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Posts posted by silverspoons

  1. 8 hours ago, Azubah said:

    Omar's the dentist, right? I'm getting a ton of work done at the local dental school, and there's a lovely young man from Afghanistan working there as an assistant. He was a dentist back in Afghanistan, but now that he's here he has to go through a bunch of preliminary classes, do some research, and apply to the dental school here and go through an accelerated 2-year program (which, needless to say, is not free.) Omar can't just walk into a job as a dentist in the U.S. It's going to be a time-consuming, expensive hassle.

    It depends on the country but many have to redo school or training. My son's friend just started dental school and there is a dentist in his 40's. I believe from Brazil? and he has to do the 3 years over.  It is very easy for him, so it is just the cost of the 3 years of school (he is doing a rural dentist program so if he stays rural debt is forgiven ) but I bet frustrating to have to sit through.  

    As for Avery I believe I have seen posted she works in some sort of customer service/support job

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  2. I felt bad for her son crying. I have wondered if the fast marriage and pregnancy was not a plan  to make the K1 visa easier to get. Imagine a pregnant wife and her crying son, saying I want dad, my other dad died, why can;t dad come here and make us a family. I hope she is not using Daniel's feelings in her plan to get the visa.

    As for them living, would Tiffany not be getting social security for Daniel since his bio dad has passed? My husband;s dad passed before he was 18 and his family got some social security but there was more then one kids under 18 so I do not know how much it would be for one and how far that amount would go in South Africa. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, RealReality said:

    He knows Spanish right?  If he doesn't know Spanish, my whole premise is off and he just needs to pray that someone really needs a subpar cow shit shoveller.

    Karine asked him what he studied in college (before he dropped out). He said Spanish. She seem to laugh like he could not speak Spanish or learned very little.

    He says his felony is what makes him not able to get a job. Where I live, an ex-felon especially if it has been years can get a job, of course you have to prove yourself but employers are willing to overlook or work with felons. Is this not the case in KY. I just checked our city's local hiring FB page and the last 2 felons looking for work got over 70 offers or places to apply. The wages were usually $12-17 an hour to start but many offers were learning a trade or skill, hard work but room to make a living wage in the future. Of course if Paul can't shovel cow poop, I do not see him pouring concrete or laying pipe or framing homes. Our local Walmart hires felons 2 years out and it is $13 a hr (I believe that was the wage needed for him to sponsor Karine?) , I would hope he could be a night stocker? or work at a distrubution center at 35.

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  4. 7 hours ago, watchingtvaddict said:

    Oh! Does this mean Cory unblocked Evelyn on Insta? And they fight was fake to drum up interest in the Tell All? 

    He said that he blocked her on  Insta briefly but the friend she was dancing with was gay and it was resolved and they are together. 

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  5. Keith Brooks (90 day youtube reviewer) is in Ecuador right now. Besides doing 90 day reviews, he also does travel videos around the world and he had mentioned he was thinking of going to Ecuador and he is there today. 

     This is what he said in the video.  He says Evelyn and Cory are together. Cory does not send her money every month like the show said. She surfs everyday because it is off season for tourists. Corey is currently in AZ with David and Annie doing some meet and greets. The bar is very small, Keith says like 5 feet by 5 feet, What we see on the show is her family's resturant behind the bar. They were never married. Cory owns several pieces of land there and the value has been going up on the parcels of land. The land is in his name not hers. He said Evelyn is nice but lives by I will do what I want to do.  Cory is coming back to Ecuador. They will not be on another season. At the tell all there was a pyschatrist , which was brought in for Laura. Laura is in Ecuador living 10 miles from Evelyn. Laura is on a 90 day visa. He says Evelyn town is not as bad as pictured on the show. The footage from the show was taped in another town over which has more animals in the street and is more run down.

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  6. I live in Utah and have seen a few never drinkers get very buzzed off one drink. I think the issue was her asking for more and more drinks. The lightweights I have seen are embaressed or asleep but not begging for more drinks? 

    His concern about Grayson could be if one drink gets her that buzzed what if another mom comes over and wants a glass of wine with a meal (not something I would do but plenty do it) and she gets this out of control, not only for Grayson but as a future pastor's wife.

    I guess following this couple is more interesting due to the lack of spoilers or SM telling us what happened (unless I missed something). 

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  7. On 9/28/2019 at 10:53 AM, athousandclowns said:

    Oh great google is bringing in 20,000 employees ( forgot how many construction workers) and we have no housing. Rent is expected to jump $800 a month, my new landlord tried to raise mine $305.  The average cost of a house here is a million two.  If he thinks she’s materialistic before wait till she has to settle for some hovel or maybe they can afford to buy now.  

    Rant over. 

    The ripple effect is worse IMO. They throw a handful like 20 jobs to smaller Utah cities, and now CA residents are pouring in. Houses in my Utah city went from 200k to over 400k over night and rents for a 1 bedroom from $400 to $1500. The issue is outside of a handful like 20 here and there computer related jobs or being a doctor, the average wages are some of the lowest in the US (second lowest as of last survey). Our city was full of retired people so low wage healthcare workers like CNA, hospice workers, MA, nursing homes workers are needed but can't afford to live. There was minimal to no homelessness and now it is everywhere, 1 in 15 kids are homeless at school. 

    I do think this move will be good for Jamie and Beth. I think the Bay area will have things she will like to do and I bet she finds a job that she really likes. I don;t think Jamie was all about her making money but having direction and a job she loved (and structure of going to work regularly). Without kids I;m sure they will be fine in SF even with high rents. I have read that Jamie had a good job in NC but you can probably only go so high in NC in techs jobs before you top off. It would be ideal good tech job in NC if you dream is like Greg, suburb house and kids but if it is not then I say try out a dream job and life in SF. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, babyhouseman said:

    I don't think she bought him out. He just moved. I heard he was living in the upstairs apartment in the house toward the end of the marriage. 

    The marriage was supposedly over or on the rocks when they lived in the paid for cape cod style 5 bedroom home that was not good enough for Kate. If you watch some of the episodes near the end filmed at that house, Jon was sleeping in the basement. The excuse was Hannah (I pretty sure it was Hannah) could not sleep with the others so Jon was sleeping with her in the basement. Then when they moved the the big house, Jon slept over the garage in an apartment.  

    As for Jon's plan of supporting the kids, they would have been fine living in the original home, Kate was a dialysis nurse making almost 80k and Jon made over 50k at his IT job. The house was paid for by his parents and big enough,  I know there are all these stats about how much it costs to raise kids but it is not that much, I live in an area of Utah where large families and single income homes are common. Many of my neighbors have 6-8 kids on one 60k salary and the kids still play sports, instruments , and have decent clothes and are well feed. Sure the sports are at the city rec center (not private clubs, I know Kate was very against the kids going to the rec center for gymnastics and insisted on some expensive private school). My neighbors kids go to college if they want, mostly state colleges, but with that many kids it is free and free for sure for the few that get in the ivys. 

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  9. So Kate had a ten year gag order on Jon? and it is up so he can talk. Very interested in what he has to say (I actually read the whole like 800 page how she fooled the world ebook). I bet 10 years sounded like a long time when Kate asked for it but not long enough.

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  10. 3 hours ago, Lady Iris said:

    Thanks to all you lovely people I can safely not watch last nights ep. DVR tonights, not watch it, come back tomorrow and find out all I need to know without the sob stories. My final two come down to Kodi and V.Unbeatable. Doesn't really matter who wins since I'm not going to Vegas anytime soon.

    I don't see why the hype up Vegas show as a prize and the end game. I have been to the Vegas show. I live near Vegas , would not go out of my way.  They take the top 5 acts , sometimes maybe someone Wow from 6-10 (non singer) and they each get 2 short spots to perform and the winner gets the finale with multiple songs or dances or whatever the talent is.  

    Besides Terry Factor, I would say Grandma Lee has had the best Vegas run? I have seen plenty of the comedians , top 5 top 10 or not have their name on a billboard. have yet to see any singers with regular Vegas gigs from the show (one winner was in the lounge, for $5 of the red rock casino , no signage, my kids went to a bowling birthday party and I was inside and saw an arrow and his picture, a winner from maybe 8 years ago with a guitar). 

    I wish they would give up the Vegas act idea and just have a tour like American Idol used to with the top ten acts going to nationwide cities. 

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  11. I think Kodi will win,

    Disappointed in the finale overall. No magic acts and I did not like the comedian much (the female comedian I felt was better who was cut int the semi finals.

    I think V unbeatable are good but not the best of the best of the best the judges keep saying. I watched the college cheerleading finals and they have similar elements in routines and a limited pool of talent to draw from.

    I wish they would leave all these winners or people from other countries got talents and voice shows for the AGT champions and have good old fashion auditions in US cities like the used to. 

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  12. On 9/14/2019 at 8:47 PM, iwasish said:

    If Deavan had this fab job selling furniture making 60k a year, why isn’t she sponsoring Jihoon on a K1? 

    If she makes that kind of money, it would be simpler for him to come here. He speaks a bit of English, and could watch Drusilla, Deavan makes enough to put the baby in daycare til Jihoon is comfortable watching him during the day. The whole moving to S Korea is stupid. She has a support system here. 

    A saw an interview with Deavan and she was asked why move there. She said they had gone over the pros and cons to living in both places and there was one reason that made it better to live in Korea. She kind of made it sound like it was for the baby that she was going to move there for some benefit for the baby?  Is it something about wanting the baby to have duel citizenship? or  primary education to learn both languages? My son has a friend, Mom lives in Korea and this is what they did, born in US, and spent a few years 0-4 age in Korea. Of course it could be a TLC spinoff or money being the factor that made them choose Korea or His record?

    That 60k a year Furniture job, as someone from Utah I have a guess of where it could be.  It is not a career, sure you can make good money (I hate to say it Im sure if she was pregnant  she would have gotten more sales) but it is not a forever type, buy a house reliable type income. Utah has gotten super expensive to live in. A few years ago 60k would have gotten you a decent life if you were just starting out, now it is closer to 90k. I;m moving out of Utah, after years of living inexpensive , safe, and decent schools. Our basic expenses , housing, healthcare, taxes, utlities, have skyrocketed it is cheaper to live in New England  or New York then Utah and sure a lot more to do, plus crime  on the rise and school violence which was under heard of , there have already been 5 unsafe days at the high school (meaning kids can stay home due to gun threats) this school year and this is at a suburban high rated school (it is the high school that Kalini and Asuselu kids would go to if they were old enough). 

    I find it funny that Deavan thinks he should have a house already. If she makes 60k a year in a commission job, she might be lucky with a small down payment to qualify for 250k, and that won;t buy you anything in SLC or almost anywhere in Utah even rural areas, maybe a noisy poor built condo or apartment but not a single family home. 

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  13. 1 minute ago, Soup333 said:

    I thought the friends gathering at their apartment was his birthday party. Does it not count because that was family & friends week on the show? 

    I thought the friends were pre planned and everyone hand friends, plus they did not have a birthday party or even sing happy birthday that we saw? I remember Greg showed a friend the cookie and said Deonna was thoughtful. They did not even cut the cookie up or have another cake (even if family or friends brought it). there was not a balloon or a sign. I'm not saying anything fancy but if it was a birthday, you would think someone stop off at dollar tree for a balloon?

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  14. 19 hours ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

    Still no Deonna on "Unfiltered"!  

    In the past there have been a few people that did not show up until later in the episodes. I know Molly was one of them and I think either Mia or Tristian? There were all these theories of why but it was simply they could not get time off of work. This is totally understandable. All these people are lucky they have gotten time off for a wedding and honeymoon, mini-moon and other filming and not having much notice. 

    Greg's birthday for Deonna was very nice.  I know it was early on, but for Greg's birthday she bought him a big grocery store cookie. Greg was very kind and appreciative that she remembered. It is a just a huge difference between a $4.99 cookie and planning with family and friend a secret golf outing and party.  Maybe it is her 10 years without a serious relationship showing? I just remember my college roommate I had never met before had a birthday our first weekend in our dorm room and I at least got a cake , made a sign and a gift. i do think they will work out but mainly because Greg wants this marriage and is willing to stay and put in the work. 

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  15. This week covered basically 3 weeks? Last week  we were at the 1 month point and at the end of the episode tonight there were 10 days left? I wonder why? Was it something like work and filming schedules or constant fighting or nothing to film. I don't remember such a jump ever. 

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  16. On 7/23/2019 at 6:12 AM, winsomeone said:

    Pedro has been here for 4 years, and still has no driver's licence, and can't drive a car at all according to Chantel? Also, why has his English not improved any? I wonder if he works somewhere where Spanish is spoken maybe?

    Speaking gets better when you practice and it seems like he is pretty isolated? I was surprised to learn he has been here over 4 years with no drivers license. I have read posts that he works or did work in a warehouse so that might not provide much interaction.  He plays his video games and I have a son that plays those same type games and my son;s group is from all over the world so this activity does not seem to give Pedro much practice. It does not seem like he goes to church (who knows if Chantel does either). So if it is just him and her in that little shoe box apartment , it would be hard to  get speaking practice. 

    Of course he could take a class or try and get out more but not having a license (still like to know why) is an issue. Does not look like they live in a walkable area, it seems more like a suburb?

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  17. On 7/23/2019 at 10:47 AM, StatisticalOutlier said:

    Acting on the assumption that the scales haven't fallen from your eyes yet with respect to reality shows--producer manipulation.  It's a way to force the two of them into a confined space to argue.

    I can understand they have a contract to do so many scenes together but if the court was that important , have your friend that speaks the language with you not Debbie. Take Debbie on a shopping trip to buy stew meat or cat toys. Trust me I know about reality show filming. They film near me all the time various shows including TLC (and 90 day is one of them), I even went to some filmings and they got me to wear snow gear in 100 degree weather to be in the background or some of the stuff they showed or failed to show twisted things so badly that watching where I live on TV, has the whole neighborhood yelling at the screen Fake!

    On 7/23/2019 at 1:06 PM, alegtostandon said:

    This is the first I've ever heard about Larissa having a friend, not only in the states,  not only in Nevada but in Vegas!  

    I've wondered on what day we are allow to disrespect her.   

    Because she thinks we are all stupider than her! 

    I still want to know more about How Carmen set up Colt and Larissa. Colt knew Carmen first. She lived in Vegas and they talked and she set him up to talk with Larissa. Hmm? Then Larissa marriage lasts about 6 months and she is living with Carmen (who I believe was a k1 visa bride as well?) and it looks like Larissa is able to stay in the US for good. 

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  18. 19 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

    Do wonder if after her arrests, Larissa spoke to anyone who spoke Portuguese. She is in a difficult place with no support. The police can see through a lot of nonsense. Not everyone who brings in a K1 visa spouse is an exemplary person - some are abusive and hold them as hostages of sorts. Colt and Debbie should have been spoken to about this - and separately.

    Larissa's friend Carmen that she lives with now (she was on the show last night) is from Brazil and speaks Portuguese and lived a few miles from Larissa in Vegas. In fact she is the one who set up Colt and Larissa. It made no sense to me why Debbie was taking Larissa shopping, to the doctor and to the lawyer when Carmen lived down the street? Larissa said she had no options but Debbie and could not use uber with a credit card so why not call Carmen for a ride. If Carmen was nice enough to take her in for 8 months rent free, why would she not give her a ride once in awhile before? Larissa did go to Carmen's after the last fight and the police came to Carmen's to arrest her so she did have Carmen with her for DV #3. 

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  19. 4 hours ago, RealReality said:

    Jorge seems like such a dud.  If she doesn't have extravagant needs maybe she should find a guy around her age that has the something to offer.  If she wanted Jorge for his money...it's gone.  He lied to her......a lot.  He lied about her or threw her under the bus in front of a national audience.  

    She was physically abusive and that is unforgivable.  However he may bring out the very, very worst in her and if she wasn't in a relationship with such a lying worm she might have some respect for him.  It's not Jorge's fault that she was violent....but some people just bring out the worst in other people.

    I'm not sure what change about her from the show. I did not like her on the show, her greed, her behavior , none of it.  I do not think her you tube is a fake personality so maybe she grew up or mature or maybe she is better without him or without the show.  I know TLC wanted to keep filming her and she said no, 

    I would call her current life Quality simple? She has a one bedroom apartment, nothing big but appears to be in a good safe area, Her bedroom is simple, just a bed but the sheets are high quality, her living room is minimal but you can tell he couch is decent quality, she buys organic and fresh foods, but just what she needs. There is a video of her talking about buying her used car, I think it is a Honda civic? The way she talked about choosing the car, the value, her credit score, the payment, just did not seem like the women we saw on the show asking for the most expensive stuff? While I think she would be better off with a recent college grad in the same phase of life, I think she is a very loyal person. Unlike Larissa and Fernada I think Anfisia believes in those vows and will stay with him or at least give it a very good try.

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  20. 16 hours ago, Gobi said:

    Are they still married?

    Yes, unless she is hiding a divorce. I watch her you tube channel (she is very different then the show, not sure if it was an edit or she matured). When he first went to jail she would answer questions about him. Then she kind of switched to how she was adjusting to doing things on her own while he was gone (like buying a used car or getting health insurance). Now her focus seems to be college and her body building. While she does not mention Jorge in jail,, she is taking her 3rd year of Spanish now to be able to talk to his family so I have a hard time if they are divorcing she would be saying things like this. 

    The jail he is in is where some of the local offenders in my area go to and they are known for being tougher so I bet he spends the whole 3 years or whatever he got in there.

    I do wonder how he will fit into her life. By the time he gets out she will be a college grad with a good degree, probably starting a career and she has her body building hobby and strict diet and very settled life. Will he really fit in or can he find a way to fit in? Hopefully he is becoming healthier and maybe even studying in jail or doing something to come out better to find a more normal career. Unlike the 90 day showed , Anfisa seems happy with a simple life and seems like she would be fine with a Honda and a 3 bedroom house in a suburb.

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  21. 14 hours ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

    So the newest twist (so far) is that all 4 couples will be living in adjacent apartments, so that everyone will know everyone else's business and will gossip about each other *more* than ever before.

    Did the "experts"  decide to do this for the benefit of the 4 couples? 🤣

    That's what they'll claim --but hell no!!

    It's all about creating more drama, which (of course) gets them more viewers. They don't give a damn about the participants.  ☹️ 

    It is either to save money? or maybe it was too hard to find 4 airbnb rentals for 2 months in NC? This is the smallest city they have filmed in. It is much easier to find rentals in Large cities like Boston or Philly or Chicago since they have a higher demand for short terms rentals for people on business. I know I have when I rent a home we travel for medical care, it is easy in a big city like Phoenix , next to impossible in Salt Lake which I would consider closer to match to Charlotte.

    I do think living close together will be easier for some like Elizabeth, Amber and Keith and harder for others like Matt and Deonna.

  22. 9 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    This is why I hated last season. It's never fun or interesting for me to watch one group/person win every week. But again, at least the people last season were just run-of-the-mill douchebags and not heinous garbage people lol.

    I said this last week when Christie/Tommy started the beginnings of their 'Nick/Bella suck' campaign but I'll say it again: I hate Nick/Bella so sure it'll be fun to see them get blindsided, but it will do nothing to change the dynamics of the game not to mention the fact that the truly heinous people win yet again so like who fucking cares really.

    I need Christie/Tommy broken up. They are imo the lynchpin of the game right now and I wanna see what would happen if one of them went. Also, it's become more and more clear how unfair it is that they know each other. Ugh. I think I'd prefer Tommy to go first because Christie's brand of arrogance still occasionally entertains me but I am so fucking done with Tommy.

    I think back to Tommy saying he knew Gina Marie and he had applied to be on the show before but he wondered if the show did not take him because he was from Staten island and Staten island had a bad rep. on the show. He said he was going to show that people from Staten island are different and can play the game nice. I actually think this season, at least at this point is worse then s15. Tommy you and Christie and the gang are not redeeming Staten Island!  I find it odd how half the cast is from the NY area. Nothing against NY, I lived there for a few years and would go back in a heart beat (if it were cheaper to live).

    I tried the feeds again last night, except for Ovi cheering up Nicole, not much redeeming. Cliff throwing Nicole under the bus, Bella yelling at Nick and making up lies with Sam, not fun. I guess I am lucky I avoided seeing Jack. 

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  23. 16 hours ago, Soup333 said:

    I don’t know if Lincoln is her current school but I think it is. I looked up her info and found that she was teaching two years ago making 41k a year. I think that was a different school but I’m not sure.

    Our state has a teacher's salaries listed and they are also 1-2 off but pretty close to the same unless it is a 10 year raise or getting additional degree.

    My guess for her extra income could be online teaching English in Asia. I wonder how some of my neighbors were stay at home moms and living well. They are all college grads (I live in Utah) but  have larger families and stay at home. Several are teaching English online to China or other Asian countries, if you have a degree (teaching degree pays better) you can make $25-30 a hr and you do not need to speak their language. I know the moms in my area are making 30-35k a year and pick their hours  and it is great because no childcare costs because it is done from home. 

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