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Spencer Hastings

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Everything posted by Spencer Hastings

  1. The only thing I will ever give Jill credit for is how well she did with her buddy team. They all seemed to be absolutely gutted when she moved out but she seems to regularly schedule hangouts with them. They seem to have the most authentic sibling relationships amongst the Duggar clan. It’s wild because I thought she would be the best mom based on how she cared for Joy, James, and Jenny but bonding with her own kids didn’t seem to come as naturally.
  2. Old Testament, New Testament, Etc? According to the course catalog, Old Testament I And II are both 100 level courses, along with New Testament I And II. Hardly anything to brag about. Speaking from experience, if you’ve sat through Sunday School or are halfway literate you can sneeze your way through those courses. I honestly don’t think I even opened my Bible while taking them.
  3. Would Jinger even know who Claudia Wells is? I’m just barely older than her and only know because I’ve watched Back to the Future 75 billion times...random.
  4. Beautifully said. My friend lost two babies back to back at around the same gestational age. She posted very beautiful pictures of both of them, and she was the first I’ve seen do such a thing. She just posted about how awesome it is to see Joy and Austin acknowledge their loss, and while it is triggering for her it is also therapeutic because talking about these things is becoming less taboo. Why they posted it doesn’t matter, but if they are helping themselves and other families through the healing process then good on them.
  5. I read an article today where the writer says “We (millennials) hide our emotions behind emojis.” If that isn’t Jill...
  6. If it were my sister, I would have been on the first plane, train, or automobile going 88 mph down the highway. But I have just one sister and we are extremely close. I took care of her as a teenager while my mom worked and she still sees me as a mother figure. It would make sense if Joy’s many other siblings didn’t make it to the hospital or to their house, or if Joy requested Jill specifically. For every negative aspect of her personality, it doesn’t escape me that she loves and takes care of her buddies like a mother. Jill not being there would be weird, the others, not so much.
  7. Remember when people thought that Marjorie was overly dramatic and just awful for Josiah? I’m glad she’s living her absolute best life right now but I wish Josiah had that kind of spark in his life.
  8. It’s great that Joy has Carlin for support but a traumatic situation like this is not a time for a photo shoot for the ‘gram.
  9. This is what concerns me. Her parents were relatively normal in their beliefs and reproductive goals until they lost J’Caleb. That miscarriage sent their lives into the tailspin that it is today and I think Michelle was probably about as far along as little miss Lauren. Joy and Austin have both rebelled in the past and come back to their faith stronger. While I’m happy that their faith can be a comfort to them, I really hope that they don’t let this make them turn into bigger zealots.
  10. Can Lauren have just an ounce of chill? She reminds me of a friend I had in college. Her best friend passed away just days before our mutual friend had an emergency c-section. After an extremely rough delivery friend 1 says “This baby was so lucky to have had my best friend there in the room watching over her!” Needless to say, the friend who’d just been through an extremely rough delivery was none too pleased (and a bit creeped out) to hear credit being given to a deceased girl she didn’t even know. She made our friend’s moment all about her and her own grief, which is exactly what Lauren is doing in this situation. Read.the.room.
  11. What an awful loss for Joy. Being so far along and losing a baby must be so painful. I hope she and Austin continue to comfort each other in the coming days and months, especially since there seems to be a girl boom happening in November. I also hope she punches Lauren in the face if she even attempts to make her pain comparable to what Joy is going through—but I would pray that she isn’t that self absorbed or malicious.
  12. She basically collects $60 for reading whatever script the buyer writes for her. It can be a simple hello, a birthday message, or whatever the cameo person will agree to. “Hi Doodlebug! Thanks for providing the only real medical advice my family has ever seen. Happy birthday!”
  13. So...which one of you is going to pay up $60 and request a shout out for a “Reverend Fancy Pants?”
  14. It’s almost as if she read the posts here about too many Felicity pictures. 🤔
  15. I can see these two using Mary since they’ve already used a grandparent name for Garrett.
  16. Maybe there is a stipulation in their contract that states TLC has the right to film major events that would impact the show or its “characters.” As a production, their job is to choose interesting storylines and events. Losing a grandmother who was on the show a lot in the past is probably one of those events.
  17. Amy might even know how Grandma truly felt about some of them and their antics (so many to choose from). No doubt she loved them, but I’d be willing to bet that she made side comments from time to time while it was just her and Amy. That may also contribute to Amy’s current mindset.
  18. I should reserve my judgement until I see the episode, but these women are idiots. How is it possible that Jinger is the only one who had sense enough to go to a hospital after watching the last few birth mishaps?
  19. This may be a reach, but I always got the feeling that at times the Duggars and Amy tolerated each other largely out of respect for Grandma Duggar. There are those relatives that you love and want to strangle, but grit your teeth because someone older and wiser told you to shut up. My mom’s best friend just died and within a few days enemy lines were drawn in her family. It’s sad to watch but when that person who unites you is gone and you’re grieving, it can be difficult to maintain civility.
  20. Poor Deanna. If she is the one who found Mary, I can see how that would impact Amy and increase her annoyance at her cousin. Losing Mary would be tough enough without worrying about the state of Deanna’s mental health after finding her mother floating in a pool. Good grief, that’s a lot to digest.
  21. With the way Jim Bob speaks about him, they probably don’t believe Grandpa Duggar is in heaven. If he’s not in heaven, there’s reunion for grandma and grandpa.
  22. Jessa’s post reads like grief through word vomit. She probably thought of a thing or two to say about Grandma Duggar but it all seemed important so she just kept going. Beautifully done. I personally can’t bring myself to post anything when I lose family members. Feeling like you are expected to say something must suck.
  23. Amy’s post made me tear up. Grandma Mary was probably over the moon for Amy’s baby. No way would he have been just another great grandchild or number to her. How wonderful to be so close to your grandmother. It will be a bittersweet road from here. While I don’t doubt that Mary loved Jesus with all her heart and soul, Amy and Joy are the only ones who eulogized her without mentioning her evangelism. The Price is Right makes anyone okay in my book.
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