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Posts posted by silverspoons

  1. 43 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    I'm not sure if Jer and Auj left by their own choice.  I suspect TLC said, "You're not little, and neither is your child.  We're gonna focus on Little People . . . like the title of the show indicates.  We don't need to keep you on the payroll."

    I would suspect them leaving was mutual or more TLC. Not only are they an average size family, They do not live on the farm. That is a production cost to have their home set up for filming and have a crew travel to other locations. I wonder if they wanted air time for their books or beliefs and TLC wants to stay out of that side of their lives? 

    I agree no way they sell the whole farm. It is a money maker. I am moving back to New England and looked at a cape cod house that had acres on a road that people drive to see the tree change in the fall, and there was a small pumpkin patch and a few barns and out buildings , I thought about it for a minute, plant more pumpkins, turn the barn into a little store, not saying it is not work but it is just 6-8 weeks a year. Matt and Amy are lucky to have such a business, fools to give it up. Our local pumpkin patch and corn maze made 7 figures last year and it is nothing compared to Matt and Amy's set up. 

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  2. On 3/14/2019 at 7:10 PM, IndianPaintbrush said:

    I just watched the preview. They are definitely teasing big decisions about the farm. Both couples are very serious. Caryn even teased marriage. Blech. I hope Matt and Amy aren't playing a "who will get remarried first?" race.

    Best part about the preview: No Jer or Auj!

    It is almost like crying wolf about selling the farm. Matt has been talking about selling the farm since Jacob was around 14-15 and he was still married to Amy.. There have been so many, this could be the last pumpkin season, or Jeremy saying how sad he would be if he can't take his kids to the farm. Are they really selling it his time?

    Is it kind of weird if they both marry the first person they dated after their divorce? I always thought after a 20+ year marriage you should date at least a few different people. Amy has said how she jumped into marriage after only spending a short time with Matt. I was divorced years ago, I took over a year just for me, then I dated a variety of people and found "forever" husband who was very different then what I thought I needed or wanted.

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  3. I was surprised when Marcus did the closer look episode last night. There has been so much back and forth negativity about what happened, why rehash it? Plus did the owner die? I was confused if it was the original owner (the father) or the son? I was waiting to see an in memory at the end. 

    Amber sure defended Marcus. Marcus said he was concerned about the negative social media. Then Amber says no one cares of listens to social media stuff. She was like a pit bull defending Marcus! Of course I am sitting watching with Larissa's social media posts and comparing them to Marcus' story he is retelling. I still do not know who was telling the truth. 

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  4. I guess Angela's daughter was convicted of her sexual criminal charges. She got sentenced to 20 years. I wonder if we will see Angela again on the show. I guess we know we will never see Scottie again on 90 day or Maury! I wonder if Angela has her kids? Didn't she have like 4-5 kids, that could be an instant family for her and Michael.

  5. I saw someone post on another site about applying in NC. They mentioned Dr. Jessica was not there. It was a Dr. Viviana. I remembered when I was searching for one of those therapist Dr. Now uses for his my 600 lb life patients , seeing a Dr. Viviana in Houston that was marriage and sex therapist. I remembered the page, because usually therapist pages have the insurance info and office hours but this page looked like the therapist wanted to be known, kind of as a brand. I wonder if this is our new expert for the next season? 

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  6. Is there a reason her friends and family have to travel with her every where? I wondered again this week what is Glenn thinking? She has been complaining for a few months about having to do this big no barriers thing and all the work it will take. I assume part of the work she was suppose to do ahead of time is learn how to teach people with different abilities ? and that did not seem to happen. Poor Glenn can count so I'm sure he knows how few people showed up. 

    When she blamed her dad, I do not understand it at all. I only real meal I eat is dinner. I have a delayed gastric empty so my daily calories besides dinner are not normally consumed. My husband I know skips lunch every work day to come home early. This did not make either of our kids have eating disorders. In fact we eat dinner as a family, and even as teens my kids always have fruits and vegies on their plate (even if it is a pizza night). I always thought having family dinner was suppose to be positive for eating habits and social well being of your kids?

    Buddy is choosing stand up as a career and Whitney is encouraging him? Should this not be a hobby for him? He needs to focus on getting a job with structure and benefits? Whitney probably thinks it is great because she will have an unemployed struggling friend to hang with her all day. Plus she wants him to live in Greensboro. I don't know the city well but I assume it is not a mecca for stand up comedy clubs? Maybe DC with his brother would be a better choice.

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  7. On 3/19/2019 at 5:09 PM, farmgal4 said:

    Are you talking about the Kashmere crap or the KAB crap?

    I believe it was Kashmere, it was boxes and they had inside a jar of like moisturizer or some sort of cream or mask stuff? It was not makeup like eye shadow or foundation. They had been marked down from like $12-15 to $4 (Ross prices) but has msrp of $30-50?

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  8. 1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

    Pretty freaking dumb - I was surprised she got another show after the pediphile incident - I think this is the last season - she and goiter boy just screwed the entire family and I can see foreclosure on the big house and moving into some trailer out in the boonies again.  

    Does she have a mortgage on the house? Houses are not as expensive in GA and I thought she paid cash for it? I wonder now with what has happen if she was telling the truth but she said she was worried about being poor again and bought a reasonable priced home outright (i believe it was in the 200k range) and that is why is did not have fancy decor. She had the same Black SUV since TLC days. I hope she was honest and saved the money. For some reason I do not get good vibes from that Gina, the manager. It seems like she pushed story lines for money. 

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  9. 5 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

    I have no idea if he’s doing well for himself. I wouldn’t be surprised if he works for himself because he’s go too many black marks on his records to be hired by anyone else. 

    I listened again to AJ's life story and the accident. The time frame seems to be he was working for someone else till about 30 and decided to go out on his own. he seems to have some savings or maybe 401k to use to live on while he went out on his own. The next four years it is unknown how well or what his business status was. About 2 years ago he started up the staffing agency he has today. Hopefully his over 5  years of not dating and living alone was just hard work to start up his business? Trying to see things in a positive way. It can not be easy to start up a successful staffing agency. You have to make so many connections and work at them and have a lot of follow up. 

    I know where I live staffing agencies are very popular to use and news ones are popping up. It takes a lot or work but also follow up and good record keeping. It is a very stressful business. My husband 16 years ago was paid via staffing company for 9 months and they did not send in his FICA and it took years to fix but because of one computer error , it tuned into huge legal trouble for that staffing company.

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  10. On 3/14/2019 at 7:19 AM, Nicmar said:

    Kim claims her Kashmere beauty line is worth Millions . lol

    I don't know where she normally sells her beauty line. I found it for $4 a Ross! My daughter was searching TJmaxx and Ross for someone makeup from a you tube video and I came across piles of it at Ross. Even at $4 my daughter and I passed on it. 

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  11. I just watched a facebook live Pumpkin did. It was filmed while Mama June was in Alabama with her legal issues. Alana was with Pumpkin. Pumpkin referred to the place she was at as her home and it was not her mom's house. I can't say watching her, she is ideal, but it does seem Alana was staying with her and her husband and Ella at a different house. I just got the feeling, that Pumpkin is a 18 year old with a kid that has little education and not much real world experience that is trying her best but is so immature and has had no real role model to aspire to be like or to learn from.

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  12. 5 hours ago, MissTeacher13 said:

    That does suck. I thought everyone who appeared on TV got some sort of pay check. 

    TLC (or the production companies are so cheap). Very few people get paid on these shows and usually there is just one paycheck made to the family, under some sort of LLC account. I do not know about Jazz, but the Duggar's Gosselins, and Sisrer Wives all just got one check for the season into a account. Now we all hope the families use the money for college and their kids too, but the kids have no right to the money. It is a big issue, along with unregulated working conditions, that Jon Gosselin tried to fight for along with some other kids TV actors that saw no money from their time on TV. Now in Jazz's case, I can totally see her wanting all the money and I can see her parents putting it away for her medical and educational needs. 

    There was a polygamist show on TLC filmed in my area. They wanted kids to play "friends" on the show. They came to my kids high school, and found kids to act like friends for the series, not just one episode , the kids traveled to 3 states and over 1,000 miles filming. They got paid nothing and these kids were acting, not actual friends.  Enough people want to be on TV, TLC can find free very easily.

    I would have hoped Jazz and her family would have helped more then $150, lets all hope it is in secret. I very much doubt TLC will give a nickel. Not only are the cheap, but discovery communications through the Duggar scandal proved to have some very conservative ties. 

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  13. 6 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

    She’s going to Hollywood but she will go home soon when they realize her habit of moaning and howling  is a one trick pony she doesn’t have any other style! 

    Glad her husband got a chance to go to NYC and get out of the boonies! 

    Spose her parents are going to Hollywood with her ? Probably. (Eye roll) 

    I have not followed her story too closely for her fist year of marriage. I have seen a few social media posts she has made. haven;t they traveled a bit outside of AI outside of NH. Has he been able to work? It sounded like Evelyn is teaching kids, possibly at her church or home schooling? What does he do. He is 28, should he not have some skill to get a job outside of NH if he wants to move? 

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  14. 2 hours ago, Blissfool said:

    I really wanted to like Anne Hathaway look-alike, Evelyn, but I didn't. I've heard the judges critique others about contorting their faces while singing, but nary a word to her? Also, i read on Twitter that she and her Spanish husband were on the tv show 90 Day Fiance, so i guess she's a reality show regular.

    I was wondering how they would tell Evelyn's backstory. She was no a fan favorite on 90 day fiance. Her story was pretty dull, small town girl from NH marries a guy from Spain who thinks NH was boring The rest was the virgin story line. I was surprised she said she was 19 and married 1 year. There were people who were concerned watching her on 90 day because her husband was 26-27 and she was 18 but they had met when she was in Spain a few years before, making her 15ish and him 24..hmm Plus her dad is 38. If I did not know her 90 day story I would have thought her dad was her husband, he had the beard and look happy and friendly. Her husband was stiff and looked like he was dressed like Alex P Keaton. 

  15. I was wondering how they present her story. They had a  piece on Maddie Poppie (last years winner) as a lead in to Evelyn. Maddie was from a small town too. Then Evelyn walks in, the judges say she looks like someone famous. She says she is from a small town and is 19 and married. She has been married 1 year and that it was a long distance romance. I was surprised they were reminding us that she as dating him when she was a minor and he is about 7-8 years older. She sang, not my style, it was weird?, and got a golden ticket.  When she came out to her family and husband I swear her dad looked younger then her husband. He dad looked happy , dressed younger?  and comfortable. Her husband had a long sleeve sweater and shirt and possibly a tie and looked like he was a stuffy businessman and looked uncomfortable.

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  16. How is Jessica "Chubbs" doing? I thought I heard she graduated from college? Wasn't she in a nursing program? I hope that she can have some positive influence on Alana right now. I know Jessica is trying to lead her own life, but maybe have Alana at least come for a few weekends and show her that school and hard work pay off. Mama June takes any hustle to make a buck and Alana is not going to make it as an actress or product pitch person. June is always saying Alana does great in school but on the show she told her partner she did not know basic math. Hopefully someone can make sure she is at least on track to finsh high school. Pumpkin is sweet but she and her husband (isn't he like 24?), are staying with her mom still and do not appear to be bettering themselves like going some program or school. Did Pumpkin finish high school?  I don;t think Sugar bear is much better then June, his wife's ex is some sort of bad criminal too. Alana does not have many great choices in her life as role models right now.

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  17. Sorry if this has been discussed, I tried to read through and see if it was.  How did her parents gets back together? She said he mom was a single working mom and her grandmother cared for her and her mom's boy friend abused her, so where was her dad? and how did he come to live with her and he mom again? I guess I must have missed that part of the story as I was trying to figure out with all that stuff why the walls were bare. At least put up a few pictures or better yet paint the walls a dark color so the stains do not show up as bad. 

    I wonder why it seemed like Jeanne seem so cut off from the world for 10 years. Then I saw it was Big Sandy, TX. I have been looking for a city to move to for the last year and my son has epilepsy so good internet is a must and it is surprising how many cities do not have decent internet and some have none. I remember looking up Big Sandy after seeing some Duggar family buy a cheap house there and it does not have good internet access, Over half the homes do not have access(to cable to dsl) except via your phone or one of the usage sensitive satellite services. 

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  18. 3 hours ago, dirtypop90 said:

    It’s not just sex. There’s no physical intimacy. He didn’t even give the kissing exercise a chance. He’s not trying at this experiment period. I’ve seen no effort from him trying to get to know Jasmine. At least Jasmine is trying. Yet excuses are made for him but not for others who don’t try at this experiment. He signed up for this. No one made him do it. If he has clear set idea of what he wants in a woman, why did he come on this show and let experts pair him with a stranger?

    I guess I see if different or maybe he approached it differently? We see Kristine, go all in on the wedding day and honeymoon but then by week 4-5 she is asking the hard questions and wondering will they work because of where they are in life and their goals. Keith says he starting to fall in love and Kristine is now pausing and questioning. Will asked the question first, he took her to what was important to him the boys and girls club, and discussed what Jasmine sees for her future. He sees these goals are not matching. When he took her to that boys and girls club and explained how it changed his life, she brought up how she grew up with stability and money. She did not grab a basketball and shoot some hoops, she did not talk to him about how he wants to give back. He was kind with his words on unfiltered without saying Jasmine is all about money, but he has found out they do not want the same future. It again would be wrong to make out of have sex and lead her on when he has found out there is no future for them. 

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  19. 2 hours ago, dirtypop90 said:

    Will is in client relations.  He works for a financial institution but it is a stretch to call him an analyst.  I agree that people are giving him too much benefit of the doubt.  The lacking mental stimulation bit is an excuse.  Will has said nothing indicating he is above average intelligence.  I’m not understanding why people think he is smarter than Jasmine.  All he has said is he wants to help people, coach kids, and is a great uncle.  Plus, even if Jas was dumb, I’ve met several brilliant men with beautiful airhead wives.  It is NOT true that all (or even most IMO) smart men can’t get it up for dumb women.

    I’m actually starting to wonder if something bigger is going on besides lack of attraction.  I noticed the mention of him sleeping all the time.  Maybe he is depressed or low on testosterone?  Will also discussed feeling inadequate in prior relationships, which could be another reason for his hesitation to have sex.  Idk but I’ve long thought there was something else going on with him.

    I think will is not looking for someone based on looks only. If he was at 37, educated, home owner, I'm sure he would be married by now. It seemed like he was okay with her on the wedding day, based on looks and firs meeting. Then it seemed like he wanted to get t know her and what he heard made him feel they were not going to match long term. It seems like it is not just gender roles and money, it is goals , values and lifestyle. I think he is not one to want to lead someone on. Would it be better if he had sex with her knowing he did not see a future. Then we would be calling him other names? 

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  20. 2 hours ago, aphroditewitch said:

    Sonia and Anthony are telling it like it is. I wonder if Sonia will reach out to Kate after the season ends. Her situation with Nick was similar.

    I don't know if Sonia's was really the same as Kate (Didn't Nick sleep wth Sonia once and she asked to keep it quiet and he respected her), but Sonia being a social worker and having so much in common should be able to help more then the experts.

    Anthony is right, 3 other couples at different stages in marriage in that tiny airbnb could not be fun! 

    I tried reading another post on SM, but facebook, and now instragram are not working for me and I know my internet is working fine. I am not big on facebook, just use it to look at local people selling stuff and peak at a few reality pages, is it down for everyone? or just me?

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  21. 7 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I completely agree, but I do have one question. My actual viewing of the show has been minimal (to non-existent after the peeing incident) but I’m curious if you think Glen and Babs are big supporters of the idea of Whit and Buddy getting together. The clip I saw was Babs says ‘Buddy, Buddy, Buddy - it’s always Buddy’ with almost an eye roll to it in a way that I read as disgust with the whole idea. I completely agree that Whit and her NitWits are all about the pairing but I’m not sure about the parents. 

    I don't think her parents first choice would be Buddy. I do not think they would ever forbid Whitney from dating anyone but they would have some comments for her. It seems like her dad just wants to see Whitney be with someone who will take care of her, not just in a financial sense, but in the same way he does his wife. Glenn is smart enough to know that Buddy has little job skills and a lot of issues to work through and will not be ready for a marriage (Glenn's idea of marriage) for a long time.

    3 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I’m sure that’s why Glenn and Babs let it happen but I suspect Whit would worm her way into going even without cameras. Nothing happens without Whit jamming herself into the situation. She treats her parents, Babs especially, like incompetent children who need her to tell them how to live.  Everything has to be about Whitney and that isn’t just for the show. 

    I bet TLC wanted to film the surgery, just like the hearing aides. They know Glenn and Babs are popular with fans. They do not have much else of a storyline to film. They were not going to be on the RV tour, They don't sit around at Whitney house and gossip , so they show finds ways to fit them in. Plus it gives Whitney another "job", caregiver to show the world.

    4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Glenn's continued devotion to work is a mystery to me.  He sure works a lot to be over retirement age.  I know a few men who are that way. They seem to feel that their work keeps them vital. My dad retired, then decided to take another job part-time, left that and has regretted retirement ever since.  He keeps busy with various activities, Silver Sneakers, Christian fellowship meetings, church, etc., but, it's not enough for him....he's 81!

    I wonder if Glenn just likes to be out of the house. I would not want to be in that house 24/7 if Whitney always is stopping by complaining or has a camera crew with her. I believe he has a high level corporate position, so realistically maybe he feels there is no one to take over or he can't give up a project he has been working on. I live in a retirement area and many people retire to their dream home, warm weather, lots of golf courses, and then are working at a grocery store or bus driver or school aide. My favorite guy behind the butcher counter is 84, he had a long corporate career and after a month of retirement, his wife told him to get off the couch and go do something. 

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  22. 18 minutes ago, Soup333 said:

    He looked mad as hell when he said it. I didn’t take that as a joke at all.

    He was upset before they even got out of the car. Stephanie was already trying to talk him down. 

    I think he might have been mad over how small the place was. He thinks he is getting a mini honeymoon alone with this wife like to NYC or a bed and breakfast like past couples. He finds out he has to spend a weekend with 3 others couples, 2 are not happy. Then he sees the place is tiny and they are basically going to be on top of each other, no real living room, 1 bathroom for 8 people, I thought the place was super small and I can't imagine having a camera crew in that tiny kitchen with 8 people. If you compare it to the cabin they rented Whitney and her 3 friends in Alaska last week on my big fat fabulous life and what they gave 4 couples on this show, there has to be a reason that they put them in this tiny space? Last minute change? budget?

    Kristine I think knew the place was so small. She is a realtor and probably looked up the house. She was clear she wanted to be the first one there and get the first pick of rooms and she was. Smart women!

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