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  1. Thanks! All of this is new to me. I do have a follow-on question for you. Since this is a religious ceremony, should the clothing choices be more modest? As in no bare midriff and no bare shoulders? I've never been to a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Understandable confusion on your part! So what we had for our kids, and most Jewish people that I know, have the religious service in the synagogue in the morning. Later in the afternoon or evening, the big party is held at a banquet or catering hall type of venue. Much the same as getting married at a church in the afternoon and having the reception at a banquet/catering facility. In either place, Bronwyn’a outfit was not a good choice. Certainly not at the temple where people dress modestly!! At the reception people do tend to dress lavishly, to what degree depends on the venue and the time of day (same as wedding guest style). So the sparkles and sequins and bare shoulders and color were fine but a bare midriff top??? Nope nope that was just crass. I get she thinks she’s the most stylish person to ever exist, but that was a really wrong choice. Especially when you’re calling someone’s hair slutty while you’re parading around in a sequined midriff! Edited to add: my husband is not Jewish, nor is his entire huge family. Yet they all came dressed appropriately to the synagogue and later the venue. (Despite the fact that we live in flashy trashy New Jersey lol) It’s just a specific-to-Bronwyn thing to dress that way
  2. That’s because she’s SO YOUNG
  3. I’m warming up to Bronwyn after this episode. She seemed like a genuine person and not a caricature, and I was touched by the mature and heartfelt conversation with her daughter. I’m aware it was all on TV but it still struck me as genuine. The part where Bronwyn said that she thought if she could be a perfect parent her child wouldn’t miss having a dad really struck me as I have a sibling who went through something less dramatic but similar. And I was further touched when she said she realized now that she hadn’t been fair to Gwen. It was a moment… And on a lesser note, for the first time I actually loved what she was wearing in her talking head segments and her hair looked great. I feel for her daughter and I hope it all works out the way she wants it to.
  5. I don’t know but it’s very possible, because in NYC at the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) they have a MOMA store where you can buy some really cool items, including replicas of pieces found in the museum. They are certainly not furniture sized though!
  6. Even at 22 I was never as stupid as Makensy. And lemme be honest I was pretty stupid then
  7. I love this so much! I plan now on using “voluntold” for the rest of my life as there are so many times it would fit. Thanks for this!
  8. So I am shocking myself by realizing that I am now rooting for Cam to win, just by subtraction. I think Chelsie is the smartest player but the jealousy thing is so off-putting that I can’t root for her. Makensy turned out to be a total moron. Kimo and Rubina have been safe due to their trio, and since then just riding the wave. Kimo especially lucked out by getting the simple, quick DE episode live veto, which is generally easy because it has to be quick. He hasn’t been able to win anything that was more difficult. Cam hasn't done anything notable, but he also hasn’t annoyed me at all. I feel bad for him having to keep Chelsie at arm’s length while not making her mad. So, go Cam? I guess
  9. Ack! I’m reading this on Saturday, I haven’t had time for live feeds this week. This shouldn’t have been mentioned on the episode thread. I’ve seen you on here for a long time, I’m sure it was said without thinking but don’t forget some of us don’t want to know in advance of the show, or didn’t have time to catch up with the live feed and want to find out by watching the next episode
  10. This game has turned into Big Tucker, but I’m starting not to mind as much. t still don’t care for him but gotta give the guy his due
  11. Girl you’re a long time watcher, you’ve been at this forum since I can remember. I love your perspective, clarity, sarcasm and lack of BS ( the New Yorker in me, I guess) I am shocked, SHOCKED, to read that you’re excited to see the new twist! Come on Peach. It’s either going to be insignificant, stupid, boring or ridiculous, and either way will fizzle out within two weeks
  12. I’ll never understand why they didn’t backdoor Tucker. Quinn is not as smart a player as I first thought. I understand you can’t completely backdoor someone with the AI arena thing, but at least take away his chance to win veto. Come on Quinn, what were you THINKING. This guy is going to win every comp and I’m not going to be able to handle his “muscles” and “voices” when he comes through the confetti
  13. I know many of you are annoyed at Cedric. I admit that Tucker’s idea was a good one. But he loses me with his intimidation and threats. Whether or not Cedric’s move was a dumb one, it was still his choice to make. If Tucker wants to make decisions then he should win HOH. Wish I could have voted to get him out
  14. I agree! That “roll the tape back” comment proves your point
  15. Uh oh. I’m starting to get that RHONJ feeling. The feeling that not only has this show gotten boring but it’s actually upsetting and this infighting and snarking are not fun little scrapes but actual mean sh*t that I find stressful to watch. When it gets like that for me I DO stop watching! Sadly I’m about at that point. I thought I would like Katie but she’s trying way too hard too fast and her gotcha moment is really not that big a deal. And what has happened to Emily? That peeing in the bushes was revolting, she wouldn’t use the toilet in the house because then she’d have to meet Katie’s family? If I were Katie I would care about that a lot more than if Heather staged a photo op. Even though I feel for her, Shannon needs to find something else to talk about other than John Jansen. And Tamra, girl, enough.
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