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Everything posted by Butless

  1. Animals taught humans how to sing, dumbass Bucco.
  2. Michonne only knew Rick 2 or 3 years, and to her, he's been dead 6 years. Now contrast that with Rick, whos longtime wife Lori dies, horribly, and hes in complete lust with Pete the Wifebeater's wife 1.5 years later and definitely ready to move on with living his life. Same ZA universe. My condolence on your husband's death. The talking to a late partner isnt the issue. In this ZA universe, there seems to be a bias of which alpha character gets to move on with their life, based on gender. Hope Im wrong.
  3. And FPP might have an organ he can play. Why not? He's slept with everyone else ;[
  4. Ive seen some of the comic and I wasnt impressed, to say the least. Not with the writing or drawing. Kirkman is the villain of his own story, imo, wrt the WD show. Right. More than looks or age disparity (SG is 50, christian Serratos 28), it doesnt make sense to have them as a couple because the character of Rosita was shown not to believe in fairy tails, and is a hard pragmatist. I suppose they could show through flashbacks in those 6 years how she came to Jesus, but I dont want to watch that. At all. And its unfair to the audience that we've been forced to imagine FPP have sex in two consecutive episodes. Andrew Lincoln was the sex symbol of this show, and his two sex scenes were 7 years apart.
  5. Theyre trying to be inclusive re the audience, putting in fat, deaf and wheelchairbound(FTWD) characters, which I can understand. But it does distract from any realism. Now it feels like these characters are going to go out in a shitty way , hampered by their handicap, or stick around for too long, both which are a bummer. Im betting on the latter, which is the bigger of two bummers. But the worse problem is the stories each of these new characters gave. I would have thrown them all out as lying sacks of shit, right then. NONE of them directly answered the questions put to them. It was all a bunch of bullshit exposition. Kelly said they were in high school when the ZA broke out. And who gives a flying fuck that her deaf sister brought down a bunch of shady politicians pre-ZA, as a reporter? Gime me a fucking break. It doesnt say much for Kelly's smarts that he would say this anyway to a group of people he doesnt know are even on the up & up. Luke was just overly dramatic. And with these writers? It seems like they were trying to make him endearing, with all his blubbering about occa bucco, etc.
  6. And the Garbage Paill kids weren't in the comics. It sounded like a Gimple idea . He's the one who was so excited about them, and said they were an homage to Star Trek. THAT's what he thinks the audience wants to see in WD. Shit HE likes, that he can just piss into the show.
  7. An inital search of those pills matches clindamycin hydrochloride, lol
  8. Yeah; like we both are saying, it's not realistic. When she knew him better and saw he was capable, ok. But initialy? Nope. This has widely been pointed out as a bit of fan boy fantasy by many people before me. Initially, Maggie's biggest complaint of Glenn is that he's a wimp that let's his friends push him around. She was a controlling, mean bitch to Glenn, but whose saving grace was that she wore tight jeans and banged nerd boys. Here's the scene with the "abortion pills!," as Maggie spat out to Lori: It also shows what an utter tool, wimp, coward, shitheel Glenn actually was, for not sticking up for his friend, Lori.
  9. I'd be the first to call Shane a dick, and I dont find him handsome, in the least. I was saying, in reality, she wouldn't have jumped on Glenn in the ZA. Just my take on it, borne out by common sense. As an audience member sitting on my comfy couch, yeah, I would've went for Glenn. He was the cutest. But Im not scared shitless in a ZA, like her character was. The Glenn/Maggie pair up is pure nerdboy fantasy.
  10. They made a commitment to it. when they changed Carl into a peace-spouting Saint Carl, last season. They had a chance to make these characters recognizable human beings and blew it, making the same kind of dreck that's been on TV for years. The sanctified brats, who are the voices of morality and wisdom and strength for humanity. Exactly how these rich, isolated real parents see their kids, as perfect little saints; an extension of their extreme narcissism. If they had kept these characters in the realm of the human, the interesting story would have been watchable. But they are HACKS protecting each others paychecks, and that is ALL. You're right bout Judith calling Michonne mamma. I was thinking more of this new aged-up Judith, who is foisted on us. If I as an audience member didnt experience, then her 'mom's mean nothing to me.
  11. Why would she go cheat at math with Uncca Negan? He was a GYM teacher. This kid's a moron.
  12. Exactly. Thats why Glenn + Maggie is such a nerdboy fantasy. Even if her preference was for soft boy-men before, after the ZA, that would've changed drastically. She would have had her eye on Shane, who was the single leader of the group along with Rick. She might've wound up with Glenn, eventually, but no way would she fall for the the nerdiest member of the group, outside of Dale. FPP + anyone who knew him when they first me him, would have ever been attracted to him, no matter how he changed. He even had a thing with the organ player in his church and shut her out to die. And he went nuts and aggressively tried to get him killed. Hell, if he told anyone he slept with the missing trash lady, who would touch him? The whole purpose of this show is for "us" to watch. There are no real parents; its all fictional. I was saying that we weren't allowed to develop any significant emotional bond with the kid characters. Previously, we watched the Carl kid, over seasons/years. Even many people who found him a brat had developed a bond, because of it.
  13. I have no great love for Daryl, but he is a solid actor and one of the two main male leads after season 7, episode 1. The blame lays entirely with TPTB and their greed. Do you think any of them didn't see their salaries go up, astronomically, from season to season? And they MADE an enormous cast of characters that, 7+ years down the line, no one gives a shit about. Tara? Rosita? Even Eugene is not a viable character since Abraham was killed off. One note characters that play off each other, making one big note scene, over and over and over... Aaron can also fuck off. Etc. ALL of Oceanside. Barcode Bitch. And Negan is still around. He was an abortion. But he's STILL around, and getting paid, like the rest of them. And whenever they've added a half decent character, who can act and has even a tiny bit of story to go on -like Dwight- they kill them off. I'm usually hard on the fans. Because we've seen how the ones that bitch the loudest, eg for Glenn to be killed, only to come back and blame TPTB for killing him off, have gotten their way, over and over, and helped ruin this show. But ultimately, the greed and arrogance of TPTB are responsible for all of this garbage.
  14. I didnt like it because it was quick and cheap. They fucked around with her character, making her question killing like she had been a nun for her whole life, and then she casually lights half a dozen people on fire. She ought to have killed Henry, because that dumbass hasnt learned anything in 6 years and doesnt listen to her, and will get her or others killed. LATF,Henry, you asshole.
  15. I don't. And do you know why? Because it wasn't earned. If it wasn't earned with Carl and Michonne, and it wasn't,, then that goes triply for these other kids. Kids we haven't even developed a connection with, outside of of being annoyed as fuck by them. Michonne felt motherly toward Carl, and vice versa. But it had been only 2 years since Carl lost his mother, in a brutal way had to KILL his own mother. It wasn't even realistic to have him call her 'mom.' About the only two characters it ever made sense with, is Carol ad Daryl, because he's never had a mom, and she's nurtured him through the seasons. After TPTB decided the sexual energy between them is gross and she's TOTF. No one should give a shit about Aaron & Grace. We don't know Grace, and we hardly know Aaron. Sorry, not sorry; they could go the way of Heath and simply disappear, and it wouldn't make this travesty of a show any worse. So these kids, who haven't earned the right to call any of the main characters 'mom' or 'dad,' are all of a sudden SO important to the main characters. Enough so, that it changes who they are in a significant way. Carol is a mom. Michonne is a mom, of multiple young children. Even Maggie is (finally) a mom. Aah, I'm sure every woman will be pregnant soon, and we can all be enthralled by these wonderful, suburban warrior-moms, just like we all signed up for. Not.
  16. There's really no one to root for anymore and I don't care if anyone dies. Starting with all the kids. I called TPTB wealthy parents of spoiled brats they thought were perfect, before, and I was right. This is exactly how they write the children of this show. All except for Sophia, in S1, who was pretty much a bland plot device, anyway. And it's just gotten worse over time. Even the idea that a WD audience would want to sit and watch a bunch of children hop around in the plot is pretty tone-deaf. Making them precocious little assholes was never going to make this show better, and it's all but unwatchable, now. Judith should have been killed off as a toddler, like in the comics. I don't read the comics, but I'm pretty sure Kirkman did it because he made a mistake bringing a baby character into a ZA world, in the first place. It fit his misogynistic narrative in the beginning, and then when Lori died and he couldn't kick her around anymore, the baby became a bigger and bigger burden, I'm sure. They cant play this two ways. They cant ask you to suspend disbelief for nearly every plot point, as they are doing now. The thing that held the audience, which was overwhelmingly adult, was setting the story in as real a world as we know. And that included making the characters realistic, so that we could sympathize and empathize with them. Now the characters have become hollow; parodies of themselves. Spouting the same plot dialog over and over and over... Characters don't behave in rational, human ways. The ex-con stalks Michonne to her home with her knife out. She was exposed as a liar by Michonne earlier in the day. Watches her as she trains Judith. Then she makes like Michael Myers and stalks her at home, also with her knife out. We're supposed to be afraid for Michonne because they've shown the ex-con as menacing, and angry. But its irrational to watch someone behave this way. TPTB dont think so, because they've used this character as a plot device to fake-out the viewer. They do these things on a little and big scale over and again, and have never learned their lesson, that its shitty writing/tv, and that they are abusing the patience of the audience with utter crap,like this. A poster said earlier that there was something "off" about the music teacher. Yes; I agree. What's off about him is he isn't a human that would be a product of 8 or 9 years of the ZA. Like the sheltered Alexandrian who kept going on about wanting a pasta maker, this asshole, upon seeing his rescuers, says that he can make occa bucco for them. That's his bargaining chip. He's melodramatic and emotional over the supposed recent loss of a group member. He answers the pageant question, 'Who are you now?,' that he's still a music teacher, because even in the ZA, people need to learn (music). Now, are any of these things 'normal' for a person who lived through a zombie holocaust? Asking an audience to pretend that gas would still be around, or that zombies have enough sinew left 8-9 years later to attack people is one thing. Asking them to accept that in 6 years, Judith grew at least 6 years, while a Richonne kid is still 3-4, is asinine. Or that that new kid Kelly was in "high school" when the ZA broke out, and 8-9 years later, he doesn't seem to be over 18 years old. Etc. Anyway back to Michonne's surprise kid... if they wanted to, they could have him be from a union with someone else other than Rick. It's been 6 years. She only knew Rick ... 2-3 years? Why wouldn't she have gotten with another man, in the 6 years that passed? She thinks he's DEAD. Shades of Lori's story here, again. She's a young woman, why in the fuck should she be expected to be a nun, after Rick dies. Not a question; a statement. All too often, with 'good' women characters ,like hers, the writers and audience, expect them to only be with one man, and a faithful widow to a dead husband. And in fact, that was the rock they beat Lori with, in the first place. It would be more interesting if she had had that kid with anyone other than Rick. Father Gabe, Negan, I don't care; anyone else. And it would explain the age fuck-up of that kid, too.
  17. im not convinced. because the musical teacher is the only male speciman of their group who lived through the ZA... hard to believe.
  18. Hoary Koans is going to be my next profile name.
  19. Omg YES...i would watch how that unfolds.
  20. Do uou mean shes a girl? Or are you saying, Girrrl to me?
  21. Is Kelly a girl or a boy?
  22. Little Ricky. Too many damn kids.
  23. Ugggh smart ass kid, fuck off to bed.
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