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Everything posted by Kaia40

  1. Hey Snarkastikate! I’ve heard of two cases like that on tv. Are you talking about that sweet little boy named Garnett in Westchester with the demented Mom, Lacey and the other one with that girl, Gypsy Rose? Where the mother told her that she had cancer and even shaved the daughters head. Then the daughter ended up murdering the Mom for doing that to her for all those years. Is that the one you were talking about too? So tragic and sad! In my opinion, I wouldn’t put it past her. Anyone that would outright lie about cancer has no moral compass! I hope someone is keeping an eye on how many dr’s visits and ER visits little Preston has been to because she’s a lying POS!
  2. I also have another theory about that liar Betti Jo. Since Dr. Now Said that she had this in her entire life, why all of the sudden is she having back pain? I noticed that she was so adamant to stop in the middle of feeding the baby to eat and get pain medication. Then When she was doing a video conference with Dr. now, right before the call she took some medication and then she seemed high. In my opinion, in addition to faking cancer, I believe she’s faking pain in order to get pain medication. I’m just wondering if anyone had the same observation! I really detest this fat sloppy ugly cancer scammer!!
  3. At first I thought she looked like an extremely humongous toddler sitting on the beach! But, DOT you never fail me! She looked exactly like Winnie-the-Pooh on the beach!!
  4. Her legs look like elephant legs!!! Oh wow, the elephant’s legs are actually thinner!!
  5. Yes!!! I agree. I think that they were putting on a cancer scam and were too stupid or not counting on Dr. Now exposing their lie. That’s why Josh got so pissed. When the camera went to him right after he walked out, he said he agreed that they need to see it under a “telescope” Hahaha. He was only pissed because Dr. Now “was disputing it with him.” Yeah of course Josh was pissed because he knew that millions of people will watch this and see them for the con artists that they are! I believe that Bettie Jo started the scam and Josh just went along with it but now he’s super involved in it! Bettie Jo is a dirty disgusting manipulating slob!
  6. Hahahaha!!! That was the best Cheerio (I know how you like to see your name lol) You’re 100% right!! She does nothing all day but sit on her big fat unfabulous ass waiting for pizzza delivery and erasing negative comments as soon as they come in! Oh and of course reading our comments on here (even though she claims she doesn’t! ???? Yeah ok, we believe you Large Marge, I mean Whitney!
  7. Hahaha!! You’re my new best friend! I was thinking the same exact thing!!!
  8. First and most importantly, I’m so sorry for the loss of your Mom! ? I want to punch Betti Jo in her fat disgusting ugly face and shes way too dumb to lie. She never figured that Dr. Now would call the Oncologist!
  9. We actually studied this in my Psychology class in college. From what I learned, even though it’s a mental illness, she is very aware of what she is doing. Just like serial killers have mental illnesses (Sociopaths, Psychopaths etc) they still are very aware of what they’re doing and it doesn’t excuse them for murdering. With munchausens they are very good at manipulating just like Betti Jo. They actually do things to make themselves sick and even go as far to look up the symptoms of whatever illness they are faking and fake the symptoms of that particular illness. She’s a waste of space.
  10. 110%!! What a lying POS! I was thinking the exact same thing! Honestly, if she lied about cancer, I wouldn’t put it past her to start with the baby. She seems to have no connection to that sweet little guy!
  11. I wish I could like your post 100 times! I do like Susan now. Yes, total difference in her attitude! I didn’t like her on her first episode because she was such a big baby. She seems more mature now and she did a great job on her weight loss! Betti Jo is a terrible person and mother. Now that we know that she’s a big fat liar, that means she making up reasons not to take care of her baby! I feel so bad for that sweet baby too! I think she’s an incredibly lazy slob after finding out she lied about Cancer! I loved that Dr. Now exposed her! Hearing that she lied about something as serious as cancer makes me really doubt her “rape” story that she told on her first episode. I would never ever doubt someone’s story about being raped but, she made cancer up and Dr. Now said she makes up things for attention and to be taken care of. She a big MANIPULATOR and wants people to feel sorry for her! After this episode, everyone will see her for the liar that she is!! Betti Jo is the Brooks (Real HW Orange County) of 600lb life!
  12. I love this Cheerio! I love when you said “For someone who claims they do not read anything you SURE comment a lot about it.” We all know she reads the negative comments but, she’ll never admit it! I’m also pretty sure that she reads our comments on here!! She absolutely does care what we all think! I also found this quote from her hilarious “many people feel the need to incessantly say everything on their mind, usually unsolicited.” Hmmm...pot calling the kettle black? lol!! PS. I LOVE Kerryn Feehan for calling her out and putting her fat ass in her place!!
  13. You’re 100% right Aliya!! She just wants everyone to think she loves her body! When Roy shot her down (lol) she was in that store with her Mom blubbering about how fat she is and if she wasn’t fat, she would have a man! But she loves her big fat body!! Yeah, right!!
  14. Omg! I saw this post the other day and I’m still laughing about it!
  15. Great post!! I think it’s so funny that everyone is her “best friend.” She met Alison less than a year ago and she’s already her best friend? I’m not saying that people can’t bond quickly and become best friends but, Sweatney says it about whoever she’s with at the time! Also, her face looks like a fat thumb!
  16. Yes! You’re right! That was not a tantrum but an emotional cry. It broke my heart and it’s not even my daughter! Any good mother would say, I can’t leave my little girl for another 6 weeks and would worry about the impact on this poor child. Instead this loser says “she’ll manage.” This also has nothing to do with the miscarriage. She’s been running to the “spa” in Arizona for two years (way before the miscarriage) because she’s lazy and doesn’t want to deal with being a wife and mother. What a loser!
  17. “Jel” I’m dying!!! lol
  18. I agree! I don’t think Tinsley is usually a mean girl. I think she is easily influenced and Carole has definitely been in her ear about Luann. If Tinsley wasn’t new bff’s with Carole, she would have never been that hard on Luann at that lunch. I actually think without Carole involved, I think Tinsley would have been more sympathetic to Lu. Especially since Tinsley went through a bad breakup too.
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