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Everything posted by Ebau

  1. What possible reason could Frank have had in confronting the priest and Angelique? Was it just to embarrass them? Do a little good old-fashioned face-rubbing? Stroke his own sense of moral superiority? Once he figured out their backstory, Frank should have just kept his fat nose out of it. Tell Monsignor Whatshisface that the priest was not molesting the little boy and call it a day. Frank is turning into an even bigger sanctimonious pain in the ass than Erin and that's quite a feat, by my reckoning. I'm wondering if it's time for him to retire and for this series to end? Although the perverse part of me would like to see him die butt-naked in the arms of a very expensive prostitute in flagrante delicto, if you get my drift. The rank-and-file would be so proud.
  2. Ebau

    S17.E19: Blarney

    I think it has something to do with how buff he looks without a shirt.
  3. All I could think of during that scene is, "Geez, that had to hurt like hell!" Both she and the bad guy should've been limping after that move. Well now that depends. I'm married to a bit of a pack rat; you know, one of those guys who save everything because they're going to "do something" with it later. Yeah, right. So, about five years ago, I cleaned out my crawl spaces and divested my home of a fuck-ton of his crap. Mind you, I also sorted through my stuff and got rid of things that I hadn't used or worn in several years, so I wasn't completely heartless about the process, but sometimes you just have a need to lighten up your life. So, it was either get rid of the husband or get rid of all of the junk he'd accumulated over the past half century. So I could definitely see McGee's wife doing what McGee clearly could not bring himself to do.
  4. Ebau

    S17.E14: On Fire

    Ya know, as derivative as that is, I'd buy into that premise in a nanosecond. Who among us didn't secretly crush on Reeves?
  5. And over 30 years since she was the Druish Princess!
  6. Ebau

    S17.E14: On Fire

    I wondered about that, too. Usually when an arrest like that is made, animal control tags along and takes possession of the beastie in question. He sure was cute, though, wasn't he?
  7. So true. Throw Richard Dean Anderson into the works and you're right back in the 1970s. Make that brutess, and it still doesn't fit. It fits. A bruit is a suspicious noise that isn't supposed to be there. You had it right the first time.
  8. You need the understand the mindset of a cop; it's all about machismo. Talking over your feelings with the department chaplain or, worse yet, some shrink is considered to be pussy. Putting a bullet through your brain is the "manly" way to deal with problems. In any event, the cop's reason for committing suicide didn't wash in any event. He could have repaired whatever damage was done to his marriage if he would've come clean to his wife. On top of that, he should've busted the bitch who was blackmailing him. Last time I checked, badger games were illegal in New York. And for the record, I am one of those people who agree that a cop's suicide IS a direct result of his job and should therefore be considered death in the line of duty. He should have told all four of his "God Squad" to shove it and pushed for the victim's family to receive benefits.
  9. Enough already with the idea of the mayor being just another dick and always in conflict with Frank (who never loses the argument). That storyline has been hashed and rehashed; it's time to bless it, bury it, wave buh-bye to it, and move the fuck on! Sorry, but I'm especially pissy because today is the first day of school and I should be reading 98 pages of Texas vs. US Memorandum Opinion, followed by an additional 55 pages of Appellate Opinion Remanding the Case to Trial Court (both of which are boring AF, in case you're wondering) and quite frankly I'd prefer a healthy dose of vag itch over spending the next six-and-a-half hours trying to decipher a language I never wanted to learn (legalese) about a subject about which I do not give a shit (ACA). Well, that's not exactly true; I do give a shit about the ACA, just not to the tune of 153 combined pages. At least the vag itch wouldn't put me into a sleep coma. Too bad Erin Reagan wasn't a real person who could read the freakin' docs for me and then type me up a nice little summary. But I digress... Another problem I have with this episode is that it is just another in a long line of making EMS the Bad Guy and this time they're thieves and drug traffickers to boot! I don't know if there is an actual rivalry between NYPD and FDNY (perhaps one of my fellow travelers on this forum - who is not Denis Leary - can enlighten us?), but I do know that, when there is a medical emergency, no one screams for the medics louder than the cops. 'kay; I've bitched enough for one day. Thanks for obliging me, folks. Cheers!
  10. I remember the episode where the four of them were in a gymnasium working out and Kate and McGee were sparring. Kate kicked McGee right in the balls and stood there and laughed at him whilst he writhed in agony on the floor. I always thought she was a bit of a sociopath, and, in the real world, that psycho hose beast would have been fired and prosecuted for pulling a stunt like that.
  11. Now that was a good catch, Basiltherat! I didn't put that one together a'tall! Well done, you!
  12. Hmmmm.... Erin the dominatrix, all decked out in black leather, six-inch hooker-heeled, thigh-high boots, holding a loooong-ass whip, standing over Anthony, stripped down to his undies, kneeling before her, begging to be punished. Such a baaaaad boy. I'd watch that show.
  13. That's "Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs!" thankyouverymuch! C'mon, Welcome5431, if you're going to go all "AbbySciuto" on our asses, at least ramp up the annoyance factor to the appropriate setting! Cheers!
  14. I have watched every single episode of Blue Bloods since it premiered, but I have no recollection of Anthony acquiring a foster child. When did this happen? And is this a sign of my escalating ennui regarding this show? I have the same affliction with NCIS. I must be getting old.
  15. It's not inefficient; it's considered to be polite. This harkens back to the days when dinner was a social event that lasted a couple of hours and included conversation and fellowship. So pains were taken to slow down the consumption of food so that the present company might enjoy the pleasure of your presence for as long as possible. Plus, the action of laying down the knife when not in use was also considered a hallmark of trust and friendship. Most Americans dine by using this "polite" method (although some don't), but the Europeans tend to stick to the other way, the "efficient" way, as you call it. I'm not picky about my dining companions' choice, just so long as I am not treated to a view of their partially masticated food because they're talking with food in their mouths and they don't blow their noses at the table (with a cloth napkin, no less!). Sami Gayle was probably bored silly in that scene and/or trying mightily not to puke up whatever dreck she's having to force down for the 19th time because someone keeps fucking up their lines (not Selleck, though; he's got cue cards stashed all over the place). Or she's from the planet Romulek and that's how they hold their utensils.
  16. Actually Jeri Ryan played Rebecca Chase, Gibbs' third wife and second divorce. But she'll always be Seven of Nine to me.
  17. I knew about the scant age difference between Cariou and Selleck, and your explanation makes sense. However, I did notice that Selleck is now getting more gray in his hair - or is being permitted to allow his hair to go grey. Network suits are a pitiless bunch.
  18. Thanks, Laredhead! I obviously didn't get the connection in this episode, but, gee whiz, if Gibbs shagged everyone with whom he ever split a bottle of bourbon, then I think we could safely say that he's schtupped pretty much everyone he knows, including Ducky, Tony, Vance, Fornell, Franks, Ziva, Mallison Hart (Remember the "What the hell's a Mallison?" crack by Abby a few years ago?), and every other Holocene hominid that ever wandered into his basement. Busy guy; no wonder his knees gave out a few years ago.
  19. Actually, those aren't his teeth; they're prosthetics. I read an interview with Len Cariou years ago, at the start of Blue Bloods, and he said that he does wear false teeth, but the ones he wears on the show are not his false teeth; apparently they were specifically made for his role. Why? I've no idea. I get why Rami Malek wore a dental prosthetic for Bohemian Rhapsody, but Henry Reagan is not a real person, so why do that to him? He just turned 80, by the way, and still looks pretty good! BTW, for those of you who haven't yet heard: I read a news item this morning reporting that Blue Bloods is leaving Netflix on November 5th, apparently forever. If you want to watch old episodes, you need to sign up for CBS All Access.
  20. My most sincere apologies, SG11! That was not well-done of me! I would welcome your help, of course! Lesson learned. 😊
  21. OK, help me out here, ladies. There are a lot of posts out there that are saying that it is "obvious" from this last episode, that Gibbs and Sloane "hooked up over Christmas." I saw the "Merry Christmas" note Gibbs (I assume) wrote and stuck on the elephant picture; however, I assumed that the "elephant in the room" conversation had to do with Ziva, although I didn't understand the "Christmas" reference. I didn't catch on to any clues of a hook up, especially at Christmas, so what did I miss? Thanks, all!
  22. I think this episode would have played better if Ziva would have appeared to "turn traitor" earlier in the episode, instead of in the last ten minutes so that at least some of the drama was drawn out. Overall, however, I don't think these first two of the season were any better or worse than what we've come to expect from NCIS over the past few years. I mean, the return of Ziva wasn't as earth-shattering as Spock showing up in the TNG episode "Reunification" (which was awe-some!), but it was interesting to catch up with what she's been up to, since we all knew going in that she did not die when her house was blown to smithereens. But, hey, look at it this way: next week heralds the beginning of the Jack 'n' Jethro show, if the previews are to be believed. If those two hook up, Gibbs can spend the next few years in the throes of multiple emotional orgasms with the always-accessible, yet oddly-disheveled resident shrink. (Who was it on this forum who demanded that someone give that woman a hairbrush?) #DoesMedicarePayForCondoms #IShipOldFarts
  23. Whaaat? Erin? A bitch?! Naaaahhhhh. That's just crazy talk! Back in the early days of this series, a Reagan couldn't go anywhere without committing a felony. *cough-Danny!-cough* But Donnie-Don turned 50 this year and he can't beat up the bad guys like he used to... all in the name of making an arrest, doncha know.
  24. I love this! I just got a mental picture of Gibbs - that old fart - running gaily through some little old lady's lawn sprinklers, stark naked, yelling "Yippee ki yay, mother fuckers!" Or some such. Also, I know I'm in the minority, but I like Ziva. Besides, she always had the best lines of anyone. To wit: "I feel like a donkey's butt." "Bad taste in men to impregnate her credibility." "Your goose is fried!" "No wonder he's keeping his cards close to his breasts!" "How's that for old school slothing?" "And she just gets off scotch-free?" "I understand; you are very tongue-in-ear." Now, who else on that show gets great dialogue like that? Lose Bishop, lose Jack and bring back Ziva so she can go nose-to-nose with Tiny Torres and his fun-sized bad-assery. Now THAT would be must-see TV.
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