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Posts posted by silverspoons

  1. 2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

    Monday is going to be a 2 hour show? (Again, it came from Joey, so...)

    It's frustrating because we keep getting quick hits like "And it was all live!" and "I thought they were going to fight!" and "That was crazy!" but then they immediately cut away from whoever (Ryan) is saying that. 

    It is not 2 hours on my DVR?  It has CBB and the Magnum PI.  I wonder if they don;t want another meeting and fallout like today. Just make it a live show and get it done with.?

    It sounds like they were cooking and working out today , so not everyone was fighting so why could they not show some feeds? Was Tamar or someone so loud they could not be blocked out in the background

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  2. 8 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Did Julie say during last night's ep when the next eviction will be? 

    Well well well, apparently we have a new Vegas lol.

    I find it hard to believe Lolo was expelled. 

    I hope it did not come to that but Lolo seemed very over it last night and upset, Tamar is a hot head a lot and seems to know how to be annoying but knows when to stop. Maybe Lolo was pushed over the edge, her shoulder hurt, her hair turned green, Dina got her hair fixed and Lolo didnt, I was sure if Dinas used words that could have offended Lolo ethnicity, then she was very tired and Tamar starts up. Maybe it was a perfect storm brewing?

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  3. This episode was a bit confusing to me. So a few employees that were the creative team in a company leave and within 10 days are suppose to form a company, come up with products, pricing, manufacturing and do a dream pitch? If Marcus wanted to help and guide them, you think he would have given then a few weeks just to form roles in the company and find a space and get settled and then start creating. Once they created a good product, then he would have had them explore manufacturing.

    My guess is Marcus had a meeting set up with T-mobile. Marcus did not like the Casery owner but did not want to lose the Tmobile deal. he got this new company started in a rush to get the Tmobile deal done. Then Marcus has the gall to get mad at the girl over the markdowns, they had them start a company in 9 days, he were designers (as far as I know none are econ or business majors). Where was his guidance and help for 49%?

    I also can't believe that TMobile who did not seem really impressed with the cases would just order them? Aren't there like 5,000 cell phone case makers, why go with one you do not love. Isn't Tmobile he type of place that tries to sell you overpriced cases when you buy your phone? I always thought the cases were geared toward protection? You just bought this $800 phone, do you want to leave the store without a safety case? Most people must know the cases are cheaper online or at walmart but the selling point is keep your phone safe from moment one. 

    Did they get the deal with MLB? the MLB guy kept saying I want imagines , I assume he wanted like Wrigley field or the wall in Fenway park so why not say, come back with some photo cases and hen we will consider. These deals just seemed too easy and set up. 

    • Love 4
  4. 21 minutes ago, Cherry Cola said:

    CBS really needs to stop saying feeds are 24/7 access, when they cut them all the time! 

    This show really changes how I feel about people. At first I was like, ew...Tom Green. But he has been ok. Yes too many nut jokes, but seems nice.  Now Joey has changed my opinion in the opposite direction. I thought he would be nice and chill.  

    I would much rather have BBOTT 2 then CBB2, the 24 hours feeds no blackouts were the best. They could make OTT 3 weeks and I would be fine, what else do they use the house for? I hope they do not take down the feeds every time Tamar screams, we will have no feeds. Watch out if Kato noms Tamar! but he should not keep her safe out of fear that she will go off. 

    • Love 6
  5. Kato is who I wanted to win but I thought he did not have a shot. It will be interesting HOH, not crazy like Tamar or Ricky. Kato is calm and seems to get along well with all. I think he will let Joey use the bathroom so we won't have to hear about that 

    1 minute ago, TVFan17 said:

    I wish Kato would make good use of his win and actually try to get out one of the strongest players, but he probably won't.  He'll probably go after someone who has no chance of winning.

    Will he go after Ricky if Tom plants a seed?

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  6. Can someone explain how the marriage license works on the show. The people do not meet till the wedding day. At least where I got married, you had to go in person to get a marriage license and show proof of ID and if you were divorced, proof of divorce.  So do the couples get the marriage license the day after the wedding ceremony? So if Luke was not digging Kate, why go sign the license? The show can't force him to. 

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  7. 40 minutes ago, julieshubertforeve said:

    Anybody else notice that Kate is actually a brunette and just colors her hair blond??? Watching their scenes is so painful. He's just not into her. Guys are very attraction driven. She is a really cute girl. Not sure what he's attracted to, but I just think it's crazy to encourage them to stay together.

    Same with Amber last year. Dave said he liked dark hair. I wonder if she went brunette at the final show to have one last chance for him to like her or to show him what he was missing.

    • Love 3
  8. Do we know if Keith dated much or had a serious relationship in the past? I can;t remember. Something about him just strikes me as a bit lazy. Likes to watch TV, does not like any sort of physical activity, is 30 and a student (and in the same place in his education that a 20-21 would be), having grandma cook etc. I kind of feel like he did not want to put the energy into dating and was thrilled the experts found him an attractive wife. He seems to say he will just go along with whatever she wants , kind of like a puppy dog first crush. 

    I'm looking forward to see how they work out their living situation and how Kristine's views real day to day life with him. 

    • Love 6
  9. 3 hours ago, DannyRugg said:

    Too bad the Mooch didn't stick around longer, I was hoping he would have a showmance with Dana Lohan.

    The showmance is Kato and Dina. That is what the HG were saying on the feeds, they said it is more of a flirtmance since Kato has a girlfriend? 

    5 hours ago, gunderda said:



    I havent' gotten the feeds yet... should i???

    The feeds are not that great this year. I don't ask for much. I actually like hear the little regular stories like how they get health coverage, how they are planning for retirement or what they like to cook but were are not even getting much of that.  This group is NOT late night. Most of them seem to be in bed by 10.  Just a few use the backyard at night to chat.  I'm not a fan of hearing Tamar complain about the way people talk or the words they use and try and shut everyone out of talking.  If I wanted drama like this, there are other shows to watch. I think the feeds and show will get better if she leaves (if gameplay is what you like). Of course for $6 for a month I get them because it is cheaper then a movie and you never know if something good will happen.

  10. 18 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

    Is anyone watching the Tom Green shower segment?  lol   He invited us into the bathroom with him, to watch him take a shower, and he is talking to us the whole time.

    I can't decide if I want Tom to do well in the game or want him evicted from the house,  

    Jonathan just walked into the bathroom to find Tom talking in the shower. 

    I say keep him. I wish he would tell us more what is going on in the game but he is he giving us some entertainment. 

    • Love 7
  11. 33 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

    Yes.   They have been talking about him intermittently (finally).  It sounds as though they are all implying that he knew he was not staying and that he had no reason to want to win a comp, but they don't seem to be implying that he self-evicted or anything.     It seems like it was, indeed, a planned part of the game for him to leave -- or at least that's what they all believe and were told. They are wondering what we -- the audience -- know about Mooch's role on the show and what we have seen!


    I thin he had signed for a set period of time but BB did know know exactly what to do with him and made this twist up at the last minute. Why would he not give us DR that he was on a secret mission? like America's player if he was going to leave. I hope we get answers on the next show. I don;t think these House guest even known what happened. 

    update: Tom is giving a tour of the house for viewers, he says he does not want to tell us too much to spoil the show! He calls the Mooch a mole and says he was duped. Tom has the perfect chance to talk to us. He thinks he is being bad? for talking game?

    • Love 2
  12. 2 hours ago, gingerella said:

    Yeah but it means shit unless she also didn't follow through on his green card. He shouldnt get to stay in the US after what he pulled. Little shithead.

    How long have they been married? I really can;t follow the date like others because I keep hearing about 3 different weddings. Ashley seems like she would keep Jay in the US as long is she is not responsible and he went and did his own thing. 

    I wonder if we will see a divorce go fund me...

    • Love 2
  13. Fake player. It seems like CBS wanted another political type to fill a spot. The tops choices that were floating around say no. Mooch says I'll come for a week, but no more and they take him. If BB was going to do a fake player or a twist where someone just leaves after a week, I think ti would be better then this. It would be some that really made the house crazy or a big name, 

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