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Posts posted by silverspoons

  1. 34 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

    Just a question - why would you think Anfisa doesn't have a green card?  If Jorge petitioned after they were married she received a green card.  It may not be permanent but she should have one.  Otherwise, they would be sending her home.

    Anfisa sais in her latest you tube video which was 1 day ago that she did not have her work permit or whatever she needs to work, she said she got something other card or provisional card quicker then normal but her work permit is still not approved. I would tend to believe her since she has seemed to be honest about college, her credit, medical bills and how she has learned to adjust to the US way of dong things. 


    Larissa has a new go fund me up already. It just says Help Larissa. People already donating.

    • Love 3
  2. 2 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

    This girl needs help. She is reporting live from the ER being treated for exhaustion and anxiety and says Coltee cancelled her insurance the day before the fight so now she has no insurance. She's asking if he planned it.

    Insurance is virtually impossible to understand for Americans forget about a foreigner like Larissa. Someone tell her that most employer sponsored health plans cancellations go to the end of the month they RARELY cut you off by the day mid month. And there are shit tons of mandated rules about cancellation notifications and COBRA notifications to keep your plan independently. It is expensive but she has to be notified. She needs to call the HR department of Coltees employer and they have to respond. If not to her, someone .... like Coltee or the insurer if he is being an ass. She has rights if she was on the plan. 


    Colt has posted the plan is not cancelled. I know that if you are cancelled off a plan, you still have coverage for the remaining 30 days and by law they have to send you a letter so you have proof so you can do special enrollment on the marketplace. Las Vegas is the closest major hospital to me and I have an ex husband so that didnt want to keep coverage he was suppose to so I have been through this. 

    Larissa's posted she was in the ER twice last week for her finger? so I would assume she knows how to use the plan. She has also been going to therapy and the doctor regularly. What I do not understand is she said she ran out of mental health meds and is having issues. Why go to the ER? Can't she call he doctor that she has been seeing? Plus every mental health doctor I know, gives you a follow up appointment before your refill runs out, so did she miss her appointment? use too many? 

    My gut thinks since her gofund me got taken down since it can' be used for criminal legal fees and last night plea did not get her enough money, she knows medical go fund me is okay and is using this trip to get a new go fund me. I hope I am wrong, but if Colt is showing she has coverage and Larissa is now saying the hospital made a mistake? 

    I never thought I would say Anfisa is a role model but she posted a video yesterday where she talks about learning about our healthcare system. She could not believe the costs and insurance rules. She said after Jorge had 1 ER visit for his gallbladder and it was like 10k for a few hours, she talked to someone and got a plan for herself. Anfsia does not have a green card and can;t work yet so she is in the same place as Larissa , but she found a way to make a sucessful youtube channel and make enough to pay for her own insurance, community college and apartment. 

    • Love 12
  3. 1 hour ago, alegtostandon said:

    I recall the episode where Col-Tee & Larissa were looking at apartments and Col-Tee said their lease was up on the house, so they don't even own the castle Queen Larissa lives in!  And Col-Tee is a 'software engineer!'!


    Colt and his mom moved to Vegas in the Summer of 2017 and rented the townhome they live in. During the last arrest Larissa posted their address. They are leasing the the home and it is pretty reasonable price and in a decent neighborhood ( and gated HOA) . I live over the border of NV in Utah and a house like Colt's would rent for 30-40%  more here. I would guess maybe they are on a month to month since they have been in the place for about 18 months now.  It would cost them more to buy then to rent, plus Debbie lives on one floor and they live on another. They only seem to share a kitchen. They both have separate, living rooms, office spaces, bathroom and bedroom. Colt also has huge student loans from getting his software engineer degree. He just graduated before he moved to Vegas so I doubt given his supposed employer's low wages that he could have paid them down much. 

    One thing is they are very lucky the HOA will let them film. Sister wives when they first moved to Vegas and were renting the four houses in different HOA's, 2 would not allow filming and then the other one tried to get them to stop. It was one of the main reasons they built in the cul-de-sac, there was extra side parking for TLC and the cul-de-sac was gated just for them. As you can see these houses in Vegas are on top of each other, imagine, a film crew, trucks and lights in the narrow streets, it gets neighbors made fast! 

    • Love 7
  4. 5 minutes ago, bref said:

    Well, that's dumb. They could have edited the cursing out of the replay instead of dropping the last ten minutes?

    They teased two things before cutting to the wrong ending--Ashley telling Jay she wasnt sure she wanted to stay married and Eric spouting garbage about snowflakes in some sad attempt to defend his actions towards Tasha. Was that pretty much the whole story?

    I missed the end but I did see a post on facebook with the last 2 minutes. Jay is shown a clip of Ashley and he says he will work to gain her trust. Then there was a statement by TLC, just a screen with words that said something like  Larissa was arrested since filing again?

    • Love 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, bref said:

    @cynic, I was watching the replay in Mountain Time and yes, they just played the last 15 minutes of Part 1 instead of the end of part 2. Some bozo hit the wrong switch, perhaps? I took a TV production class in college but that was a thousand years ago in terms of technological change. JFC, now I am actually going to have to seek it out on demand because I'm a completionist. Arrghhhh. 

    I just came here to find ut what happened. I am in MTN time and did not see the end either. TLCGO when they post i makes it so hard to fast forward to the end, unless I am missing a trick?

  6. 8 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

    Larissa needs a very good advocate. What led up to this is very important to sort out. They do need a divorce, but hey Mohammed and Danielle got "a anullment" and he got to stay when Mohammed had NO intention or goodwill toward a real marriage at all in my opinion. Larissa and Coltee had good intentions, physical chemistry, and a rapport. Why can't she stay? If she wants to stay on her own and she can prove he had a hand in this I feel like she gets to stay. I hope she finds an old man who comes to Vegas frequently who will make her very happy. 

    I wonder why she would want to stay? If her reason really was she came her because loved Colt and wanted to marry him? She has 3 kids in Brazil, she said she choose to be with Colt because of their love and would bring at least one of her kids here when she could. If she has ended it with Colt would she not want to go back to be with her kids? Her parents are taking care of at least 1 if not 2 of the kids. If she can't make money here, I would think she would want to go home and be with her kids and help pay for the kids. Her parents have to be near retirement age, why should they be paying for her kids when she lives here. Plus unlike Annie Azia, Cassia, or Anfisia , Larissa, Devar, Alexandra, and Alla who all started college right away and had educational goals , Larissa  has not started schooling of any kind and hopes to model or start up a social media business. I'm not being harsh but if she wants to stay, she should at least have goals that lead towards contributing or skills. I guess it hits me hard, I drive 425 miles each way to take my son to the closest neurologist because the few neurologist wiling to work in my area were on work visas that expired and could not be renewed. these doctors are needed so badly, people are not getting care that is very critical for ALS, dementia, stroke, MS, seizures,  so if there is a limited number of visas that are not because of marriage, then people should have some skill or working towards a skill that is productive.  

    • Love 12
  7. I wen to check out Keith Brooks channel since he lives in Vegas and recaps the show and he is reporting Debbie has said that Colt has filed for divorce. I checked Debbie's instragram and did not see it posted there. I hope it is true and they can stay away from each other. 

    When checking Debbie's account, she posted her cat died. She was very sad and what is worse is some viewer said some horrible things about it and she is hurt and scared. I can't believe people can be so cruel to a senior citizen widow that was briefly on a TV show about a cat she obviously loved very much.

    • Love 9
  8. 54 minutes ago, Horrified said:

    Sorry if I'm way behind, but what's up with the Coltee mugshot from 2015(on the John Yates instagram)?  Is it real?  I'm wondering because of the way his name is shown on the thing he's holding up.

    He was kind of cute as a slimmer dude with a boy-band haircut.

    It is fake. mugshot for Colt's fun years.  Colt had many looks in his younger years, long hair grunge type looks and he was thinner. People forget Colt wasn't the best student in high school, partied , gamed all night and either barley finished or got a GED. He traveled and was into gaming and  then when he was about 25 decided to go to college. He went to a pricey for profit computer college that did get him his dream job as a gamer but it is not high paying. 

    • Love 4
  9. 6 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

    Larissa says in the video, "He called the police first."

    She might have said it, but the police reported they were called by a female, Larissa to report the incident first. I don't think the police would misreport a basic fact like who called. The he said she said stuff can be confusing but the basics like who called I would hope the police have right.


    I just realized that Auntie was suppose to do her big interview with Larissa last night. That would have been very enlightening. Now we may never get that interview. Auntie is better then Shawn at getting the good information out of these couples. 

    • Love 1
  10. 15 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

    It is a common move for the guilty party to call the police.   So in fairness the police should only determine what happened after they do some investigation. Officers and deputies can get it wrong or right. I've seen lots of sloppy and incompetent work on LivePD. They show lots of DV on air.

    Lots of times both parties are taken and the blanket statement is ''you will have your day in court''.

    Larissa was the one that called the police according to the report. She said he called the police, but the police are saying she called?


    Jesse donated to the go fund me. Jesse gave a whole $10! His message said I will free you ! $10 to free her! Jesse really wants to stay on this show. 

    • Love 8
  11. 50 minutes ago, doyouevengohere said:

    I can see that.........I think Debbie is a horrible MIL but she probably did her best with Colt.  There's only so much you caan do if your kid is a complete and utter a-hole.  He respects her now (in his way) but wait until she's older and super needy.

    Lots of people think it is weird he lives with his Mom. It is way more common to have take care of a parent or for seniors to not be able to afford housing on SS alone. Colt dad died when he was young and it obviously made him closer to his mom. Maybe he has worried every since then about his mom dying. he is an only child too. From what Debbiehas said , she is getting very low social security amount and has no pension or other income. If she did not live with Colt she would be in a small studio apartment in a bad neighborhood. It is sad but it happens all the time. My father in law died when my husband was a teen and my mother in law worked but not high paying jobs her whole life while raising 10 kids and at retirement, she was able to afford just a small one bedroom apartment. My mom has retirement money and a sudden illness is caused her to need more help sooner then she thought. Even with long term care policy, these retirement communties are 5-6k a month 2-3k if you have a policy and it worries my mom to blow her life savings on a assisted living. It is not like Colt can drop Debbie off at the retirement home and it will be like the show "cool kids" all nice and fun. He has said many times he told Larissa taking care of his mom was part of the deal since she took care of him alone for years. Larissa has mentioned she wanted to bring her kids here. Im sure they had to talk about that as well. he had his mom to care for and she had her kids. It was not a relationship that was just going to be the two of them.

    After all that I hope that Colt stays taking care of his mom and Larissa takes care of her kids and they separate.

    The latest post by John Yates says Larissa is willing to say she lied about Colt being a pedo if he bails her out. No matter what she means, she did or didnt tell the truth, pedo accusations should not be made or taken lightly. If she lied about that....

    • Love 8
  12. Just now, blubld43 said:

    Her face is so beat up, much worse than Coltee. I can only guess that he convinced the cops she was the aggressor,  God!  No wonder he had to get a searching-for-green-card wife, no American woman would go near him.  Run Larissa!

    We have no idea if he was arrested or not. Larrissa's arrest was told by her friend. I'm sure Debbie is not going to post if Colt is in jail.  Larissa's friend took pictures of her. We do not know if there are more pictures of Colt? During arrest number 2 people wondered why, until we found out the there was bruises and marks on Colt via a report. It is just going to be wait and see until a report comes out because this SM is turning into a mess. 


    1 minute ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

    I read somewhere in one of the FB Groups that she was arrested.  Does anyone have a link? 

    She needs a good advocate. Coltee is a coder, an engineer there is no doubt in my mind she is anxious but that he can manipulate himself out of anything leveraging her weaknesses. 

    Jon Yates was posting for Larissa on his social media. He is the one that reported that her friend Carmen said she was arrested. Just like arrest #2, Larrisa posted she was at Carmen's and safe and then a few hours later it is posted she is arrested. 

    • Love 3
  13. 4 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

    I haven't figured out where people are getting this, so I'm not sure how much truth there is to it, but the reason they say he paid so much for porn is that he was specifically looking for porn with a Larissa lookalike it in, so that he can broadcast it while pretending it's actually her. Fake revenge porn, if you will.

    I hate Colt with the heat of 10,000 volcanoes.

    The porn cost more then it would have cost to fix the A/C, I would think she would be mad about that or that she got married in a good will dress. Is this really how Colt is spending his money? I thought he was suppose to be paying down student loans. He graduated less then 2 years ago with big debt.

    • Love 7
  14. Larissa deleted most of the pictures from last night. John Yates had been posting last nigh for her. It seemed she was at her friend's house safe. Now the latest post says she was arrested. This is John Yates reporting the arrest. I have not seen a booking (Clark county next to where I live so the arrests are linked on my local news site). 

    I agree they need to end this. On top of it being bad for them, it is not nice for the neighbors to go through this (Larissa posted their address last night and they live in a gated HOA, Im sure here neighbors are thrilled at the filming and now the constant fighting and  police coming out), and taking the police and emergency services from helping others. I have known several people wait in the Vegas area because of lack of night emergency staffing for needed help.

    • Love 4
  15. 5 minutes ago, Lindalu said:

    Crazy town! From what I read she found some receipts for porn and a fight ensued.


    Colt has a picture that appears his mouth got punched. I tried to post it but I can't . I guess we will see what happens if the police are really there. Poor Debbie, I think she needs to look into the retirement community. Bingo and shuffleboard might be looking really good right now!

    • Love 7
  16. What is going on tonight with them? I saw a few videos posted and deleted. It looks like more bad fighting and maybe the police called?  It looks like a mess. 

    update: I just looked at John Yates and he says the police are at the house and has lots of pics and screenshots of the the latest. 

    I don't think these two need another season. They need help. 

    • Love 10
  17. I think Asuelu grew up sheltered and in a very relaxed life and that is what is showing.  I feel like the length and stress of the tell all filming, I believe by the time he was upset , they had been there for 10 hours or more. Some of the other situations that were being discussed, much of which we either will not see or have not seen yet, was probably beyond anything he knows. I think he is trying to learn US life and can't believe that there are so many different types of relationships and situations. I would bet that he grew up thinking you get married and take care of your family and not much more.

    My son was very nervous to learn to drive and was 18. I hired a professional to teach him. Part of the training was going out with another driver. I asked for it not to be someone that was also nervous or a beginner not a 15 year old that loved driving. He was matched with someone that had just arrived from Samoan. The person was smart, they were actually starting graduate school and needed to get a license asap. I was worried when my son said the Samoan student had a Samoan license because it must mean they were way ahead of my nervous son. Nope! The Samoan student had a very hard time with all the traffic, rules, and stress of driving here. They were used to dirt roads and few cars. They seemed overwhelmed with everything here being so fast paced and so many rules (that seem to conflict for them). I see Aseulu being heere the  same way. I also don't think Kalini is he best teacher for him. She is stressed with a infant and pregnant and does not seem to have the patience or even the right way to communicate. If you watch the bonus clip at the grocery store, she is not teaching him how to shop or how food is packed or stored, it is like she is treating him like a kid. Do you want me to buy you a pineapple? If you want meat , this is the way you get it here or you don't get any. She should have just left him at the grocery store alone. The grocery store they went to (I shop there often), is local owned and has the nicest staff. The produce man will talk your ear off about the different items and where they came from and how to prepare. Asuelu does not need to be yelled at or told what to do, He needs someone to explain so he can understand why it is different here. That produce guy would have loved to hear Asuelu talk about picking cocunuts and pineapple and then would have told him how our fruit comes to us in the desert. 

    My hope is that her brother can be his guide to life here. 

    If you listen to him after he bangs his head, he says I can't hear. I bet he just wanted to try and understand what the fight was about and maybe try and help stop it so they could finally finish. Shawn just was not doing a good job of keeping control. 

    • Love 19
  18. On 10/29/2018 at 5:57 PM, mtlchick said:

    I see these at the grocery store but $5.99 for 4 small frozen  items? They went on sale for $3.99 and I got them for my daughter who does not eat meat. It is hard to find new items for her to try. She was not impressed, said they had a funny after taste (could have been the way they were frozen), but she said for $3.99 or $5.99, there are many other novelty frozen treat items she would rather have. 

    I was wondering does shark tank still have items in Bed Bath and Beyond? or is it just certain stores? Our one and only bed bath beyond is in a bad location (traffic wise)  so I have not been in for over 5 years. It was the only place that had a gift my mom wanted so I went in last week. I actually bet my daughter on how many shark tank items we would see since it seems like every shark talks about connections there. I saw none! and I walked the whole store. The store was dead and in poor repair and it was just opened 10 years ago. I know people say malls are dying but our mall is expanding and our city is growing and this store looked like going out of business. Two employees and old dated products. I don't understand why people want their products in a store like this, unless mine is just a dud location. But to put how desperate our city is for retail, we still have a Kmart that is packed and thriving so people here will shop anywhere,

  19. 8 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    Yes, she has responded on multiple occasions to questions on SM about what her job is by saying her job is to make a television show. Then she often goes on to explain how difficult that is, and how hard on her, as if to suggest she works so much harder than the questioner can ever understand. There was one instance where she told someone, on her Facebook page I believe, that she really wished she had a 9-to-5 job, because it would make fitting in her workouts so much easier than dealing with her erratic schedule and travel demands.

    While I believe  filming days are probably long and hard, I do not think there are too many full filming days. I have seen TLC film as well as other reality TV. There are endless retakes and long hours. The other fact is they try and film the least number of days. I know the sister wives almost the entire season was filmed in two about 10 day filming sessions. Whitney has a set schedule of filming, a few days of talking heads after filming is done and then I bet there is an on call producer to come film if something big happens (like her mom's stroke) and then it is a producer and cameraman coming in for a day or two to get footage and leave. As for filming the one trip per season Whitney I'm sure gets a say like other TLC shows. A few ideas are thrown out by TLC and Whitney and a trip is agreed upon. Between the one trip, the talking head filming days and the actual full filming days I find it hard to believe if it is over 30 days a year and in exchange Whitney gets enough money to live a middle class life all year without working. and gets her message out. I would say it is a great deal.

    • Love 8
  20. If they want to keep up this scripted type show, they should focus on one dramatic event and turn it into a half hour sitcom. Like Whitney finds the album, what will happen? Heather is coming over , Can buddy hide? Will anyone show up for the dance class. Last night they covered like 6 storylines back and forth and made  already unrealistic stories less believable. Whitney finds the album, almost hits the producer because she is so upset, yet the next scene is her complaining about the dance class? They can;t even finish the wedding album story and then move on to the only 3 people showing up for the class. 


    I was married for a short time after college and it did not work out. I kept the album and a few times over the years when we are moving or searching through boxes, the album comes out. It is the last pictures I have of my dad. He died shortly after my first wedding. My kids never met him and the pictures are some of the best I have of me and my dad, plus there are other family members that have passed on in the pictures. Whitney mentioned that her grandpa or great grandpa was in the pictures who is now passed on. Maybe this is a reason why her mom keeps the pictures. I also call total BS that Whitney did not know or this is a recreation of something that happened years ago. She told the producer the story and they recreated it. 


    Is Whitney just basically admitting the show is her job now? No more facade that she is a dance class teacher. I guess the show and all her cruises must pay well enough to live and pay for adoption or IVF. I was very surprised she was so naive about IVF. I had rare uterine problem and at age 13 I had to see a endocrinologist-ob/gyn monthly for a year. After that I could tell all about the shots women take, the costs etc just from sitting int he waiting room listening to the women talk. I guess Whitney did not learn anything from previous doctor visits or  has not watched other reality shows with women getting IVF injections. I loved how she just wanted a easy pill not a shot. Did she ever give a reason she can't carry a baby or try the natural way or with IUI if she has tons of eggs? 

    • Love 8
  21. 13 minutes ago, 2727 said:

    That's fantastic! I hope to dog his mother approves.

    I'm curious how they met. The show seriously needs to have them on an episode of Unfiltered.

    The experts commented on the annoucement which was today. I wonder if they saw the episode and decided to look each other up. The experts did no seem to know they were togetehr so they did it on their own.

    I think unfiltered is already filmed for the season? Hopefully if Dorian and his match work out, they could be on some update show. Of course the experts would take the credit. What would be interesting is to see if they were a good match but if they last longer because of he lack of cameras. I really think the cameras play a big role in the stress and problems.

    • Love 7
  22. I kind of wish they would not show all he negative previews at the end of the episode. Tonight we see 3 couple in various stages of being in a good place and one obvious train wreck and then the previews try and show us all the couples in bad fights. I would rather have a week of at least believing we could have a few good outcomes this year.

    Our family views this show together and a few things we all brought up. Like other we all thought Luke could be gay, but could not find a good reason why he would come on the show and go through this and the negative backlash if he countines to treat Kate this way? Princess will not be lusting after Keith as much after she finds out he makes $15 an hr. Jasmine and Will lack a spark, but the gut says they will work but be a boring couple. Our family is split on AJ. My husband can;t stand him and My daughter and I hope  it works out and he is the comic relief this season. 

    Not a Fan of Jamie's, but the outfit to me was better then the tablecloth and the no pants look of the past 2 seasons. Kate's unfiltered made me sad. She seemed so sweet, Pastor cal was already praising her for being so positive and a good sport. She has to sit and watch Kristine make out with her husband on the wedding day as she has to explained being rejected for a kiss on the cheek. 

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