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Everything posted by Eme

  1. Full Disclosure: I know less than zero about Al-Anon but%u2026I totally believe that she went to the meeting -- in order to GET SOME ATTENTION!! She came back and the happy look on his face had to be wiped off immediately! She told him how when she shared her story that they told her that Deano had not yet reached "rock bottom." Deano's face fell and he said, rightly, "They don't know my whole story." Indeed. They don't know what he puts up with daily. I could just bet that she took a ton of pleasure dissing him and giving her whole Poor Me story to a new group of people. Yeech. The potato thing was about her being upset that she had no idea where he was all day, and maybe it didn't particularly bother her UNTIL he said he'd met up with the gal pal. THAT is what seemed to set Tori off. Everyone can see that she was furious that he is spending time being HAPPY by himself while she slaves away at home with the kidz. Since I don't watch this show regularly, I can't tell if including her in any of his hobbies would ever work? She does seem like she is never happy about anything and his cheating has caused her to go into a deep depression. Why is no one talking about the HORROR of her saying that if they cannot have MORE children than their whole relationship is kaput. Really? Seriously? What happens when you turn 50? Because%u2026.one day you WILL and there will be no possibility of having a baby%u2026and yet, you will be together, presumably? That her whole self-worth is tied up with being a baby-maker is shocking and sad. The fact that he didn't even contradict her is also weirdo. They are a strange couple. The cameras are not helping. They BOTH need to get some jobs on the Hallmark channel and start paying for their livelihoods. Also, they needed a PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZER who is used to dealing with Hoarders to help her relinquish her hold on those items in the storage bins. It was overwhelming to her, and it did not need to be. She cannot tackle it all at once, and needs a mental health professional with her to help her made the tough choices. If she were able to sell some of that stuff, she'd gave some extra money and have to rent less space%u2026Win-Win. Candy needs to use some of her kabillions and help out this girl -- it is partly Candy's fault that she is this way%u2026.so Candy needs to get some professional help in there pronto before the kidz are lost themselves. Sorry about the random numbers in my previous post -- apparently that happens when you put in a series of dots.
  2. Heard that on E!News....sure sounded like him. Also saw the episode when he came back with Lil' H. Big H is sitting on the couch, covering his face...not trying to comfort Kendra at all. He looks so guilty. He says something to the effect of I want to make things better. I want to make this go away. In a Brave Little Boy voice. Really? How about DENYING it and telling her they are going to SUE that woman for slander? Nope. From his actions, it appears he is guilty. No one would put their Good Reputation on the line like that for a reality show. They both need therapy STAT...and to get far far away from her attorney-- whose first words were "You need to think about a divorce." Really? All I could think was that he was drumming up business for himself, not worrying about how Kendra needs some emotional HELP right now to help her process this and how she and Big H can repair their relationship for the future. Sheesh. Some of the scenes were probably re-created, but the gist is there...and it is very sad.
  3. Q is horrid. That episode was completely out of control. 1) Q has a huge crush on Naula and since he is so socially backwards, the only way he could get her attention was attacking her for "giving him bad vibes" ??!! (Much like a third grader) and 2) His attack and later Video "Confessionals" about it reminded me of a sociopath. He was completely non-repentant for his actions and said "I would do it again." Really? Call the cops on her? Yell horrid things at her and abuse everyone within hearing distance? He has absolutely no redeeming qualities. After he went ON AND ON with Irene (?) on their first date -- there is No Way she would Ever see him again if he were not in front of a camera. Ostensibly, he is attractive, but once he opens his mouth (and will not shut it)...he is completely unappealing. The premise of this show is weird. Follow their dreams? Really? What dream does Q have? He is Mr. Grumpy who hates everything. WHY did he leave his village? Was he thrown out? It appears that they were given a Free Trip to LA and did not want to pass it up. The other guy needs to get a JOB...and the calls from his "friend" pressuring him while he's out and about are so ridiculous. I hope The Show pays them so that they can go back home and put some money in the home coffers. I hope that Q continues to get the edit he deserves. Also think it is Such A Bad Idea to have a grumpy old 32 yr old with a bunch of teenagers/20-somethings = Bad combo.
  4. One show yesterday had Amy discovering a portal to another dimension! EEK! Figuring out that No One should live there because the land was so cursed. (??!) I am sending out a little prayer to that family that Something Good happens to them because they have all their money sunk into their house (like most people) -- and hoping that they find a Good Way Out of that crazy situation. The other episode about that poor woman who was going through all that drama - being attacked by the devil -- and her husband didn't believe her -- she suggested that she was stuck in that house while he went socializing at family gatherings with people who made fun of her. I give her a lot of credit for remaining with him despite his original attitude. I was mostly happy that Amy was able to verify the Lady's experiences and that the husband finally believed her. Finding out about the Native American dude in the basement...and all the tragedy surrounding that space. Yikes! Being more creeped out lately by the evidence of Third Dimensions.....The Actual devil....and possibly aliens....I make sure to watch with all the lights on.....
  5. I totally LOVE Amy and this is Must See TV for me every Saturday! I am so jealous that you will be able to meet her in September! I looked online to the Travel Channel Dead Files site -- and they have a video of Amy with some gal pals doing tea and going to a psychic. I would love to know who Amy thinks is a good psychic?! Please ask her if you have a chance and report back! Also noticed on the website that they refer to Matt as her husband....but the Wikipedia site on the show says they are divorced? Hummm...nosey and would like to know some info on that. I think she is as cute as a button and so sweet...it'd be a shame if they were divorced. Oh well. Last week's episode where there was banging on the outside of the house -- and the Mom in the house saw these super tall shapes going across the lawn through the high windows-- then Amy said those things were extra-terrestrial or from another dimension?! EEK! That episode really blew my mind!! I could not believe it. Still thinking about that one.....
  6. It seems Very Unnatural for these "new guys who are being filmed" start asking such personal questions of their co-workers. This show has been on long enough that pretty much everyone should know what is going on. I don't like the ones where the Big Shots give out $5,000 to a person's favorite charity and a hearty hand shake. Really? No new house? No trip to Disney for your family reunion? That charity donation is a tax write off for the company. Good going there pal.
  7. Their speech patterns are simply weird. Not interesting, not "Austrailian" or anything recognizable, but strange in a bad way. Like no one talked to them until they were 5 and they had to pick up English from the wolves around them...which is really strange because the parents don't have the same "accents." Thanks to the people who posted that this is all a "reenactment" of Stuff that Happened To Them because, again, it is weird. They run around without too much of a plan and barter to get what they need...which, sounds, "Ok....maybe" but it all happens pretty quickly so it can be filmed. While they were "putting up the house" it was weird to me that none of these 25-30 year old MEN could make any kind of decision without Papa Darlin (reference to Mayberry's Darlin Clan) telling them what to do. They all seemed so strangely un-alpha in doing anything. They sat around and looked at each other while Papa Darlin got his sleep on while he was sick. I don't know of too many men who would not try to take the lead and DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE in such dire conditions. Why are none of them married with families of their own? Do they actually have families and this show is not showing them? Just seemed like they were feral in so many unhealthy ways and I was riveted just watching to see what shenanigans were coming up next.
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