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Posts posted by silverspoons

  1. 4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Claire wants an all girls alliance, which...doesn't bode well from her. As we've seen, whoever starts the All Girls Alliance goes very early.

    So, unfortunate likely scenario: Claire tries to form an all women's alliance with some of the women. One of them (probably Britini, potentially Sarah or Azah) rat her out to the guys, who vote her out ASAP. 


    Why do people count out Hannah in the all girls alliance. Maybe it is because my daughter just applied to top STEM programs/IVY/T20 last year that I see Claire and Hannah  as the most similar. UChiago (Hannah) was the most selective T20 college last year, UMich (Claire) was usually the backup choice of many but still a top school in CS. Hannah going to UChicago at 16 and in STEM means she has to be incredibly smart. I honestly did not know how hard it was to get into UChicago until I started seeing people whio got into to Ivy league sad that got rejected from UChiacgo CS with 1600/36 4.0 and stacks of awards. 

    Maybe it is because Hannah looks young? and is young. 

  2. On 6/26/2021 at 3:37 PM, ethalfrida said:

    Anyone watching the follow-ups?

    I am. I was impressed with Dr. Proctor taking George to the game and the box seats. It was a nice moment. 


    I just  watched Jennifer's story. Such a sad ending.


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  3. I have been trying to figure out if there are any duos and trying to find out more on some houseguests. 

    Alyssa has met Jess (19) in person and I think she will play a similiar game to hers. I do not think that will work, Maybe teams will help keep her safe but she will be targeted if she comes out guns a blazing wanting to win early on. 

    Frenchie is a crazy super fan. He named his daughter Robyn Kass (not joking) , he has been tweeting about the show for years and watches BB Canada too. I was hoping for someone more like cowboy farmer Jason but that is not Frenchie. He could go down like  Ronnie, knowing too much. It seems like we only have a few real fans this season. I think he will overwhelm the cast that just watched 16.19. 14. 11 and do not know all the details of every alliance and twist. 

    I am curious to see Brittani , will she be a Nicole A or Kaycee? I'm torn just by what I see online. 

    Hannah is super smart(she went to a T20 STEM major at 15 not a community college) , I love to see very smart people play the game. I just do not want to see another Ovi sitiation. I think she might be different then just a book worm because with her hip hop dance pictures she seems to have a cool side to her. 

    I am slight;y concerned about the very few "older" cast.  Who will Tiffany bond with?  I could not tell if she has any kids, so not sure if she will be the mom of the house at 40. I can see Whitney, next oldest being into makeup and social media bonding with some younger cast , Then Azah who I like and I think has a shot to go far could get trapped if Tiffany gets to close to her. It is kind of sad to see only 4 people over 30 and 2 are 30 so only 2 people over 31. 

    Right now I my first day guess is Xavier wins. If you look at his social media , he seems to be the full package. He is fit and ready to win comps, He is a lawyer so he has to talk to many different people on a daily basis and most liekly have to deal with conflicts or resolve problems , and he seems like a nice person who loves his family. I think people will be drawn to him. 

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  4. 10 hours ago, CrystalBlue said:

    Do we have a sob story winner with my parents were murdered in front of me?  Does that beat out I was incarcerated in prison for 37 years for a crime I did not commit?  Has anyone from long past seasons topped that?  I don't know about the singing but practically crying your way through the song and being overly emotional and nervously shaking is not talent.


    I looked up her parents story. This is one time the show might have downplayed a story? I know that some of the past sob stories from my area were recruited for their story over their talent. 

    Jayy's story should be a lifetime movie or dateline series, In fact I think maybe  that is how she could have been found, Derrick from big brother does a show on Discovery ID and talked about her case? 

    The story as I read it , was 2 men came into her parents small grocery store. She and her sister were teenagers and working. One man put a gun up to Javvy and her father pleaded for her not to be hurt. The men killed her parents and aunt. The case went cold. Javvy would not let the killers go free. She cut her hair and changed her appearance and went undercover to work at over stores in the area waiting for the men to come or find out information on where they were. it was more then 6 years later she found them. She ended up being the one to testify against them and a decade after her parents and aunts death, they were convicted. She really did put her life on pause from 18-30. I am usually not one for a sob story but I give her credit. Is she the best singer , no, but I hope again maybe she gets some awareness or maybe some pathway for something else. 


    As for the rest of the show, besides the quick change act which I enjoy trying to figure out how , the rest did not wow me. My husband is getting tired of the novety acts and dog acts (where are birds?, seriously I have seen some really talented birds that talk, do tricks, maybe switch up the pets from dogs to birds for a year, I'll admit maybe I a biased, I have what I would consider a minimally talented bird, he is pooty trained and people are amazed when he flies into the bathroom on his own and back out, There are some birds that put food on a plate and set the table and serve the food and clear the table and put the dishes away or sing popular songs etc). 

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  5. On 6/24/2021 at 11:52 AM, GeorgiaRai said:

    Yes, I remember this being shared during the original season.

    Unpopular opinion: I'd eat at the Waffle Love truck.   Repeatedly. 

    I live near a waffle love location and truck. The waffles are okay but not wow for $10. It is just a hard sweeter small waffle with strawberries and cream or nutella.  I would take my mom maybe once a year to their location (they have eat in locations in Utah) but since they did not require masks to go inside even during the height of COVID I could not being my 75 year old mom inside.  I have not been since 2019. I found the recipe., it is simple and I bought some of the special sugar needed to make the waffles and they are very easy to recreate. 

    Now I wonder how they are making the waffles on the race. We see them going to these small grocery stores in SF. How are they getting the massive amount of pearl sugar they need? Only one grocery store in my city in Utah sells it and it is very expensive and if I bought every bag they had it would not be enough for 1 day on the truck. 

    Next the batter should be made the day before, but if you do not have an day, at least 2 hours before minimum. How do they find that much pearl sugars and then make the batter and have it sit  hours before using? I have wondered if they let them buy the sugar before hand and deduct it or something? I would think that would be unfair but I just do not see any other way they are getting ingreidents. 

    Now I would think they should be able to win with such a easy to make item and food price point. Once the batter is made (again do not know how they work the letting it sit overnight) , and cut straberries, they could make 16 waffles orders in 5 minutes. No truck making meats and rices and sauces could work that fast plus the cost of the meats is so much higher. 

    I feel like if the whole race is in SF, the are holding out one big customers or group till the finale to win. We saw in the last season they called  members of their church to come out and I feel like they have to have plenty of church connections in CA. During COVID one my child;s Utah school classes  doubled with Mormons families from SF area sending kids to school iin person in Utah. There are plenty of connections. Of course I really do not want to see a win like this. I want to see them say $10 waffles and sell 700 and win. My guy says Food truck race wants the redemption arc for them. 

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  6. On 6/11/2021 at 3:55 PM, Kathy said:

    Doesn't she get all this stuff for free?

    She thought she was. If I read the article correctly, she went to get new implants or veeners. The dentist removed the old ones and did not replace them. There was a disagreement about the promotions June was suppose to do in exchange for the free dental work and now June is left without the final set of teeth. 

    I kind of feel bad for June of this one. I do not find the dentist fun (I can't have novacaine so imagine a fillings and root canals without it) and I can't imagine how June feels having the veeners off and the nubby teeth showing and the implants gone. That has to hurt and then you worry if she gets pain meds since she has addiction issues. 


    As for the season finale, I hope that June does not move in with the family. I feel bad that she is legally blind but at age 41, she needs to learn skills and confidence to live on her own. She needs to pick a place with public transit. My college age son will never be able to drive (3 type of epilepsy) and he knew his choices in life, what he studies, his future career has to center around being able to live somewhere that has public transit or is walkable. It is sad that Mama June seems stuck like a teenager and does not seem to have the skills of an adult. She needs to gain independence  skills and learn not to need a man or her kids for day to day life. 

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  7. I also think the questions got easier. The guy who won the 100k who married his cat , those questions were easy. The kids watching with us got them all right. I wish when they had the head to head with the champion they both got the same questions.   Last week the TV/Movie  question was put the saturday night live hosts in order with the number of seasons they each had appeared in and the cat guy's question was a irddle with for the movie die hard (with a dice and the opposite of soft?) 

  8. 3 hours ago, winsomeone said:

    June supposedly has cataracts that can not be removed? I had cataracts. Before removal, squinting didn't help my vision any. After removal, I was very very sensitive to all light. For a blind person she sure made it inside that gas station at a fast pace..a place that was unknown to her? Hopefully squinting does help her vision.

    She was supposedly born with the cataracts and she said something like her mother either did not want her to get surgery or did not get it dx in time and then they were not able to be removed. Then June was against Anna's daughter having the extra thumb removed. I always found it kind of sad how some of the fears got passed down to from generation to generation  (as well as the generations being so close together, June could be a great grandma in her 40's!) . I just wish the show would get the Pumpkin. Alana, and Jessica some mentors. Maybe part of the payment from the show could be the GED class pumpkin wants to take or money in account for college or trade school.  All this free dentist work and plastic surgery and photo shoots are not what they need as much as some direction. I think all three girls on the show could find something they loved to do (Pumpkin in recent interviews you can telling us how much she wants a 9-5 job and a normal middle class life) . 


    I hope if the show comes back , that it is minus Sugarbear/Jennifer and Mama/Geno and it would be called Mama June's daughter's transformation. Of course with manager Gina, I doubt she would go this route. 

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  9. I was happy for the excitment over getting the first baby boy in a long time in the family. I was more happy to see the cake baked by Ella and Pumpkin and not some crazy over the top paid for by the shpw reveal. It is little scences like this I believe are real and I wish this show had more of them. 

    While I believe most of the show is scripted, it must be so confusing for Alana to hear and see so many different opinions on eating healthy, diabetes and losing wait, 

    The show only has 1 or 2 weeks left? I wonder how they will tie it all up? We have to see the big does Alana have diabetes reveal and will she go to jail story come to an end. June said in a recent interview they are still filming this season so I assumed that meant they filmed the court hearing and are finishing the talking heads and finale. 

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  10. 2 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

    Ugh to the return of a studio audience. The now obligatory dog act. Nurse's choir was going to go through without the buzzer.

    If they pass Sethward through he becomes ineligible for another season, I hope?

    The auidence was not real. I wonder if it will be at some point because Vegas is reopening so much right now. I wonder if the final shows will be filmed there. It seems like some Tv shows have turned to Vegas over CA or NY because of the strict rules there. 

    I thought the nurses Choir was okay but not buzzer worthy. I would like them to give the buzzer to acts other then singing so we can know there will be some non-singing acts in the finale. 

    I also do not get this new type of magic with I will guess what you picked. There seems to be some tech tricks not magic? Was the email sent to Teri on a google drive and   changed by the wife? I was trying to figuring it out but it just does ot wow me like Shin Lin. 

    Comedy dad and son, I liked the dad more then the son.

    Was Sethward there as the peacock as an NBC ad for the streaming? I hope that was all but I guess we will see him for filler in the future. 

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  11. On 5/18/2021 at 12:47 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Jihoon needs a work permit of some kind to work in this country.     I doubt he's going to get a sponsor for a visa for him. 

    I think he could find someone in Utah. If his english were slightly better , he could get sponsored to teach.  The school districts in my area of Utah are dual immersion with Asian languages , Chinese is most common and then Japanese and Korean. Every class needs teachers. The pay is not great but you have a place to stay , enough to live and travel to do sightseeing. It is very common for young women to come teach for 1-2 years and have an adventure in America and return home. Kind of like the Americans that go teach English in Korea.

    In the meantime, if he really does have a trade like doing tile? he could get sponsored but he needs to make the first moved and contact people. Job boards have employers willing to sponsor but since it is more work, you have to make the contact and prove your skills and worth. One compant that works with a neighboring HOA sponsors about 30 people right now for labor type jobs, hard work, but decent money. 

    On 5/18/2021 at 9:28 AM, Mrs. Hanson said:

    As a special ed teacher who survived Covid and several different teaching models, I think I may head out to Utah.........(and I am not a felon, lol!)

    My good friend is a special edu teacher, over 30 years. She is very torn this year. With the rising population, her school is being changed since she works in the severe unit. She broke her back a few years ago and is in her 50's . She is struggling because she loves the kids, but next year she will have new ones, She could go sit at a desk job and make the same amount or more, she has over 10 offers of pretty easy jobs. She is bi-linugal so they need people for all sorts of customer service or translating jobs, many in medical fields that she can do from an office or home. She could work packing boxes or doing quality checks and make more money then special edu (which is sad). I can understand her sturggle to choose at her age. It is sadder to see young teachers , good teachers choosing to leave for higher pay at jobs that do not use their education of skills.  I felt even worse when one of the best teachers that many students look forward to having went to work for a large firm, triple the pay so again how can you blame her. 

    COVID made so many companies from CA relocate. There is now a tech sector and so many living wage jobs. Plus life is peaceful, maybe too peaceful if you like nightlife, but politics are just like local issues, like should we get a stop light or water issues. For a city the size of Hartford or Albany NY , at 10pm the streets are empty and you can sit and see the stars. Okay I will say a negative because it is not like the Truman Story, the internet is bad , like down almost everyday, and if you need medical care beyond broken bones or stiches, it is months of waiting or traveling 600-800 miles. 

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  12. Kind of predictible tonight. I thought Casey might be the most marketable, or could have the best career. Willie and Grace can sing very well but I just do not see them having some long term success.  Chayce will do fine but I find him a bit boring. The closest big city to me is Vegas. My kids will go bowling at an off strip casino. It is sad when American Idol and American's got talent winners play tehre are it is walk in and watch for $5. The people can sing great but if you can't put on a show, you are at the $5 off strip location. 

    It will be Willie vs Grace unless they spilit the same vote and then my guess is Willie vs Chayce based on Willie having a big following before the show. 

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  13. On 5/2/2021 at 5:30 AM, Mothra said:


    About Alana:  If she's getting minimal health checks, surely someone somewhere has checked her blood sugar levels, whether the doctor knew about Sugar Bear or not.  I'm no doctor, but I am a sentient being, and I think any child who had been chubby, then obese, for her entire life would be at risk for diabetes, regardless of family history.  I think the Sugar Bear Must Warn Alana or Nobody Would Suspect She Was At Risk for Diabetes is one more dum-dum  plot point created to keep the story moving along (and to give Sugar Bear a reason to be paid).


    From my experience of both being married to a doctor for years and having kids and living in several different areas of the country, doctors do not do a good job of dealing with childhood weight issues. First off a 15 minute once a year well check (and now many insurance companies limit what the doctor can talk about)  is not enough time to get into complex issues. It shocks me how many doctors won;t discuss weight. My good friend's son was over 200lbs in elementary school and doctors said nothing. My friend's excuse was her husband was tall and he would hit a growth spurt. It seems like parents are lucky if they might get a print out after a well check, that says your child BMI is high and they should work on daily excerise and diet.  

    Alana has been offered help more then  once by professionals because of her celeb status. The doctors Tv show had her on and tried to show her better eating habits and excerise.  She has not followed the advice. Now she is a minor so June, Sugar Bear, Pumpkin , whoever is in her life, needs to say no and guide her to make the right choices or not let her order a 3000 calorie dinner.  If geno was trying to be a father figure, and he is struggling with weight and they were at a seafood restuarnt , why not order grilled fish and set an example. Instead geno wanted to be a friend over a father figure or role model. 

    On 5/1/2021 at 3:43 PM, PrincessPurrsALot said:

    When they talk about it like a date night I am right there with you.  That whole purity ring crap is repulsive. I was thinking more of a father and daughter simply spending some time together.  In healthy family relationships, there is no problem with parents occasionally spending one on one time with a child.  Of course in June's family there are no healthy relationships. 

    It does not seem like Geno knows how to be a father figure. It is not about dinners, or promising a house near the beach or a pool. It is about being there everyday. My husband drives our teenage daughter to school every morning , it is a great natural way to bond. Sadly Alana right now only really has Pumpkin to rely on. I  really think the lack of a father figure will soon have Alana jump into a serious relationship with a boy or be a teen mom. With each episode I watch and the more dysfunction and disagreeing we see, I think Alana will go looking for that boy to be a steady person in her life or a baby who will never leave her. 

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  14. On 4/28/2021 at 3:59 PM, slasherboy said:

    You might be on to something.  Sugar Bear has set up camp in Pumpkin & Josh's back yard, Jessica is on the couch, so all they need now is Mama June and the whole family is back together under roof.


    Well, except for Anna and she needs to stay away and keep her kids far, far away from that whole mess.


    That would be another teen pregnancy.  Anna and Lauryn were both teens when they first got pregnant.  Wouldn't surprise me one bit to see Alana follow suit, sadly.  I will say that she seems very comfortable handling Ella, but that certainly doesn't qualify her to be a teen mother.


    You say Alana is dating.  Where have you seen or heard that?  I've never been aware of her dating.


    Someone on captured an IG live and posts by Alana and put them on yotube. This was right before the season started. I remember watching and Alana was trying to act so cool like everything was "whatever" and she had the eyelashes on, the long nails and makeup. There was a picture of the boyfriend but the poster of the video had his face blurred (I assume because he is a minor).  Alana just seemed like she was trying to talk like she was so mature. I know Pumpkin is trying her best but when I saw the video I felt like they both need some support, like a big sister program. They need someone to come in and maybe help Pumpkin get a GED and help both her and Alana with career ideas and just mentoring in general. 

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  15. I wish the show would dump SugarBear abd Jennifer and just focus on just a few storylines that have some truth. The parts about healing the family from addiction and the young couple starting out in a challenging sitiuation would be fine with me.  

    I do not like the scences with just Geno and June. She makes it seem like she has this great life complete with a pool, but what happens when that house goes away (did she say it was given by the show or the rehab?) . She and Geno do not have the means to buy that house by the beach she is promising Alana. June is living some fantasy life , living free in FL. What happens when Geno has to go back to being a handyman? (how much will he be able to do now that he has gained so much weight?).  I am glad Pumpkin is standing her ground, if it is not just story because my fear is at some point June is homeless again and she asks Pumpkin to take her in. 

    My worry is for Alana. I fear we will see a teen pregnancy. She is dating and her makeup and the way she has talked (on social media) make me feel like she is going down the path of her sisters. Alana needs someone in her life to giude her. I have a teenage daughter, and I have lucked out that our stress right now is what full scholarship to college to choose May 3rd but my daughter had a few classmates and  I have seen struggle. It has surprised me that little things myself or other moms have done over the years have really helped. I made sure when I could some of my students in my daughter's class that were having rebelious phases took the right class or did not drop a class or helped then ask for extra time in a class. Now as they graduate , a few of the students are so thankful that myself or other moms had them take those classes or not drop them because they have so many more options for college or jobs because their parents did not care or were not aware of how important 1 class can be. . I just do not know if Pumpkin (who I think is doing the best she can) understands what Alana should be focusing on in school or making sure she is taking the right classes for college or scholarships. I also feel like Alana would really benefit from shadowing someone in a job she might want. Lets make it a story for the show. Maybe she could find something she likes outside of show business




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  16. I feel bad for Jihoon because it is COVID not money stopping him if he wanted to fight for his son. If he could get to Utah, he would be able to fight for his son at a very low cost. That 16k would have been more then enough. I have sat with polygamist women who have nothing and they are able to get custody completed by just filing out the forms and appearing and explaining. A high power attorney does not do much here. It is pretty cut and dry. It is a moms rights state for sure but dads default getting regular visits. Since the state is so large , it is common for parents to live 300-400 miles apart so it is not that much different then international. It means usually the father gets the summers and long school breaks. Also the language would be no issue. There are tons of return missionaries that speak Korean and Asian language dual immersion from K is in many school districts. Utah has low funded schools but fluency in a second language (and that Gov. Huntsman pushed Asian languages) is common. I live a more rural area and our schools start Chinesse for all students at age 5, my kids did Japanese and some of my kids friends did Korean. They just did proficiency testing in high school and many kids are near fluent in these Asian languages, add that to 1,000 od missionaires, many are lawyers or doctors or just love using their language skills he would have no issue finding a translator. 

    It is too bad he could not come here to work. There are jobs in my area , tons of jobs, begging for workers. There was a job fair last week, no job under $15 and most over $20+ and very few people went because everyone is working.Jihoons language barrier would not stop him from beign hired. Paul should have come, they will take felons(since he complains there is not work). I live in rural Utah so it is not as expensive as the the bigger cities. 

    I ususally will watch a long youtube video at night for noise since our area has some night noise issues right now being near the hospital but I could not sit through Jon Yates, Sharrel or Lieda's videos. Lieda had the lawyer on and I so wanted to hear his side but the gofundme lady talked for the first 30 minutes and I just could not listen to her. I sat through all of Andrew's interviews and I just can't sit through that go fund me or John Ytaes who loves Devan (and I will watch John Yates cook and talk about the 80's when there is nothing else to watch, big brother better be good this year I need something better to watch 


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  17. Can someone explain the whole divorce/gofundme mess. I saw thre was a gofundme that was suppose to go to a lawyer in Utah. I saw the lawyer talk on a few youtube videos. 

    Now I see videos saying they gofundme was closed, and by Jihoon and then it seems unclear (or unclear to me) what happened, he now owes 11k over the go fund me that was at like 16k? There has not been any court dates (I live in Utah and did not see any when I checked, just papers filed).  It seems like there are youtubers going back and forth with sides and I do not know what to watch because some youtubers clearly have a favorite of the couple.

    I guess I just feel bad for the little boy and Jihoon if he really wanted to see his son. 

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  18. Social Media numbers tend to be a good predictor (or they did in the past). Arthur has over 400k subs on you tube and MaKayla has 49k. I think they are the 2 front runners along with the judges words  and maybe Louis in third (he has 6k subs on youtube).

    Of course my daughter heard it was comeback night and thought that Murphy was coming back. 

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  19. On 4/1/2021 at 8:13 AM, Moose135 said:

    Last night he tweeted this:

    Looks like he really is trying for world domination - well, other than Alaska and Hawaii...

    I bet Marcus wants to dominate Wyoming. When I was first looking at camping world videos, there was an old time owner in Cheyenne Wyoming that said he would not sell out to Marcus. He has made a series of videos about camping world and taking over markets across the US. One of the things that makes it tough for the little guys is to be able to keep the employees. Camping world can offer better health coverage and in rural states getting a large group health plan is like gold. A small business owner has access to maybe just 1 plan and the rates are high and care will not go over state lines.  If you have a baby born early or get cancer, having insurance that will cross state lines (like from Wyoming to Utah or Colorado) is so important. 

    What I found interesting in Southern Utah is I saw an ad right after Marcus took over the other company and it was just a letter saying they had donated to a local college. This is cosidered out of the norm and kind of tacky? in our area. I had never seen anyone do this. My husband owns a business and donates to a local public school program and never once has he advertised this. The teachers know and are thankful and some parents know because their kid is in the program and that is enough , it kind of just is known who gives, you do not wave it around in a  letter. The thing that surprised me was the Rv company donated to a school that is in the midst of changing their name due to some people considering the name racist. Kind of more surprised that you would put out a letter that said the name of the college when it is so controversial. 

     I read the comments on local forums or social media, the majority is not happy with camping world taking over. They want choice, they like the little guys or they have been burned or got bad service at camping world. Then some people are concerned since Marcus has made political comments that do not aline with the majority of locals that voted. 

    While I do not think there is anythign stopping him from his monopoly, I wonder what the economy will do? With home prices crazy, is he banking on people moving into RV's? Usually when home prices go up, then people do not have money or credit to buy 100k RV's?

    Still wanting to know if he is filming this. As much as I do not like the feel of the monopoly, I would like to see what he is thinking and his plans. 

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  20. 6 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    Can this be verified?  I am not doubting you, I am questioning the highly suspicious motives of the producers.


    Both Andrew and Amira have said she has visited the US more then once. Andrew has gone into more detail citing rhe number of visits, while Amira was more general like locations she has seen. There are pictures showing them in different locations, Vegas is one and then I would guess Northern CA or some area with forests and trees and then pictures at the beach which could be CA or Mexico  (As someone who lives near Vegas the forest and beach pictures were not local).  Andrew said he met her mother in France, he had some pictures and plane tickets for proof. Amira never mentioned the meeting in France.

    I am kind of sick of the he said she said but I love a good mystery to sleuth so I am team truth. If you look at when they first met , he did not apply for the K1 right away so I tend to believe she came over again or he went to her country. If it were like some of the many other couples that just visit once and apply, why did he not apply? The application fee is about the same as a plane ticket , he has the income (it is only about 22k a year to apply) so why was it over a year between the first meeting and when he applied? He says it is because they visited back and forth and he wanted her to get to know his family and he know her family and then he applied. Amira has not given a reason for the gap, not that she should have to or maybe she agrees that they were visiting back and forth. Pre-COVID there is no reason she could not fly back and forth. Andrew says he paid for the tickets and has waved around proof (even showing he bought her dad a ticket)  and since Amria does not seem to have a job and is 27 and lives with her mom how did she pay for the tickets?  (I have no idea about the economy of her area or how common this is to still live at home and not be working or studying ? I have studied religion and I know there are areas in the US and abroad that women stay at home till marriage ands it is the norm). 

    I do not know if I trust any TLC edit. I think I am waiting to see which one keeps on going on TV. Which ever one accepts the role on the spin off , I think was in it for the fame and maybe less truthful? If one is offered the spin off, TLC will give them the good edit. From that leak of the tell all 2 seasons ago, we saw that each couple is questioned for about 3 hours and we see about 10 minutes so 2:50 minutes are editted out. Since we heard almost nothing from Andrew on the first night of the tell all, I assume they are editting him out. From that leaked tell all, Shawn would have every cast member comment on each couple but only select comments make the edit. They would not let him stay silent ot Tarik and Hazel who were pretty silent, whatever they said, just did not fit the edit. During the leaked tell all the cast was all interested in David's investments and how he did so well in real estate and other investments but the edit showed then saying how could you spend 100k on Lana, they did not show how much the cast wanted to know how he got the 100k. 

    I do know TLC horribly edits Kalini and Aseulo. I am not looking forward to watching happily ever after. I probably will have to Fast forward their scences or need blood pressure meds after seeing the previews. I can 100% saty that some of the scenes with them are staged or scripted so why not other couples? After seeing how they twist Kalini and Asuelo , and Amria and Andrew never met , TLC could change the edit to anything they wanted. It is not just TLC , other shows are filmed in my area, and it is crazy how they edit. The filmed in the exact same area for a bachelor hometown date and an episode of shark tank and showed  the area to be for millionaires, the dream area, then roll in Christmas light fight and it was shown as a middle class family neighborhood, and then escaping polygamy it  was a dangerous neighborhood that you could be killed in. This was literally the same area, I can walk outside my house and point to the houses they filmed. 

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  21. 3 hours ago, newyawk said:

    Why don't you mention the kids that *are* yours, Geno, and try to fix *those* relationships, instead of trying to glom onto the kids attached to the show?

    Glad I am not the only one who yelled at the TV, what about your 4 kids Geno. I thought his kids lived in FL? so it would be easier for him to repair. Plus how long did he really live with and know June's kids? 1 year? 

    As for scripting, I think Josh is probably the most scripted, but it is some comic releif, so I let it go. I saw an intervew with Pumpkin and she did not seem like she wanted to film forever. I think the extra money is keeping her hanging on. It did not seem like much but probably helped them get stable and into the home. What made me sad was she said she really wanted a job at the outlet mall. She got turned down because of being on the show. She wanted to go from walmart to the outlet mall and could not. She is not doing only fans , she is trying for a normal life and can't even obtain a small desire like a job a a clothing store in the outlet mall. 

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  22. On 4/8/2021 at 7:56 AM, AZChristian said:

    #3, after Mexico and the Philippines.

    Do you know if there is any sort of way they rank the order or is it first come first served? Many of the young people in my area serve as Mormon missionaries and some bring back spouse. The ones from Mexcio seeem to get processed very fast. I did not know if it is because they are the same age, same religion, and both most likely going to college so it is like an easier approval then age gap spouses. I just have always found it interesting that never once has a mom in my area planning for thier child's K1 spise to arrive has been worried about a visa or a delay. the planning is the same is if the spouse is coming from BYU-I. 

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  23. I feel like something is really missing in this story. Is it true that Amira had come to the US at least 7 times before this and Andrew had been to France at least once. If this is true , this would be more time then almost any other couple on the show. Most of the time, it is one quick 1-2 week trip (or 8 hours for Robert and Anny) and the couple is engaged.  This sudden end makes me feel like there is a ton we did not see, How does a couple spend 2 years together and 7-8 long stays together, plenty of time with family, and then it is over at the last minute. What did we not see? It cant be the kids issue, can it? Because if you are together two years and the guy works with kids and you live with him for weeks/months at a time, the subject of kids or timing to have kids never came up? Right now I wish I was the show's edtor and got to see all the footage. 

    I think couples that never met when filming should not get a full storyline or maybe just thbe on the app. This whole season, we saw maybe 3 facetimes and a few texts and the rest was seperate filmed. My guess is TLC either wants Amira or Andrew to return on another spin off so that is why we saw this whole mess of a story? 

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  24. Marcus is in Southern Utah buying out the local owned RV company to make his camping world a monopoly. Southern Utah is home to the national parks and is booming right now with growth and people pouring in for jobs . Marcus flew in on his private jet and says he is now a snowbird in the area (meaning he spends his winters in Utah). there are more celebrities and wealth that live in the area, not many people think Southern Utah would attract A listers and the very wealthy but low, like dirt cheap taxes, and privacy seems to bring people here.

    The locals judging by the reaction to articles are not happy he is here and taking away the last of the little guys in the RV world. He is smart to pick this location  because it is landlocked and tons of disposable income. (I feel like I am in another world compared to my family in friends in the Northeast, as the economy is doing so well and life is so normal here).  There are so many people pouring in here, the city area which is the size of Hartford or Albany? has less then 100 homes for sale and 0 for rent (the few listed have 50+ applications). A home in my old neighborhood that sold for 135k 3 years ago, sold for over 600k last week. My mom's home she bought for 99k (a small retirement home) is selling for 400k. My kids school is now over half kids from CA this year since it never closed. 

    I wonder if there will be an episode on this. They had cameras and news when he did the deal. I also wonder if he really lives here like he said? While most celebs are given privacy, you still know they are around. The reality celebs like sister wives or Kalini and Aseulo (90 day) or some guy that won the bachelor they take photos, but the movie stars and singers, and wealth, just walk about town and try to blend in. Maybe a bus driver points the celeb out to the kids, or a cashier smiles and then talks to the next customer about who just went through their line. but they get left alone. I would just think Marcus with his wife being so much older might stick out even to people who do not know who he is.

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