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  1. I thought there was a question mark at the end of the title, so "happily ever after?" That is the more accurate title whether they really did it or not, questioning the relationships after the show.
  2. On his Facebook, he says his current job (as of June of last year) is 'Calvary Scout' for the Wisconsin National Guard, whatever that means. His former supposed job as 'avionics tech' was with the Marines - the 'Red Devil' squadron, and he supposedly had another as some kind of 'life crew' for a helicopter group. So in between the Marines (wasn't that supposed to be years ago?) and June of last year? Who knows what he did. I just cannot see him being in any kind of quasi-active duty right now. I think the most active he gets is walking to the vending machine. Or liquor store. I also want to give a great big "FUCK YOU" to him for saying "the Marine came out of [him]." I've known more than one Marine, and they NEVER would have laid a hand on their wife. And "fuck you" to Leida for pulling a knife in the first place. That's not cool either bitch. And "fuck you" to both of them for putting poor Alless through this AND for trying to get custody of Jennica so they can put her through this as well. On his Facebook, he says his current job (as of June of last year) is 'Calvary Scout' for the Wisconsin National Guard, whatever that means. His former supposed job as 'avionics tech' was with the Marines - the 'Red Devil' squadron, and he supposedly had another as some kind of 'life crew' for a helicopter group. So in between the Marines (wasn't that supposed to be years ago?) and June of last year? Who knows what he did. I just cannot see him being in any kind of quasi-active duty right now. I think the most active he gets is walking to the vending machine. Or liquor store. I also want to give a great big "FUCK YOU" to him for saying "the Marine came out of [him]." I've known more than one Marine, and they NEVER would have laid a hand on their wife. And "fuck you" to Leida for pulling a knife in the first place. That's not cool either bitch. And "fuck you" to both of them for putting poor Alless through this AND for trying to get custody of Jennica so they can put her through this as well. On his Facebook, he says his current job (as of June of last year) is 'Calvary Scout' for the Wisconsin National Guard, whatever that means. His former supposed job as 'avionics tech' was with the Marines - the 'Red Devil' squadron, and he supposedly had another as some kind of 'life crew' for a helicopter group. So in between the Marines (wasn't that supposed to be years ago?) and June of last year? Who knows what he did. I just cannot see him being in any kind of quasi-active duty right now. I think the most active he gets is walking to the vending machine. Or liquor store. I also want to give a great big "FUCK YOU" to him for saying "the Marine came out of [him]." I've known more than one Marine, and they NEVER would have laid a hand on their wife. And "fuck you" to Leida for pulling a knife in the first place. That's not cool either bitch. And "fuck you" to both of them for putting poor Alless through this AND for trying to get custody of Jennica so they can put her through this as well.
  3. That video just shows how AWFUL of a 'model' she is. She has no clue about angles or lines, the best way to have her face photographed, and she's spasmodic when adjusting clothes or her body position. And if Jonathan is the photographer, he's just as bad at that as she is posing. (and from the picture on his website, he can't model for shit either) And what connection to Kashmir do they have, since their website talks about saving the culture of the region (under What is Pashmina?, which instead leads to a 'Why Dreemlyne' page, which talks about the war inflicting the Kashmir region).
  4. I actually have a subscription to one of those types of sites, so I looked him up. His DOB is indeed somehow 1977, but I think the even more shocking part is that no bankruptcies came up. It's an additional fee for lawsuits and liens though, and I'm not willing to pay it. ETA: Absolutely nothing came up for him in Texas, so hopefully they won't invade my state. We have enough problems with Leida trying to manage anything!
  5. A jagged nail, a ring on a finger, having something in your fist that protrudes, a watch on your wrist, cuff links, hell even certain buttons on your shirt. There are lots of ways a 'fist' fight can leave cuts (I never realized my experiences getting beaten up would come in handy). Colt's mouth does look like it was hit, yes, but Larissa's pictures looked equally disturbing to me, and I don't see self-inflicted (except possibly on her stomach). I think they both hit each other. Who was first? Only they know, and they are blaming each other. Coltee hasn't had bitten nails all season, so it's veerrry convenient that he isn't there when the cops show up, and when he does a couple of hours later, all of a sudden, oops it couldn't be him because he bites his nails, that cut on the very vain woman's face has to be self inflicted. And I'm confused over the 'spatter' comment too. Did one of them cut an artery or vein and it wasn't in the police report? Was Cookie Dough disembowled or something? As for the red eyes... I've seen this said quite a bit and all I can say is WTF? Am I a freak of nature then? I can be sobbing so hard I throw up, and once I've stopped, within 5 to 10 minutes, you can't ever tell I was crying. My eyes look like they do normally - they aren't even puffy. I absolutely 'buy it' from her - the cut on her face anyway. They really do need to get away from each other. All of the photos and arrests and text messages and Instagram posts are turning my stomach. This seems to be heading into Ryan Jenkins territory, and I can't watch anymore. And keeping the receipts from everything he bought 'for her' just raises a ton of red flags for me. Why would he do that unless it's to pull them out and go "look at what I've done for you, itemized then sorted by date. You've cost me this much down to the penny. And you won't even let me put my fingers in your ass*?" I've found Coltee disturbing from day one, and outright sadistic since the proposal. Larissa need to go home. Coltee needs to never date anyone ever again - he should just stay with Debbie. He also should never open a motel. (*Sorry for the visual, but it's from one of the instagram(?) posts that Larissa posted and I think deleted)
  6. That is how they are described, and if you are coming in with a collegiate level of the three Rs, then it (mostly) works. If you aren't, then you have to get to that level first. Given how Steven comes across, and how early he dropped out of high school, I'd be very surprised if he tested in at those levels. On top of that, the reality is that unless you are ultimately pursuing some kind of liberal arts degree, there will be at least another year tacked on. Most science degrees that I recall expect you to come in as a freshman ready for calculus, or have already taken it, and the same was true with engineering where I went. I believe the exception was biology, but I don't have the handbook anymore. The technology degrees where I went to university were 5 year programs. I tested in at collegiate level, and even then, because I wanted a very hard science degree it would have been 6 years for me had it been a smooth linear progression. My mom took over a decade to get hers - and that was in business. She started at the very bottom in remedial math and couldn't go full time because of work. It happens. Personally, I think Steven would be better off going to a two-year technical school to learn a trade. While an apprenticeship is admirable, one that last as long as his seems to wouldn't be worth it unless he wanted to make it his career - which he doesn't seem to. Electricians or plumbers are always needed, he could be fully trained in a much shorter time period, and if he still wanted to install fire sprinklers after that, the knowledge from either of those would seemingly serve him well. If instead, he wants a bachelors degree after that, he could sign up for weekend or night classes to get him up to par, and then go from there. ETA: Very quickly Googling before I have to leave for work gives this study: https://nscresearchcenter.org/signaturereport11/ I don't know if that is the one Rdh is referring to, but it was the first one that popped up for me. My own mom's thesis and dissertation research found similar results (although she was only interviewing people anecdotally, as her focus was elsewhere).
  7. That's Kickstarter. GFM lets you keep any and all donations even if you don't hit your goal. It also lets you run the fundraiser indefinitely if you want to - while there can be a target date, the fundraiser won't cut off on that date. I have no problem with his GFM. I've seen them for people wanting to buy gaming systems for their kids for Christmas or new clothes after a gastric bypass. If people want to contribute, then that's their prerogative. If you don't want to, then don't. I don't even think it's entitled - he's stated that he's working, he didn't say he'd quit if he got the money, and, to me, it never hurts to ask. I might roll my eyes at some of them, but it's not like these people are robbing you at gunpoint; just close the webpage if it's so offensive. I'm baffled why people get so worked up over them. As for his 8 years of schooling, where are people getting that he wants to be a doctor? I didn't see him saying that anywhere? I can think of plenty of ways to hit the 8 year mark without med school. Presumably, he has his GED if he's enrolled - even at a community college. Open admission still generally requires you to have one - or they put you in the GED classes until you pass. Even with a GED though, that doesn't guarantee that he is at a collegiate level in reading/writing/math, especially as a high school drop out with a few years past him last being in school. So, starting from the bottom level classes, at the community colleges around here, it can be nearly 2 years before you even take a college level course. 4 classes in reading/writing and 5 in math. Even taking 3 classes in both summer sessions (and some places won't let you take that many; mine allowed 4 total in the summer - 2 in each session or 4 whole summer long classes), that's still over a year just in the basics to get to a collegiate level. Now we start the "4 year" clock for a bachelors degree. With his background, he'd presumably have to 'graduate' community college with an associates degree (or have around 45-60 hours) to have a hope of transferring to a 4 year university. So 2 years for that. Now we are already up to 3.5-4 years, and he's just now getting to actual course work in his degree. Now, I had 60 hours transferred - the max allowed - but because I was going for a science (physics) degree, I still was in class with the sophmores - and not being with/under the freshmen was only because I stayed at my community college and took extra math classes to have calculus done (another 6! classes after the college algebra class required) and the freshman science classes that required calculus (2 more, after I had finished Cal 1, not offered in the summer). And if you have any kind of STEM degree, it can sometimes be more like a 5 year degree than a 4. Mine would have been, because they only offered certain senior year classes that were required once a year. If you missed it, you had to wait another year. So, basically, 1.5 years to get to collegiate level, 2 years of generic classes to transfer to university (frosh/soph classes basically), and if he's going for any kind of STEM classes, another 1.5 years to get his math and science up to par for even transferring into the soph class, and another 3 to finish the degree. That's 8 years right there. And you can bet his advisor went over everything with him when he signed up and said "I'd like to do this in the future." I was warned the day I picked my degree how hard and how long of a slog it would be. I ended up not finishing. I hope he does. I think the discipline alone to get through all of that would do wonders for him, and the sense of accomplishment. Even if he doesn't want a STEM degree (so take away the 1.5 years to get his math and science up), the job/career he wants could require a masters. Plenty do. There's there other 2 right there. No medicine required, thank God! That is one profession I hope he stays far away from.
  8. I can think of many, many things that would be far more degrading than being tied up. Very few of them would mean he'd have any level of exertion. And given his level of sadism in that proposal, I don't doubt one bit that he'd be into making sure his sex partner is humiliated. I think he's a nasty piece of work, and have since day one - I wish he was paired with Leida, because THAT level of batshit crazy bouncing back and forth would be epic. ETA: I was thinking the other way around actually...
  9. Truth! I got it when I was in college, and I was down for the count. I somehow managed to finish the summer semester (I got it a month before the end), but the fall one... I was done for. I basically couldn't do anything but sleep the entire semester. And it also took me years to get back to feeling quasi-normal. I commend her for even getting back to work 3 weeks later. I certainly couldn't have done it. I pushed my body way too hard to finish the classes I was taking, and I paid for it.
  10. Waaaay late on this, but my state (Texas) has a minimum speed on most interstates/highways. It varies depending on the maximum speed limit, but for example near my house, where the max speed limit is 65mph (104 kph), the minimum speed is 45 (72-ish kph). A little further out, where the max speed is 75, the minimum speed is 55. It's usually 20-25mph lower than the max speed limit. They drop the minimum completely once you get so close to the city center, but you can be (and are) ticketed for going too slow sometimes. It's a safety hazard to be going so much slower than most of the traffic around you, especially if you can avoid it by using the access/feeder roads.
  11. My best guess is it's at a community college (because around here, most ESL classes are). Those classes are 2 'credit' hours, and considered continuing ed, so you don't actually get 'credit' for them. All that to mean that the pay for teaching those is at the very low end of the scale. 5 classes means 10 hours, because around here, you get paid per 'credit' hour and not per actual class hour. You also don't have to have much in the way of education to get certified to teach the ESL classes. So, all in all, my guess is he's getting paid about $300-350/week for all those classes. (Lowest end of the scale here is $25-30/'credit' hour/week. And we have a higher cost of living then Louisville, so it's possible that he's getting paid even less.) Soooo.... good for him for actually getting off his ass and getting a job, but I don't think it was worth holding out for. I made 480/week working retail not too long ago. My resume hurt more having long periods of unemployment vs when I took any job I could get. As for a job with "prestige" Tobo needs to get a grip. His entire background, even before this show, means he won't get anything with real prestige. Add in 90DF and I think he's shot himself in the foot. He has delusions of grandeur to me.
  12. I'll be honest, I'm confused by you being confused about it. Gorge lied about having a child, much like he's lied about many, many other things. The massive difference is this: a child is not like those other things. A child is a living, breathing human that needs parenting. She flat out stated she has no desire to be a stepmom. I have zero desire to be a stepmom too, so I get it. If I found out my hypothetical husband not only had a kid out there, but lied about it, I'd bail too and not look back. Hell, even if my husband DIDN'T know, but found out, I'd bail. You might think that makes me a bitch or evil or something, but the reality is I don't want anything to do with parenting in any form. Ever. And if the kid is Gorge's (which is very likely, IMO) then he *should* be in the kid's life - whether he shells out $ or not - which would mean she would be an unwilling stepmom if she stayed. As someone who grew up with a resentful parent (and a resentful step parent later), I'm glad she knows enough about herself to bail instead of sticking around. Kids know when they aren't wanted by someone. And quite frankly, I don't think he has enough love for anyone other than himself, much less the two of them. I agree I hope the girl isn't his, because his DNA needs to stop at him.
  13. Where I live, there is a very large community college system, one of the largest in the US, and even they don't (directly) offer a bachelors. What they do is partner with a group of nearby universities so you can get your bachelors through XYZ Uni, but take the classes at the community college campus. You do have to meet admission requirements for the university you are applying to, and the cost is only slightly cheaper than going to the normal campus BUT you don't have to live on campus (even during freshman year) and you have much more flexibility in the time and days of classes. They routinely offer weekend classes or night classes, whereas the regular university campus doesn't. It's good for people for whom regular campus life would be a strain for whatever reason. They do, however, offer a full RN program. It's not a bachelors, but it is a complete program, and one of the top ones in the state. There is FIERCE competition for every single slot. Last I talked to a family friend, who works in advising, she said there are something like 12 applications for every slot, and there is one specialty where there are around 25 applicants for every one slot (nuclear medicine). I just don't see Dimyell in a full RN program. I find it much more believable that she is is a CNA program - even an LVN program would stretch credulity for me - our CNA program still has basic classes you have to pass (math, literacy, science) before you can get in the official classes, and given her course load the last she showed us, I assumed that's what she was in. Has she actually said she's going for an RN degree, or is that everyone's assumption based on her "nursing school" comment? If she's going for a full RN, then well, good luck to you Dimyell!
  14. Am I one of the few who actually does think she looks the age she claims? Most of the teens I run into now are emulating that look. A teen with plastic surgery and/or caked on makeup just looks like that - look at the Jenners, the Hadids, the Curious Case of Ali Lohan, or that one poor girl whose mom married her off to the X-files creep. All of them have/had that same "older/young" plastic-y look around that age. And I've been amazed when I've seen some people IRL after the caked on makeup is removed, how much younger they look, and how different their features present. It's, unfortunately, just another unhealthy standard of beauty for teen girls now. Botox, plastic surgery, and the entire Sephora store.
  15. Why would they have to go to Thailand in order to work for Chris again? Couldn't they do so in KY? I mean, didn't Chris offer the Bahtman a job earlier working at/for one of his businesses in KY? From the various tabloid articles though, it seems he owes tons of back child support, so they probably could (or are) garnishing his wages in the US, so that's most likely the reason. I have now put more thought into David's job situation than he probably has....
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