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Posts posted by silverspoons

  1. Is there anyone concerned about how her son fits into this relationship? If she were without kids, I would just watch the her no issues and see where the journey go. Her son has so many needs and at least how TLC is showing Mohammad, it does not seem like he knows what reponsbility she has. 

    I also was confused when she said she left her ex because he was not supportive of parent but it seems like he is the one with the child while she is with Mohammad so did he just recently step up and help? I kind of would rather they did not film her child or any of the kids on this show. There is so much drama usually and filming can be very long and kids do not need anymore stress. 

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  2. On 4/15/2022 at 9:17 PM, Frozendiva said:

    90 Day Fiance blogger John Yates has been busy.

    He claims both are currently filming for Happily Ever After.


    Some gossip from Hamza's sister.


    Sometimes I think John Yates is more entertaining then 90day. How he has time to  post anything on IG or twitter is crazy with all the youtube and personal drama. 

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  3. 3 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

    Ahhh ok, I thought her son was still under 2 and would fly for free. Man COVID messed with my sense of time. 😂 

    I had to think for a second too, but then I remembered that touching 1st birthday for the son in Korea (I know it was not the 1 year according to American birthdays), with Jihoon's family and all the traditions. I believe their son is at least 3 by now. 

    Even if he could travel for free, the divorce custody agreement let us hope last for 15 years aqnd they are not back in court fighting every year.  I do feel bad for Jihoon and family if they do not get as much time as they should have but Utah is just so pro-mom as per custody (and I guess would say benefit men for support since support is low) , it is a losing battle for Jihoon. 


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  4. 4 hours ago, watchingtvaddict said:

    Korea had forced quarantine for 7 days to 2 weeks for a long time. It costs about $1200-$2000 (if you have to stay in a hotel) so Deavan visiting Jihoon would definitely be more expensive because when JiHoon returns to Korea he is able to stay at home (so no need to pay hotel quarantine costs). 

    I believe quarantine is no longer a thing from April 1, 2022 (if you're fully vaccinated) but IIRC Deavan is anti-vaccine so she'd still have to pay for quarantine.... 

    Not sure if Jihoon is vaccinated. But, he won't be allowed to enter the US if he isn't. 

    The cost I believe is 2 tickets vs 1. If Jihoon comes to the USA, it is one ticket. It Devan has to fly to take the son to him, that is 2 tickets. Utah is pretty straight forward on this cost. I have done  legal work for free for women in Utah and almost all the cases are over a state line.  If it is more then 50 miles, travel expenses are considered like this the 2 tickets vs 1 until the child is of age to fly or travel alone which is 14 (not sure if international is different but over state lines flying is 14). 

    Now , it is going to cost Jihoon some crazy dollars to find a place to stay in Utah. Utah hotels, airbnbs, and rentals are so crazy high. My mom had emergency surgery in salt lake and I wanted to go see her, and even with the hospital trying to help me find something, for a week in a "ok" not my preference hotel was almost $2k , this was like best western dated no spa. finding an airbnb for a straight month visit is next to impossible, and would likely be near 10k. My city does not allow airbnb, and my friend has a finished basement and a visiting professor begged to stay and was willing to pay $8k for the 5 weeks because he could find nowhere to book for 5 weeks. She could not do it because the fines are crazy(over 25k for 5 weeks)  if you are found out (and they are doing undercover stings like they do for hookers, for people renting rooms).  People do not understand how many people left CA and moved to Utah/Idaho/NV/AZ. It is such a different place, and sadly not for the better. 

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  5. This is getting almost unwatchable (saying this as someone who gives every show a chance and keeps the TV on for background noise 24/7).

    Snoop stop singing before they annouce each person going through or the jury results, it is annoying. 

    Kelly, who is picking out your clothes? 

    Plus I wish the contestants could say intros about their state they write. I cant believe these people have control over the intros. There is more to states then the weather, monuments, and a few very famous places. I would like to see something significant to the person and maybe a little unknown .  I agree with PP (and I live in Utah, but not born here) it was cringy and really off in 2022, or that girl is living in a bubble suburb . Eastern Idaho is more Mormon than any city in Utah now.  I felt like th AZ twins story had too many details and might hurt them. I have a hard time believeing MA was number 1 so long, there was nothing wow about it. NH was not my tatse in song but at least the performance was memorible.  I could not believe that Washington singer won the night. #1-2 were the two worst to me. 

    Have they explained how much the jury vote counts and how much America's vote counts, like is it 50/50 or 10/90. It seems like no one lower then 6 by the jury has made it through. Either the jury has more weight in the vote or people are influenced by it. I also did not understand and I was a stats major, the graph that Utah was ahead of TN last week and in that graph ahead of everyone else tonight (so far) yet she was 6th? 

  6. I happened to come across some more information on David. I have followed the Daybell/Vallow murder case which is in the same city that David was from and look at the local news there. I also have been curious for those that watch 90 day if Ella was filmed at the same time as David.

    David is currently in Idaho Falls and his faithful old van broke down so he has a go fund me to try and get it fixed so he can go back to Houston. 

    The foster mom, Robin had been convicted to welfare fraud, with  medical claims.  She ran a treatment level home for those with mental illness. 

    There is an article last week in the East Idaho News that details his story and should clear up confusion about his birth mom, foster care journey and how he ended up on the show.  Of course that article did not include the foster mom's fruad, that was found via court records and an article in the Idaho Stateman. 

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  7. I saw a few youtubers reporting that Dr. Now might not be coming back or was fired from my 600 lb life, one was Auntie advice and I do not think she would do this as click bait. She loves the show and was so upset.  I found a few articles that say the show is on hold, patients are waiting for surgery, it might be something with insurance or lawsuits? 

    Any other infomation anyone can find. The show would not be the same without Dr. Now. TLC said in one article I cound, it might go forward with another doctor.

  8. 12 hours ago, SnideAsides said:

    Heat 4: Arizona, Georgia, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington, Washington DC, and West Virginia. (They appear to be using WA for both Washingtons on the graphics, which is... going to be confusing.)

    That means Heat 5 is American Samoa, California, Guam, Idaho, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Vermont.

    Kind of weird to have two clumps of states together for round 4. I live on the border of UT/AZ/NV, like the high school building is in Utah but the field behind it is AZ and NV is less then 5 minutes on the other side. Thne you have MA/NH (where southern NH to some is like part of MA) and then PA. I would assume there is overlaps with rooting for home states if people are doing that? and should be overlaps in stories and styles

    I have not been to impressed so far. I have not seen a stand out act. I was kind of lookign at it as who would I want to see in person like the American idol tour, like 10 acts singing in a show. In this case I would like a variety so acts like the guy from the islands, or at least one band/group,to give some variety. 

    I also do not like them showing who is ahead the whole time and having it be on another time zone for some or streaming later for others. 


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  9. On 4/5/2022 at 12:17 AM, MrBuhBye said:

    We got Ben giving a semen sample on 90 Day Diaries. 

    Thanks for the warning. I have not watched 90 day dairies yet. I have watched their youtube channel which is for the most part pretty wholesome, lots of church events, family time and normal life. They seem like one of the most normal couples, and I give Akini credit because she fit right in without too much complaining (like so many other cast do) to American life (and Ben at first was sharing a house and she was stuck at home with a stranger all day). When you see a video of her with the kids or at a church event you would never know 3 months prioir she was living in Africa. You can also tell that she pick Ben because of faith. There are so many comments to her that she could have done better but she insists she got what she wanted a man of God that respects and cares for her. 

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  10. 4 hours ago, gingerella said:

    As a life coach, counselor, and athlete with over twenty years of experience in helping people as well as a Master’s Degree specializing in spiritual counseling, I am well qualified to help you attain whatever goals you set. Your success is guaranteed when you invest in yourself.

    My program keeps you accountable, inspired, and informed about the newest trends of age-defying health and fitness tips.

    I'd like to know where this 'Master's Degree in spiritual counseling' comes from...call me skeptical. I'd also like to know what 'newest trends of age-defying health and fitness tips' he offers, it's probably something like you have to meet him in person for a VIP 1:1 meeting where he annoints you in his spiritual jizz and you look 20 years younger instantly. But it only works on 22 year olds, making them turn back into toddlers...

    I looked up his masters and it is from Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary which appears to be non-accreditted? and he took him 6 years to do the 3 year program?  The admission requirements: Have a bachelors degree (yes that is it). 

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  11. 2 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

    I just looked further into Benjamin Sage. If you Google it there is a website, youtube, bodybuilders site, and a his site where you can request his services.  It is 100% him wonky eye and all. 

    Interesting points. He said he got divorced and lost his job (I guess he did not leave the cult , he was let go or fired as a pastor, I would love to know more about this, I have read artcles about the church he pastor'ed  at and it was losing members and money and then disappeared before his divorce?).

    He then was living in his minivan for a year and was homeless. He would shower in the gym and began working out. He become over the top with the health and working out. 

    He sells some sort of vitamin green stuff (maybe MLM) on top of his life coaching services. 

    The name Sage is his name from the spice. He has a video in which he is selling a health drink he made, and right at the end, he is like haha, people think health drinks work but they dont , hire me to train you. 


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  12. On 3/25/2022 at 12:47 PM, Stuckathome said:

    So disappointed to see the preview where she appears to kiss him...after saying how it is all so confusing. No, it actually is not----anyone with half a brain can see that Ben isn't all there in the head......Either this entire thing is scripted (which if it is then he isnt' in on the joke because I doubt this tool could be that good of an actor) or she has decided well WTH he is going home why not toss a crumb and perhaps get more $$ from him down the line.....sort of like Lana with David. 

    I have tried to think of all the outcomes to the kiss preview.

    1. they do not kiss, they go in for the kiss and stop short

    2. She gives him a quick peck and it is a goodbye

    3. It is a cliffhanger for another season?

    4. He says we never really kissed, how do we know if it is real or not. They kiss and hopefully she says it is not real and they part.

    The whole thing has seem scripted to me too. Even this final meeting and possible kiss. It is almost sunset, they are an a photo ready spot, meeting for the last time before he leaves. It is like a movie set if not for the bad acting and storyline. 

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  13. 10 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

    This show has been on way longer than I ever imagined. Based on content, it should have been done years ago. 


    This is what is sad. I believe the reason she has been on so long is that she does not ask for a crazy high amount of money and she will follow the stories or scripts production offers. So some if not much of the content is what production thinks viewers want to see. 

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  14. 2 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

    I don't know about prenup law in MD but in general I think unless she had the opportunity to review it with her own lawyer prior to signing, she could argue it isn't valid. That is of course if she wants to pay out for an attorney to battle him in court. I was divorced in MD recently and if you don't have kids under 18 and can come to a settlement agreement wrt assets, you can get a mutual consent divorce within 90 days of signing the settlement and filing. Contested divorces take about a year and a lot more $$ in fees. I think there is still a 1 year separation required before filing if you have minor kids (and no, you can't live in separate bedrooms and claim that as a separation). Honestly, I doubt he has much of any $$ to shell out. Didn't he earn his $ from tuning grand pianos?? Can't imagine that was super busy during the pandemic.  

    Wasnt they prenup part of the story. She saw a lawyer about the prenup and the lawyer said it was a very unfair deal and she should not sign it. She ended up signing it against his advice. It was kind of like her only option (or so the show made it seem).

    At least she is 25 and can start a new hopefully happy life. Right now there are plenty of cities you can get a job for $20 an hour (my city many fast food start at $20 an hour), maybe you have to share a 2 bedroom with a roommate, but it a is start. The possibilities are endless she could go to school, meet someone her own age and have the family she wanted. I would not watse my time fighting Mark. Just get your freedom. 

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  15. 18 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

    Good time to start a business! Inflation is off the charts and people won’t/don’t have the disposable income for custom-made furnishings. But good luck to them.

    My husband is a repairman and he is constantly asked to do other work. He took courses in electric and carpentry in trade school. People are selling homes for big money and moving to cheaper areas and then adding some crazy upgrades. I'm sure there are people moving to NE for lower cost housing that can work online now. I know UT/NV/ID/WY/MT/KS are all places that had lower cost housing and people from both coasts relocated with a bag of money looking for a dream home.  My husband said he has never seen so much money spent on yards, over the top custom pools, outdoor kitchens, outdoor theater rooms and people want custom features.  I just cant believe how many people mostly from CA in our area but a few from NY or MA have sold their place for over 1 million dollars and come and buy dream new home for 500k  and think nothing of spending 100k furnishing it and even more on yards. In fact it is near impossible to get moving services in or out of hot rural state locations. Companies just cut off services, our city no longer has pods, upack and move, and uhaul type trucks are frozen to stay in city. 

    On a side note, when I saw him doing custom furniture and they have a honey store, all I could think of was the berenstain bears. Papa bear had the custom furniture store and Mama Bear sold honey.  

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  16. 2 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

    I hope she's "one and done" but I think she'll get another season. TLC will tell Shauna and the family to amp it up.

    I agree. She will be the next Whitney. I see Shauna wanting to be a star and her family making her happy and playing along with the stories.  I also think she will not ask for huge money. That is the fine line, if you accept a lower amount and then make extra from cameos/social media and merch. 

    This is one show I kind of hope does not come back. I checked out the TLC facebook page and I was shocked there are men posting they like her and seem creepy?

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  17. I just watched the show since it came on D+.

    On 2/19/2022 at 11:30 AM, chediavolo said:

     how they are making their money and can afford to live on Long Island. Usually I’d say it’s not anyone’s business but it becomes our business when you put your life put out there in the public for profit. 

    I wondered this too. My only guess was they sold there home in Pittsburgh which had a hot real estate market and are now renting in Long Island? 

    On 2/19/2022 at 3:11 PM, overtherainbow said:

    Apparently even Rylee has a cashapp link in her instagram profile. These people really are in it for the money. I'm sure all the TLC money they're getting is plenty to support a lavish lifestyle and I can definitely see them dragging it on for a couple seasons like they have with Jazz. 

    No way TLC paid them big for a 6 episode season. TLC is cheap. I would guess they are lucky if they got 15k for the whole season plus the free trip to NJ and PA and the outings. TLC paid sister wives 10k for the first season the Duggars $1500 for their first special. brand new 90 day couples get about 20k for a 15 episode season, It is the second season the money increases. There is a forumla of 10% of production cost is pay and the price of the trips also can be telling in what the payment is. Seaside Heights NJ is not a trip to Japan or Hawaii.

    On 2/15/2022 at 8:35 PM, seasons said:

    "I don't care for neurologists".


    This bothered me. She can bicker with her sister but I hope she appreciates living where doctors are so close. Our county is a now a neurology desert, over 25 states are not able to provide basic neurology care in the recommended time to patients that are in emergencies (like strokes, seizures) . We have been driving over 800 miles to get to the closest neuologist. I cant imagine what Shanua would say if she had to drive 800 miles to have a 1 hour appointment every month. Even when my child went through some pretty scary (downright almost torture ) tests they were so thankful to be at a hospital with doctors to perform them. If you ever see a neurologist and they order a test and the paper has no official name or billing code those test are interesting to say the least (but very informative. 

    On 2/16/2022 at 11:23 AM, greekmom said:


    She wants to learn to drive? Learn to drive. Goddamn it. Your fucking 22 years old.  Get a car with special attachments for shorter people and learn to drive.  Yet instead of action, she just keeps talking about it.

    She wants to move out? Ok, get a job.  You won't become a large, small or any type of vet on a highschool education. Why are you not in college? She could easily go away to school, stay in dorm and gain independence and get an education to obtain her dream.  But with a HS education at best she will get a job at Walmart.  

    I think she wants her cake and to eat it too. Her parents pay for an apt, for the car, etc. and she just lazy and sits around the house trolling for guys.

    I wanted to know why she did not learn to drive in high school even if she never used her DL. High schools by federal law have to have the peddle extenders at no cost. It is a IEP disability right (or med plan depending on the district).  Then the peddle extenders dont have to go on a brand new car like she said. They go on almost any car. 

    On 2/16/2022 at 12:56 PM, auntjess said:

    Too, she could go to college online, and there are a lot more jobs done online, that wouldn't require driving and a car first.
    Start earning a regular salary.


    My son have 3 types of seizures. I made sure he got excellent computer skills, he took 8 classes in high school and some in college. Then had him take some medical related classes. I knew he could always get employment if he could not drive online. He can do everything from cybersecurity and network engineering to the medical side which has growing jobs in online pharmacy, tumor registry, transplant registry , there are more and more decent jobs. My son took the classes mostly in high school and online. He would like to do something else, but at least right now he knows he can work from home if worst case happens. 

    On 2/17/2022 at 11:24 AM, libgirl2 said:

    I needed an implant several years ago. Insurance considers it "cosmetic" even though it was a back molar. They paid for the tooth extraction (it was cracked) but I paid almost $4000 for the implant. They insisted I needed the implant. I had a tooth issue a few weeks ago and went to another dental office. Back molar cracked. He extracted it. I asked if I HAD to have an implant and he said, no, its your choice. 

    Yes, I come from a family of really bad teeth! 

    Impant pricing really bothers me. My husband wanted an implant for a back tooth, root canal from year ago failed, no way to save it. The dentist told him $5500. We found a quality place for $1200. Then we came to find out many people come as dental tourists. It is in Utah but close to Vegas (if you watch 90 day same place as Kalini lives) . There are people who fly to Vegas on cheap flights, spouses golfs or gambles or goes to the spa and the other spouse gets the implants. Some people go to Mexico and it is even cheaper there but if you are looking for quality work in the US, there are options. The office is very basic, but the dentist is qualified and this is all he does , implants, all day. 

    On 2/17/2022 at 2:51 PM, all4mom2 said:

    The Duggars were dumped a long time ago!  These newest TLC shows leave a lot -- A LOT -- to be desired.  They need to hire fresh blood in programming or something...  Or just bring back Kate Gosselin.  😄

    I would love to see just one special now that Kate is back working a regular job as a nurse. I never thought I would see the day that would happen. I cant believe she went through all that money. I know kids are expensive but not millions. Plus John got 2 of the kids so she was down to 6. I wonder if her taking a real job was to have the kids be able to get better financial aid in college?

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  18. On 2/21/2022 at 8:57 AM, auntjess said:

    Would cost have been a factor?  I don't know if that would be covered by insurance.


    I do not think cost would have been a factor. She was in PA. PA is an awesome state to be in compared to most because they offer CHIP to every child (even if you make a million dollars). They have a CHIP program with extra benefits for children with special health care needs. these shots would be 100% covered.  I almost moved to PA just for this. I had a child that we went through deciding about growth shots. They are costly and it does take paperwork. But Shauna is a slam dunk yes. The vast majority of people looking for the shots had kids that were like mine that might end up at 4'-9" to 4'10" ish and were hoping for 4-5 more inches and once you are close to five feet insurance gets pickier. 

    I had what was considered the best policy in my state (it was from before the ACA). The process was getting a endocrinologist to write the script for the shots, taking to the pharmacy who called and did the insurance paperwork. Then taking the shots to a clinic that administed the shots. When getting the approval, the pharmacist had a voucher and told us that any child that had insurance that turned them down (this was just usually just select  private policies and kids nearing 5 feet) the cost would be no more then $200 (and that was for  a whole series of shots).  Still I see no way in PA that they would have to pay anything. 

    I think the real reason was the side effects. It is the reason, we do not countine the process . My child was at worst case going to be 4'9" , if it had been in the 3 feet range we would have keep going. My child ended up being barely 5'0" and they are okay with it (a few challenges but she makes solving them fun). 

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  19. On 3/15/2022 at 11:35 AM, Stuckathome said:

    She doesn't have shit. She hopes to one day have something a guy could potentially want.....and perhaps she has a retirement fund. That absolutely she should protect. Just another way to make herself feel bougie

    I was wondering if he should be concerned not her. She could have lots of student debt? She just talked about failing the boards which was 2020 so she could have lots of student debt from 6 or more years of schooling. Other 90 day cast have been surprised about how much school costs in the US (or wonder why people do not just take the community college/transfer to state college route) and go to much more expensive schools. 

    On 3/15/2022 at 12:03 PM, Frozendiva said:

    As a single person who owns a home, I had to sign a dower document attesting that I am single. If I get married or a guy moves in, after X time, he can get part of my home. I think I would need to get him to sign a legal document so he gets nothing.

    I was married when my husband and I bought a house. I was going through a serious rare  medical issue, and was fighting the insurance because there were no options but out of network. I had seen our local HMO lien houses for premature babies or car accidents (not the persons fault). I did not have my name put on the house when we bought it. We had total separate credit. Years later my husband was a lucky a minor car accident and I realized I was not on the house. We had to go down and do a bunch of paperwork even though we were married the whole time and had a will. It might vary state to state. 


    There was an interview with the lawyer who talked to Memphis about the pre-nup on her local news. He said he got an random email from TLC about appearing. He said there were so many factors that made it impossible to get a quick pre-nup. Hamza would need his own lawyer, and an interpter. The wedding was in another county. It would be a long process. 

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  20. 1 hour ago, Maverick said:

     The globe used to be a staple of Circus of the Stars on CBS for goodness sake.  I mean it's not easy by any stretch but if you can teach Bobby Ewing to do it, I'm not sure it's a half million dollar act. 

    Thank you for reminding me of who was in the Circus of the stars act. While I certainly could not do this act, I rememeber seeing it at the circus every year when I went. I remember it just being loud. I think some of the high swaying pole acts were more extreme to me

  21. Just now, CrazyInAlabama said:

    There are certain crimes that the U.S. citizen needs to fill out on a criminal background form to the ICE: "criminal history involves violent crimes, assaults, domestic violence, sexual abuse, or substance abuse and the petitioner must disclose the information even if the crime was expunged. The USCIS will also request evidence of rehabilitation and conviction."

    I'm wondering how a DUI and other charge will affect his employment?  


    I was surprised he could take so much time off of work with his job? I was surpised he could get such a high level job after being a pastor (and it seems like not a very sucessful one). His employer website says Ben has 23 years of non-profit experince (which I guess is being a pastor ) and had a family friend with the diease so that gives him the top dog position? What about someone that has been with the organization for 10 or more years moving up and he gets a entry or mid level start. 

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