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Posts posted by NotthebadVictoria

  1. 23 hours ago, Zella said:

    Ben seems to have grown up with more order than Jessa had--I mean, low bar compared to nothing--so I imagine he has some glimmer of knowledge that a schedule would be beneficial. I think he just doesn't give a shit and is checked out, too, so in some ways, I see him as even more culpable than Jessa. 

    Edited to add: maybe it's yet another passive-aggressive thing with them. I feel like pretty much every interaction of theirs just reeks of passive-aggressive bullshit. Maybe he's advocated for it, and she shot it down, so here they are.

    You could even hear that tone in his voice when asking about Ivy missing her nap. Any love that was there is lost. Not to mention, when I read Bin was apart from them at the lake I did not realize he was on the opposite side 😂, that’s not zone defense for the kids that’s avoidance.

    • Love 15
  2. 1 hour ago, thehorseofpower said:

    While I agree it shouldn't be expected for a grandparent to flat out raise their grandchildren, nor should they be expected to drop everything to help with something, I'd like to think most loving parents/grandparents would help their child out with grandkids if the need arose and it was feasible financially/time wise. Especially in an out of the ordinary situation in which the parents are moving and trying to get a new house ready with kids underfoot. If the parents /grandparents have a decent relationship, it just seems like something you do to help each other. The idea that parents are completely on their own and should be able to be completely self sufficient and never ask for help or not have kids at all is a little unfair to me. The whole idea of "it takes a village" has been around for a long time and implies it may not be to a child's benefit to be raised without influences from more than just their parents. There are many places around the world where child rearing involves several generations as the norm, and parents would not expect to do everything without added help from family/communities. This model seems to me much healthier for a family than the idea that everyone is just alone, sink or swim.  I have two children and would frankly be lost without the support I receive from my parents. They are my village.  Could I do it without their help, if I had to? Probably; I know many others parent without regular support from extended family, but life would certainly be worse and more stressful for both me and my kids, and my parents love being involved with their grandkids.  As both parents are required to work outside the home more often nowadays to survive, and day care costs nearly as much as one income in many cases, doing it all completely alone becomes a more difficult and potentially damaging prospect for all involved.

    In Kelly's case, she is the one who raised her daughters to be broodmares and gave them no choices for other ways to live their lives. She also used them as unpaid childcare to raise her own children. Given this I find it cruel that she would value her children and grandchildren so little that she would not offer help if they obviously need it. If children and family are the be-all end-all in their religion, then act like it and provide support as their mother and grandmother if able. 

    I’ve just seen this abused way too much and heard the “it’s good for the grandparents”. Meanwhile the parents have all the support they need and the grandparents are run into the ground. They love the kids/grandkids so don’t say no but at some point you have to let them enjoy their own lives and relax. 

    I have a great relationship with my grandmother and she had no part in raising me or my siblings. Kelly has a ton of kids, even if she didn’t exploit hers when would she have to Help all of her kids/grandkids. Her world ( and all grandparents) should not revolve around what her grown children and their kids need. 

    • Love 6
  3. 13 hours ago, Lady Edith said:

    Because Kelly is there to be a helpmeet to Gil, not the kids. Once they were born and raised, not his problem anymore. And aren’t there (semi) littles at home still?  That’s wimmin’s work.  Not his problem. 

    Honestly here I can agree with Kelly not going. It shouldn’t be expected for grandparents to be responsible to come help you with your hoard of kids. They are your kids, your responsibility. I also disagree with sending the Aunt Moms (to be clear). But all of their children when they leave and get married should be on their own, take care of their own children and stfu about how hard it is. I see this all the time where grandparents end up doing the lions share of the work bc the useless parents need “me time” or extra “something”, it’s not right. 

    and to add: it wasn’t right to make the older girls sister moms either, raise the brood you have yourself or stop breeding.

    • Love 15
  4. 2 hours ago, thehorseofpower said:

     Personally, I found Claritin's choice of a taco dinner right before the big night of virginity loss to be the more questionable choice. 😐

    This must be a Texas thing 😂, if it’s not BBQ or steak it’s Mexican food

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  5. 1 hour ago, emma675 said:

    I agree with y'all, I think Carlin and Joy are genuinely friends, as much as they can be in this religion/cult. I do think Carlin is the lead girl in their friendship and that she uses Joy to prop herself up, whether she realizes she's doing it or not. The pics of the two of them a few weeks ago on that weird pile of stones cemented that for me. Carlin was dolled up to the nines and posing like an influencer next to poor, slobby looking Joy. There is a definite hierarchy in their friendship and I wonder what would happen if Joy suddenly became the hot one?

    Judging by Joys appearance (weight, dress and general demeanor) I don’t think that would ever happen.

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  6. Personally, I don’t see anything wrong with Jill letting the dog stay outside, if she’d kept it in a kennel she’d be crucified too 😂. I have small dogs and they love being outside all day. I still have faith in Jill, she’s trying. 

    • Love 8
  7. 5 hours ago, zoomama said:

    on the topic of texas and the snow a few weeks ago, my DIL just told me that the utility company is essentially billing folks multi-thousands of dollars for a month of electricity ($40,000 ish). how is that even possible to expect all you texans to pay such bills? and level pay folks are majorly screwed according to her. can you texas folks weigh in and enlighten me about this situation? 

    People on a month to month variable rate plan. These are plans with cheap companies that people bounce back and forth to. So essentially, people who cannot afford a contract are being billed thousands. Good luck getting that a Oncor! 

  8. 1 hour ago, not you again said:

    The Jana/Jason/Laura pics perplex me.  Are we sure they're recent?  I know how widely the weather can swing, but Jana and Jason are wearing short sleeve shirts, Jana is bare-legged wearing what appears to be sandals, there's not a coat or even a sweater in sight, and the grass is bright green.

    Also, because I don't keep track of who flies airplanes, I wonder if Jason/Jana flew, and if it could be a (long) day trip from Arkansas without needing to stay overnight.  If Jana is learning to fly, she has to get in her hours somehow.

    All of this may have been addressed in the video and if so I'm just a big ol goober, I guess.  🤣

    We got up to 80, everyone was in shorts and flip flops 😂

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  9. 5 minutes ago, Tikichick said:

    Oh, I didn't realize it was based on actual sound scientific principles.   Totally understand the Duggar appeal now.

    I spit laugh on this one 🤣.

    5 hours ago, EVS said:

    “And we are expecting another set of twins-Monique and Unique.”

    Joe and Kendra: They Really Need To Go Back To Side Hugs

    Joe and Kendra: The crotch cannon is locked and loaded 

    • LOL 14
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  10. 17 minutes ago, QuinnInND said:

     How can I possibly get past my anger and hatred of her? I'd love to give her a piece of my mind though.  

    IMO: you don’t have to get past it, she wants you to for her sake, not yours. She wants to feel better about what she did/allowed to happen to you, and you don’t owe her a damn thing. Your mother is supposed to protect you, she did not. And as far as I’m concerned giving her a piece of your mind is absolutely deserved, but silence probably hurts more. 

    • Love 21
  11. 1 hour ago, QuinnInND said:

    I read it on Saturday. My post about it is a page or two back.  👍

    I’ll go look for it! I’ve been down here in Texas without power and water for about 6 days total, I’m back to life now 😂🤦🏻‍♀️.

    • Love 8
  12. 7 hours ago, QuinnInND said:

    I probably should read hers too, but I don't want to push my blood pressure to dangerous levels. I know it's going to be "I'm sorry about what happened and what I let happen, but I was trapped blah blah blah". Yeah, I know all about being trapped in an abusive situation and being well and truly stuck with nowhere to turn. But I didn't have a child or children at the time. It was just me. I'd walk through bubbling lava barefoot before I'd allow anyone to hurt my children. I'd blow the son of a bitch away myself. I don't want to listen to a bunch of excuses from her that don't cut it with me.  And, to clarify, I'm not bad mouthing any woman who is stuck with an abuser and has children (or not) and has nowhere to turn.  I'm speaking for my mother and our situation and the way I feel about our situation.  I'll probably have my husband read it first. 

    Off to make sure my kids are logged in and ready for school, try and login to my class and get the school day started. Hopefully all my tiny humans will be in class today. Have a good day, everyone! 

    Wait! Did you read your sisters and I missed it? 

    • Love 1
  13. 33 minutes ago, Heathen said:

    She's had six kids, and she likely lives on a heavily processed diet. She probably always looks pregnant. Until SHE announces it, it's just more rampant speculation. 

    She’s understandably overweight but she hasn’t reached that level of obese where she looks permanently pregnant. 

    • Love 4
  14. 2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    Home births have been trending for everyone for about a decade now. I think its losing a little popularity now. Women in general, but even more so Fundy women, have this down-low competition with childbirth. It seems the longer the labor and the more pain, makes you the winner. Hospital births only when necessary, and never use medications.

    With all that said, I'm a bit nutty-crunchy and attempted a "natural birth" (in a hospital birthing center) with my first. Sadly, after too many hours including a loong time at 10 cms, I ended up with a traumatic forceps delivery. It was not pleasant and I vowed it would never happen again. It didn't. Thank goodness for epidurals.

    I think the Jill, Jessa and Joy tried for (Jessa succeeded) home births because its trendy, they would get bragging rights and its cheaper.

    I also think this has a LOT to do with Anna. Jessa may be a “real” Duggar but none of them can compete with Ana in Boob and Michelle’s eyes. And Ana has has homebirths with no problem. 

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  15. 4 minutes ago, MaryAnneSpier said:

    Does anyone else think that Jessa may not have actually had a miscarriage and is telling stories to get some attention? Having a fourth baby is no big deal, especially if you already have boys and girls, but if it's a rainbow baby, that makes it more special. I'm a distrustful person in general, but we have seen how the Duggars will willingly bend the truth to make their lives fit the narrative they need, so I just don't fully believe Jessa. If it had happened, I would think that Jessa, one of the biggest attention hogs of the bunch, would be even more dramatic about it than Josiah's wife about it. On the other hand, maybe she saw how over the top Josiah's wife (what is her name...Lauren?... I'm honestly losing track of in-law's names and their offspring) was and the public perception of her being a drama llama so Jessa went the other extreme and said nothing until now. 

    She probably missed a period and called it a miscarriage. 

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  16. 1 hour ago, Spencer Hastings said:

    Jessa Expecting Baby 4

    "After the heartbreaking loss of a baby last year, we’re overjoyed to share that another little Seewald is on the way!" the couple said in a statement to ET. "The pregnancy is going smoothly, and both baby and Jessa are doing well. We are so grateful to God for the precious gift of a new life! The kids are delighted, and we can hardly wait to welcome this little one into our arms this summer."



    Overjoyed.... If that expression on Bins face is overjoyed I’d hate to see him disappointed and dead inside!

    • LOL 9
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  17. 9 hours ago, frenchtoast said:

    It is 5 degrees out right now (I'm in north TX) and the wind is blowing and we've been without power since 3 AM (about 4 hours). I am super pissed. There are not supposed to be rolling blackouts at 1 AM and then 3AM and for this long. Yes, it's cold. Guess what, it gets cold. Doesn't mean people should lose power. Terrible planning and terrible infrastructure is not the fault of the cold, it's the fault of the people that are more interested in rolling in the money while the customers freeze. And no, I won't feel bad for the employees, because we're all suffering and this could have been prevented with better planning and equipment and it wasn't the customers that fucked up. Also, my electric and gas bills are not cheaper than they were in Massachusetts and we didn't lose power because it got below 20 degrees. Chicago doesn't lose power because it's cold. (There is no ice, barely any snow and it's light anyway, this is an issue of access and distribution and deliberate lining of pockets)

    Mr. Toast put in request to finalize getting a generator. 13 grand is a lot (heck, it's tuition at college for our son) but we lose power for absolute no reason at times. When it drizzles. The system here is so fragile apparently just people using it causes problems.  We've been here about 6 months and this is 10th time we've lost power. So fucking stupid.

    There is power at a few hotels in the stockyards. We had to evacuate our house after hour 7! BUT there is no access to actual food at some of the hotels. 

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  18. 8 minutes ago, Zella said:

    I explained this story to a friend of mine from New Hampshire and, consequently, is much savvier in the ways of winter extremes than I, and before I even finished, she was like, "You got overheated, didn't you?" 

    I had my regular fan on and tiny crack in the window, but the hubby shut it when I was asleep 😂. My Canadian bestie is laughing at me too 😂

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