He has a couple pages on Facebook, Now and Then and also Star Spangled something, something. Yes, he is the owner of 123DCCGallery too. I can't forget to mention he also has a new Instagram page (Star Spangled something something, I think) and he just started one on Twitter too.
With 40 ish "administrators" (former DCC) thank you's are handed out about every 3 days or so to them. Sometimes individually but, a lot of the time in group posts where all 40+ are listed.
I too wonder how the former DCC's see him? Do they not really have time in their busy schedules to see what we are discussing here?
Keep in mind there are other fans on the site, mostly creepy men, some ladies who post about their admiration for the best cheerleaders in the world too.
I've been there since the early days of the page. I only stay and observe from a distance for the pictures from the past that are hard to find.
StepKickClunk - I completely agree with you! High five for sharing your Rant!