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Posts posted by silverspoons

  1. I feel like Tania is pushing him to get a job because she wants him to make the money, give her a home base (stability as she puts it) so she can travel to these witch doctor seminars and retreats and he will pay for it. From what I have read it seems like she has kind of used her mom's house as home base for the last 10 years and the welcome mat is wearing thin so now it will be Sygin's turn to support her. 

    • Love 11
  2. 51 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

    If I recall correctly his friend backed out & Ryan moved forward with it.  He was obviously either not interested in Jackie or never really wanted to be married. Either way he was a dick. 

    If I remember, his buddy that had applied was a fireman too and when he decided not to do it they picked Ryan. They obviously had a story line or a reason they wanted a firefighter? Did Jackie have a family member that was a firefighter? I know Courtney did and it seemed one of the reasons they matched her with Jason. 

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  3. On 1/11/2020 at 5:49 AM, Chalby said:

    Is it really labeled a divorce or are they allowed to have the marriage annulled?

    I believe they can;t get it annulled due to whatever pre-nup or legal paperwork they sign before the show. This has been what has been said when I have asked this before.


    Does anyone here listen to Auntie's Advice reviews. She is a popular 90 day reviewer on youtube and she lives in the DC area and is reviewing this season of MAFS. She said that she was told that if someone backs out at the last minute, they have to pay 50K fine/fee. Has anyone ever heard of this? Auntie has been a good source of interviews and info on 90 day and usually checks and re-checks sources before saying it on air. She thought the 50k was to pay back for the wedding, apartment, honeymoon, flying guests in etc if you backed out after you signed the contract (which is about 10 days prior to the wedding). I wonder if they is why we see people like Matt? did not like him at all but maybe he applied for fun and then got picked and then panicked and it was pay 50k or marry. Many people say the Matt types do it for the money, maybe they do it not to be fined?

    edit: I just finished watching Auntie's review. At the end she said she had been contacted my Michael's ex. She verified the relationship and the ID of the person. The person story was (now this could be made up all we know is that they did date Michael) up until recently he was near broke and driving uber and living with family. They also questioned other aspects of his lifestyle(don;t want to post these in vase they are untrue). Auntie is a bit loud and gets very excited when talks and says it like she sees it (does not try to be PC or give a word for word review), I know she is not everyone;s cup of teas but if you are looking for tea this week's review might be worth a listen. I am entertained by her as I am folding laundry at 1am.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

    I guess we would have to know which people were recruited from past seasons. I think I heard Anthony was, but beyond that I have no idea. It sure feels like it is becoming more prevalent in the more current seasons, but maybe it has always been happening and it's just now getting exposed?

    From what I have read, Doug was kind of a recruit (he was a friend of someone who worked on the show), David of Atlanta was a recruit (the guy from second chances) , I'm pretty sure Matt and Keith from last season were recruits.  I know Ryan of Boston was not a recruit.  It would be nice to see if we could come up with a list. 

    • Love 3
  5. 14 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

    I completely agree. And the horseshit is deep apparently - MafsFan is reporting that ALL of the participants except Mindy and Jessica were recruited! I think this explains A LOT about this show........

    This is not good to hear. Does anyone know of the success rate of recruits? 

    4 hours ago, Mlle. Kitty said:

    In the past, they’ve claimed to have something like 20,000 people apply.  At the beginning of this season, I thought I heard them say they had 200 applicants.  Did anyone else catch that?  Seems awfully low, and I imagine females apply in far greater numbers than males...

    The numbers seems to change all the time. The first time they gave the big number like 20k, it was total like over all the seasons. the smaller number you heard was usually what they say they narrowed it down to and then matched from. I thought  they said this year they narrowed it 50 people and matched from that? I turned to my husband and said 1 out of 5 people got picked and matched. 

    My big concern is whatever the final pool group is, 200 or 100 or 50, it seems like these people are picked because they can get the right time off, consent to the rules of filming and the rules of keeping quiet, and seem to be TV types (don;t know how else to word this,, but in 10 seasons we have yet to see an overweight person picked or a less attractive person,) . So basically the experts have a handful of choices to match. It seems like each person might have 2-3 possible matches and the experts just hope they pick the right one and it works. 

    • Love 9
  6. I hope that Katie's ex was just an edit. I thought it could be last week and this week I watched closely. When she was talking about the boyfriend it was a voice over which could have been taped anytime in response to any question. Then they would end with a actualy clip of her talking saying, I am so nervous or so happy which again could have been in response to any question. While I hope the boyfriend issue was  creative edit for Derek and Katie's sake , if it was I dislike how far the show is going now to edit words for drama. 

    Brandon surprised me. Last week I thought he the catch of the bachelor party(as far as his answers )  and this week seemed so awkward and off. It was just a weird change. I thought his vows would have been more thoughtful. Sure you can be nervous at a first dance or first talk but vows you can pre-write and re-write. Him saying something like from the first time I saw you was like he copied someone else's vows? Glad she is patient with him. 

    Jessica saying she wanted a man with dark hair and a beard and not blond hair as the switch over to Austin...now if they had something else in common, both wanted to start a free medical clinic  or both were vegans that want to live in a tiny house but I see nothing in common and now she describes wanting a different physical type.  If the matchmakers really wanted to match her, could they not have at least found her a guy with dark hair? I was happy to see them at least having a laugh after the wedding ceremony. 

    It is always fun to see the weddings but now in the back of my mind as I watch the parents cry and look so hopeful, watching it is likely 1 or more of these couples will not work out.

    I wonder if this is all we will see of the weddings. Kind of missed out on the families meeting there new in laws, the friends giving gossip etc. 

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  7. 3 hours ago, RealReality said:

    That was the first thought that came to my mind and then I felt terrible.  

    I think it's possible that the employees were starting and pointing and Avery sort of made up the dialogue.  

    I also thought it might not be true because she said they no longer have jobs. I can't see Walmart firing an employee in front of Avery or that quickly. I witnessed multiple Walmart employees treat a disabled mom(the mom had stage 4 cancer and was struggling shopping with her child) horrible. Items fell on the poor women and it was just handled badly. I complained to the front end manager and the manager was holding one of my bags. I left the store and never got the bag back so I called the store. They had the bag and  I went back down and the store manager gave me the bag and refunded my entire order (shocked because it was $70). He apoligized over and over and made sure I was okay and I kept saying I was worried about the disabled mom. He said watched the video and was so sorry. It seemed like the whole point was to make sure I and the disabled mom were okay and quiet about it? No employees were fired that night, they were reviewing videos and having a team meeting later that week. If anyone watched the video it would be 100% clear the employees were wrong(safety wise) and just mean,.  I know 2 of the 3 employees still work there today. They did however add an extra employee to the area where the incident happened.  I hope this did not happen to her and I dislike that I am questioning it, but it just seems to "perfect" that they were fired?

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  8. 2 hours ago, Empress1 said:

    What's her title, again? Is it something vague like Jasmine's "assistant director" title?

    It has been shown as Analyst and Category Analyst, which could mean anything from marketing to a tech computer type job? 

    When I was double checking what they had her listed as soap dirt has an interview up with her. Won't say more here because of possible spoilers. 

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  9. 3 hours ago, Empress1 said:


    DC is pretty career-oriented place, I think if for no other reason than it's expensive as hell to live there so you need to be bringing in decent money to function. All of the people on this iteration seemed to have impressive-sounding jobs (I wondered if Taylor's three jobs were due to high student loans - she said she'd been on her own for school), with the possible exception of Brandon's "beer sales."

    Reality shows in the past have liked to twist job titles. I don;t think his beer sales is a bad job. I bet he a rep for a company that goes to stores or restaurants and makes sure products are stocked, new ads put out, new products tried etc. Usually these people have college degrees and the jobs have good benefits and decent pay. My friend's husband was called the soup guy, he worked fro Campbells going from grocery store to grocery store making sure products were displayed, stocked and branded right. It was a cushy job, paid more then teaching or nursing where we lived and was sure a lot less stressful. 

    The guys in computers, you never know what they make, there is such a wide swing of salary. My teenage son has a cyber security degree (he was able to get it while finishing high school) but without years of experience and the right certifications  the salary is low. 90 day finance showed Colt as being a software engineer. He worked for a company with low wages, it is a gaming company, cool job, but low pay. There was a reason he was living with Ma. Of course if you google software engineer you see salaries close to 100k but Colt was making closer to 40k .  While medical researcher sounds like a great title, without a grad degree, it could be lower paying. My friend with a duel degree in Chemistry and Biology working in research at a University makes 35k a year. She is doing it because she wants experience in the field while she applies to grad school but is barely pays off her loans. I think there is a reason Taylor drives for uber and models , her first job is not paying that well. I do appreciate her hussle with 3 jobs. 

    Meka's job title could mean so many things and could mean a wide range of salaries.  I;m sure anyone who is living on their own in the DC area has be be doing pretty well at their job with the cost of living. Do we know if they all lived on their own? I thought at least one female looked like she was living at home or in a basement?  I guess we will find out, and we will find out Maryland vs DC vs Virginia living soon.

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  10. 3 hours ago, qtpye said:

    Funny, I always thought Anthony was one of the homier guys on the show and that the show definitely hooked him up with more attractive woman, at least in terms of the shallow world of looks.

    I remember thinking that about Anthony, plus his teeth were fake and that was her favorite part about him. Ashley had said she had just lost a significant amount of weight before coming on the show. I always felt like she still saw herself as her old self. I am glad they worked out and seem to be the happiest of the couples from this show

    5 hours ago, VagabondDays said:

    Mark my words — I do not think Taylor will be pleased.  I am not getting the genuinely sweet vibe that many of you are getting.  She thinks she deserves Channing Tatum (or whoever you kids think is hot these days) and will be unimpressed with both Brandon’s looks and general life standing.  Making all of this up — just a hunch I have on this pairing.

    I think Taylor is playing up the science girl and really likes her side gig modeling and and attention. She has a bachelors degree in a science field and works in a lab, but that does not mean she is dull, she even said she is not interested in the nerdy guys at work. I went to college with many women who went into science fields and let me tell you some could party with the best of them and then get up at 7am and go to that lab or hospital and be a total professional.  I do give her and her husband a slightly higher chance (maybe she wants fame? and will stay married at least for awhile or maybe I am dead wrong about her) then Austin and Jessica. 

    I just do not see Austin and Jessica working out. I have no clue why they would be a match at all?? She seems to be so mature and put together, she has life experience , a career she has been building for 10 years, she seems like the full package. He reminds me of 90 day fiance Colt! He loves his Mama and listens to Mama and works with computers and his first scenes on MAFS are almost just like Colt's (minus the Cats), he is talking about his mom and has a gaming computer out.  Austin seems like he is 20, in looks and life experience . Jessica just seems light years ahead. Again, why where they matched?

    I just hope Katie's whole story is not the ex and her doubts. Please give her another story. After 10 seasons, I believe an ex could call, seems likely and I;m sure it could make you nervous and think. Lets just hope after the wedding, the story goes another way. I think they will have other hurdles. He seems conservative? is his family religious? I was confused at his family dinner. Did he say his mom was a devout Catholic living in South america? and his sisters or the females at the table were so quiet? and he has little dating experience and Katie seemed to have plenty. 

    I also and hoping Meka and Michael are not Jasmine and Will 2.0. Why do the experts love ambition so much? Most of the success stories are from couples seeking average middle class type lives? Danielle and Bobby, Ashley and Anthony., Jepethe and Shawnice, Keith and Kristine all seem to want the suburan house and kids dream and work "regular" jobs, teachers, manager, sales, hairdresser, realtor etc. AJ and Steph seem to be the most driven but they were older and in established higher paying jobs. Ambition seems to be a relationship killer on this show and it was mentioned with 7 of the 10 people they picked as one of their biggest assets. 

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  11. When Marcus first arrived and said this is an awesome location . it is right by this major road, my husband and I thought that was a weird comment. Marcus was very focused on buying the land back. Maybe I am way off but based on some of his past investing in businesses only to merge them or buy them out, I think he might have wanted the land next to the busy road for camping world?

    Sometimes I wonder if Marcus makes up his excitement for a business or he really does not do a lot of research and really thought this place was cool and different? Las Vegas is the closest major city to where I live.  If I want to go to a traders Joe's, hobby lobby, or my kids want to roller skate or see many movies we have to go to Vegas. The one thing my city does have is almost the same fun center as this Mini Grand Prix. We have a place with the same go karts and a few outdoor rides and the indoor arcade and pizza. In fact my kids said it looks the same inside as ours city one does. So either Marcus makes the excitement, or he really thinks go karts are cool and special or he wanted that land?

    This episode had another trip to Chicago, Why? and a trip to CA for one of Marcus business to design shirts. There was not one place in Vegas to design shirts? I know he wants to keep the businesses all buying from his other businesses but paying for a trip to CA (lets say it was a $2k to travel there) , how many tee shirts is the fun center going to sell to make up for that cost? I know when I go to those places after paying for rides and games and maybe food the last thing I want to buy is a $20 shirt. 

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  12. On 12/11/2019 at 6:19 PM, Amarsir said:

    His comments at the end indicated that the Ramp visit was actually a couple years ago. So it might have predated those other investments.

    Given that it was obvious from the episode structure that there would be no investments, I enjoyed the episode for what it was.

    I think both were taped awhile ago. The Ramp one was for sure several years ago. I live in Utah and I had seen an article that Marcus visited a business for his show and I waited and waited and it never aired. I guess they decided to air it years later. I'm sure they could have made a full episode out of it, even if it was a non investment (they used to have non investment full episodes) because they could have gone into the man who gave the 6 Million more, what his original business was that made huge money, why they picked such an expensive place to build a shop in Utah and maybe looked at other cities or options? Remember Squatty potty from shark tank they moved their business from Southern Utah which is expensive for land to Logan which much cheaper. Utah because of tourism or BLM ownership has crazy differences in land prices, where I live it would be $500k an acre but go 45 minutes north and you can get $5k an acre.  I bet the Ramp did not have any drama and they could not find a way to edit drama so they dropped it. It seems like Marcus at least this season is backing away from the big fights and drama so maybe this footage works with the new direction? I can only hope because I am so sick of fake or overplayed drama on reality shows when there most likely could be a decent story. 

    I also think the hat box was taped earlier because of his clothing and hairstyle. he was wearing his Detroit Denim but not the broken heart sweater, he was wearing his old style sweater. He also used to do his hair different. Even the talking heads had his old style so maybe the whole episode was taped years ago. I wonder with this old episode and the different style, what will come of the show. CNBC seems to have given up on so many originals. I assume they are looking for another long term show like the Profit. I would have liked to see more of The Deed Chicago (the lower end homes) and Adventure Captialist or at least an update show. I would also like to see more of the interview (fake or not it was fun watch). What ever happened to the Billionaire Buyer and Restaurant Startup(I heard investment issues?) , they just disappeared? 

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  13. There sure was a difference with Angela and her grandkids and Micheal and his nieces and nephews. Angela in a Leopard print ill fitting tank dress standing outside spraying her grandkids with a hose on a tarp. Then you see Micheal with all his nieces and nephews sitting around him playing a game that requires thought and math and then playing a ring a around the rosy type game. 

    My guess is while Micheal waits to get his work papers, Angela will have him at home babysitting and caring for mom. The oldest kid will be Angela's spy to make sure Michael stays off social media. Then Michael will get his work permit and Angela will have him become a home health aide and work with her. 

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  14. On 12/6/2019 at 5:15 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Wasn't the partner show to find someone who will manage some of the businesses?    And Marcus hired at least one of the eliminated competitors to work for him also. 

    The Partner Juli, still seems to be working for Marcus. I will give him credit for not giving out a fake job or just a one year internship like some other shows. She is a VP of product development in LA. She also had 2 babies since 2017 and seems to be loving being a mom but I can;t see her by her job description or current lifestyle . travelling around to all these different businesses. I also wonder if Marcus would give her that much control? 

    He did not need a partner, He needed an assistant? I high paid one and a trusted one that would travel and access the business the same way Marcus would and bring him feedback so Marcus would make a decision. 

  15. On 12/3/2019 at 5:11 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    This used to be one of my favorite shows, especially after episodes like Sweet Pete's, and Key Lime.         I used to record this, and watch it every week, but not now.   Now I don't even remember it's on usually.

    On 12/3/2019 at 9:35 PM, Moose135 said:

    I still watch, but I've been losing interest lately. The past two episodes I barely paid attention to, and didn't really care enough to figure out what they were all about.

    I think the issue is that Marcus has too many businesses he invested in. He has said in interviews he is going to have to sell some off. Some he has already merged. He can;t be 100% in charge to 50+ business and run camping world. He also I don;t think wants to be seen as the bad guy that comes into family run business and buys it out and combines it with other companies dissolving the brand. 

    I think that is why this season we are seeing feel good , helping them out episodes not I am taking over and investing. It is not the same show. Plus most of the episodes in the last year were looks back over previous shows. The issue I had with those was he and Amber the producer told their side and the business did not get to respond or have a filmed update. It kind of felt a bit bullyish to me. 

  16. On 12/4/2019 at 2:01 PM, Gregg247 said:

    I was wondering yesterday why, after all of these episodes, none of Marcus' investments have been a home run like they often have on "Shark Tank".  You'd think that after 60+ episodes, at least one of them would be a massive success (goodness only knows how many complete money pits we've seen here!).

    Marcus' investments have been better for him then the business owners. This is the difference between shark tank and his show. Marcus took a bunch of the fashion related businesses he helped (or bought) and ended up making them into one brand Marcus L fashion (or something like that). The store he had them test their cookies in is his flagship fashion store. When you look back you wonder why he invested in a tee shirt company or a small boutique, but he was building up a brand for himself. Not sure what happened to the small business owners, if they get a so much per sale or a one time buy out? Shark tank people come in wanting to build their own company or brand, Marcus objective is to build his brand. 

    On 12/4/2019 at 8:05 AM, mojito said:

    I was expecting Marcus to land Nina in some fabulous fashion job in the end. I'm glad her dedication to her mother and her newly-sparked interest in the company's growth will keep her in the biz.

    That is the first thing I thought of when she said she had a fashion background. I wondered is he opening a new Marcus fashion store in GA and wants her to head his store. She fit his type of store manager he has at other locations. 

    After seeing Marcus' Chicago clothing store on this episode , I think this is what he really wanted all along. I don;t think he loves RV's but it was a market that was untapped as a national brand. It made him money to do what he loves which seems to be fashion. I still have wondered about his marriage(s). He was married for about 15 years to his first wife but did not live with her( and according to his court testimony they only seem to see each other at social events?)  and met his second wife who is about 30 years older then him while married to his first wife.  His second wife had a career in fashion. I wish he would give an interview with his wife. If they fell in love because of a fashion connection and he did not mind the age difference I would like to hear their love story. Marrying someone with that old means he will likely never have his own kids. He has been so open about his growing up, his struggles in life but very private about this latest marriage. His wife was at the NY premiere but was not on camera (she posted pictures on social media with A-Rod and Marcus). 

    I did like this episode best but I am starting to watch more and wonder why is he choosing these businesses. Nothing special about the cookies, they were softer? There is a nice family stand in my mall selling macroons , taste good, lower priced, same cool colors, so why this family? 

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  17. I  was just watching Blake on an IG live. I had wondered about that lack of emotion during her meeting.  He said she had a long flight and then TLC said they were not allowed to film her arriving at LAX. So TLc picked her up and arranged for the filming to be at Burbank airport. So she had been traveling for a whole day , then has to spend hours with some producer setting up the meeting at Burbank (she did not get to see Blake or her sister during this time, and they were stuck driving around the city waiting for the airport meeting to be ready). This might explain the emotions during the first meeting. Even if it does not, it is interesting how TLC stages the meetings. I know plenty of the airport meeting Juilina this year and Larissa and Colt, the airports seemed empty where they meet. I have been in Vegas international airport terminal so many times and it is never empty so I bet they have staged before. 

    Someone mention Aseluo and I was not sure if it was because of his dance they could not film at LAX or his dance was at Burbank airport? 

    Jasmine was in the live and seemed happy and joking around. I hope she is not using him. I always enjoy hearing the little tibits about filming and how real reality TV is. I have seen a few shows filmed and they were far from reality. 

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  18. 5 hours ago, Christina said:

    Steven and Olga have been traveling and he is saying he is a photographer now. This post is him saying they are moving to Washington State. Like Annie, I hope Olga's life works out well for her, but cannot give any damn for David or Steven.

    Let's see if they join the "We want an RV to travel the world and videotape our travels club."

    Why Seattle? He complained  about Maryland being expensive, Seattle is way more expensive. I hope he has some money saved, because try applying for a decent priced apartment in Seattle and put down free lance photographer for 1 month as job and see if you get the place!

    It is great when young people are willing to move and not stay in the same place that might be a comfort zone, but why not go where jobs are? There are so many jobs where I am in Southern Utah, any able bodied person (even felon Paul) can get a decent job. There are plenty of national parks and beauty to photograph and Vegas is close for city life. 

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  19. It seemed weird to me that he made her jump through all these hoops for a much smaller investment then he gave to other business that were more disorganized and had even less creative items like tee shirts or boutiques. 

    So she was a housewife that made a skinny product and had a picture of a women in a red dress on the label. I am surprised Bethany had not tried to sue her, or buy her out. 

    I think the whole investment was a set up. At the end she had a friend at Marcus' presentation pitch demo and that friend who has known her for years suddenly wanted to invest in her brand? 

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  20. Jon was on Dr. Oz today. The two facts that stuck in my mind was Job said that TLC was making $186 million a quarter off of the show. That is why TLC spent so much on lawyers trying to get Jon to keep filming. I would have never guessed 1 show would have made that much. No wonder TLC never cancels shows like the Duggars or Roloffs. 

    I was sad when he described how it was to see Colin again. After seeing the escape note, I would have pictured a happy reunion. Jon said Colin had gained 75 lbs because of some medication (It began with a Th but I will botch the spelling) and Colin was sedated and that he and Colin went through therapy to be reunited. 

    I was glad to hear that Jon has a full time IT job at a hospital now and his girlfriend is a mental health nurse practioner so they should be able to have a solid middle class life for the 2 kids he has custody of. 

    • Love 12
  21. The milkshakes reminded me of Serendipity NYC. I remember going yo NYC as a kid and getting one of those giant shakes one time. for my 13th birthday. It was just as much for the ice cream as saying where you went? I wanted to take my daughter for her 13th birthday but we are not near NYC. I Heard that there was a second Serendipity in Vegas. It was not the same, sure the shakes looked similar but being in a casino was not the same. I think these type over the top food experience should not be franchised. 

    The shoe thing clip decorations used to be sold at gymboree. Gymboree would have the tulip or whale line and you could buy every accessory you could imagine including clips to add to shoes or hair bows to match. I was thinking with such an incredible backstory and education, the business owner would have had some great new idea. 

    SI still am enjoying shark tank. After this season of the profit, I feel like the sharks do invest and try to help the ones they like and do not try to take over the businesses they invest ib, 

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  22. I remember him from shark tank and he also did a pitch Kevin Harrington youtube episode (which was also trying to promote Kevin having an pitch me app). So why would Marcus want a guy that the shark and Kevin Harrington said no to? Doesn't Marcus have 1,000 of applications to choose from and he gives this guy a 3rd chance? I think his producer wanted a shock or entertainment value not a real investment episode. 

    I think Marcus has too many businesses to handle (and isn't camping world going through some issues?).  Marcus had the apprentice/partner season so if he does not want 15 new businesses to invest in , why not do a competition type season with 10-12 business trying to get Marcus to invest and then he picks one at the end. 

    I guess I have to remember Marcus is not like a shark tank investor. On shark tank you see success stories come back and their business has grown and they feel even though they gave away like 20-30-40% it is still their business. Most cases they are allowed to have ownership in future locations or expansions.  How many business has Marcus invested in that owners still have a majority share or are still under the same name? Marcus seems to either like to invest and then merge businesses (like all the clothing and accessory companies he turned into Marcus L Fashion label) or the company retain the first location but Marcus owns 100% of all the new locations or franchises. 

    The second episode: The Profit an inside look, is starting to feel a little bullying? I love follow up episodes but why not get some interviews with the company they are doing the episode on? Or at least let the company they are talking about have the chance to give a statement. Last night it was Marcus, Amber and the skateboarding guy bashing the longboard company. There was no update like the company is still opened, making more or less money, making new boards, it seemed like just bashing? ......I just goggled Kota longboards and the first thing that comes up on their website is 20 companies say their is a dark side to Marcus. So I guess we know why they did not get a chance to talk during the followup.

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