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Posts posted by silverspoons

  1. 12 hours ago, jPLUS said:


    Amelia and Bennett - I have considered a more sinister reason for Bennett's willingness to take Amelia's name upon marriage. As an upcoming actor, he might be hoping to change his name to a more fancy unique name, especially if his own is common. I find it very suspect this was the first thing he thought of when Dr. Pepper told him they found him a match. I don't doubt that these two are open to non-traditional gender roles, but there is no guarantee that free-spirited Bennett would make a good house-husband who could keep order in the house and raise children. I hope that these two chaotic personalities can make it work. 






    Dr, Pepper asked him some different questions then we normal hear (or maybe we are just not shown).  She asked him if he would be willing to move. Amelia will be moving in June for her residency. She will find out where in March, but already put in her list of cities so he would have no input. Dr. Pepper had to make sure it was someone who was 100% willing to move because moving is a given. About the last name, I wonder if it was brought up, because she might not be able to change her last name or might not be able to take his fully depending on how far she is into taking her medical boards. My first husband was a doctor and he took my last name, but we had to be married before he took his boards. It was clear whatever name he was at that time would stay. We divorced and he has to keep my last name. I wonder if they asked him if having the same last name for kids, or having combined last names was okay. Remember Anthony and Ashley disagreed? I think knowing Amelia might have to keep her name professionally would be something the would ask Bennett in a round about way. You would be surprised at how many men are taking last names these days. I know at least 10 people I went to college with that did this. It is not always about career, mine was for my father who was ill and I was an only child, last member of my family with the name. 

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  2. On 7/3/2020 at 1:56 PM, Scout Finch said:

    The shade was mild. Looking at her house through my spoiled U.S. eyes I just see extreme squalor. Yet, she's as proud as anyone doing an Architectural Digest tour of their home. She's so happy and pleased with her surroundings, so I have an even clearer understanding now of how Ed's reactions must have stung. I admit that I would feel just as uncomfortable as Ed but I wouldn't look down on her like he did. It's difficult not to sound like I'm being condescending in an "oh, look, the poor girl is so proud, bless her heart." Why shouldn't she? If my privileged ass was giving a tour of the cheap but nice two-bedroom, two-floor townhouse that I rent and live in alone, I'd be making excuses about stupid shit like the old kitchen cabinets. My place is like a freakin' mansion in comparison and even the trailer houses I grew up in were well-kept by my mom, but I rarely ever stop to appreciate the standard of living I have simply because I happened to be born in this country.

    Her shade was mild and funny without even saying his name, like just mentioning the rat mouse. Ed said she got a house make over like she got some huge payout. She  admitted to getting some paint and painting her little area pink and buying a piece of foam maybe 6  to 8 inches thick to use for her and prince to sleep on and a fan for above her bed ( big make over Ed). She was very proud of her changes. She also seems so proud of her son.  She washed her clothes by hands with a smile. I bet Ed could not do this once. It did not bother her a bit, she smiled and talked and washed every item by hand, rinsed and softened by hand. After that I will not complain when my washing machine gets load because I do not even the load. Also not to justify Asuleo but I can see if all he has ever seen is his grandma washing by hand everything piece of clothes in his hut and then sees Kalini throw a load int he washer and press a button, how he sees this as easy. It is probably coming off wrong. We had neighbors from Vietnam and they had their 6 year old do his laundry. Some neighbors said that is too young , almost were saying abuse. The mom explained she would walk miles to a river and do it by hand in Vietnam and she did not understand how her son putting clothes in a machine and pressing a button was hard or something meant for only older kids. She kept saying all you do is press a button over and over to the neighbors. 

    • Love 15

    8 hours ago, Colfrmb said:

    Has TLC ever shown an American family getting a dowry gift from the in-laws?

    Could someone divulge Asuelu’s other jobs?  If he goes to Samoa for a couple of weeks, will he just quit all those jobs? 

    is Asuelu also Mormon? 

    Asuleu is Mormon. When he was first here he was spotted a a local ward (church) but since Kalini had said she was not an active Mormon during season 1  I did not say anything. Then they posted pictures on social media of being at church and going to conference meetings. Anyone who is Mormon or has Mormon church knowledge would be able to tell they are going to church. Then when he was playing volleyball with his friends, he mentioned church on the show. Since it is public now, I feel okay talking about it. I do not know if maybe Kalini is just going for the kids or if she is back to being a full member? She lives with her parents who are active Mormons and there are so many Samoans in our area they have Mormon services in the native Samoan language. I have wondered if he converted or was always a member. Samoan has many Mormons so it is possible he could have been before he met her. 

    His jobs. He works at the rec center. There is a booklet they send out for people to join the rec center and it shows the staff and he is pictured. Besides regular rec center duties, I think he teaches some Samoan dance classes to young people.  He also works at the national parks system. I pull out of my street and at the stop light is this big banner of the national parks and his face is on it. This job is maybe an hour drive from their  house and has some crazy hours. He and several others put on a cultural dinner and dance show, twice a night 7 days a week with only a short time off in the winter. I can;t imagine he could get home before midnight.  He also does private parties and events with his group, they put on a feast of food and dances and activites for parties , schools or events. 

    I have also heard rumors he works for her dad's construction business. I have no proof of this, but I have seen some of the guys he is friends with working on jobs so it is not hard to believe he would too. There is so much construction work and a dire need for workers, that I can;t see him saying no to his FIL if he was needed on a  job. 

    6 hours ago, Saltgypsie said:

    Ok...what did Kalani do before this show? Did she work?  Why can't she get a job? I'm confused. I had to work when my kids were toddlers.. it can be done Kalani.

    Kalini I think talked about maybe working at an office on the first season but quit to have the first baby. If Kalini wanted a job, there are no issues at all getting one. My high school aged daughter was offered which did require some computer skills, but was an office job with spreadsheets and it was $22 a hr and she could not even drive yet. There are so many day caresthat would hire and  that let you bring your kids if she did not want to be away from them. There are also 3 at home legit companies that offer jobs all the time, a local bank, a property management company, and health insurance company.  These are popular with mom here. These are all legit jobs with full benefits for major companies , they give you a computer and you train for a few week and work from home doing customer service , billing type jobs. So she has options. I watch our local jobs boards and are amazed a person will say I need a job and they get offers within minutes. Even felons, I always think of Paul (Karine) saying he can't find work because he is a felon. He needs to move because they will hire felons here (on a trial basis but if you prove yourself, you will get a good job).

    2 hours ago, RealReality said:

    You really can't believe that ansuelu doesn't understand something basic?  

    Have you seen him eat an apple?

    What is she going to do with the kids if she works all day, leave them with halfwit anseulu who thinks everything is easy and locks himself up in a room to play video games?  No way would I trust him with children full time.  

    He is so yucky, he makes my skin crawl. 

    She lives with her mom so her mom could watch her kids. I do not see her mom as retired and I can't see her mom wanting her grand babies in daycare? If not her mom the Samoan community is incredible at taking care of each other. Now I think there would be some stigma as to why she had to work (like why Asuleu was not providing, or her parents or siblings not helping) but if she needed to work and needed help, I know they would step in. Then there is the Mormon community, she could easily find an at home mom in her ward to help her and the cost would be low. I see people willing to do it for $1-2 an hr or a flat $100 a week. Childcare is not an issue like it is in other places. I remember 15 years ago seeing people pay $8 an hr in NY, it is not like that here. There are so many people who love babies, I forgot that group. There are many Mormon women 50-65 that beg when someone posts for childcare to be able to take care of a baby again. They will say I raised 6 or 8 kids, I have a degree is family studies, I would give your baby all the love I have and treat it like my own. Some women really miss babies. 

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  4. As someone that lives int he same area as Kalini, tonight episode left me with some questions (and some edit concerns). 

    They took the kids to a brand new urgent care to talk to a nurse practitioner not a doctor about MMR's? Our city is landlocked and rural and had only one hospital chain and urgent care. It was wonderful to get the Corner Clinic but it is am urgent care clinic. They have no doctors, they actually are clear up front they are run by nurse practitioners and medical assistants and have limited services and are cash only. They are a much needed place, even for people like myself that pay a ton for health insurance, there are times that the only other urgent care has waits of 8 hours or more so sometimes paying $90 cash  and no wait is better then $40 co-pay and waiting 8 hours. 

    Now I can see how Asuleu could have been confused. I wonder if this was an edit. The clinic tells you when you go they have no doctors  and he might not know the difference between nurse and nurse practitioner. I noticed when he asked if the women was a doctor, Kalini smiled and did not say yes. She was not going to lie, but I have a feeling they are trying to make the gender roles the story line and editting it to look that way. Kalini went to an OB/GYN office with female doctors, Asuleu , you can see on their social media was at the doctors, he has surly meet female doctors before. You can look up Corner Clinic in St George and see the NP that saw them and that there are no doctors. 

    I would guess since this clinic is not near there home, it was the only place to film? Why go so far? and why go to an urgent care that sees mostly sick people with coughs and colds if you are germ phobic. why not see a family practice or peds clinic in our area have separate sections for well and sick kids. Why not go to the public health vaccine clinic, anyone can go and all they do is vaccines so they would have the best answers? 

    I also wonder why they are hiding he works more then one job? I still do not understand the "yogurt" job, no one I know that goes there has seen him. It is far from his house and low wages. He could go about a mile from his house and get a job at a factory and make twice the wage. My guess is it is for filming? His other jobs involve kids so maybe they can't be filmed?  As I have said before there were ads around the citywith his picture saying he worked other jobs,  Then I wonder if he sees her "mom job" as easy because her mom, grandma is there all day with her and her siblings are there so she is not alone with the kids.  I guess I wonder why they are letting them edit themselves this way. After the first season , her mom, very nicely said there was an edit. She said, we filmed so many happy fun moments that they never showed, they focused on one theme.  



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  5. On 6/23/2020 at 8:19 AM, 3girlsforus said:

    So Whitney posted about Babs’s birthday yesterday, I believe. I think we have all assumed Babs vacated the premises as soon as humanly possible after the relationship crash and burn but Whitney has seemed to shy away from confirming that, only discussing that Buddy is with her. The post didn’t say anything like ‘well we couldn’t go out but we made her a cake that I of course didn’t eat because I hate cake’ or other indication that they did something for Babs. To me that is the final confirmation that Babs said ‘screw this - and hightailed it back to Greensboro as soon as the impending arrival of mini-Chase was known. I feel for Babs, having to decide between going back to be with Glenn exposing her to a higher chance of Covid or staying with Whitney and her ‘poor me’ shtick. Quite the Sophie’s choice. 

    Maybe I do not understand Glenn's job, but I am very surprised since he is an VP of a decent size company that he would not be telecommuniting. I would think his company would assess risk factors like his age and since he does not do  physical labor and does not seem like he needs to be on site, why he would not be assigned to work from home? Even if he went to his office, I would assume most meetings are via zoom as a VP, would it be a huge risk? and they live in such a large house, he could come home and shower and change and even sleep in another room? 

    Our city had one of the first COVID cases , a couple from the Diamond Princess and they let them come home not stay on base. The husband was positive and the wife negative and they are over 60 and high risk since one had 2 transplants. They lived in the same house, just separate bedrooms and stayed distanced and over 3 months later the wife never got sick. 

    I too think I would choose my own home and maybe a separate bed if I was worried at sleeping next to my spouse ,  over the stress of Whitney's issues and filming. 

    I have also thought maybe the show asked her mom to leave? Maybe her mom living there is not part of the story right now. They might just want Buddy and Whitney?

    • Love 5
  6. On 6/24/2020 at 6:13 AM, Armchair Critic said:

    I think that was Jay North (Dennis the Menace) and Paul Petersen (The Donna Reed Show) who had an organization that counseled other kid stars.

    Paul was with the organization that helped Jon Gosselin get laws passed in PA so kids on reality TV would get paid themselves and have set hours and school rules. Before that child actors rules were only in a handful of states that did filming often like CA and NY. With reality TV filming is everywhere and Paul was very vocal about kids needing protection. 

    • Love 4
  7. 12 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

    Anna & Jessica both had "work" done thru the show, is this to secure the next season? I've only seen Jessica on there before her surgery so I would assume they'll be on to show the procedures.

    I thought we would be seeing the makeovers this season too. I would have rather seen The girls get work done then Sugar bear and his man problems being fixed by that doctor.  Didn't some magazine or online new source get the exclusive on the girls so maybe they got them the work done not WeTV.

    • Love 3
  8. I think the virus has saved her show. I do not think she has anything to worry about getting one more season. TLC is scrapping pretty low to get new content. That Live dating show is horrible, now they are having 2 90 day shows one with former cast reacting to the new show and one with current cast reacting to their recent show and haters. There will be 5 different  90 days spin offs on this week. The only other show I have heard filming normal is the Duggars (which also seems to be a dying show).  Whitney is lucky, not only is she willing to film . Discovery/TLC has a production office in NC. This means they are not sending crews to live in hotels and film her. This has been on of the hard parts of getting reality TV filmed, having to send crews away from their family to live in hotels and film.

    TLC could make a whole story out of the break up if they are desparate for new content. If anyone watches 90 day, they had Darcy and Tom on this last season , 15 episodes and they had one maybe 10 minute coffee meeting in NYC and he visited her home to deliver a letter for maybe another 10 minutes, The rest was her and him getting ready, talking to friends and retelling the same past stories. TLC somehow made a whole season for them out of maybe 20 minutes of actual time together. 

    Now Whitney better have a great next season, because once filming restrictions are lifted and TLC I am sure has tons of new stuff they want to film, Whitney better have a great story going on to get the next season. 

    • Love 5
  9. When was this meeting with Pumpkin taped? It seemed by the talk, it was maybe November or December? Pumpkin said something about Mama going to court next year, so I assume she meant 2020 not 2021. Then Mama said she had been clean 3 months and she last used in September.  If this was late last year, I can assume nothing is better?

    As for the drug test, I wondered why Mama kept saying I will give blood. I looked up and it said cocaine usually shows positive in urine for 2-3 days but for heavy user it could be over a week. It stays in hair a month or more. Then blood is 2 days. So maybe Mama stopped the hard  drugs 2-3 days before thinking she would be clean and the urine showed the drugs because she was a heavy user but she knew the blood would not?

    I feel sad for Alana. I know she loves Ella and I am glad she has her sister and niece but does she have any other hobbies or interests or passions? I know changing school and with her fame friends can be hard but what about something to focus on? I know it is hard for pumpkin who did not go finish high school. I wish there was someone who could guide Alana into a hobby or talent even if it was drawing, jewelry making, computer animation, writing, coding, something realistic (not modeling) that could give her something to do and maybe turn into a future passion or career path. 

    • Love 5
  10. Did anyone see America's got talent this week? There was a contestant named Amanda Lacount. She is a young (I think about 20-21) year old plus size dancer with a body positive message. She made it through to the next round. Like many people these days on America's got talent, Amanda has already been on Ellen and danced with a famous people. I wonder if Whitney is in for some a competitor in her space? Plus Amanda had more then the same 3 dance moves like Whitney.

    • Love 2
  11. 1 minute ago, RealReality said:

    Did she decline or were they not asked to participate?  


    She declined. She said she was offered to go on just  herself. She has said that TLC throws people under the bus and edits badly. She said she did not want to have to go on and it be one sided or have to answer for Geoffery. She did not feel comfortable. She says she will do a tell all on her youtube . So far she has 2 videos up, one about the Mary episode, in which I think she seemed honest. The the other video was just about herself and her life. I think they have to wait till the season is over next week to do any season tell alls?

    • Love 4
  12. 3 hours ago, sempervivum said:


    Another article that seems more reliable shows the place they were evicted from and it's a house (not an apartment), probably the one they claimed last week that they were buying. Josh and Pumpkin's House


    So what does this mean for the time frame? So confusing now.  The show claims they were living in the apartment when Alana started high school so late August? but the eviction was a house in September? I would assume in most places it takes 2 months to be evicted at least, usually 1 month late and then 1 month of paperwork or hearings. So where were they living when Alana started school? and was this whole move from bad guys a scripted plot? 

    Do we know where they live now. not like an address but are they at least stable in a home or apartment? 

    • Love 4
  13. On 5/30/2020 at 12:08 AM, cooksdelight said:

    I don’t remember who asked when this season was filmed... Sept is a good guess. Alana just started school, and you see the leaves are beginning to change to their fall colors.

    This is what confuses me. I was watching a review of the show on youtube (channel is called without a crystal ball) and it said Josh and Pumpkin were evicted from the apartment in Sept. 2019. They showed us the court paperwork and the dates. They had not paid rent. Alana would have attended very little school maybe just a few days before they moved out. This video also covered Pumpkin talking about working at Walmart. I saw a recent interview where pumpkin told access hollywood she was working at Walmart during the pandemic. I wonder what the real story is behind them living in the hotel and moving?

    12 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

    What company in their right mind would hire two known crackheads to deliver luggage? 


    I knew someone that worked at the lost luggage counter in the airport and it was so secure. There was background checks for employees .  I just can;t see Mama June and Gino  being hired? What airport would this be at? Atlanta? Plus June is blind and can't drive so why would they hire her. They would just hire Gino as a driver and delivery person. Why would they pay or want liability of 2 people? Gino has a record so I just can't see him being picked for this line of work. 

    5 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:


    June was swearing a lot and babbling, I cannot imagine her being capable of doing any kind of job.

    Please don't tell me the urine test shows she is pregnant....


    When I first heard June in the car, I thought she was really off. I was surprised when Dr Ish said he thought she was okay and sober? Do we know when this was filmed? I would guess they bribed Mama June and Gino with enough money to keep him away and for her to come. 

    Our family thought pregnancy at first as well, but I think they made it too obvious. I think Mama will maybe admit when  she is taking the test that she is on something so that will be the positive news that she is admitting the problem? Just a guess, I just do not think she is pregnant. 

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  14. 2 hours ago, Meowy said:

    I got confused and thought the Daily Mail article was from People because it talks about an older People interview.  There is actually a current interview with People that says a lot of the same things, but goes into a bit more detail:


    She actually sounds annoyed that strangers have such strong opinions about the breakup.  Isn’t strangers having opinions about her life her entire livelihood?  

    3girlsforus, I did not see that comment about Buddy’s food, but that is terrible.

    Am I missing all the Whitney forums and discussions? She says in the article she wanted to stop all the rumors and gossip about herself.  I rarely see people discussing Whitney. There is just this board and reddit (which is one of the more friendly forums, I have seen fans of her go on there and they are treated well).  I'm subbed to plenty of youtube channel that do reality TV and TLC gossip and only one had a maybe 2 minute blip about them breaking up. No one else covers her. I wonder if she sits and  reads  any posts about herself? She seems like one of the least talked about TLC shows. 

    Why is Buddy cooking? Isn't part of the NOBS active, cooking and recipes? 

    Of course Ryan won't leave her, she is making him money. Maybe not a ton , but some. I sure hope next season it is not the break up and then Ryan choosing between Whitney and Chase. 

    • Love 5
  15. On 6/2/2020 at 5:06 PM, Silver Bells said:

    If anything, she should have bought Big Kev out on the house in Jersey.  She would have been in her town where she is familiar.  She could have a least sat in her backyard instead of being cooped up in an apartment.  She’s not a city person.  There’s a big difference between a home and backyard and a small apartment.  Wendy seems like a “ fair weather friend”.  She probably only bothered with so called friends when she needed a sounding board.  She probably wasn’t consistent with her girlfriends when things were good, only when things were bad.  She appears to be a user.  That goes for Boof, Norman, etc.

    Why not have the apartment and the house? Wendy always talked about wanting an apartment in the city, years before she divorced Kevin.  It seemed like her sex in the city dream or how it would be easy to commute to the show. I always wondered if she really would want the city life 24/7.  The house in Jersey was under $2 million, so it would have been easy to keep both or get a fresh start in another house in CT or Upstate NY to at least spend weekends and off time in. Did she have to give up her dog(s) when she moved to the City or did Kevin take them? I always thought it was weird that she became a cat person so fast. There is a big difference between having huge dogs and a kitten. I am not a dog person (love my birds) but I can see losing her pets as another loss at the same time. 

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  16. 1 hour ago, galaxychaser said:

    I can’t watch the video. Oh well. 

    I watched the video, or at least fast forwarded to the Wendy part (I am not sure if I missed anything since the first 45 minutes seemed to be about other like Kylie Jenner). The women said that Little Kevin is not talking to his mom and seems to be on his dad's side or hanging with his dad now. The women said that Kevin Sr (ex) speaking about Wendy's condition, he contacted her and said not to. The gist was basically Wendy is alone, her husband and son are out of her life. whoever she wad dating is out (and sounded like maybe was just using her?), and she just lost it. 

    I guess it is kind of sad, to have all that money and possibilities and end up so sad and alone. She has tons of fans that love her , so she could easily pop on some live social media and have people to talk to. While many people think the world is shut down, if you have money, it is not as much. I live in an area that stayed open the whole time and is tourist city and the rich and famous flocked here from CA and NY. Some have houses here some rent. A private flight might run 10-25k , rent a huge home for 10k for a month and live with more freedoms. I know there are celebs doing remotes from where I live.  Unlike most Americans, Wendy could have spent 50k and flown privately to a safe open place, maybe brought Norman or a few crew and not looked like she was stuck in her apartment prison?

    • Love 6
  17. I saw Big Brother Australia 's cast reveal , its starts this week, Is there a way to watch it in the US? I do not care if I had to pay (would rather have it be a safe legal way).  I subscribe to CanadaTV app for BBCAN so is there a similar app or streaming service to get Australia. I need to new big brother this summer:) 

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  18. 2 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

    She's got money so she can afford the best of the best in health care. 

    I'm going to guess that she's not in the psych ward anymore. I wonder if she admitted herself, or if it was a relative/concerned friend. 

    I'm no expert on the laws in NY about how long a "5150" can be held but I'm pretty sure it's 72 hours in my neck of the woods.

    Does she has friends, like friends she can trust? When I watch Wendy I have always seen 2 sides. There is the Wendy that talks about middle class life growing up in Jersey and the part Wendy. I went to Wendy's 50th birthday show in Vegas and the stories she told were very relatable to me (as someone who grew up in middle class New England) but the birthday show had music so loud(the venue was small) it was pounding my head and all these bad guy looking dudes on the stage. It was like she was in 2 worlds, talking about middle class suburban life but surrounded by a tough party scene?  When Wendy goes home, who are her real friends? It does not seem like she has friends from before college, then she had her party years (does she still have those friends), then she got famous and while other famous people say Wendy is my friend, is it a tight close friendship? 

    I just wonder if she has real friends to look out for her, or just people who work for her who make a living off of the show and some famous people who say the care but do they really? 

    She has always seemed like one of the lonelier celebs. She talks about being friends with the  staff at  Shoprite grocery store.  I always thought that was kind of sad. I like some of the people at work at my Kroger, if I am grabbing a donut, the bakery lady might say how are your kids but I do not consider her my BFF. 

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  19. 20 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

    If the tea above is true about Wendy regarding her son rejecting her over Kevin's nastiness then my heart goes out to her. Wendy fought to have her son after having had miscarriages prior to having him. Wendy is a piece of work but she does not deserve to have hate coming from her own baby.   Big Kevin is just something else.. 

    This is the same women that broke the baby being born and some of the details about her and Kevin's issues. I tend to believe her. I feel bad because Wendy did not look well on her at home show. There was one show that she had some sort of hamburger in front of her, and she seemed so sad and out of it. If it were not for Norman the at home show was kind of hard to watch? Plus would Graves disease really stop someone for weeks from taping 15 minutes in their pajamas talking at home? 

    • Love 8
  20. 3 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    I watched the video as well and here are my thoughts:  My sons, especially my older one, would have NEVER tolerated something on their heads, lol.  And after the little guy picked the soccer ball?  And Jihoon took it from him?  Holy hell they BOTH would have unleashed a sound unknown to mankind, lol.  I was surprised to her Taeyung cry a bit as he seems pretty mellow.


    See, I read this and heard it this way:  "We can't afford the AirbandB so I am heading back to live with my parents and Jihoon is living with his parents."

    I will be honest after she said there were only 2 deaths total in Utah, I checked out for a bit because no state has only 2 deaths so my main focus was the first half of her video. She said her kids mental health was at stake and they needed a yard to play in and things to do and Utah was open and safe. That the apartment in Korea was just too small for her kids. 

    I did think, if your kids really do need a yard a big house, virus or not, you will probably never get that living in a city in Korea.  I have always been taken back by how many people in Utah especially young people think they have to have a huge house and yard and it should be new(er). My son has friend starting to get married right after high school and a starter home is brand new 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 3 car garage and that the least most brides will take. At 18- or 19 you do not need a large new home.  I wondered when I moved here how could young couples maintain a home, maybe parents give a down payment but taxes, and utilities? They are dirt cheap. I bought the smallest home in the best school area , about 3500 sq ft 6 beds, and it cost under $250 to maintain, taxes, power, water sewer trash (no gas or oil because electric is so cheap) . I had a house half the size in MA and NY and it cost me well over 1k a month to maintain/taxes. 

    If Deavan does not change her housing wants, can it work out? What job could Jihoon do? There is plenty of construction and trade work in Utah but could he do that type of work. I have long since hope for a spin off of Jihoon and Asuelu trying different trades out (like the simple life). Asuleu for sure could pick up a trade(and maybe he has already) but could Jihoon? If he could Devan and him could have that big house and yard and life she wants. It seems like a lot of pressure on Jihoon. Devan has said she wants to be a stay at home mom, could Jihoon in Korea or America provide and income to have her be this? 

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  21. Deavan is back in Utah. She said it was a better place for her kids since everything is open. and she feels safer in Utah.  Jihoon stayed behind. She said there were only 2 deaths in Utah so it is so safe.   I live in Utah and there were more then 2 deaths but Utah is one states with the lowest deaths. While everything except churches and a few national chains has been open the whole time where I live, cases are starting to rise. One of the reasons is people hear that everything is open and are coming. Just like Devan they are pouring in from all over the country and cases are finally here. I hope she stays safe.

    I wondered if she also timed coming back to do publicity for the new season? Kind of good timing. I also read that she might have an issue getting back into Korea. The US lets any citizen right back in (she actually talked about how much stricter Korea was) but right now Korea seems to be stricter about letting people back in. I hope she will not be another Nicole , stuck and can't travel. 

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