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Posts posted by silverspoons

  1. I wondered why she was wanting to be a personal trainer so badly, got my answer, when she said she is quitting Big girl dance class. She has to have a "job" title to tell her parents and her fans that she has a real job and is not just living off of her show, selling stuff, sponsoring cruises etc. So she goes from dance teacher to personal trainer. 

    Did anyone notice how Chase did not seem to care at all as Whitney shoveled in the bacon and talked about her parents. Chase was looking like why at 35 are you so worried about your mom and dad? This is going to be an issue. She is used to her old friends really liking and caring about her parents because they have known them for 20 or more years. The new bros do not care about your dad's job or your mom being alone.

    How long have they been dating? They went from first date to her talking about babies in what 2-3 weeks?

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  2. Im glad the show is back but I was hoping they would make a few changes. The biggest change I wish they had made was no quick eliminations. I thought the old show criticism was people would lose weight too fast and dangerous because it was a competition, they wanted to stay longer, they wanted the money etc. I was hoping this show would be a little more focused on how they lose the weight and realistic ways. We see saw big numbers dropped, the guy with the lowest went home week one. He got a 1 year gym membership and sent back tot he real world (did he really learn enough in 1 week?). 

    I kind of wish they did weekly weigh ins but had the first elimination after maybe 4 weeks. It would give people a full month to lose weight and get their own system down and then the first person out would at least get a month on campus.

    The show certainly is needed. I know many people who watch and so many seem to want to gain inspiration or tips or something from the show they can use in real life but is there anything to be learned? I live where they opened a biggest loser ranch for awhile . People spent massive amounts of money to come to the ranch and it was not that great, I think there were a few former contestants that would visit but the staff was no world class staff and the place was more like a prison. Right down the road was another weight loss spa, 5 star place that movie stars go to, I know Oprah has been there, and it cost less then the biggest loser ranch and had wold class staff and incredible rooms to stay in. People still went to the biggest loser place for the name, they really thought they were going to lose 100+ lbs fast because of the show. The show is obviously very powerful so I kind of wish that it came back with a slightly different approach. I will keep watching to see if there is anything different but it sure seems like the same show.

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  3. I guess Tania by keeping herself good or bad out front and center on social media got herself another season. I know TLC likes trainwrecks and happy mix on happily ever after. I would rather see the Colt and Larissa train wreck because they were headed for divorce, they were not faking it was over or fights. Or Azan dodging marrying Nicole. 

    I guess Tania might make enough off TLC to buy that van and sell the soap and necklaces out of it while having a baby. 

    Kind of makes me sick when people get rewarded for doing nothing. 

    • Love 15
  4. It was a weird? episode to watch. The couples seem to be together more then usual on the honeymoon and we had 2 very happy couples, one in between couple and 2 struggling couples on day 3-4. I almost feel like if they are going to have 5 couples that if 2 couples are struggling they should be mostly off camera. They should be talking to experts and working on basics without the camera around. Then let us see the happy Katie and Derrick and Jess and Austin and then the stressful pairing of Brandon and Taylor (but at least they have their happy moments). 

    If Brandon is having a hard time with the camera, the show should let him talk to a past contestant like AJ. AJ was clear he did not like filming but he and Steph found a way to deal with it and be successful. The show needs to use its resources and help these couples. I know they like drama for TV but I felt a little bad watching because these are people's lives. All I could think of was this episode of the old TV show Step by Step when Dana goes to take a test to see what career she should consider. She is shocked to find out it is prison guard and goes to question the expert that graded her test and finds out all the expert do is use a dartboard to choose the career and there is no testing. I kind of feel like these matches were paired with a dartboard? because I see no real reasons for any of the matches beyond , want to be married, love kids, sense of humor, just vague broad terms,

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  5. Has anyone watched without a crystal ball (Katie Joy) you tube videos about the break up. Katie usually has factual quick recaps of some reality TV and some related topics like Duggars and religion. She reached out to Tiffany and Ronald and they responded to her and kind of got her in the middle of their fight. Tiffany sent many messages and pictures to Katie trying to show Ronald was lying. Katie seems to believe Ronald lied to her and to Tiffany. 

    Tiffany sure made some poor choices marrying him so fast and having another child. I hope she can move on and make better choices. Her son seemed so sweet and deserves the family unit he wants so badly. 

    • Love 3
  6. 22 hours ago, RealReality said:

    I don't understand attending college, attaining an education and undergoing expensive cosmetic procedures so you can stay at home all day drinking tea and not working.  I understand that stay at home moms often have a college degree and decide to stay home, but Jasmine has zero children.  

    If you know you're a lazy ass, don't waste time and space in college. 

    Living in Utah I know many women with college degrees that never worked outside the home a day in their life and while Jasmine level plastic surgery is not common, breast jobs and minor face procedures are. I don't think anyone should not get an education because you never know when you might change your mind and need it or want it and it is way harder to get later in life. The only time I have ever been a bit upset is with women who take up limited seats in medical school and never practice or work at all. I know 2 women in Utah who took a seat at the medical school , finish , even finished their residency and then never work a day as a doctor. One even finished a residency at one of the hardest hospitals to get a spot at (so 100's of other doctors got turned down for training that only could be gotten at a handful of hospitals for a very special type of surgery) . It gets me upset only because the wait to get a doctor in my area of Utah can be months, sometimes years due to a shortage of people willing to live here yet I have 2 doctor neighbors that took a spot , said they would practice in the state and never did. 

    I do wonder if Blake is looking for a wife to stay at home? His first wife is a lawyer and maybe he did not like a women with a challenging career. I kind of doubt Jasmine will do nothing, I bet she teaches a yoga class, or some kids gymnastics but probably hopes to get some modeling type job so wants to leave her schedule open?

    • Love 2
  7. I went back to watch the old episodes on my DVR to find out the show's time frame for Mursel leaving. 

    The last episode second week of Jan that Mursel and Anna  were crying and he left, TLC just had 2 days to departure , then 1 day til departure and did not list the day it was (like 30 days to wed). 

    I went back to the episode before he left  and it said 20 days to wed as Mursel was crying at Anna's house. 

    So my guess if he actually went back to Turkey??, it would have been for less then 2 weeks, about 12 days. Between the days he was at the hotel, the travel time on both times , and assuming Anna is telling the truth that they will have 1 day when he arrives to marry, it would mean about 10-14 days are in question. 

    I do not think he went back to Turkey but if he did I wonder if he used some excuse like his family had an emergency or illness and he needed to go home and they let him? 

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  8. 1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    I agree, however I think Joey might regret it later.  I can't imagine fostering a relationship with my kids where there is resentment and anger but Anna did that quite nicely.  It was like I was talking to the screen: "So you want to alienate your children, manipulate their emotions and foster bad feelings?  Just keep doing what you are doing!!"  

    Are weddings (I assume Anna is not having some strict religious or grand ceremony) that important anymore to attend? I am surprised at how many people I know that have only been to 2-3 weddings in their life. My husband's father died and his mother remarried kind of fast. My husband was 18 and did not attend. He does not regret it. He still visited his mom and step dad , we bought them Christmas and birthday gifts, they attended school events when they could when we had kids. His step dad seemed like a decent guy when I got to know him but at the time of the marriage is was very stressful situation with blending the family and it might have been right choice he made  to step back and let things settle down. 

    Again I think we are missing something with the kids and Mursel. It seems like every conversation Anna has with Joey is about the band practice (or previously why Mursel won't tell his family) so either they are cutting parts out or maybe they have little to talk about or maybe Joey is more independent (like working a job, sports, applying to college, stuff we are not seeing) and he has one foot out the door. 

    • Love 4
  9. I came here hoping there would be a time line of when he left. I guess I am going to check the DVR later and rewatch the crying episode. I want to know what day he supposedly left Omaha, like was it 20 days left to wed or 30 days left to wed? As someone that tried to help my mom who got very ill with a visa issue for someone who had l just left the country and had a 6 month visa and did not use even half of the time and was denied letting that person come back until a waiting period was met (which was over a month) , this whole reissue with 6 hours left seems off to me, 

    I also see conflicting statements from the kids. I think we missed something? It seems like the younger to kids like him or kind of miss him. Leads me to believe that there were some fun things they did like family outings or play games that we missed. I kind of feel like Mursel would have stayed up playing video games with the kids while Anna slept and then she got up for work (she has a regular 9-5 job besides bee keeping). 

    If the whole we have to get married in 6 hours is true, Anna should not force her kids to go. Again if he really left and she is just giving them this news, she should give it some time. If she wants to marry him in 6 hours, get a justice of the peace to marry you are baggage claim. Then she could plan a nice simple ceremony a few months later after the kids had time to adjust and accept (or not accept) the situation. 


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  10. 2 hours ago, Ohwell said:

    But I thought they got married at the Westin Hotel in Georgetown.

    I don't think it matters where you were married, it is where you lived when you file for divorce/annulment. I was married in MA at the college I went to but went to live in another state after my honeymoon. When I got divorced I had to file in the state I was living in.  Just like people who marry in Vegas, then they divorce in their home state and their home state rules is what is used for child support , alimony etc. 

    Do we know where they lived? I heard they lived in an apartment complex all together? Was it in VA or Maryland? I wonder if the temporary apartment would even be home? or their  apartment they lived in before would be called home? I would actually think their home they had before would be where they would file. For health insurance, taxes, I bet they are still legal residents of the state they started with. So do we know if Micheal and Brandon lived in Virginia? 

    It will be interesting to see if they get an annulment since I don't believe anyone has before, even Virgin Iris got a divorce. I always thought some pre-nup type legal paperwork stopped them from being able to get one? Annulments seem hard to get. Proving fraud is hard and likely longer and more expensive then a divorce. If anyone watched 90 day fiance Danielle tried to get an annulment for fraud with Mohamed and after over a year it was so expensive and hard to prove she opted for a divorce (though many people thought she had clear evidence of fraud). 

    • Love 5
  11. 7 hours ago, Koalagirl said:

    Michael:  “I’ve got a lifetime to engage in coitus.”

    Who the heck talks like that?!

    I see others already had my instant thought of Sheldon Cooper as well. Michael walking off and leaving, he had to be right and go pout, reminded a bit of Sheldon as well. Also he was wearing his headphones when everyone else was talking and he seemed to be blocking everyone else out? I guess Michael's family warnings were true that he has trouble communicating and shutting down.

    7 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

    Oh interesting. The other couples think Meka and Michael are not a good match. And here we go, they are fighting about sex already. And he gave her an ultimatum. Not good. 

    Where are the experts. After the whole Kate/Luke comments and issues and her holding it in and waiting for weeks to tell Dr. Pepper, you would think the show would make sure they had an expert (of some sort, even a local therapist) on call for these situations. I hope we see at least a Skype call with the experts next week with Meka and Michael. 


    Last week I was happy we did not see Mindy standing alone as the called for a father daughter dance. Then on unfiltered the bonus footage we see is Mindy standing on the dance floor alone as the DJ asks for the father of the bride. Why does the show do this? I know the weddings are planned fast but wedding DJ;s usually have few basic questions, first dance songs, type of  music and they ask about special dances wanted daddy/daughter or money dance etc. A DJ would not call for a father if he was not there (what if the father was dead?) , the show put Mindy through the sadness for no reason. Then 24 hours later she hears her husband isn;t into her. Her and Meka should get a suite together and enjoy the free trip and go home and back to their lives. I do not see it ending well for either of them

    I would like to know if they had a daddy daughter dance called for Meka or Taylor who did not have a dad there? or just Mindy?

    • Love 24
  12. Tania and Sygin have said they want freebies from the show. I think they are playing Jay and Ashley with us. They post together and then seem to possibly self spread rumors that their are problems f to get more people talking about them. I think they are together and trying hard to get the most out of their 15 minutes of fame. Do I think they have fights, yes, do I think they ever broke up, No. 

    I just hope we do not see them on another season. Hopefully Tania fades like Lieda into the real world, working a job and no more show. 

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  13. Does Buddy not have anyone else in his life? His parents or brother, someone needs to tell him to leave Whitney. Whitney tells him he has to move out and then is laying on him a few days later saying she is going to be so lonely in the her new 3 bedroom so far away. Then Buddy visits because you would think the only Improv class is in Charlotte? I did a google search seems to be Improv classes all over NC and some in Greensboro so why does he need to take them in Charlotte ? Then Buddy is at the new house with Whitney hanging all over him and Chase comes in and she jumps off of Buddy and tells Buddy she and Chase are official. I am not Buddy fan but it is not fair to a guy in recovery to be used when Whitney is lonely and tossed aside when Chase comes back around.  Would jealous Chase approve of Whitney all over Buddy?


    Does Chase have a job and what is it?  He was not able to be at Whitney's big competition because of work? It was surprising that none of the Original gang was there either. 

    I just can't believe Chase and her are really in a serious relationship. It seems so acted? Maybe it is recreated because filming missed it? It just seems like Whitney only films supposedly a few days a month. We happen to catch the first meeting, the hammock, the first date and kiss, the minute he asks to go steady. It seems like a script not reality. My daughter came in and asked what happened to Ari and I could not even remember how that got resolved and then she asked about Lenny after the painting and I could not remember except Whitney driving by his house and he was not answering how that ended. I hope this is not another long drawn out story with no ending, maybe even 2 seasons for this one given some spoilers. 

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  14. I'm not sure why this episode was on the profit. I read an article where Marcus said he wants to change the direction of the show to episodes like this. If he does then he needs to make another whole show and pitch it and cancel the profit or just do follows ups. 

    On top of the show not being an investment type episode, is it wise to tell people to keep investing in a town that has had many major floods over the past 30 years? I lived in a subdivision that was wiped out by a flood in 2005 (it was in the desert and it never rained, I had just moved there and had no idea you could have a major lose you home flood without rain, one day I woke up and there was a raging river outside my door when there had been no water there before ever). I loved that home and subdivision and even though it was a freak 500 year event, they did not rebuild. The areas that lost homes which was 6 areas along the water's paths all turned into green space, wash areas, and were not rebuilt. There are many ghost towns in the desert that were abandon because of floods and not all 100 years ago. I remember on the way home from a school event we drove off the freeway by Provo Utah and there was a town lost in a flood in the 1980's to walk through and not rebuilt. 

    I loved that neighborhood that I lived in that was lost to the flood but I understand why it was not smart to rebuild. Marcus seemed to want a Key West of the Midwest and thought Grafton was it? While I am sure it looked like a cute small town with charm and nice people, I can't see him saying if he bought a property it would make other investors come. Why would investors want to come where they can;t buy flood insurance and possibly lose their investment. 

    Marcus saving Grafton was like a bad version of the show Robert from Shark tank had, where he went into a small town in Indiana with a failing main street and help bring business back and people to want to visit the town again. Robert's show (it is on hulu, can;t remember the name) was way more sound in showing investors why they should come and save small towns and how it could be a wise decision. Marcus seemed like he wanted to be the solo hero? and did not do his research? 

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  15. @Christina , Does she deserve another season? If they do not get married this season (which looks doubtful) then she did not deserve this season. I think she should have been on before the 90 days and then when and if they ever got married they should have gotten a second season. Not all these visit and complain seasons. I personally would like to see a season or special with Michael finally coming to the US. The guy has wanted to come here so badly and I want to know after 3 years? or however long it takes, will he think he is worth it and what he thinks of his new life in the US. I could have done with the 3-4 seasons we have had with Angela waiting for the visa.  There are a few moments like seeing the store with the microwave or the engagement ceremony that are interesting (just to see another culture) but most of what Angela does in Nigeria is very "American", the Lagos Travel lodge is very modern, the bars and places she eats at seem like they have American food and speak English. 

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  16. On 1/17/2020 at 10:30 AM, Neurochick said:

    "Auntie" seems like one of those people who are just a little too happy to say bad things about others.

    A lot of the suggestion that "all these brothers are gay" has something to do with folks who think that we black women are SO undesirable that the only man who'd want us would be a gay man "undercover."  Maybe Auntie is on to something, but I don't like her.


    On 1/17/2020 at 10:00 AM, Ohwell said:

    And that's the crux of the matter.  Could just be a jealous ex girlfriend spouting off.  "Auntie" wants to get paid to run her mouth, just like the rest of these internet gossip people.  I don't blame her for wanting to make the money, but that doesn't mean I believe her.  We'll just have to wait and see how things play out. 

    I am some who has watched Auntie for years. She used to cover Big brother and then had some 90 day interviews that interested me. She can be loud and some do not like her style but she gives her you tube money to charity or back to followers in need so she does not seem like she is in it for money. Every month she goes over the money and sometimes she pre picks a charity or local need, like she gave Thanksgiving to 100 families in DC, or at Christmas she sent gifts to people who are caregivers to aging parents or sick family members. She has a full time career and her you tube was started as her only child went off to college(that is the daughter who is now in law school) and she is not married  and she wanted to create a community to chat with about her favorite shows. 

    It seems like people from these shows trust her for some reason. She used to have live call in nights and 90 day cast would call in and talk to her. She actually backed away for months because it became so overwhelming with 90 cast trying to have her solve their issues and she had full professional job and the cast was bothering her at it.  If you watch her Auntie's advice channel for women, you see the real Auntie. She is more soft spoken , is doing some DIY, or cooking and telling stories from the heart. 

    My husband wakes up every time I turn her on and she yells It's Auntie...I wish sometimes she was a little less loud but I believe what she says. She has always double checked and verified in the past sources and ID's of people. 

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  17. I like the show, thought the twist at the end was unexpected and good. I was however bothered by the bird story line. We are a bird family. I know most people like dogs and cats but there are plenty of us bird lovers. We have a bird that bonded to me (after its mate died) and that bird watches Tv with me, he loves big brother and asks for Taran podcast every morning! So my daughter was upset seeing the bird in such a small cage ( we hoped the bird was not real) and she did not want to watch the episode and Im glad she did not. The bird just dying and no one really caring hurt as a bird lover. I know it is just a show but these larger birds have such personalities , talk so well and are like family members. 

    • Love 4
  18. 1 hour ago, mamadrama said:

    Yep, EDS. I have VEDS, but I also have hypermobility issues.

    I have VEDS too my doctor calls it EDS 4. They say it is 1 in 250,000 people (I kind of think it is more common then they think sadly). Sending you a private message about it. 

  19. 11 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

    As someone with a connective tissue disorder that causes chronic dislocations, including rib poppings every month, I don't buy it.

    EDS? I have EDS 4 and my daughter has it as well and is struggling with handling dislocations right now since she wants to forget she has the condition and be #1 at everything in high school.  I can pop almost anything back (hips are hard for me right now) myself but that is with years of medical care and practice. I also know and try to avoid things that will cause dislocations. We have be meeting with one of the best PT teams in our state about how to handle dislocations and getting knowledge to help teachers understand it. Whitney's story last night did not add up. Now I only know about EDS dislocations but I assume protocol is close and walking on her back? for a rib? just made no sense. I am taking my daughter at 4 to PT with a doctor not just a PT and I am going to ask about ribs. 


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  20. Can someone explain why there were no large guys at the large guys dance class? It seemed like maybe some of the guys were there for Todd? or just pulled off the street? Why even add that scene in?

    I think the writing has gotten a little sloppy this season (I think we all know parts of the show are scripted). 

    Whitney father is away on business. He is still working at a CEO type level and traveling. I would think he would have some sort of plan in place after his wife had a stroke and seizures. Didn't her brother move back home for awhile? I also think Glenn would be thrilled if both of his kids moved away and had independent lives and he and his wife had to take care of themselves. Whitney brought over a cheap version of life alert. I can;t imagine Glenn does not have some sort of home security/alert system set up already. 

    Whitney was really snippy, more then in the past with her parents about her new rental. She made some loud sighs and what evers after her dad was explaining 3 payments. I would guess that one bedroom was some airbnb type short term rental? I do not understand why she would want the town house? She has a bunch of pets and friends coming over all the time. Where will they all park, and who would not to share a wall with her when her friends are up all night being loud. 

    I have not read any spoilers but I would doubt she would ever sell her home. I can see why her dad would not want her to. How much did he spend to make the garage a dance studio? I would think it would be hard to sell the house without a garage, maybe even harder to rent ? 

    I dislike how she keeps saying she is broke. She has many streams of income. Then we see her spend a few thousand on her cat (cat surgery, follow ups and meds are not cheap), She lives in a low cost of income state. Her mortgage is what it costs to rent a room in many cities. 



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  21. 8 hours ago, RealReality said:

    Yes! This is exactly what he thinks!  As evidenced by the fact that he mentioned wanting a potential viewer/fan to give him a free camper van or gift he and Tania some land in the NYT articles.   

    Because why should he be bothered to work for things?  Someone should literally be handing out stuff to two able bodied adults in their thirties.  

    Tania and Syngin are nothing more than mooching grifters and Tanias mother is going to have to evict them from that shed or put a padlock on her refrigerator. 

    I think of that article a lot. It also mentioned them having a fight in the car on the way back to CT and deciding to turn the camera on and film it (to make good TV). I wonder if that was the fight we just saw?

    Since it has also been shown that she had some sort of go fund me type thing to pay for her trip to become a witch doctor, I bet she thought the show would bring them lots of free stuff. It seems like the only people making any money off 90 day fame are working hard for it. Love or Hate David and Annie, David worked hard to change his image and become friends with fans, produce low cost fun cameos, do free meet and greets etc. Anfsia seems to be doing great on youtube but that again took work. It seems like a few of the couples, that have babies get fan gifts but it is not a van or land. It is baby stuff or maybe a small gesture like bath bombs for the new mom. 

    I don;t know where Tania is going to find a man that would pay all the bills, let her do whatever she wants, have kids with(and then I assume be a parent only when she wants) and have the bad attitude? I live in an upper middle class area of Utah and there are women I know that do not work, husband's let them spend as they want, nice house, nice car, girls weekends, BUT they are nice women (or at least act nice). They are nice to the husband's co-workers, they make cute gifts for neighbors, and I would guess many stay married because they are nice to their spouses. I don;t see any situation Tania gets what she says she wants. I just hope they don;t have kids unless she changes. 

    • Love 7
  22. 6 minutes ago, RealReality said:

    I agree.  Syngin can make all the money at his steady job and Tania gets to go around telling people that she is a "doctor" and not something as mundane, repressive and common as a stay at home wife.  

    She makes one or two appointments a year to keep up her fantasy that her hobby side hustle is a real career. 


    I hear viewers say that the men on the show sometimes are using the women, like this year , I hear people say Robert is using Anny to be a mom to his son and clean his house. I think Sygin is the one being used. Watch out if Tania gets pregnant, he will be working and taking care of the kids if she needs more training or a mom's weekend. Anny at least has said she has been doing people's hair will Bryson is at school and making her own money. I don;t think she is the doormat people think. Sygin is the doormat. at Tania's beckon  call.

    I wonder why he is here? He does not seem like he loves America(like the day to day living). Maybe it is a dream Tania sold him that he can be anything he wants to be here and in South Africa he had been trapped working in the mines? I hope Tania is explaining to him the training, costs and time it takes to get all these jobs he has been dreaming about. it is not just as easy as saying I want to be a fireman, it can take years of waiting or being a volunteer  to get a full time paid position. The carpenter job she brings up, to be a journeyman or union (Tania loves unions) carpenter takes years of training. My husband is a repairman he went to trade school and college and then "paid his dues" working for someone before being able to start his business. It is not as easy as taking a course in woodworking. It is a start while he waits for his green card, but far from a job that will pay for a home in CT with lots of land and health coverage to pay for the babies she wants. 

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