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Everything posted by Eme

  1. My sister knows I have “ teevee obligations” on Sunday nights....’nuff said.
  2. Yes, the sports bra and leggings were so out of place at lunch. She should have tossed on a cute dress over what she had on- it’s like she stopped dressing before she was done.... She will never be accused of having too much class, but SOMEONE -a Director? Stylist? Should have told her to put on something more appropriate for lunch with friends. Also, do they ever show her eating?
  3. Really liked Chase! If he is scripted, he’s doing a Great Job! Very cute, super nice and respectful. If it’s all fake, at least Whit gets to see how she Should Be Treated by a partner. Buddy is a leech. He’s spent more time whining about “not having time” to find a new place than he’s spent time looking for a new place. Whatever Buddy. Go back home, he probably needs to family support, so he should be kinder. Ashley is as subtle as a herd of buffalo. Seriously? “I need a hanger and there are none in that closet because it is full of Buddy’s clothes! Did I say Buddy? Oops!” Heather is OVER Buddy but she has to keep up this facade because she really misses being a bigger part of this show, I mean Whitney’s life, so she’s holding on to this storyline for dear life. The messy making out in front of everyone was tacky. She has such low self-esteem, it is sad to watch.
  4. Granny snd Hubby need to worry about Bryson’s MOM, and stay in their own lane where Anny is concerned. Very unlikeable. Anny called her Nasty! Ha! Also, David’s comment that Angela has to care for the six kids “and The Egg” was the best line of the night! Go David!
  5. Where can we find discussion about the actual episode? Watched only a few mins of Pillow Talk since Danielle was on.... but I did see that Obnoxious Pao was not satisfied with bending over last time, now she had her shirt opened in the front....next time she will try to find a way to wear a bikini to bed. Guess when you have nothing of substance or wit to add, you take off more clothes? Roose is such a Sad Sack.... she’s So Rude to him and he just takes it and makes us all cringe.
  6. Danielle? Ugh. There is nothing she has to say that I want to hear.....along with Pao. Guess I’ll take a pass next week.
  7. Good points AC! Colty was trying to rehab his image....as was Debs, and that was annoying. They had some fun comments, but since they lack any self awareness, they rang hollow. Reaction shots from one couple to another couple are cute, but reaction after reaction after reaction from the same person is boring. I agree, Darcy doesn’t add anything to the mix and knowing how vicious she and her sister get towards each other, even watching them together is uncomfy. Like this show a lot and am hopeful Someone Over There reads this board so no more Pao, Darcy or Colty.
  8. I agree, Annie’s over the top reactions wear thin very quickly-she’s not as cute as she thinks she is. Nevertheless, David Baht is pretty funny and so long as he’s not on the booze, he’s likeable. If she’d quit jumping around on the bed, she’d be more likeable. Like Alexei but not Loren...still remember her Mean Girl performance with the totally unlikeable Pao. Rooose is fine but boring, and it is painful to watch her snap at him- like watching a puppy being kicked. Would much rather have Molly than Debbie....and would rather have Andreiiii than Pao. Agree with everyone that Tarik and Dean (who knew?)are the Fan Faves....and that Darcy, Debbie and Pao don’t need to ever come back. Annie was right- Bryson’s Grandma was out of line in her questions, but, she lost major points when she overplayed her hand and went on and on about her being a B.... you could see it on Roberts face that she went too far....he’d already gotten up in arms and was ready to confront the Grandma and defend Anny.... she blew it. Synjin has moments when he looks pretty good-but not consistently. Now, I thought they’d lived together in SA for awhile? Why all the meanness from his girl( can’t recall her name)? Anny “saw” “Getting Out of The DR” when she spent time with Robert when he went to the DR....he’s broke and should be pretty broke the rest his life with all those kids to support. While she’s a piece of work, she should Run! because she ain’t gonna be no Princess if she stays with Robert. On the other hand, she’s not so young and may think he’s the best possibility to just Get Out of the DR? Robert’s Friend had the 911 on THAT. As an aside, despite his blindness where Anny is concerned, Robert has some good comments, he’d be good on Pillow Talk! Jazmin can’t wait to get away from Blake.... it’s uncomfortable to watch.
  9. Tyra and Alex have a shot because they both have parental support. Very smart of Alex to Not Pay Rent as a teen. Who can blame him? H2 (her actions negate the use of Haileys name) will rue the day she set her sights on Matthew. He’s horrid and I find it riveting that she was able to completely ignore him hooking up with Hailey 6 weeks to the day after she gave birth by saying “that’s in the past!” Really? She was outside waiting for him, yet its “all in the past”? Good luck with THAT H2.
  10. Avery confronting Jesse is consistent with everything we’ve seen from her. She’s stubborn and doesn’t listen to anyone. She has strong opinions, which is fine, but she sure shuts down her Mom when she has contrary opinions. She just bit off more than she could chew with Big Ange. Clearly she was taken aback by Big Ange and wasn’t able to respond in kind because There Are No Rules Where Big Ange is concerned. Avery should have learned a lesson. Have been confused as to WHY Teri insisted they get married Right Away? Why did she turn over every stone to facilitate it? My only guess is she thought they could go home and immediately petition for Omar and at least they’d be in the US asap? She jumped the gun. Teri was so frantic about it all, she did zero research, but if she did she could have put the kibash on all of it....
  11. First thing I look at is a persons teeth......and I Just. Can’t. With. Chloe. Can’t understand why she thinks she’s cute. Then there’s the jawline. Hopefully little Ava won’t grow into one herself.
  12. He is not her type-she prefers tall blondes. She also prefers green cash and once it’s gone, so is she. She said if he wanted someone like her, he needed to Do Something - for example, send her money. When he petulantly said something about leaving her alone, she, reflexively, said “what you mean leave me alone” or something like that. In actuality, if she’d been able to see his crazy eyes, she should have accepted it and Let The Fish Off The Line! They deserve each other.
  13. Ceasar is boring and there was no redemption. Maria was right- he got an unfairly good edit. Maria is Dun because there is no more money.....Dun!
  14. Larissa didn’t need a full blown Background Check of Coltee, just a quick review of his computer’s History. Ok, Coltee gets a point for his reference to not knowing a Favorite Color!
  15. Jesse got Another FREE TRIP to NYC, and in his words “without the Darcy Drama.” He is no fool. A free trip, hotel and per diem for 5 minutes on the sofa plus some backstage (lowercase) “drama”..... not bad work if you can get it.
  16. Ronald was pretty happy until Corey and Evil-lyn began to rip into him. You could tell by his face that Evil talking smack about Daniel was very upsetting. He’s fragile- no one should be surprised by that. Corey and Evil need to worry about all Evils ex’s and stay in their own lane. Their comments were uncalled for and it sure looked like Ronald was blindsided by them. I have no beef with him being upset-he was very articulate and given all the crap he was getting, was very polite overall. He is trying to stay on the right track and getting blasted on the Tell All was just not cool. Meanwhile, Tiff likes to set up reality as she wants it at the moment. “SA is GREAT! All the candy is amazing! You love your Dad so we Have To Stay Here Forever - you’ll get used to it!” Then.... ”The hospital is not in ‘Merica! The rust and broken glass in the playground are lethal! We Must Leave for the Good of Our Family!” Clearly, she does not think things through. Going to SA with Daniel the day Ronald gets out of rehab and then getting married so soon are just the beginning of her unthought-out decisions. The list of her ill advised decisions is too long to get into....suffice to say, her judgy-ness on the other relationships is hard to take. Also, who cares about what her Mother thinks? I could not care less and the mothers opinion that “I wouldn’t pick him for me!” was soooo out of line and cringy. He’s not for you lady! Cool your jets and try to Mother your daughter who continues to think she can do no wrong.
  17. Aladin kept saying the Skipper disrespected him....all those times she talked about how horrible he was in bed, how bored she was, how she was alone-all those slights to him and his culture, and then she’s SHOCKED he thinks she was disrespectful.....Really? She has zero self-awareness.
  18. Attacking Ronald when he’s away from his family is not the smartest thing for Tiff to do. Also, why would anyone care what Tiffs Mom thinks?
  19. Not a spoiler, an opinion given what we’ve seen on teevee.
  20. Summit is using TLC for the money and his family and friends (and Jen) are In On It.
  21. Welp, looks like we got a Heads Up on Aladin’s Long Game. No shade though. She was buying a young, beautiful man, and she made no effort on her part to “ keep herself up” for him. He was buying financial stability, but at least he was charming and tried to work with her. Looks like they were both g*****. She realized early on that the jiggy was not to her liking, too bad she had to marry him to find out. Again, like most of these people moving to a foreign country, it appears she not only did no research on what he’d expect given his culture, but also, once she got there, had zero interest in figuring things out and acculturating. No wonder she was bored. Did she learn any of the local language to communicate with anyone? Did she find any ex-pats who’d married people of his culture? Did she contact the American Embassy to see if there were any events where she could meet more people who speak English? My guess is No. She was getting back at him for blocking her on social media when she left “for coffee” for hours. Then she refused to answer his calls. Not a good look. They both need to cut their losses, and get a divorce. Corey. Ugh. He Is headstrong and refuses to see what is in front of him....he deserves Evillyn. She won’t put up with him without cash. “If we break up, he could just leave it all to me!” She said with a smile. Yes, everything in her name will make it so. Tiffany and Ronald don’t bug me. Ronald lost it for a minute when he was being attacked by Corey, but he came back on and spoke politely. Kudos to him. I am sure if he was in the studio, Corey would not have spoken to him like that. Tiffany was looking for a Dad for Daniel, and they are all on board, so I have to respect that aspect of their relationships.
  22. Darcy does not know how to dance. She just wanted to hang on Tom and This Was His Night! No way was he going to allow her to cling on him and ruin the evening! 1) His sister was quite nice to her and despite the fact that she does not know the definition of a “kept man,” neither does Darcy, so they understood each other. Sis was telling Darcy to Let Go and let him Have Fun and not be so insecure! All Great Advice! When Darcy was able to LISTEN for her own good, she got the response she wanted from Tom. 2) Very Interesting how Much Tom admires his Sister’s opinion! Who knew? It really meant A Lot to him that his sister liked Darcy. Luckily his sister was not horrid and helped make the Fairy Tale come true!!!
  23. Wonder if all the hullabaloo with the One Egg is their attempt to have TLC and/or The Fans pay for it? She’s “so popular and everyone loves Mikul” so there should be a Demand that she go through in vitro with a donor egg so she can stay on teevee. She’s been very open and determined to exhibit absolutely no redeeming qualities, especially to Mikul. He is in an abusive relationship and it’s no fun at all to see it play out every week. He needs to cut his losses with Ange and get another Mark for his relocation to the US.
  24. Somemeat’s friends were onto the scam and laid low for him. Would not be surprised if His Wife and their families are also in on it. They figure he gets a decent paycheck from the filming and they never have to show their faces. Would not be surprised if Jenny also knew his situation but used Magical Thinking to assume Somemeat would leave his wife for her once she’d made the Big Move. It was a big gamble and it looks like she lost. Now that he came clean, I can’t look at him the same sympathetic way anymore. He’s a lying liar who keeps lying. The only thing he is interested in is the TLC $$$. Ronald’s not my type (gambler, drinker, liar....), but there are moments when I can see the physical appeal (ducks shoes being thrown). Thought it was very sketchy of Tiff not to warn Daniel to Not Cry at the airport because it would only leave Ronald in a puddle. I can see why Tiff would want to give birth in the US....hope she has some plans to earn money before she heads back to SA. Jihoon was super cute when he said Deaven looked Korean in her wedding outfit. He’s charming, but I hope he gets a job soon! OMG Corey! Aghhhhh! I Just . Cannot. With. Him. That begging, lame proposal. “If you say No that’s okay, I just have to do this!” WTH??? That was one of the most Selfish proposals ever! He knows she doesn’t want to marry....her family tells him she doesn’t want to get married, but that does not stop him from doing it anyway. You could tell she ONLY said yes because 1) The Ring; 2) The camera; and 3) the realization that she can break it off and keep the ring! He is an idiot! She cares only for Evil-lyn, and thinks he’s a Dope....she’s right. The Grand Gestures were paid for by TLC.... no way is he going to spend big bucks when he should be handing over every penny to Her!
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