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Everything posted by TexasBorn

  1. VOTY and ROTY is decided by a team vote and K&J?
  2. She seems like a lovely person, but she dances like an awkward clumsy teenagers.
  3. Ugh! She is so pretty and has the perfect smile. I hope she doesn't get cut for weight 😞
  4. It doesn't help when TCC comebacks are glorified .... e.g. Brennan & Christina.
  5. I wanted Khalyn as point from day one, too. I would love to see Heather as point but she needs more power and pop. IMO. If Heather is point and they put Gina in the triangle, their dance moves, side by side, will not look congruent.
  6. Thank you for your eloquent response.
  7. Inclusion and equanimity in general is not an NFL value.
  8. If she's going to inflate her accomplishments then "leader" sounds more professional. Captain sounds like a juvenile high school term.
  9. It's taking all my will NOT to compare him to some of the hot messes I've seen in TCC these past 3 years.
  10. People have no imagination. How fabulous would it be to see him as point with 35 goddesses behind him. If the DC organization wants exposure, this is how you do it.
  11. Not my cup of organic free trade tea. At least the women are not being objectified and having to twerk around like pole dancers.
  12. ATTN: DCC hopefuls and current DCC vets, Kelli is taking inventory on who she's gonna cut in order to get her baby VK, on the team. She's gone full Judy Trammel (on steroids), the Cassie Years. Bring you’re A++++ game ladies, or get cut.
  13. Christina Ligi looks like Lady Gaga. DCC stylists can work with her look.
  14. Bridget is so good. Who's in pink?
  15. She lacks core strength which greatly contributes to her lack of control.
  16. I know I'm asking for the impossible, but might as well try .... 1. No more using the DCC for cheesy product placement scenes to promote the STAR. Or get a better director to film the scenes. The product placement is so OBVIOUS and TACKY. 2. Strive for a SYTYCD dance competition reality show level, opposed to The Bachelor type drama. 3. No more moms (no offense Shelley B.) of Legacies at auditions, It makes the girls look like lost toddlers, opposed to confident women. 4. Lastly, NO MORE Kitty. She's abusive, oppressive, and down right MEAN. She enjoys fucking with the candidates minds like an abusive husband. First she humiliates them, then she pulls the "In the end of the day, we're a sisterhood" bullshit. She's low class.
  17. Courtney seems really nice. I wouldn't want her to loose her job, just stop hosting the podcast. Her Bimini interviews were fine.
  18. Girl. I thought that, but just didn't have the guts to say.
  19. She was rude and shotty on a podcast? I don't listen to the podcast when Shannon is hosting.
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