official cause of death. Especially since shes been agitated for several days that will aggravate a heart condition. I also seem to remember that heart issues are not uncommon for dementia patients since it can be caused by lack of blood flow to the brain and narrowing of blood vessels. Plus its tv, although I am surprised they killed her off this quickly. This show is starting to surprise me which is a very good sign.

    I have to echo although Henrietta and Athena love. Most shows are scared to even have two black female regulars let alone let them be good friends.

    • Love 6
  2. 2 hours ago, Katy M said:

    Kevin and Zoe?  Hmm.  Wonder where they were going?  To find out exactly what happened to Jack's brother? I sincrerely hope they don't try to get us to buy that he's been a POW all this time.

    He might have been a POW and their just finding his remains now there has been a lot of work in that area because of DNA analysis. Or his remains were located years ago and because Jack was dead they weren't able to find any family at the time and Kevin only finds out about it when he looks into their service records. I also just realized Jack only ever refers to him as lost not dead which could mean a lot of things. Nicky could have been one of the GIs who discovered heroin over in Viet Nam and Jack and his family cut ties with him shortly after they came back.

    2 hours ago, bettername2come said:

    I'm worried for future Annie! They're trying to trick us! 

    Nice Big Three moments. I especially loved Kevin telling Randall not to let him sleep with Madison. Kevin yelling at Randall about the wedding planning reminded me of Kate being mad at Toby last season finale over the balloons popping before William's funeral. In fairness to Kevin, waiting till the last minute is very un-Randall. I'm always happy to see Dan Lauria in things. Part of me is still in my six-year-old mentality thinking that because he died in Wonder Years he died in real life. 

    I wanted Kevin to let her wear Jack's necklace.

    I was yelling at the TV for them to do this it seemed so obvious. Especially since it could count as her something borrowed since Kevin would want the necklace back.

    I wonder if its Beth Tess and Randall are visiting, since Randall looks so much older. It would be believable for her to have just passed. Also I feel like if it was Deja or Tess, Beth would be there too.

    Dan Lauria's character also died of a heart attack and not long after his youngest left home. He was probably around the same age as Jack Pearson.  Its actually rather fitting he is on this show.

    • Love 3
  3. This wasn't my favourite episode but it did confirm my standing theory about Walter and his emotions. That its not that he's just repressed he actually processes his emotions differently than other people. That's why he seems callous so much of the time he literally doesn't feel things the same way other people do. His cognition processes so fast his brain has compensated by throttling his emotions like a computer does when you try to run one program too many.  He can learn some better ways to express himself but he will probably always struggle and never really be "normal".  That's Paige grated a bit in this episode asking Walter to think a certian way he literally can't. She knows this and has learned it more than once. Although in fairness I can see how it would drive her crazy sometimes it just felt like fake drama on the writers part.

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  4. On 2/23/2018 at 12:20 PM, seewillrun said:

    I don't think what Deacon did was that bad either, but I think it is going to be spun as an assault and then all the past stuff is going to get dug back up.  After all, the son has been told by someone that Deacon is a rageaholic and I'm assuming that was from Brad.

    I think Jessie's first and only stop should have been to her attorney that Brad was going to ship the boy off to, Texas?  No personal appeal is going to work with him; they are portraying Brad as a narcissist it seems.  Everyone knows he is going to say something to get at someone, wouldn't you have developed a shield by now to not give him what he wants?

    Yeah I have a feeling this could end up backfiring on the creep. For one the son is firmly Team Mom and he's at the age where that counts to the court. For another shipping a kid of to boarding school is not going to endear him to a judge. Hell the fact that things got so heated Deacon felt he had to intervene might not play well either. Ironically I think he has a point that Jesse over compensates for his dickishness so I do think not putting him in the middle might help. I just think it means Dad should exit or pull back though since h is actually the bigger problem. Realistically he should be looking at supervised visitation.  If it can happen to Brad Pitt I woud be shocked if it didn't happen to this asshole

    Also unless the dick can bribe every cop and judge involved in the case no way was what Deacon did assault. He was the one putting hands on child Deacon removed and restrained him. Deacon has two witnesses on his side and really he should have just as much influence as Brad. He runs his own label and should have plenty of money and goodwill behind him. People might be afraid of Brad but people like Deacon. He also has no history of violence when sober, which is a distinction a judge should take note of. Although I'm sure all of this will be ignored because DRAMA.

    On 2/27/2018 at 9:18 AM, kassandra8286 said:

     Of course for all we know she might be into girls. 

    Well that might be why she is so devoted to Juliet.

    • Love 2
  5. On 2/10/2018 at 7:06 PM, Kemper said:

    I finished the Shetland series...loved it; hope they make another season or two.  Also love Hinterland; although, like someone mentioned above, the accents are difficult if you don't have closed-caption.  Everyone in this particular series is miserable..detectives, suspects, townspeople, etc.  But the scenery is gorgeous (as is Shetland's) and the mysteries are pretty good.

    I like Shetland too, There a fourth season airing right now in the UK. It can be a bit slow in parts but the show got a lot better in the third season. If you like British Nordic Noir you might want to try Happy Valley next it probably favourite of all the the British cop shows I've seen.

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  6. On 2/14/2018 at 5:35 PM, MissLucas said:

    This! There was some immense story-telling potential about his torture/sexual abuse that was just never explored. He was really just there for Burnham to fall in love with the enemy and then to act as Google Qo'noS.

    This show sacrificed three great characters with lots of potential within one season.

    I  doubt Ash is gone for good actually. He was a very popular character who was part of a popular pairing and showrunners pay attention to that these days.  As has been noted the Klingon war entered quite differently in Canon.  I wouldn't be surprised if he comes back to warn Starfleet of an invasion after L'Rell is deposed. I suspect this is a reprieve in the war not its end. TPTB probably wanted to wrap things up in case they weren't renewed.

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  7. On 10/02/2018 at 2:01 AM, bros402 said:

    So, uh, with the fertility issues...


    Wasn't the bond they used for Cabe something over $200,000 + the deed to the garage?

    And I have a feeling Scorpion doesn't come cheap - I imagine they are at least $50,000 a job. So 300k is more than enough for IVF. Maybe the rest will go into a college fund for their kid?

    Paige said at the start of the episode that they used the bail money to pay bills and get back in th black. So Toby and Happy got what was left over. IVF alone can run up to 100 grand easy. Plus they might have to harvest Toby's sperm which can be expensive on its own.

    I have to say I like that they made it Toby who has the issue.So many shows make it seem like a female issue but male infertility is just as common. In fact Toby being older (the actor is over 40 so I would assume Toby is around the same age) makes him at a higher risk for these types of issues.

  8. On 2/4/2018 at 8:21 PM, starri said:

    I did too.  Tilly is the purest expression of what makes the Federation great.

    It just occurred to me that Tilly is what Harry Kim should have been.

    Its funny but there are elements of Voyager in this show, the crew as family aspect, the technobabble and action adventure aspect. It definitely takes more of a cue from DS9 with the serialization and the war arc but its interesting what they are using and learning from.

    • Love 5
  9. On 1/29/2018 at 6:56 PM, kieyra said:

    Wait, what. How can Lip have an unrelated kid just move in with him without placing himself in major legal jeopardy?

    He could say her aunt asked him to watch while she went to Sturgis and just hasn't come back yet. If no one is going to charge him with kidnapping social services probably won't care they have too many other things to worry about. Also long as they don't suspect Lip is pedophile or harming her in some way they'll probably just see him for what he is a good Samaritan. Hell they might even be willing to ask him hang on to her until they can  find a solid foster home.  Especially since I think his friend would back him up if social services called her.   

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  10. I called the time travel. I have a feeling the solution is going to be jumping back in time again. Although if it means they can save Hugh it would be great. (It would make the most sense for them to jump back right after the jumped away in the first place. )

    Lorca is evil feels a little simplistic but I'm glad we got Georgiou back.

    The ride the wave solution reminded me if Voyager a bit that would have been a very Janeway solution.

    Also Saru is a surprisingly good captain.

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  11. On 10/26/2017 at 12:55 PM, Lebanna said:

    Yes, this is in my head too. I'm not shocked that perhaps the people shouting loudest prefer The Orville. I haven't seen it yet, but I assume from the sound of it that it's a family hour comedy show for people who enjoy 'The Big Bang Theory' and its spinoffs. Which is fine. BBT gets crazy ratings, way above anything that any actual sci-fi show is getting these days. And it's free to air. I have no interest in picking up another sitcom, but as he says, they're easy to follow, pleasant to watch, cheer you up after a tough day and don't challenge your brain. More people have always and will always go for that option. And that's fine. I love sitcoms too.

    The Orville fans piss me off me because only watching part of Seth McFarlane Oscar hosting showed him to be a racist, misogynistic asshole who clearly has no understanding of IDIC. Kirk would have found "We saw your boobs" appalling. What he did to Salma Hayek was disgusting. The man has no business anywhere near Star Trek.  I can't see how The Orville can be anything but a shallow simplistic imitation of Trek. Although maybe that's what some fans want something fun where they don't have to think too much. Its just to me the tough episodes Duet, In the Pale Moonlight, Scorpion and even Vaulting Ambition are the best of Trek . Especially as a mixed race woman. When I was growing up B'lanna Torres was the only person like me on tv. (And I am not the only one Mark Oshiro's review of Cardassians is heartbreaking). Its half the reason I love the show so much. I can't see Seth McFarlane as capable of any of that.

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  12. On 1/22/2018 at 10:44 PM, Miles said:

    Evolutionary preassures doesn't work on humans anymore. We have been unchanged for tenthousands of years, since we shape the environment, instead of the environment shaping us. If the nuclear winter happened after humans had the technology to survive it, it wouldn't have changed them. Otherwise they would have died out, because that would have been catastrophic for the planets entire eco system. If they had by some miraculous means survived, a lot more would have changed than just the eyes. Although that is also true for a red star.

    That why I suggested something like nuclear winter an environmental disaster like a super volcano eruption or an Armageddon style meteorite could kick up enough dust to block out or reduce on Earth for a long time and cause a major die off. If enough humans died off to create a genetic bottleneck humanities vision could change. I would assume the light sensitivity means they have better night vision. Something that would make competing for food on a devastated planet easier.  Also its not true that humans have stopped evolving completely. Otherwise there would be no  genetic differences between ethnic groups. For instance Americans from the south who are descended from people from the British Isles have a much higher type 2 diabetes risk than the current inhabitants of the British Isles. The most common theory is that its due to differences in diet. Or African Americans have a higher risk of high blood pressure because the slaves ships most of their ancestors arrived on didn't give  them enough water so the people who had the best chance of surviving the journey were the one who could take in salt and survive on seawater. Something I just realized now is the the Terran Earth is always a depicted as a darker blue and green then the Earth  usually is but if there is more cloud cover on their Earth it would be darker in colour from space.

    21 hours ago, Lilly77 said:

    I just didn't believe Georgiou when she said that about Lorca and Burnham.  I assumed she was manipulating her and trying to win more of Burnham's trust for herself.  I will be really disappointed if it is true - the ick factor is pretty high, but also it would have to signal the end of Jason Isaacs on the show and I really like him.  I hope he stays in some shape or form.

    I do think we should consider the source on that one. It might be her way of rationalizing Micheal's betrayal. Lorca always seemed more paternal to Michael than anything else to me. . Hell I wouldn't be surprised if in the Mirror Universe Georgiou killed Michael's parents and Lorca simply told her the truth. Although I suppose its also possible that the Terran's don't have pedophilia taboo

    There does seem to be a decent streak in Mirror Lorca. I do think his friendship with Ash was genuine and he's not a true sociopath. I think it would be wild and somewhat fitting if the crew just decided Lorca was a good captain and never told the Admiralty about his true identity.

    Speaking of Ash so far his story seems a little anti climatic at this point. He really wasn't a very effective sleeper agent. It would have been a much more interesting story if he had actually succeeded at sabotaging the ship or tried to assassinate Lorca. Although if the actual point of the story is to introduce L'Rell and make her part of the team (she can't become Starfleet because it was such a big deal the Worf was the first Klingon in Starfleet but she could be an unofficial crew member ala Seven of Nine) and Voq's story was really about her I can accept that.

    Also with Dwain Murphy ( Killjoys) and Billy MacLellan (The Expanse, Wynnona Earp and Dark Matter) Disco is only an Orphan Black and a couple of Stargates away from a blackout in Canadian scifi  actor bingo.

  13. 23 hours ago, Enigma X said:

    Ian's, Debbie's, Carl's, and Fiona's stories are all ridiculous now, while Lip's and Frank's are plain boring.

    I actually thought Lip's story was the best one in a while.  Sierra's story is exactly the reason I watch this show. No other show would have gone there and done it without making into some superhero origin story. Shameless showed the real trauma behind stories like Sierra's. It was powerful and something. I wish the show would do more of. I think part of the problem is this season has been too comedic and hasn't tried to reach for pathos and truth enough.

  14. 22 hours ago, Miles said:

    I honestly don't know if I would have figured out the mirror Lorca thing on my own, without people speculating in these episode threads. But even knowing it beforehand, this was still a very nice, well executed twist.

    Culber and Stamits were so good together, as always. Breaks my heart seeing them say goodbye forever. I know some people think Culber is coming back, but I don't think so.

    My thoughts exactly. Yuck.

    It's also pretty dumb. The only explaination for that would be if the sun wasn't as bright on mirror-erath but that would mean a whole host of other problems. That would mean it would have to be a dimmer type, with more of it's wavelength in the infrared spectrum. That would mean earth would have to be a lot closer to the star in order to be still in the habitable zone. Realistically the star would even have to be a red dwarf (I don't think an orange dwarf would account for the difference), which would mean earth would be tidally locked, so it would look completely different. Plus the solar system would be completely different, because of the much lower gravity from the star.

    It's already suuuuuper far fetched that there would still be the same people in this universe with all these differences, but this makes it even worse.

    I guess it explains all that dim lighting on their ships though... and why Lorca didn't get his eyes fixed. The doctors would have likely noticed that it was there from birth and not due to an accident.

    Or something happened on Earth to the atmosphere that blocked out sunlight like nuclear winter. If it happened several hundred ago or even a thousand years ago we may have evolved to the lower light. That might even help explain why Terrans are so agressive if Earth has scarcity they've had to expand.

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  15. On 12/23/2017 at 7:24 AM, Kemper said:

    I was amazed at the actress who played Trish...the rape victim.  She didn't have to speak, she said everything with her eyes.  Anguish and pain.  I can't remember ever seeing her in anything before. 

    Julie Hesmondhaigh  is actually really  well known in the UK. She played one of the first trans characters on British television on one the highest rated shows in British tv. She was nominated for most popular character in British television once. She is truly beloved by quite a few people myself included. This is making me think of the episode where Edith Bunker is attacked on All in the Family. I do wonder if thats part of what TPTB were going for when casting her. They picked her to deliberately create a sympathetic reaction from the audience right out of the gate. I know its making it hard for me to watch. With Danny they skipped over the more graphic aspects and he wasn't as present in the story.

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  16. 4 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    I admit I often do other things while watching this show, but did anyone else feel Will's HGH/steroid storyline just came out of left field? I know his breakup with Zack really knocked his confidence, but it's not like Zack replaced him with a beefier guy.

    I think it actually makes sense because Will has always had self esteem issues. Zach just set him off I do like that they are using steroids rather than booze or other drugs. Its something different and probably more common in cases like this than people realize.

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  17. I hope Asshole Ex actually got hit by someone totally random and it was just karma.

    It looked to me like Alex an Jo hadn't left the hospital yet and were on thier way out when he was brought in. Hospital security cameras should put them in the clear.

    Although Arizona wasn't around and she knows what he is. That would be pretty OOC for her though.

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  18. On 1/2/2018 at 0:25 PM, NJRadioGuy said:

    After that, though, it gets tricky, and I think the writers need to start thinking endgame soon. It will be Beau and Colt, running a ranch all alone within about 6 or 7 hours of screen time.

    I do wonder though if TPTB might actually be hoping this will blow over and they will be able to bring Danny Masterson back. At this point the next season won't shoot for while and there hasn't been any mention of his case anywhere for a while. The whole Scientology angle (I found it interesting today that Leah Remini accused Scientology of digging things up to attack Paul Haggis  with while some have said she's done the same to Danny Masterson with these allegations) makes things a bit murky and there have yet to be any formal charges filed. If nothing is ever proven I could see Netflix saying it innocent until proven guilty and giving Danny Masterson his job back.  As much as I would love to think things have changed I have a feeling some of these guys are going to come back from this.

    The pipeline stuff annoys me because pipelines are not inherently bad and when eco-nuts like Maggie act like it is. Pipelines can actually be good for the environment because it means we don't have to move gases in tankers. Opposing every pipeline is just hating on oil companies for the sake of it.

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  19. 2 hours ago, starri said:

    Tilly's "Wherever you are, I hope he's wish you" just broke my heart.

    Combined with her seemingly praying over Ripper, I wonder if, despite the official line of the Federation being an atheist utopia (note:  am an atheist), Tilly might actually be religious.  

    There have been other religious humans before on Trek. Chakotay followed some branch of native spirituality and Kassidy Yates was a Christian. I think there are a few other but I'm blanking on them now. Religion has died down in the future it seems but it hasn't died out yet.

    I do wonder if they might be able to save Ash Tyler , I hope so. There's a sensitivity there thats rare in an action hero. He's become one of my favourite characters.

    Also no way does Stamets stay dead. I'm thinking we're going to see time travel get thrown in to the mix next.

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  20. On 1/4/2018 at 3:00 PM, Chas411 said:

    Carla and Peter shared scenes tonight and I already feel sorry for Toyah. An affair is inevitable. Total rehash of Leanne/Peter but inevitable.

    Also I love Alison kings portrayal but I'd forgotten what a writers pet Carla is. She's not even back 5 minutes and a character mentions how Amazing she is in every second scene. The kidney storyline is going to be dire. We all know she'll be fine. I was hoping she'd have a secret child with Robert from their one night stand before she left. Instead we get this dreck.

    I would like to think Peter and the writers know better at this point. Also as I've noted before I really don't think there is any love lost between Alison King and Chris Gascoyne and the show probably dropped a bundle to get them back. I doubt they would risk making both actors unhappy by putting them back together. Although I totally I agree Carla is a writers Pet so I won't rule it out completely.  Maybe its just shipper goggles but I wonder about Leanne. I noticed how Peter seemed to confide in her about the slip at Christmas. That would be a bit of irony Toyah whips herself up into a frenzy over Carla the enemy without when it her sister that she invited under her roof that's the real threat.

    I also have to say the reveal about Susan and the fallout was great and exceeded expectations. Chris Gascoyne was amazing as per usual  and old Bill Roache still has greatness in him. I was even surprised by Adams actor who was much better than expected. I wish we had got more of Tracy in this if only to have more of a female voice but that might be coming. Especially since Peter is struggling with guilt and these new revelations.

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  21. On 1/8/2018 at 5:11 AM, marinw said:

    Maybe they will recruit Mirror Culber because he's a nice guy in both Universes, and Mirror Culber will defect from the ISS  because the Mirror Universe may be homophobic. 

    Considering Enterprise showed that in the Mirror Universe the Nazi's won (They redid the theme song for Enterprises Mirror episodes it showed this) that wouldn't be surprising. However The Terran's don't seem to follow any of Earth's racial hang ups (see Burnham as a black captain) it may be they've forgotten that one too.

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  22. On 1/7/2018 at 11:34 AM, HeySandyStrange said:

    Oh no doubt, there is little to no chance for a happy marriage between Tommy and Lizzie. He may have gained some respect for her over the years since she proved herself as a part of his company, but I don't see the type of respect for her that he had for Grace, May, and probably Greta. I think Lizzie is going to regret having finally caught him, once she realizes that he probably doesn't take their marriage that seriously or see her as a true equal. If it goes that route hopefully she will put her foot down, let go of her adoration for him, and leave him.

    The thing is I think Lizzie could be happy with Tommy if she just accepted what he has to give rather than wishing for something Tommy really isn't capable of. I really think that's what it is more than anything else its not that Tommy doesn't appreciate Lizzie or even really jerks her around.   He's always been pretty clear about how he feels about Lizzie even when it wasn't pretty.  Lizzie wants what he had with Grace and I think that Tommy gone. Part of him died with Grace and I don't know if he would let himself feel that way about anyone again. Or even if he could if he tried. I actually think Tommy does respect Lizzie as an equal, he less guarded with her than anyone and he confides in her more than anyone except Pol. I just feel sometimes like it more a case where Lizzie wants Tommy to be someone who doesn't exist than manipulative Tommy jerking poor Lizzie around. In all seriousness if Lizzie wanted to get away from Tommy I really don't think he would stop her so she isn't innocent in perpetuating this cycle their stuck in. Like all relationships it takes two and Lizzie holds more cards than she gives herself credit for. 

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  23. 15 hours ago, Lies said:

    Dr Culber said "Ash's" bones and organs were surgically altered and that a new personality was inserted on top of the original one. So I think Voq was altered to look human and given the real Ash Tyler's physical qualities as well as his personality and memories. The plan was probably to make him a sleeper agent and for L'Rell to 'activate' him (bring Voq's supressed memories/personality back) once she got on board the Discovery, but something went wrong like she said.

    Maybe we'll get an explanation as to why the sensors didn't identify Klingon DNA  in a later episode.

    It occurs to me that a simpler explanation would be that they just implanted Voq's brain pattern in Ash Tyler and the real Voq is in stasis some where. I swear it happened in Voyager at one point.

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  24. On 1/1/2018 at 4:25 PM, HollyG said:

    I can only speak for myself, but I hated the accent. It was way too over the top for my tastes and ruined the character for me.

    The accent bothered me because it was inaccurate. The Changretta's had lived in Birmingham since Arthur was young enough for the mother to be his art teacher. So most of Luca's childhood would have been spent there. Luca should have had a Brummie accent.   Or even an accent like Sabini's which mixed Cockney cadence with Italian intonation. In any case the Brooklyn accent doesn't make any sense except as an affection he picked up to blend in.

    I was also thinking the other day the Union storyline would have worked better with Ada going undercover instead of Tommy. The tension between her and Major and her principles would have been more interesting to watch. Tommy could have coached her and fretted and railed at the army man and we could have seen more of Ada and Tomm'y relationship. If nothing else it wouldn't have felt like a poor replay of Grace.

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  25. Holy shit.

    I knew Arthur was alive. He opened his eyes again when Tommy was holding him. That wouldn't happen if he was actually strangled. I like that the shows throws in little details like that and the black star from a few weeks ago that give hints but doesn't really give it away.

    I was never as enthused over Alfie Solomons as some but Iiked that he knew what he was doing in the end. He manipulated everyone to end up exactly where he wanted to even Tommy.

    Also someone I noticed who was missing in the end was Michael. Is he not coming back or was he just busy working on something else during this season?

    I actually hope the Gold's are back next season. Paulie was fun and Aiden Gillen gave Aberama some real depth with very little screen time.  Aberama might actually work with Polly going forward. He's not going to demand she change nor would she of him. (Although I would hope Polly talks him into a haircut.) They would both come and go when they want to and be together when it suits them. Their equals and that's rare for people who deal in control the way those two do.

    I agree that the Jesse Eden segment was a bit tacked on and rushed. Charlie Murphy has a bit of a flat affect and it really didn't work for the firebrand union leader. Also the fact that she and Sophie Rundle look so much alike is confusing and gave the whole thing a slightly Freudian angle. I wish they had given Tommy a different in with the commies than his cock. It cliche and the show has done it already with Grace.

    I think Tommy married Lizzie sometime between the meeting with Jessie and the election. I kinda figured that would happen the second Polly said she was pregnant. In fact I think Polly gave Tommy some of her signature straight talk and made it happen. Although Tommy would hardly be the first MP to have a bastard child.

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