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Posts posted by silverspoons

  1. 1 hour ago, Dance4Life said:

    I am trying to read this...and, I can’t!  Tom just came in the room and keeps singing. 


    (My mute button doesn’t work)


    I was feeling bad for Kandi all alone in the kitchen.....but, now I want Tom to leave.


    I guess in  CBB...they can sing!  CBB has no rules!

    I have heard plenty of singing on the feeds without warning but when they talk game, the feeds are cut! 

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  2. 23 minutes ago, gingerella said:

    This is disturbing news. I hope Tasha gets some legal representation to assist her in this mess. She shouldn't be navigating this shitshow alone. Also, CPS, check on the little boy...

    ETA: I cant understand her family. She made this big show that they could command her to come home with Aless, then they see what a shitshow it is and do nothing. You'd think her sister, who appeared to be a very involved aunt, would try to get the family to convince her to bring him back home, at least on the pretense of 'for a little while until things sort out'...I'm sure they've watched this shit online, how can they not be distraught and horrified about her behavior?

    If you listen to Auntie this morning she was hinting to get Tasha some free legal help. Auntie read the TLC contract( Auntie was offered to be on the live show but declined and still has the 90 day  contract). the contract states that being on the show can cause stuff like negative comments and backlash and their is no legal recourse.  So Leida saying fans are being mean, is something she literally signed up for.

    As for Ledia, there was a picture I saw that she had her son outside without socks with his feet in the snow? I live where it is sunny and warm but from watching the news I assume with all this cold weather news that WI is cold? Poor kid. I forget he is in school. the way he is carried around, does not talk and is dressed makes me think he is a 3 year old age range not school aged. Hopefully his teacher is watching out for him. 

    I think the family was happy to be rid of Leida. Seems like they have helped her out of situation after situation and maybe they have had enough. 

    • Love 2
  3. 45 minutes ago, doyouevengohere said:

    ANNNND she continues to be crazy and awful.  Apparently she did file a restraining order against Tasha (based on what I don't know b/c Tasha went out of her way to not mention she-satan and her dad on her social media and asked people to stop asking her about them b/c she just wanted them to leave her alone).  Some fan based IG has messages from Ledia to people in her secret account asking them to provoke Tasha online to get her to mention Ledia by name so Ledia can report her to the police.  Ledia needs a job or to actually take care of her kid.  Also there is a video of her filming herself putting AHHHLESS in the snow with no shoes on barefoot and the kid is scared while she laughs.  Why she would do that, film it, and put it online is insane.  NO children should be in her care.  I hope CPS is involved.


    ETA: the restraining order is temporary , they have to go to court? next week?  before a judge to get issued a perment order?  Tasha has done nothing to Ledia.  Apparently there are tons of private chats that have been leaked showing Ledia seeking out others to help her to harass Tasha and also Tania.  Tasha has commented she is printing them all out to show at court that Ledia can not leave her alone and is obsessed with her.

    I listened to Auntie this morning. This is just horrible. Not just stressful for a Tasha who is just trying to work, go to school and start her life but such a waste of the court system for people who have real problems. I don't understand Eric in all of this. He says at the tell all he wants to teach Tasha life lessons.  Putting her out was a life lesson (even though it was her place?) but I am sure it did get her to make sure her place now is in her name, secure in writing  and not to trust anyone's verbal agreement. But what life lesson are you teaching to try and give your daughter a criminal record? Does he not want her to succeed in life.  

    • Love 13
  4. Did anyone catch what Kato said around 11pm BB time? He was talking to Tom, it seems Kato is sick, like might be something serious like cancer. I can't flashback on my TV that I am viewing on tonight.  Tom and Kato were in the backyard and Kato says he has not told anyone but he is in a lot of pain. Tom seemed to understand his pain (Tom had cancer years ago) so it seemed like Kato might have said cancer before I changed to their feed. 

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  5. 14 minutes ago, discoprincessthe2 said:

    When Keith said he was in nursing school (which I assumed was going to lead to him becoming an registered nurse), but he said he wanted to become a doctor, I was confused. Those are two different types of schooling. (Why would he even want to do both?)

    Correct. I hope he becomes a nurse and stops and finds a job and settles down for a bit like buying a home starting a family (assuming the marriage works out) . Then he is open to become a NP or nurse anesthetist that make excellent money.  A nurse can apply to medical school, as long as you have taken the required classes for admission (might need extra chemistry or math) , but it is still at least 7 years for a nurse to become a doctor if choosing a the quickest PCP track. 

    Being a doctor in 2019 is not what it used to be. I know two doctors who went back to school to become nurse practioners! Shocking turn but NP work normal hours, little to no call and have a set salary, they don;t have to pay their own malpractice insurance. 

    • Love 4
  6. 8 hours ago, Nashville said:

    Wonder if any of them realized going in they’d be missing Girl Scout cookie season - and would that knowledge have affected their decision to participate?  ;)

    The grocery store rep showed me that the kleeber cookies are the same as the girl scout ones, they are made in the same factory. The grasshoppers are the thin mints, they have different names but exact cookie. Our Kroger has them  3 for $5 and I have seen that BB shops at Kroger by some of he brands. 

    Tamar seems like she likes on kind of cookie and Joey likes his kind of stale (go figure). 

    • Love 2
  7. I looked up Kristine's real estate sales. Forgetting trying to figure out how she makes 3 times more then Keith selling 6 homes, look at the one rental deal she did. This is the only rental deal she has listed under her name ever which makes me assume she is not a rental agent. The rental closed on 11/01/18 which is exactly the 7 week mark after the wedding. It was for a 1 bed 1 bath 750 sq foot place in Philly. I wonder if this is a sign they do stay together. I have been leaning that they would not stay together long term but short term I can see her try and make it work? 

    • Love 3
  8. 7 hours ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

    I know it varies from state to state, but Keith was listed initially as a "Dialysis Technician". 

    If that is accurate (and not just what he aspires to become), he is probably already an "Advanced Practice" nurse, meaning he has at least a 4 year nursing degree (with special training). 

    I think nurses probably don't make as much money in his state as you might think...  And in any case, Queen Kristine is attractive, very personable, and most likely quite successful at what she does!

    Keith is listed before the show as a patient care tech and then the show switched to Dialysis Tech? Both are quick programs, under 2 years , sometimes not even needing a degree. In PA there are still hospital based training programs that don't even require attending a Community college. 

    Keith has stated his goal is medical school and becoming a doctor. He is working on his Bachelors right now so an MD is far off. I hope his bachelors is in nursing but it did not sound like it. He would be much better off going into nursing and then maybe in the future going becoming a nurse practioner. 

    Dialysis nurses can make good money in Philly. I did way to much research on this during the Kate Gosselin days. She was a Dialysis RN (and she did not go to college just trained at a hospital program and took the exam) and she was making over 70k a year 15 years ago. A Dialysis Tech makes under 40k so for a about a year or training or school to jump 30k is a good return. Keith dream of becoming a doctor is a long expensive stressful road as he is 30 and not near finished (I say this as someone who was previously married to a medical student and resident). 

    I am way more curious about Kristine's salary. Am I missing a hidden way relators make money? It clearly shows she sold 6 homes las year and had one rental agreement. The highest price home she sold was 264k but average was under 175k so these are not huge commissions to add up to a good yearly income. Makes sense she was living at home. Is this her first career, like has she been doing this for years or is it new? I could only see sales back to 2016. Sales are really easy to see. We are moving in May and I have websites up in PA/NY/CT the states we are thinking of moving and watching listing daily so it was easy to look for an agent's sales.  

    • Love 6
  9. 5 hours ago, RealReality10 said:

    LOL, the first amendment really must not be a thing in other countries because Mohammed used to do the same thing.

    I have no idea how people can call the police over a social media post? Our police would probably hang up. What bothered me about Mohammed was that he called about social media posts on Danielle's daughter that has some learning disabilities. That is just mean to scare a teen with her challenges with the police. 

    I started to listen to Tasha's interview with Auntie, it is too long to finish tonight. the police also went to Jan's house also so 2 police visits in one day?  Jan is a mom of one of Tasha's friends that Tasha stayed with after Eric kicked her out for a week or so. So Leida is not only calling the police to visit Tasha but some middle aged Mom that gave Tasha a place to stay for a week (in July). 

    • Love 7
  10. 4 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

    Yikes!   Well, Tom will be in for a rude awakening if he thinks that's how it works.  lol

    Good thing Kato told Tom to go to the DR and ask for the veto rules. How will the DR guy keep a straight face. hen when Tom gets out he will say up for hours rethinking what to do.

    Hard to believe that Tom said he has watched a few season of regular BB

    • Love 3
  11. 8 hours ago, Callaphera said:


    Does Tamar have the power for sure? Joey and Dina have 2 different stories about what happened when they went to find out if they got the power. Dina said she had to pull something and a light came on and said you did not get the power. Joey said he was talking to them about if the power holder can tell anyone and they told him yes that they have it but no to what the power is. Then he says they told him unforunately  America did not vote for you. That is two different wordings? 


    Tamar's volume is what bothers me as a live feed watcher. Tonight there is military drills where they drop bombs in the desert so the outside of my house is rocking and then I hear her cackling for no reason and it is so loud on my TV. I know it is just her personality but it makes hearing others harder. The feeds are suppose to be an escape not wake up the house even more.

  12. I wonder if they got the places for them to live because Keith and Kristine had no decent options( if they had to live in Keith's room for 7 weeks they would probably divorce), parents vs grandma and AJ had a small one bedroom and then they give Luke and Kate a cool trendy location, my guess is for filming oppurtunites. 

    Can some explain how much Kristine makes? Keith job is pretty easy to guess $30-38k a year, can't be much less or much more. They said Kristine makes 3 times as much. So she is a realtor making 100k or so and living with her parents? Realtor commission are taxed high so would she not want the tax deductions of home ownership?  She must be doing really well because the average realtor in Philly makes 44k ? Zillow shows her having one active listing and she sold 6 homes (all low priced) and one rental in the last 12 months? 

    After Molly or Jon had said some of the bedroom scenes were fake filmed, that they were still in their clothes and pretending I have been watching the previews carefully. Kate for sure looks like she had a regular top on and just slid in the bed and filmed for 5 minutes and got out. Jasmine kind of looked like that too? I also think they gave Kate and Luke a location next to the party street in Philly so there would be easy places to film and have plenty of footage to show. 

    AJ moods remind me of a girl that lived in my college dorm that took Adderal for her ADHD, She would be overly perky and high energy 95% of the time but when little things changed like a the soda machine running out of flavor or her shower tote being moved she got snippy quick. People would call it madderal. Not trying to DX him but his reaction to the shower caddy just reminded me of this girl. 95% of the time she was fun to be around so maybe Steph can handle the his 5% grouchy. 

    Will just seems to maybe have decent intentions but just does not communicate well or is too slow a mover for this show. I was surprised on day 9 of marriage was the first time they talked about ex's? and Will did seem a little taken back that Jasmine had lived with a man before when he had just admitted to living with women before.

    • Love 6
  13. Poor Joey, he is so scared of germs. It must be very hard to live in that house for him. I sure could not be married to someone so compulsive. You cough next to him and he freaks. 


    This is so funny. Ryan does not know how Joey got on the block and Joey does not know how he got up on the block. They are so clueless about week one and Ryan was HOH and Joey was on the block. They are going to ask Dina for help to figure out how Joey got on the block!

  14. 11 minutes ago, green said:

    That was pretty damn kind of Kato to politely lie like that when we all know she was nominated because she is a ticking timebomb who is batshit crazy and louder than a 747 that sounds like a screech owl.

    I have a bird who is loves to try and be a human. He tries to stay quiet and sits and watches the feeds at night to avoid going in the cage. In the morning he calls for Taran  show so he can come out. When Tamar starts making noise my bird honks and flies out of the room. It must be bad to his bird ears !

    • Love 10
  15. 1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

    Lolo, Joey, and Tom are outside talking about celebrities and social media. Will Smith comes up, how he only recently (in the past two years?) joined the social media platforms.

    Joey: "I think he [Will Smith] was feeling..."
    Tom: "Disconnected?"
    Me: Heh. 

    I don't know if Tom meant it that way or not but it made me laugh.


    Well, that was timely. 

    It's just CBB's version of the fish tank this season. Because celebrities can't be trusted with fish?

    I know just as I posted they mention Tom Cruise! 

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