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Everything posted by Ebau

  1. This episode wasn't one of the show's best efforts; that much is certain. However, upon reflection and after taking two extra-strength Tylenol to rid myself of the migraine brought on by the Vulture Team/Jamaican-Hey-Mon skirmish intertwined with the Chandler-Ashley donnybrook underscored by a head-banging music montage (a la "Spartacus," but without the always entertaining gratuitous gladiator full-frontal nudity *insert happy-faced emoji here*), I find myself most distressed by not knowing the fate of poor, hapless, little Rhubarb! *insert sad-faced emoji here* Speaking of Ashley, had I spoken to my father the way she mouthed off to her pops, I would've gotten the beat-down of a lifetime! When did it get to be okay for kids on television to treat their parents so disrespectfully, just because Daddy didn't give them the attention they thought they deserved? Why does television persist in portraying parents as inept, powerless, and wholly without a backbone? When did Ashley turn into such a whiny little snot rag? And how come Chandler didn't toss Sasha out on her ass for keeping all of these little family secrets from him? And then she sits there a smirks while the kids take turns excoriating the old man. Frankly, I think they ought to kill Chandler off in the end, after which they can erect a statue to his memory and let the pigeons have a go at him. He who is shat upon in life shall be shat upon in death. Rant over. Cheers!
  2. Welp, we can all take tremendous satisfaction in the knowledge that we all called it with respect to the treasonous little bitch-girlfriend. Wonder if she'll pop up again somewhere along the line so that our side can play a little catch-up on her narrow little arse. And how is it that she was able to overpower Granderson, who outweighs her by a not-insignificant amount and who has likely had self-defense training as a Navy officer? (Am I right or wrong about that one, guys?) Ha! My snarky side just looooves that one! They are a rather resourceful batch of insurgents, aren't they? And pretty damn lucky to boot. Nevertheless, I think it would've taken the Starship Enterprise to pull off a heist of that magnitude. And where the frick did they find qualified people to operate the thing? Someone on another site wrote that it takes roughly 2,000 people to keep one of those big bitches afloat, so it does beg the question... Well, sci-fi-induced sedition notwithstanding, is it just me or does anyone else think that Tavo's Number Two Guy is smoking hot? Almost "Wolf-ish" in his own way, eh, Ramble? And, finally... May the Schwartz be with you, D.J. - LLAP
  3. I gotta admit, this was one of the show's better episodes, in terms of action and keeping the viewer engaged. Hope they can keep this up throughout the remainder of the series.
  4. I've noticed that little habit by Tom Selleck on Blue Bloods. He's often looking off to the right (mostly) when he speaks his lines; I'm certain he's using cue cards. It's a little distracting. I didn't notice that about Rhona Mitra though. If I ever give Seasons 1 and 2 another go, I'll watch for that.
  5. Actually, it looked as if Eric Dane gained some weight, but maybe that was because he was wearing civilian clothes. However, he did look a little fuller in the face (the effects of anti-depressants, perhaps?). Then again, maybe I'm just being bitchy. It's my first post on this forum; what a way to start out, huh? In any event, I've enjoyed reading what you all have had to say over the past couple of years, so I thought I'd come on board and add a little snark to the mix. But, believe it or not, I'm a big fan of the show and will stick with it to the end. That being said, I agree with everyone here who said that hacking into the US Navy computer system and bringing down communication satellites seemed a bit too easy (and thanks for posting the link, Netfoot; that made for some very interesting reading!). If hacking a branch of the U.S. Armed Services was so darn simple, then every 10-year-old with access to an iPhone would do it, for cryin' out loud! Well, maybe that's the best the writers could come up with on short notice. Now it's time to move on and deal with this season's Evil Doers. Food for thought, though: if this show continued for another few years, we'd end up fighting every nation in the world for control of one must-have resource or another. We've already smacked down Russia, Asia, and Greece, and apparently pissed England off right into a state of High Snit; now we're all set to face off with Central and/or South America. If this kept up, in a year or two, we'd be watching a seat-gripping pitched battle (can you have one of those on water?) starring the United States Navy vs. the Kingdom of Tonga (who would probably end up kicking our asses). It's a shame that TNT has no creative vision. *dramatic sigh* In any event, I'm happy to have joined the party everyone! Cheers!
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