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Everything posted by Newmanbritt

  1. She’s smart and knew to make it just subjective enough to go over some people’s heads. It is apparent by the other DCC’s comments that she was very loved. she clearly put her teammates first over any political games that tptb play and it shows
  2. Only 2nd year to get VOTY?! What a legacy to leave. Wish you all the best Bridget :’(
  3. I missed the Barbie post, but am glad she skipped favorite bible verse lol
  4. I will not accept Bridget is retiring until it’s confirmed!! Ugh Bridget please don’t leave!!!
  5. Agreed.. but some photos of Amanda, I noticed her body positions being pretty different from everyone else. She doesn’t have the best posture which kind of bothers me too 😕 Bridget looks phenomenal in all of these pics. she’s also someone who looks to have lost weight/toned up a bit. GOD I HOPE THESE RETIRING COMMENTS ARENT TRUE!!! rachel W and Amber look great in the dancing video DCC posted, very syncopated with the music and just hit the moves so perfectly
  6. She has definitely stepped up the glam game this year. definitely has star potential if she stays around another year or two
  7. lexie looks beautiful in this, and very strong in her quick dancing part. I’d be happy to see her at point next year
  8. Takes Gina’s spot and is IN FRONT of Hannah/Jalyn/Bridget!?!?? Did I miss the post that explained the blackmail that VK has over Kelli and Judy?
  9. I have been both a Lily and Kristin fan since last year, and I am so happy they both made it!!!! the cameos overall look so much better compared to last year lexie is so so sooooo stunning... my eyes are drawn straight to her in squad photo. I definitely came to like her so much after seeing her step in for Maddie. She’s a powerhouse side note- I just love Bridget. I wish I could’ve seen more of her in her rookie season but I do love how she got to shine a bit this season. my dream for next year would be to see a Lexie 1st/Bridget 2nd leader group tess is also so pretty! And heather will be a forever favorite of mine!!!
  10. Top 3 cameo favorites (in no particular order) - Briana - Bridget - Rachel W
  11. Agreed, but I would literally kill to have her body, free thinkin boobs and all
  12. A few takeaways- Amy should not be point. Still totally pulling for Lily!! Kelcey is stunning melissa rycroft is so irrelevant and annoying to me. I wish Charm would replace her role on the show but let’s be real, Charm is way too good for that.
  13. Yes she’s definitely glammed up in my opinion compared to last season
  14. Yikes she just got knocked down so many pegs in my book.. Cant respect someone who changes the way their body is shaped, especially when they have young girls looking up to them. Not ok. Bye Gina.
  15. I disagree. Editing on a show can make anyone look good(or bad), but we never saw these former “rockstar” teams on social media the way we do now so there isn’t even a fair way to compare. These girls now have a LOT more content and pictures and videos for people make judgments on, and I think these recent teams have held up very well in that. But I do agree that will NEVER understand Amy at point when you have Caroline Bridget Ashlee Lexie Gina on your squad. WAKE UP KELLI AND JUDY
  16. Amber seems to mess up a lot Wish I had that problem 😂 Yesssss Team Bri!
  17. I think they always look incredible. They work so hard, and I imagine first games are probably rough for a group of people who don't have a final team until 5-6 days before. I'm glad to hear someone else can back this up who was actually at the game 🙂
  18. Depends who’s doing it. I prefer a smile over the odd kissy face Alexis makes or weird “ooo” face that Gina makes. Bridget, Rachel W, Ashlee and Lexie have the best performance faces IMO. i also hope to never see America’s sweethearts dancing to bust down thotiana but that’s just me
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