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Everything posted by TallulahBelle

  1. You might not, but BELIEVE me, the people on tumblr who are now saying there's a possibility that Beth didn't die and she'll claw her way out of her grave, having forgotten who she is, only to be found by Morgan and then delivered safely into Darryl's arms by the final episode of this season? Are the same people who were convinced that the throw away line about the new sheriff in town last season meant Beth, the teenager, would be taking over as leader and therefore couldn't POSSIBLY die. Also, spoons.
  2. With the strawberries as well, she would have gotten them from the kitchen/cafeteria, someone would have added it to her tally of what she owes - by getting them from her, he doesn't add to his, is how I saw it.
  3. Okay, I have a question - people seem to have heard internal bleeding, when I heard the doctor tell Beth she had internal injuries - I don't have access to the ep right now, so can someone confirm because I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on tv, but if Carol had internal bleeding, wouldn't they have operated on her, I know they have the ultrasound but wouldn't they have opened her up if she was bleeding internally - being that they hadn't yet made the decision to turn off her 'life support'? If she just has internal injuries, that could be as simple as broken or fractured ribs, right? Or did I mishear that completely?? Help me PTV forum posters, you're my only hope. Other than waiting until I'm home from work and rewatching the ep . . .
  4. Oh the zip tie around the biggest part of her clasped hands where she could literally just straighten them and it would have fallen to the floor? That made me NUTS watching it. If you're not zip tying at the wrist where it's impossible to get them past the meaty part of your hand without dislocating your thumb, you're not doing it right. That took me completely out of the episode.
  5. Do you mean Carol? Because I'm pretty sure they have better ways of making it look like someone has a drip and hiding it from an audience, rather than making a character (Beth) look like a freaking dumbass who can't do anything right . . . hell, you can do it on stage in community theatre with zero budget, I would think that someone at TWD should have been paying more attention to the script maybe.
  6. A time jump would work for how old Chandler Riggs is getting and also allow for them to age up Judith, as well as solve any health issues for Carol. In regards to the 'you just killed that woman', obviously Carol doesn't die, that's just your garden variety verbal overly dramatic hyperbole which seems right for a woman (Dawn) who will just haul off and smack you in the face . . .
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