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Everything posted by TexasBorn

  1. I think Keyra was cut because she was friends with Erica.
  2. Favoritism, nepotism, cronyism, is toxic ... Next season will be a VK shitshow.
  3. Sorry, too distracted by the other thin, on count, pretty dancers to notice VK.
  4. In a fair and equal world, I would agree with you but we're talking about Kelli's world, now.
  5. Austin Powers go go dancer Halloween costume. Money doesn't buy good taste.
  6. She needs to either hire or fire a/her stylist.
  7. That is a very good description of each dancers's style. I feel the same about Taylor J. I think she's a Tess 2.0, beauty-wise. I watched her Instagram dance vids and I hate to say this but she's boring.
  8. Awww. Lauren is such a mama bear. She is a great leader and friend to her team.
  9. Thank you for your eloquent opinion. I agree with everything you have stated. She's so gorgeous.
  10. Don't get me started on how there are former DCCs who are 10+ years older than her who have had multiple kids who look better than her. For example, Shelley b, cassie ... do I Need to go on?
  11. I personally think that MTT is a determent to the DCC brand. I started watching at season 12 and was blown away by all the drama. I was expecting a SYTYCD caliber show that focused on just the dancing. I watched season 13 because I thought that the Jenna, Holly, and Erica drama was just an anomaly. Then came all the VK drama. I signed up for a dance competition not Real Housewives. To answer your question, yes, I personally would stop posting if the show was not renewed.
  12. Exponentially it does. If they did choose her top, it was a bad choice. It was too baggy and loose and made her arm motions look sloppy and off count.
  13. I'm rooting for her! Fair enough. We are all entitled to our opinions and observations. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck ... y'all.
  14. Amy has been looking INCREDIBLE this season. Making her GL was the best decision KF & JT has made this season. She would be a great point. Do ya'll think Gina wore a non-team color in order to stand out?
  15. Waaaay better than Kitty's dated, oppressive, borderline verbally abusive "spicy" class. That's how you empower and talk to women. Jen Colvin should be the new technical coach.
  16. Seriously. @scorpio1031 Do you @sleepyjean have a copy of the DCC non-fraternizing policy? In the Daughter's of the Sexual Revolution Documentary, SM stated that she had to kick out several of Jerry's drunk friends from the rehearsal studio. I disagree with the opinion that the rule is archaic. It protects women from having to be demoralized in court and in public opinion when there's a hearsay situation between a cheerleader and a wealthy powerful man with wealthy powerful friends. E.G. Harvey Weinstein. I mean, look at how we, who are mostly women, lambasted Holly and Jenna when they had consensual relationships with players.
  17. In regular life I would agree, but we are talking about Kelly's world. She makes everything her business and is known to take things the girls do so personally.
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