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Everything posted by Butless

  1. How can you be sure? Jk; they all looked alike. Even the beardos.
  2. What? No thread for this episode?
  3. He doesn't want you to remember how his cowardly ass was tied to a tree, like a damsel in distress.
  4. WHO is writing this blather, and then scoring it with the soaring violins. This is a JOKE.
  5. Is that Siddique...or Jonah...David who fought Goliath? Zzzzzz...STFU, you blithering blabbering jackass.
  6. Aaaand...no emotion. I have no idea who most of them are, and it was long overdue for the others.
  7. This is the worst Bible picture, ever.
  8. Tara looks as open mouthed clueless as ever.
  9. loll that kerchief and hipster glasses
  10. " AH AHM THE ELPHA!..... That's why." Oh , Ok.
  11. No one ever caught wind of that ...literally??
  12. She can write with Sparklers.
  13. I used to say the same thing you did. When the show had a shred of hope attached to it. But it really is actually worse reading how convoluted a lot of people have to get in their reasoning, all in vain, to service a show that passed it's fresh date long ago, and which has never gotten better. But again, since this is only entertainment, YMMV.
  14. Daryl's dialogue there was written by assholes who were giving the asshole commenters a voice on Carol and Lori. Although I did laugh at the Olive Oyl line, because they had been pushing Lori as a sex symbol and that diffused it.
  15. I didn't realize she was that old. She's the sister of Angel Theory's character who doesn't look older than 20, so I assumed she was closer to her sister's age. This sort of paralell's the Beth character/actress. She was playing a teen, but nearly 30. I've never stanned for anyone on this show. I don't watch soap operas and I'm not into it. That said, even I could see that there was some chemistry between the actors (Carol/Daryl) in their scenes together. I don't know if it was on the actor's part, or if it was just a byproduct of their scenes together, but it was an obvious thing picked on and commented about ad nauseum, in the first few years of the show. The writers then chose to ignore it. They could have taken it any way they wanted, since Daryl is nonexistent in the comic and Carol was killed off. They didn't though, and instead chose to make the relationship one that put Carol into the motherly category. I've read over, also ad nauseum, that the Daryl actor insisted that he wanted to play Daryl as asexual because there aren't any other characters like his, that have been kept asexual. Maybe he was just afraid of his rabid fans? Who knows? Anyway, I could give a shit who he's paired up with or if he is paired up, period. Except for this. I do think more women are sick of seeing male characters who are paired up with women much younger than them, and while 9 years is not too much younger, it is younger than the character probably should have been paired up with the character he should have, if there wasn't such a sexist and ageist thing against women in casting love interests for male characters, by large, and that is gross. They teased a sexual relationship between Daryl and Hershell's youngest teenage daughter, even though the actor was nearly 30, and that was gross of them. If people bitched about that then, it's understandable. More understandable than with Connie, but there is still a context to all of this, and times have changed. The Connie actress might look younger than her actual age, but the Daryl actor looks older than his. And that matters in the real world, if not the soap opera that this show has turned into.
  16. You might be in the minority then, because a lot of viewers saw the chemistry. I never stanned for them, or like the Daryl actor. Do you honestly believe that the main audience of this show is made up of middleaged women? Because I gotta believe that Carol is loved on a much larger audience base. The character went from abused to stronger and stronger. It was seen, commented and reacted to by the other OG characters. The audience had an underdog to root for. Who cant identify with a character like that? SHe didn't become infallible until the last few years; a victim of bad writing, because the actress has already shown she's better than that. I will never understand the horrible wigs on this show. They have the budget for the best, but pinch every penny that they can.
  17. As if there are never any miscommunications, or other characters are always going to be close enough or positioned the right way to read everything she writes. As if they would always have the time to read what she writes in a jam, etc. Yeah; pretty much have it on to glance up at character deaths. I never understood people who hate watched, before.
  18. I am aware that it's a thing. I'm not aware that testosterone is not a factor for plenty, if not all, asexuals.
  19. Michonne shares the same problem of being infallible, which AHunter pointed out makes her boring. I believe that wholeheartedly, and IIRC, a lot of people had the same feeling, when she came upon the scene. The made her all but speechless and scowling for so many episodes that it was hard to see the character as anything more than a caricature. A bad one. As for Carol, she's OG, and there was character growth there, over years. It wasn't overnight. It was noted, commented on by other characters; they reacted to the character's growth. Connie's just been pushed onto the screen as-is. Hershel and the older Hilltop couple are aged. One lasted for a while (one legged), and the other until present, because they weren't on the road. Dwight's sisterinlaw was diabetic, and she was dying without insulin when they were on the road. Those are some examples that followed some kind of realistic sense.
  20. Yes; they have actually said that; I don't know why you would cast it as a lie. I didn't say it was said ON HERE. I know I read it on another review thread. I haven't actually looked around too deeply on here , or I would have quoted it. "Clearly" I view the character as I explained in my post. It's a shitty character in a show that has become markedly more shitty.
  21. Supposedly the actor has said this, that he wanted the character to remain sexless. In prior years, I guess. In a world where youre constantly on the run from getting turned into meat, by zombies and people, I can believe that you'd lose your libido. Especially if youre a woman, and being pregnant should be a death sentence. And the lone sane voice on this was Lori, because why would anyone bring a baby into that world? Youd have to be insane. There is also the problem of pairing Daryl, who had actual chemistry with a woman character the actors true age, with someone 20-30 years younger now. He looks his age. Its insulting to every woman or girl out there, to do that. It's also insulting to Melissa McBride. Who is actually made up to look much older than her actual age on this show, where there are women in their 20s with their tits out, makeup on and perfect bailage.
  22. A slingshot can penetrate bone plate? Not buying that it's a good weapon at all. ecause the brain is covered pretty well by the skull, unless youre an infallible slingshotter who always gets them in an orifice. Im sure she is, though, cause why not have her be that, too? The problem with the character isn't one thing or the other. It's all the things that make this character a 'badass;' that is a problem. Also, who a man with as high testosterone as Daryl have no libido? Also not buying that.
  23. Is that ultimate fan teacher briefed on what to say before she sits in the couch? She starts off saying how great Negan is? For reals?? Her big take on the OG vs. the Saviors is that hoary morally indistinguishable defense? STOP. You shouldn't be teaching kids anything.
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