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Everything posted by Laurendcc

  1. Miranda, Lexi , Madeline, savannah , Rachel w , Alexis , Tess and Caroline look stunning !!! The blenders to the top left and top right don’t do it for me... and daphne is soooo skinny ! Do you tou think bridget is doing an 80s theme ? Is heather not ready ???
  2. She hurt a lot of girls along the way and was very very good at pulling the race card for placement purposes.. but maybe she has changed.
  3. I personally know her and she’s a mean girl, but plays innocent. She stirred up a lot of unnecessary drama on the last team she was on. That’s all I’ll say..
  4. Can someone tell me why Gina is the front runner for point ??? I don’t understand why her above all the other rookies and vets is being talked about so much?
  5. I HATEE THIS GIRL- I hate everything about her look she reminds me of jasmine and Keyra who I dislike as well.....
  6. Yikes , no .. not a fan of that photo .. it doesn’t make her look good
  7. She actually just needs to stop, period. Did you see ?
  8. Stephanie Dibiase is teaching again pro prep— to Ol Town Road. I don’t know how they keep hiring her? She needs to stop while she’s ahead .
  9. Y’all go to Jenna Jackson’s insta, she has put on major pounds, however I don’t think she realizes it considering her outfit choice
  10. Rachel Alexander cut her hair , and I am NOT digging it. It makes her look so old and frumpy
  11. I figured Victoria’s problem. It’s her hair. She doesn’t know what to do with it and flops everywhere. Yes it’s gorgeous but she needs to cut it so it doesn’t affect her dancing
  12. You think heather will get point ?
  13. I seriously hope not. I had to unfollow her because she is so cringey to watch. I wish someone , anyone would give the girl feedback about her claw hands , she has the biggest hands and when she dances ... she doesn’t know what to do with them. They separate like claws and flap around everywhere. I wish she would just do herself a solid and move on, but sadly I don’t think she has anything else going for her. I don’t think she has a job besides fitness classes, and I don’t understand how she pays for all of the prep classes ? Anywho, not a waldrop fan.. she was awful on silver dancers and screwed up most of the dances then and will do it on any other dance team
  14. I guess MADDIE and HOLLY P aren’t friends anymore? They use to be besties...
  15. Does Judy not like VK? I don't get why they are stringing her along? I haven't seen much of Shelly b since Dayton got cut..
  16. Dud something happen between vk and Tara?
  17. Well Hannah is probably the least attractive, she's where she is because of her dance abilities and power. I think Savannah is highly trainable and you can't deny her beauty!
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