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Everything posted by Kaia40

  1. OMG!!!! This SO fake. She’s sure isn’t hungry but she sure is THIRSTY! Chase I hope you get paid really well! This is one disgusting fat bit@h!
  2. Hahaha @PupCal! In all fairness Chase is just doing what the script tells him! 😉 lol
  3. That’s good too! 😂 I thought it was Whitney in a parking lot secretly gorging on that TUB of Ice Cream! I heard it was love at first bite! I know no one forgot this one but just in case....
  4. I love cakies too! You’re in good company @FormeryHeavyJ!
  5. I had to do two separate posts. Brittany is replaying on TLC now! I love her! From the very beginning she did what Dr Now said! She went through severe trauma and never used it as an excuse! She has proved all the other excuse makers wrong: The whole excuse that they have to eat like crap because they were on the road. Brittany and her husband drove 7 days to get to Houston. She had pre-made little containers with the food Dr Now told her to eat. Then she lost so much weight with even being on the road! She was out of breath because she was so tiny and was 600lbs but she started exercising immediately. She even bought a treadmill! She was so excited when she was able to start helping her husband with the chores. She really was so sweet and I was so happy for her and she did even better on her follow up. Brittany and her husband want to have children so much. I hope that happens for them. They seem like they would be amazing parents!
  6. Yes, she was absolutely annoying AF!!!! Lady don’t act like you’re so much of a holy roller and refuse to film further because they supposedly edited out your “praising God” clips! At the same time don’t be a hippocrite oops hypocrite! What they had to actually constantly bleep or edit was her constant cursing (I personally don’t mind cursing fyi) but don’t act like you’re. a sweet church lady! I think she missed that Gluttony is one of the 7 deadly sins. Along with Sloth and Pride which is clearly dead on for her. She also lies constantly. It also made me so angry when all of these people from the airlines, fire and rescue had to move her fat lazy ass and all she kept saying was “ow ow ow, I’m in pain.” How about countless people that may have been injured moving her. I have friends that are Nurses that had severe injuries by moving fat,lazy, selfish people like that while in the hospital.
  7. How the heck did you get inside my brain @JunkFoodTV! lol! Except I added drama queen, attention seeker, professional victim, Janine to my list! Along with : beastly monster “Chrishuuun”-Maja “choke a b Thursday,” with her feces growth-Jeanne and ”I need my bleach and very “knowledged” -Schnee
  8. I’m so sick of Twit’s eating disorder lies! Like everything else, she does it for attention. It’s offensive to people that have suffered with Bulimia. In all seriousness, I had a friend from High School that passed away from it in her 30’s. Her heart couldn’t take it. It was so sad! Twit’s like that wacko, Janine, from 600lb life. She was claiming to be Bulimic and Dr Now called her out on her lies and said “you’re 500lbs, you’re not Bulimic.” Anyway, I believe she said that she allegedly was Bulimic from 12-19 never got treatment for it and was able to stop? 🤔 Which tells me with even more certainly that she’s a liar. It’s like any disorder, you don’t just have it for 7 years and all of the sudden stop without treatment and therapy. 🤥 I have to congratulate her though...She really and I mean really beat Bulimia! 🙄🙄
  9. Exactly @3girlsforus! New Year’s Eve is a biggie in a relationship but that’s when it’s a real relationship! Maybe in his paid contract with Twit he asked for triple time for major holidays and she couldn’t afford that. Come on guys, she just had to buy her engagement ring so money’s tight. 😉
  10. This episode made me laugh at Twit so many times. Sorry this is so long! So the audience is to believe that the beginnings of this “relationship” with Chase just got caught by chance while filming?? Chase is as real as Lenny was!!! This storyline is as lame as the fake pregnancy! Even if Chase goes through with the contract , oops I mean the wedding, doesn’t mean that they’re an actual item or even legally married. I’ll never EVER believe that this is a real thing. We all know that this is a desperate person paying someone to act as her boyfriend. It’s not just her weight as to why I think Chase wouldn’t give her a chance in real life. There are a million other reasons that Chase wouldn’t date her: 1. Constant lies. Big and small lies. Like she doesn’t like cupcakes but is caught devouring about 20 of them at the tasting for her parents party. 2.Extremely poor hygiene 3. Her vile behavior 4. Her lack of loyalty to friends. Umm kissing her BFF’s ex because she wanted to so she did. Pathetic 5. Lack of respect for people’s property. Like peeing in someone else’s hot tub. 6. Sneaky behavior...pushing Heather to move on from Buddy and burning things that Buddy gave Heather. The fact is that she was laying in wait (which is easy for her) for the time to pounce on Buddy. 7. The 8k and I’ll just leave it at that. 8. Narcissistic, Controlling, Manipulative There are SO many other reasons but I have to cut this off at some point. When Twit was bragging about her paid date with Chase and she turns to Buddy and says “jealous.” She’s so pathetic that she said that Buddy’s upset because she met someone. If you really catch Buddy’s reaction, he’s laughing AT her. She’s THROWN herself at him so many times and he’s never bit. Twit really is embarrassing herself! The other thing is she claimed to have met Ryan on a dating app. However, when they were driving to Greensboro together, he said one of the reasons he wouldn’t date her is because he dates girls 22-27. On dating profiles it says your age. Well, if they truly met on a dating appn, Ryan wouldn’t have ever clicked on or been matched with Twit just based on their age alone forget obvious reasons! So I call BS on how Twit met Ryan. I believe that Ryan met Chase in college. So he prob got Chase the paid gig! I feel bad for Henchi. I hope he’s okay! Twit needs to bring that poor baby to live with Babs! ❤️
  11. I know this is an old post but I just recently watched this episode on amazon. I was wondering that too! I think the reason that they put them all together is because Pauline is so creepy, vile and disgusting that they needed two good people and success stories like June and Chad to balance it out! lol June looked so nice on her wedding day! June and Mary were great together! I like Chad, he seems like a good guy. His wife is a nice lady too. She was always by his side and encouraging him not enabling him. I’m so happy that they rode off into the sunset together on his motorcycle.
  12. I literally spit my drink out when I read this!!! LOL. It’s so true!
  13. I can’t believe I missed this in December. I just watched it On Demand. I really dislike Karina! I disliked her lazy a$$ from her first episode and this one didn’t change my mind about her. She was so rude to Dr Now after all the help he gave her. She’s definitely no bright light but this was pure arrogance. Clearly she has no self esteem to be with Gilbert. She obviously lost weight but to be happy with being 400lbs is ridiculous. I think that she is just a very lazy person and didn’t want to keep trying. And the way she spoke with that slurping. Gross. I LOVED when Dr. Now told her that Gilbert is a bad influence just like he was with Lupe. She looked so pissed off! lol. I think she was trying to copy Lupe with that ridiculous makeup! Who would say that they were going to focus on a a new boyfriend and put their weight loss on hold? Then I remember she said that’s her first boyfriend and she’s almost 40! She’s the 40 year old virgin and it explains why she’s obsessed with Gilbert. He would go back with Lupe and her scrotum neck in a heartbeat! Wait until he leaves Karina for Lupe or cheats on her with someone else. They’re both so disgusting that they deserve each other! I actually did feel bad for Tamy. I’m so happy that she finally got that Lymphedema removed.
  14. You’re 100% right!!! Do you remember his first episode when his mother brought him to the hospital to see Dr. Now for the first time? He was sitting in a wheelchair and put his hand down the back of his pants. Then he said to his Mother “Uh oh, I had an accident.” 🤢🤢🤢. It was wrong on so many levels!
  15. Yes!!! I think that’s the best part of this! Twit thinks that mannequin resembles her! 😂😂😂 No Twit, the women that the mannequin represents would not want YOU standing up for them! When Nike puts out a mannequin out with the following characteristics: * workout clothes on that are 5 sizes to small * a stench radiating off of it * cheeto dust stained fingertips * teeth that look like a rodent Twit, then you can stick up for those women! Wait, do any of those women exist? I think Twit’s the only one with those amazing qualities waddling around!
  16. She’s really annoying with that stupid voice and the closing of her eyes when she’s speaking! She’s also like a 5 year old and wants praise for every little thing. She said to Dr. Now “well I can stand on the scale now and I couldn’t when I started.” I loved Dr. Now’s reply when he said it shouldn’t have taken a year to do that! She’s also a major drama queen and LOVES sympathy and attention from people! I think she was planning on making a scene when Dr. Now made her fat lazy ass finally get out of bed! I wanted to slap her with that screaming! She has all these poor people helping her stand up and she doesn’t even try and just screams as loud as she can to put on a show! Then the bonus scene was ridiculous when the Physical Therapist and PT Assistant came in and she screamed and cried. Even when they put her back on the bed and no one was moving her, she was still screaming. Then they go to leave and they said bye and she said in a cheery happy voice and smiling “Byeeee take care.” 2 minutes before she’s screaming in pain and the next minute she’s cheery?? 🤔Dramatic bit@h. 🙄 Just like last season when she told Dr. Now she was Bulimic. Dr. Now told her that if she was bulimic she wouldn’t be over 600 lbs.
  17. Haha! I know @Gramto6! Gross! It will be the same as the “dance competition” though with that girl Gia and the “ballroom dance competition” that she did with Todd! ALL MADE UP! She will get all greased up but that’s the only part that will be real! 🥴🤢
  18. Omg, I love Dr. Now “Why don’t you let Aaron speak for himself. The sign of a bully is speaking for the other person” He told her!!! That’s exactly what she is....A BIG FAT BULLY! She’s a bully to her boyfriend, she’s a bully to the people at the airport and even the way she speaks of the taxi driver she said “We NEED to stop for dinner.” Tiffany...did you ever think of saying please?”
  19. Who the hell does she think she’s talking to when she demanded and screamed at the workers pushing in the wheelchair off of the plane “You all NEED to get me to a bathroom NOW.” It’s not their fault that you’re 700 pounds and can’t get yourself to a bathroom!! Did you see like 3 people scramble while trying to push her FAT ASS! So happy that she went in her pants. Karma at its best!
  20. TWIT is a PIG!!!! She was trying to bathe in the Hot Tub and then takes a PISS in it???? Tal was legit angry!!!!
  21. Me too!! The most ridiculous display was in Dr. Now’s office. With the temper tantrum of a 4 year old “Christian you ruined everything, this is ALL your fault.” Then she calls her Mother that she didn’t have time to say goodbye to because they didn’t agree to at that time! “Mommmmmyyyy, Christian’s ruining everything!” She’s repulsive!
  22. Then Twit said “I know it’s sounds like I’m jealous but I’m not” 😂😂😂 Said every jealous person ever!!!!
  23. She is so gross @Snarkastikate! Dignity passed her about 20 sports bras ago (that are not used for sports), 4 fat rolls and 250lbs ago!
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