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Posts posted by silverspoons

  1. Season 7 Premiere. Marcus visits a struggling restaurant in New Jersey where he tries to teach the owner Dante management skills. 

    At first I wondered why Marcus wanted to invest in this business because there seemed to be nothing that could be grown or a special product or service. 

    I wonder if this is the way the show is going to go from now on. Marcus has said he can;t keep up with all the businesses he has invested in and  he has  said he has had  to start to sell off some. So will he change at least some of the episodes to more fell good with a small loan to help rather then investing and owning?

    With his big time square premiere I wonder why he did not have his wife with him. On social media he is obviously very proud of her and does not seem to care about the age difference at all. Why not bring her to the event? I would like to see them interact more then just pictures. He seems happy and not everyone version of happiness is the same. 

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  2. I was surprised Marcus did a follow up on this episode since there have been so many legal issues. So he is claiming that he is at a loss from investing but now has 58 locations for himself, and the original owners location closed along with 4 of the 5 franchise owners? In the episode it showed the 5 franchise owners with sad stories of single mom and money issues and Marcus promised to help and they were all excited, then in the follow up he said he only could help one because it was too expensive to help the others? Do the original owners that called him for help. have anything? seems like they do not?? and Marcus has 58 locations now?

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  3. 1 hour ago, itsadryheat said:

    Curious on the back story of how Caesar got into his profession. My brain shuts down when I try to think about it.

    Caesar said that his first love got him into the nail business. They were together 13 years. Her face was blurred but I think she was Asian. I wondered why he did not switch to trying to find a women from an Asian country?  Maybe Tarik could take Caesar on his next trip to see Hazel and set him up with an actual women! 

    I wonder , 13 years with someone without marriage? kids or commitment? 

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  4. 11 hours ago, gingerella said:

    We’re watching the same show, right?!?

    I put the ? after could he work hard because I wonder if he could? There is a chance if he was given honest work and was away from his city friends , that got him into trouble , maybe he would turn a leaf? That is a good thing about Deavan, she wants that "American dream", the house , stay at home mom and maybe she could motivate him? 

    I don't know what trade schools are like in Korea or what options Jihoon had. I assume that he was not a straight A , I;m going to med school kind of guy. I just think it would be interesting to have an Aseulu meets Jihoon show. Kind of like the simple life show? As I said above there are tons of jobs where Aseulu lives and his Samoan cultural group members are involved in many of the trades. Either Jihoon comes out of it with a long term job and Deanvan gets her dream life or what would likely happen is we get some really funny happily ever after episodes , with Asuelu trying to show Jihoon how to dig a trench, lay a block wall. pour concrete, lay pipe etc. I also checked and there are 4 decent paying legal selling phones jobs open! 

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  5. On 10/23/2019 at 9:45 PM, Frozendiva said:

    Deaven can move to another city or state in the US - the relatives aren't going to go driving for three or four days to stalk her.

    Utah is Huge. She lived in her parents basement north of SLC. She could have easily moved to Southern Utah 350 miles away. Her super great high paying furniture job I'm sure would have let her go to the southern branch. Plus Kalini and Asuleu live there. and they seem to have similar stories? maybe could have bonded? Kalini and Deavan were both raised Mormon , both supposedly got pregnant the first time they were with their now husbands , got married, pregnant again and have spouses that are not fluent in English. Deavan said she worried about Jihoon finding work, Southern Utah is full of jobs, and if Jihoon could work hard?? he could easily get into a trade program. 

    14 hours ago, doyouevengohere said:

    Deavan could be likable.  All she has to do is shut up with stupid stuff and act halfway normal with no drama.  At first I was sad that mother Jihoon disliked her; but now I see why.

    Deavan could have had a very likable story line. Korea was a new country (instead of so many south America cast) and was interesting. Jihoon and Deavan had many fun light scenes. There fights were light , with Jihoon saying sorry , I do better, instead of some of the others that seem to fight show after show.  If she could just stay off social media , just post a few pictures, she would be fine, or maybe just short videos of cool things she is doing in Korea.  

    I think the mom disliking her, was more about her coming and going and taking the grand baby too. I think Deavn really wants the ideal stay at home , nice house life. She had that ticket back 10 days after the tell all because I bet that is when they got the payday from TLC and they could get a nice place to rent. 

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  6. 4 hours ago, funky-rat said:

    Paparazzi claimes to be nickel free, but I don't trust it.  Not for that cheap cost.  I just say "NO" to plated jewelry, period.

    Miche went out of business in the US, but they're still running in Europe, and I think Canada.

    Paparaazi just opened a massive headquarters near my house. Most of the utah MLM are in Utah county (Provo near BYU) but Paparazzi is in in southern Utah. They were in Hurricane , in fact there first headquarters was almost exactly where the fictional 5 nights at Freddy's pizza place is suppose to be located. Plenty of 5 nights fans made the trip to see where the pizza place was suppose to be to find a MLM jewelry center instead. They must be doing well because the new headquarters is nice building they built in the ST, George  and land is very expensive here.

    I have had people give me there jewelry for years and it doe snot hold up (I have never bought any). I will say at least they do not ask for $5k investments and they do seem to treat the workers in customer care well with full benefits which is rare in MLM's. I say at least the jewelry is like $5 so if a neighbor is pushy it is not like having to buy $89 LuLaRoe dress or $150 health supplements. Nicole would have been better off selling the Jewelry over the clothes. Of course he best bet would be to take the money and get a CNA certificate or some sort of community college quick certificate or training program to get her settled in a career. I can;t see her every having the patience to get any sort of degree , and having to the freshman math, writing etc would be too much for her. 

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  7. On 10/18/2019 at 3:27 PM, mamadrama said:

    Hell, I worked in a Violence Against Women's Studies office and used to travel around and give workshops for high school kids when I found myself in an abusive, controlling relationship-and I was literally teaching people about what signs to look for. I had a great job, made quite a bit of money, and had a good support system and it still took me 3 years to find my way out.

    Years later when I was a family therapist I volunteered at a domestic violence shelter. One thing I learned very quickly is that DV isn't prejudice. College educated women, women with good jobs, women with great family support, women with disposable income, women who should "know better"... We saw all kinds of women come through our doors. And DV isn't always like the way TV portrays it-physical abuse and shouting and life endangerment. Sometimes it's far more subtle and that, in it's own way, can be worse. You can be years into the relationship before waking up one day and realizing that you no longer have a support system and have been systematically isolated from everyone and everything.

    Why doesn't she just leave is probably the most asked question in these situations. But never underestimate the power of embarassment, fear of being alone, fear of the unknown, and simply being comfortable. And that's before you even get to the mindfuck a lot of these people pull on their partners.

    Your points are excellent. When I left my marriage we had just moved to a new state. I went to file and they said I was not a resident of the state for 6 months? I was like I have a home, changed my DL, mail, registered to vote, enrolled my child in a school? They said I would have to wait the 6 months of file in my previous state which was 2000 miles away and a place I lived in for 11 months while my husband at the time did a medical fellowship. I did not make friends close enough since I knew it was a short stay to say, can I come live with you while I get divorced? I wonder if Karine would have such issues of a wait, or what her home state is? does she even have a green card yet? 

    I see her returning home to Brazil someday, hopefully sooner then later. I think she will see Paul's life in KY is not the American dream she had pictured. I think her parents would welcome her with open arms and help her raise her son. I just do not see a turn around for Paul. It is not like a degree and a job will solve their problems or even a bag of money. I like to think there is someone for everyone to find to love but Paul? I just don;t think he can be a healthy half to a relationship in any circumstances. 

    I'm interested in the tell all tonight. Will he actually talk tonight, I can;t imagine much will be focused on him since there is so much other drama to show in 1 hour. If Paul does not get some drama or a cliffhanger type edit, I think this could be the end of his 90 day paycheck (at least for awhile) which could make for further tension between him and Karine and him and Mom (why do I think she gives him extra money in promise of being paid back with TLC $$). 

    • Love 3
  8. 45 minutes ago, Teri313 said:

    Damn - shame on Paul for living off of parents that age who obviously aren't well off. Really, screw him. When she was talking to him about not being able to support  him anymore, he didn't even seem appreciative of what she's done for him or embarrassed that he let her. I try sometimes to see his side, but this takes the cake, hearing how old she actually is. He needs to get a life coach or something and get his shit together. And start paying his parents back, too.

    I think Paul's best bet is for Karine to get an education and a career. I can;t think of any sort of trade, skill program or college degree Paul could obtain that could get him into a job he would be able to keep. Right now, he or they have a chance, they have some money from TLC and cameos and KY does not have a high cost of living. It is their chance while the baby is young to get some training or college to be able to have a solid income in a few years and be settle before they need to think about school districts and homes. I just can't see Paul doing any trade, which usually are shorter programs before some income comes in. If he can;t shovel horse poop, I can't see him as a mechanic or plumber. I also can;t see him learning a machine factory type skill or anything healthcare.  I think their only hope for a stable income is maybe Karine starting as like a CNA and see if she can find some healthcare career she can get into. 

    I think Paul is one that does not realize TLC money won;t be there forever or his mom's wallet. Does Paul have siblings? I wonder if he thinks he will get his family house after his parents pass and this is his "plan" of stability. 

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  9. 4 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

    I've seen reports of that therapist being on set for Corey with the Evelin/Raul revelation and then for Jenny with the SumBitch debacle.  This is the first time I've seen it attributed to Karine. 

    Maybe TLC always have a therapist on hand to cover their asses screen participants just in case one of these idiots tries to clobber another one.  "But we had a mental health professional backstage screening them to make sure they were competent!"   

    I'm curious to see how this plays out, because I can't picture soulless TLC barring anyone from filming if it would boost ratings, regardless of any physical or mental issues.  I think they relish having someone break down on stage (which begs the question why they don't hire a different host who could actually accomplish this).  

    Poor Karine.  Bad enough having to deal with Paul.  I can't imagine struggling with postpartum depression on top of that.   

    I wonder where are the leaks come from. I heard that the therapist was there for Laura! There is a you tuber that went to Evelyn's tiki bar recently (Laura was already there) and was told that the therapist was there for Laura because they knew she was in a fragile state. 

    I think they should always have a therapist for all of them, Being on this show, the hours of filming and then the 8 minute edit they get every week has to even for the happiest couple stressful plus I have yet to see a couple 100% loved on social media so all couples should  have a therapist to talk to if social media gets overwhelming. 

    • Love 3
  10. Did the show ever bring up Daniel going to school? It is weird how she was so worried about a rusty playground, and giving birth in 8 months but never brought up school? Was this move to South Africa really just a summer vacation trip and she was rushing home for the school year to start. (I am so confused about the time line, I would guess they were filmed a year ago?)

    • Love 5
  11. These couples were filmed at very different times. Corey's dad passed away about 8 months ago so some of his footage was over a year old. Deavan admits she was the last to be filmed and was filmed very recently. 

    I am most curious about Tiffany's time line?? She looked more then 4-5 weeks pregnant when she left South Africa? She was only there 80 something days? and she has had the baby already. Was she pregnant before she went and that is why she went to get married within 8 days? and why leave South Africa to give birth in America when so early in her pregnancy, why not leave when she was like 5 months and spend more time with Ronald.

    Also was Daniel ever in school? or was this maybe filmed over a summer break and she always intended on coming back?

    • Love 6
  12. 2 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

    The only thing I could find (and I don't care enough about these two to invest much time into researching their nonstop divorce shenanigans) is this article and really brief snippet:  


    Paul and Karine
    Karine didn't attend the taping or video call in, but Paul said he's a changed man now.

    Probably dramatic shenanigans to try to get a spot on next season.  Their "journey" has clearly reached its conclusion for viewers, so I'm sure all of these assclowns are trying to generate enough buzz to be asked back.  

    Instead of us seeing Paul do his famous run again this season and have repeat drama of do you want a divorce every week, I would have liked to see her come to America.  Can you imagine Paul showing her around ? and trying to teach her what he thinks the norms are? I would have liked to see her honest non-edit reactions to life in the US. For all those Mickey Mouse clothes she wears TLC could have given them a weekend second honeymoon at Disney world. 

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  13. 2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    I could imagine Azan watching the online sale, and then telling Nicole that he needs $xxx (his computation of profits she makes on the sale) to buy inventory for their cosmetic store.

    And she'd send it to him.

    She lost money on this auction for sure. Of course no way she could explain to Azan the math of how much she paid for the clothes, and what she sold them for and the expenses of selling. 

    On 10/14/2019 at 11:27 AM, nutella fitzgerald said:

    Limit one per person!

    If she sent one per item, she would just be losing more money. I doubt Nicole shopped around or used coupon codes to get the photos reprinted , so another .50 or more lost for each photo sent. 

    I wonder if she is all excited about the money she collected and is forgetting about the 10k or whatever she spent to buy the clothes?

    • Love 3
  14. While I did not mind 1 hour episodes of the show, I do not know how they are going to talk to the other 4 couples and wrap everything up in 1 hour next week. It seemed like this week was mostly about Corey and Evelyn and kind of confusing no resolved issues with Laura and Alladin.   Usually the tell all's are 4 hours total sometimes 6. This one is 2? If they wanted it to be 2 hours, they should have just given 15 minutes to each couple . It seems like they just wanted the edit of drama, like with Ronald turning off the screen, more then us getting to know much information.  

    Poor Paul was he even part of the tell all? Same with Jenny, she looked so awkward? Paul and Jenny not having their significant others , while I know is for drama, just again seems awkward. 

    • Love 6
  15. 9 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    That's why I love the Self Checkout at Walmart.  People can't count to "15" items for the speed lane, and the cashiers there aren't allowed to kick them out of line.  So I skip the cashiers, too.

    I live in Utah but 1 miles from AZ and they took the self checkouts away from many stores (I think due to theft?). I miss them. Not only for speed of checkout( I worked at a grocery store for 3 months in high school, so years ago and I still remember tomato 4664, Banana 4011, potato 4072,  I get the checker that has been there 20 years and still looks at the list for codes) but my husband is more apt to shop if there is a self checkout. No way he would go through a line with a cashier for "female products". 

    My husband said he can see Angela maybe sneaking a few packs over from Nigeria. I imagine she needs like 3 packs to make the travel day. I would not want to be the agent trying to take any packs of smokes from her. 

    • Love 4
  16. 6 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    In MN a pack is around $9.  I don't smoke, I have been behind people purchasing them.   (Likely story, right?)

    Angela must buy six cartons to bring home!!

    I said the same thing , she must bring them home, but my husband thinks , you can;t bring them through customs? 

    I believe you about being behind someone. Where I live they have to go unlocked the packs and they have to lock the register and walk down to the customer service booth and get the pack and verify age and that you have no minors with you. They changed the smoking age to 21 where I live and all these new rules and cashiers get scared if they are doing things right. It seems I always pick the wrong line when I am in a rush. 

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  17. 4 hours ago, Rt66vintage said:

    I believe it was Vice who did a documentary about the sinking fund of Luloroe (sp?) and the girls who invested in this marketing scheme. No one got rich, and many became broke. It's on YouTube and very interesting. 

    A few people got rich and 99.9% of people are now broke housewives or single moms. It is very sad. Meri of sister wives is at the top and making good money (off of the people below her), Mkeylti (sp), Mariah, and Christine sell as well and as high up but not like Meri who is in the top 100. It is crazy to see in Utah the top 25 people in these MLM (clothes, vitamins, oils, whatever the latest is) live so well, million dollar gated estates and then the 99.9% barely able to make ends meet. 

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  18. 4 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    And she needs to buy better bras.  Today.

    Edited to add:  Look, I am Betty on a Budget but please:  Go! Get! Fitted!!  And pay for a quality undergarment. 

    She lives in GA, why does she not visit Molly's bra store?  Molly helped get Nicole a better bra and the before and after looked great (too bad Nicole does not wear it all the time). 

    I was checking out at the grocery tonight and it took forever because this lady in front if me was buying cigarettes. $7.80 for a pack! It made me wonder how much smokes cost in Nigeria , since Angela seems to have a smoke hanging out of her mouth in almost every scene. Average price in Lagos is $1.38 for a pack of Marlboro, what a bargain for her. Her savings on smoking for the 2-3 weeks she is there probably pays for the Lagos Travel lodge bill. 

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  19. 1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    I found a LuLaRoe dress at a consignment store and it was an ugly print, a mullet dress and priced at $20 for a consignment store and was made for 50 cents.

    I live in Utah and so many stay at home moms are into LaLuRoe (I believe the company is run by Mormons) and these women can;t sell the stuff for $1, new with tags. In my neighborhood alone there are like 20 women into selling the stuff (or trying to get out of selling it). I would not buy it for $1 new. I feel bad for the kids, that have moms or parents that dumped 5-`10k into these clothes and can;t sell the clothes now. Where I live 10k can pay for a college degree, better investment then these clothes. 

    I wonder if Nicole will move to the next MLM or stop here. Will we see papparazi jewelry or those peel and stick nails next?

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  20. 15 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    I was able to watch a bit of it and it gave me a headache after about 45 seconds once the auction started.  There is a woman in the lower right of the screen and you can only see about a third of her face and she is the auctioneer.  She is quite loud, saying things like:  "Okay!!  Alexandra!  You get them for $5!   Oh wait, here comes Betsy with $6!"  Couple that with Nicole in the back, coming up to the camera and showing the pattern, then moving back again with the shirt, legging or dress.  There is music playing in the background (not loud but is very distracting)  Then Nicole decides to talk as well - "For our tall and curvy girls!!"  Then she repeats that phrase over and over, only to stop and snap her fingers at May.  

    You are all so welcome I endured that for you!!  😉

    I sat through about 45 minutes, while I folded laundry and did some sorting. I felt bad for Mae,.The house she was in was the auction lady's house and it was just sold and empty. Mae was on the floor playing and Nicole said Mae has been sick. Mae was asking for food and Nicole tried to have her find a banana (by this time it was after 6pm FL time). Nicole also snapped at her mom a few times. Her mom also I do not think knew how much Nicole spent on the clothes. LuLaRoe buy in is 5k+. She was selling items for $8-15 that retailed for $40-90 so taking a loss. The auction lady said Nicole is trying to get out of the clothing business and sell out everything she owns.

    Nicole held up a dress from her own closet, it was a 3x and she said it did not fit her? So much for the diet. 

    If I could watch on my TV I would probably tune in sometime during the 3-7 show tomorrow. Not for the clothes but I find it interesting to watch how she acts without edits and being live. She sure acts like she is still stuck at 16, not 25 or whatever age she is now.  I hope they have a sitter for Mae tomorrow. 

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  21. Nicole is live on facebook selling her Lularoe clothes. She is singing and dancing and doing a live auction. Things are selling under value. Interesting to watch her live if you can. She was just holding up a 2x and it would not fit her so I don;t think lose weight loss drinks worked. 

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