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random chance

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  1. That is exactly what I thought she said! It's a very confusing commercial.
  2. I would think that a kid would recognize "special bonding mommy and me exercise time" for what it was, namely "you're fat and you need to exercise." I don't have any answers mind you - I'm just thinking that trying to help an overweight kid without destroying them is probably quite tricky. Anything you'd do to help would look like criticism, but if you did nothing you'd be part of the problem. However like you say there's a major difference between a somewhat overweight kid and an enormously overweight adult. Someone probably doesn't gain that much weight because they didn't take a dance class and ate sugary cereal for breakfast instead of fruit.
  3. What if she doesn't want to do any of those things?
  4. I assume that when she took the part they told her what they expected of her, and if she's not able to do it they can write that in?
  5. I'm not a parent so it's easy for me to say but, I would think that the better approach would be not having the sugary cereal in the house in the first place, and having everyone eat healthy food - not singling her out like a pariah while the boys wolf down sugary crap. It's not like sugar is magically good for you if you're thin. And there are plenty of healthy breakfast choices that also taste good, there's no reason to force someone to eat a protein or fruit they don't like. I hate it too, I marvel that this was the best the writers could come up with.
  6. That is an excellent point. It seems like either they have to be morbidly obese and then that's the whole story, or they're stick thin and that's just treated as normal - like there's no work involved there at all, they're just not fat-prone so they can eat what they want. (Gilmore Girls syndrome.) I wonder why they chose to make Kate morbidly obese, there would have been a lot more story options if she was, say, a size 18. Maybe it's part of some twist.
  7. What's your guess? I just figured it was a comment on how it's easier for men to lose weight. I hope they do something like that because it would be too depressing to have her only storyline be losing weight, and then she never loses weight. Although really, the only storyline that's interesting to me at this point is Randall's, and I wouldn't mind if that was a show by itself and Kevin and Kate were just background characters. I couldn't care less about his career and while I root for her to be successful, Kate's story isn't as interesting as Randall's.
  8. Ah, thanks for the info. Well, I'll be rooting for her!
  9. I agree with that. Lots of men hit their career strides in their thirties - like Chris Pratt and Benedict Cumberbatch. And he's a man so even after he isn't pretty enough anymore for a much younger romantic lead (which in Hollywood will be when he's dead), he's still got a long career ahead of him. Now if he were a 36 year old woman I'd say escape while you can, because it's almost too late.
  10. It would take Kate years to lose all the weight but if they padded the actor, they could give the character a head start next season? I know that talking about a character's weight is sort of like touching the third rail but she's not merely overweight, she's morbidly obese. It would be great to see her lose weight and get in shape and I mean, the right way - where at some point it all starts working and she's feeling good - not the TV way like Mike & Molly where they punish themselves with horrible herbal tea and some kind of stinky fish, instead of just using common sense and reasonable substitutions so that they're still eating food they like. (And then they give up and eat a coffee cake.) I wonder if the writers are fans of Bojack Horseman.
  11. I'm guessing that we're supposed to feel that he's brave and noble for wanting to give up six million dollars in order to do serious work, but I just think he's a short-sighted, spoiled dumbass.
  12. Aggghhhh I hate knowing there's a twist in every episode, now I'm in the same boat, I'll be trying to figure out the stupid twist. Plus I've kind of had it with gimmicky TV shows. If this turns out to be another How I Met Your Mother-sh show I'll save myself and jump off the ride. We weren't allowed to eat that stuff either, and I know it was a lot of years ago but I'm pretty sure people knew that sugar wasn't all that good for you even back in the 80's.
  13. Yeah Amethyst gave it a good try but I am never going to see Kevin as a victim here. Work in a factory for a couple years Kevin! You won't get any prettier in there either, but you also won't get three million bucks (that you can use to buy your own theater!)
  14. Yeah, at that weight your whole life would be about the extra fat. Not just finding clothes, but getting in and out of a car or taking a bath or going on a job interview. You'd think by now with all the other marvels of this age (3D printed guns! self-driving cars!) we'd have some better way for people to lose weight than dieting or surgery, but nope. Some day but not yet.
  15. Seriously! If the writers expect me to care that he doesn't like his $3 million job, they're on drugs. I don't care if it's soul-sucking! Plenty of people who have minimum-wage soul-sucking jobs want to beat the crap out of you! I don't like the Big Three chant, it's stupid. Especially the end where Randall doesn't even get a Whee or Gee, he's just the Three. I knew the bio dad was going to say he was feeding his cat, and I loved that. I appreciate when a cat isn't the butt end of some stupid TV joke.
  16. Gravity has done me no favors either, but I was never that cute at 8! I hate all those clickbait ads like "what Marsha Brady looks like 40 years later will drop your jaw!" Well, if she still looks like a teenager then yes, I'll be astonished. If she looks 40 years older, I have no problem believing that.
  17. Sewing clothes for Baby Rory would only have been cheaper if nobody in Stars Hollow ever had a garage sale, but I don't actually expect ASP to know that.
  18. He didn't necessarily have to think about it like that. Maybe he thought more along the lines of, "I have suffered a terrible loss tonight and this baby has suffered a terrible loss tonight. Maybe we were meant to find each other."
  19. Now that I think about it, she bought and fixed up Dragonfly Inn with her parents' money too. And when that ran out, Luke's money. Even if it was a loan it was a private loan - no worries about a bank foreclosure if she didn't pay it back in time. So, Rory's education, the termite problem and the Inn were all taken care of without any actual sacrifice on her part, unless you count that brief period of time when she had to buy groceries instead of eating out. (Which in GG world is like living on food stamps.)
  20. I didn't know that, thanks! That's one of my favorites too.
  21. Hell, you don't even have to look further for her privilege than the pilot episode of the show. She didn't put her daughter through private school by working hard and saving, she did it by agreeing to have dinner once a week with her rich parents. And even that she bitched about.
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