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Everything posted by Coffeewinewater

  1. I have no idea. I didn't know what she did then. πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ
  2. Idk if I believe Braunwyn or wtf ever her name is. I think once she noticed the other women's reaction to the threesome she was hesitant to admit her husband had sex with the other woman. And by the way how over the top gross are you that Tamara is looking at you like wtf😁. If you want to have threesomes whatever, why share it with all and sundry, everyone your children go to school with high school is hard enough....oh yeah for an orange never mind. Breastfeeding is wonderful but to pull your breast out at dinner and have another woman squeeze it till she milks you 😲 good lord. I don't necessarily like Kelly, but Vicki is awful. Trying to blame Emily because she told Kelly what Vicki said on camera πŸ™„
  3. Oh I have nothing against AK. It's Stephen's face and delivery that cracked me up. The tilt of his head and smirk after he said duck, too funny. I just watched him do the tipsy aunt at the wedding dance again πŸ˜‚. His Bernie Sanders is so good.
  4. Where is all of Meghan's advice for her team? She's always full of advice for Democrats and how they should handle things. This the time Meggie. Give the Republicans all that life in politics advice.
  5. Where has Abby been? Everyone and their dogs have been screaming about the Russian interference and today she says why aren't we talking about that? I know people have been saying that Meghan finally has come around to see things clearly. Does she have a choice? Last week she was still screaming that polls show that Americans aren't in favor of impeachment. Well NOW the polls have definitely changed. She knows she can't keep defending The Republicans because Americans are shifting. She's good when numbers are on her Teams side. She has to shift her opinion. Let the numbers slide back she'll be back to screaming about how it's her that Dems need. Trust that. She likes to win that's all she cares about. She was fine with kids in cages smh.
  6. Stephen saying Amy Klobuchar killed to the duck to feel something had laughing so hard. Almost as hard when he did her dance the other night πŸ˜„.
  7. "Meghan is John McCain's daughter ".....we know, we know.😏
  8. Absolutely. That's why it get's on my nerves. Especially when she tries to imply Sunny dosen't know what she's doing with her children. I don't give parenting advice. I have 3 children one is definitely questionable πŸ˜‰
  9. Oh, dear why would she need a dishwasher. Whoopi never eats, so dirty plates are not a thing.
  10. She probably didn't. I assume she brings up the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal as a shot at the Clinton's and to make sure everyone understands how awful it is that she learned about oral sex because of the disgusting Dem President. Didn't she admit today that she didn't know Deep Throat worked for the FBI? So much Meghan dosen't knowπŸ˜‰.
  11. Thank you. How could she not know who Linda Tripp was? Wasn't that the story that taught her about oral sex? πŸ™„ She loves that dismissive phrase.
  12. I really can't stand when Whoopi goes into her strict parenting advice BS. I must have missed the conversation about Linda Tripp last week. Did Meghan not know who Linda Tripp was?
  13. https://www.wsls.com/news/squirrel-stops-passerby-for-help-leading-her-to-its-injured-baby?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=snd&utm_content=wsls10 Saw this story and thought the squirrels Meghan loves shooting up.
  14. I cannot figure Meghan out. She really makes no sense at all. She hates Schiff because her Team hates him, wtf? She clearly hates Trump but defends him to the point of walking off in a huff like a child. I guess if she really held Trumps political beliefs (πŸ˜‚ I know, Know πŸ˜‚) I'd get that. What has Trump done that Meghan agrees with. Is it as stupid and shallow as the R behind his name? Wow, what a "maverick" what a "badass".
  15. I enjoyed the segment. BF makes delicious looking food. On a side note. I can never see BF without thinking of him a few years ago getting his star on walk of fame and a plane with a message calling him a cheater flying over as he received it, πŸ˜‚ the rumor was that it was his wife, they were in the middle of a divorce πŸ˜‚. It still makes me giggle.
  16. She really is just the most obnoxious infant.
  17. Yes, that was so bizarrely ridiculous, but very Meghan. That stank face Meghan had on when Ana shared that message from her husband, her lip was literally curled up in a snarl. Meghan saying she can't stand Schiff πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ and Sunny reaction was hilarious. I also love that in politics since the wombπŸ™„ she has no idea who and how these committees are made up.
  18. Sure she doesπŸ™„. Said by the woman who demanded that a former host to be banned as a guest and that her friend get a job on the View to comfort her and kiss her ass. Sure, she's worried about getting fired.
  19. Whoopi's advice is to decorate the table with those toys laying around that have been annoying you wtf? So paper plates and my kids toys, if I serve my son's tiny play-doh food I'm set .
  20. Yes, she definitely was. That stupid bookπŸ™„ who the hell is buying a book about setting a damn table.
  21. This. She made absolutely no sense, it really was completely confusing. She was just saying nonsensical words πŸ˜‚. What she really meant who the f knows? I personally think having Ana there makes her crazy and throws her off, which ain't saying much lol. So if we have to have this big baby all week, can we at least have Ana every Friday?
  22. πŸ˜‚I love it. Pre-pre-pre school.
  23. Chris Gaines!!! Yes, thank you! πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„. I remember watching the VH1 special and laughing through the whole thing. I might have been very drunkπŸ˜‚. Ok, so just went back and look at the episode to see big baby stomp off again. And I swear it looks like she says something to Ana as she walks past her. *I rewatched it a few times and she definitely said something. You see Ana slightly move her head in Meghan's direction.
  24. Does anyone remember back in the 90's when Garth Brooks came out with an alter ego?He released an album and did a behind the music special on VH1. Anyway my point is I heard a comedian call his alter ego a fat Prince and @Vixenstud you just made me spit out my water with your Fat Prince reference.... Sorry, it's a weird day for me πŸ˜‚
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