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Everything posted by SevenCostanza

  1. Love them too, also a big Rifftrax fan I can't imagine going 24 hours and not washing my hands, especially after using the bathroom and coming in from work/stores/public. Ew
  2. I made it about 3 seconds into each video. That's not dancing that's shaking and jiggling, completely different. God forbid she lift her legs and move around the floor once in awhile.
  3. Well good for her for getting out and moving. Did the person filming have to concentrate solely on her giant ass? Is it bad that I don't find this impressive? I'm not on social media at all so I don't get the "oooo look at me, let me film myself doing the most mundane things" mentality.
  4. She's either a compulsive liar or she's delusional. I have YouTube on and it's playing random clips of Twit and in one she's answering viewer's questions, only the kiss ass ones of course, nothing controversial. Anyway in one she says in addition to her Big Girl class she also teaches a children's class, WTH? When did we ever see her dancing with kids? Oh and another question was asking about her clothes, because this supposed viewer loves Twit's wardrobe, yea right.
  5. Buddy looks like a different man in the first season. He really started going downhill when he moved in with Whitney.
  6. I think so too, there's not a whole lot to work with especially now that she's announced she has no desire to loose weight.
  7. The mothers are awful. I remember an early episode when a talent agent came to interview all the kids and in Melissa's talkng head she kept saying over and over how the agent was there to see Maddie. Not even Maddie and Mackenzie, just Maddie. Way to play favorites Melissa.
  8. I always felt bad for Chloe, she never seemed really happy and her mother is a major attention whore. She was a better dancer than Maddie when she was younger, I think being on this show broke her spirit.
  9. Not only can't she dance, she doesn't even want to. I'd hate having Cathy for a mother.
  10. I thought that was so funny. I'm guessing his disgust was a combination of all of the above. Think about it, If Whitney can't reach to put lotion between her legs, how is she managing to wash herself in those areas? And since she doesn't seem to bathe daily and also sweats alot I'm sure there are some very unpleasant smells down there.
  11. Thanks MYBUDDYSPENCE it's really helped alot. I hate pharmaceuticals too and avoid them at all costs if I can.
  12. I thought something was different with her lips, glad I'm not the only one.
  13. I'm in Colorado and it's legal here too. I have Trigeminal Neuralgia, its a facial nerve pain disease. It's incredibly painful. I was on antiseizure medication which made me feel nauseous all the time but helped me to have less attacks. After doing some research I decided to give CBD/Hemp Oil a try since they use that for people that have seizures and since I was on the same meds maybe it could help me. Well I've been taking it twice a day since June and it works much better than the medication and there's no side effects at all, it also helps me sleep better.
  14. I hate when she says that. She' so immature.
  15. She doesn't prepare ahead for anything, that would require effort and planning. I think she thinks that because she's up there admitting she's fat and "fabulous" that that's enough, people should just applaud her for her "bravery" and "honesty". When someone calls her out with a serious question about this choice she's dumbfounded, she has no answer because deep down she knows they're right.
  16. Hunter is a drug addict? When was this brought up?
  17. I DVRed this , but after reading through all the posts I'm not sure I even want to bother watching it. Talk about a show about nothing. Are they seriously going to renew this for another season? From what I've seen this season was the worst one yet, if I have to hear about Heather and Buddy one more time I think I'll vomit. Whit barely moves let alone "dances" anymore, what is there revolve a show around? Her eating herself into a coma? That's not something I want to see or even snark about.
  18. It's so obvious he wants to get away from her. How could she not hear the dread in his voice when she phoned him from the car?
  19. I apologize in advance if this was already discussed ( I don't have time to read through all the previous posts) but has anyone read the book "Designated Fat Girl"? It's written by Jennifer Joyner who was morbidly obese and she discusses how awful it was for her. She's brutally honest about it and some parts of the book are really funny. At her heaviest she was 335 which is alot less than what Whitney weighs, but at that size her life was far from fabulous. She had high blood pressure and full blown type 2 diabetes. She would break toilet seats, something Whitney's never mentioned but I'm betting has happened to her too. She talks about "chub rub" which she had several times in the folds of her flesh and were in reality yeast infections. Jennifer at least knew she had a problem and spent alot of time trying different diets and diet drugs, she never talks about feeling fabulous or healthy, she speaks the truth, being that overweight is dangerous and very unpleasant. If you haven't read it I highly recommend it.
  20. I used to watch Richard Simmons back in the day and he used to always say "Don't eat after 8 o'clock". I always thought that was a good rule to have and it's not difficult, at least for me.
  21. I wonder if she really believes that or uses it as an excuse to just do what she wants. I was watching an earlier episode where Tal is trying to talk some sense into her and she starts to cry and says "I feel like there's something wrong with me". I think that's the most honest thing she's ever said, there is something wrong, and she needs help, not a tv show filled with enablers.
  22. Exactly. Then she would have to face the cold hard truth, and she is not willing to do that.
  23. Haha no wiping. I was being kind. She would have to walk around and collect dried sticks and leaves for kindling.
  24. You nailed it. The sad thing is that narcissistic people are really that way because they're incredibly insecure and feel inferior. It's their defense mechanism. Not an excuse I know but it shows that they're already damaged and making themselves feel important and better than everyone else is their way of dealing with it. She is also incredibly spoiled and started training her parents at a very young age. If she had been mine she might have tried it but she would have ended up in her room with a sore behind.
  25. Ha ha tell us how you really feel. Just kidding, I agree 100%. I'm a dog person, and while I do kiss and cuddle my dog, when he yawns in my face I turn away to avoid smelling his breath. That scene in the vet's office was gross, and yes the cat didn't look into it at all. She treats her friends and family the same way. I've been watching earlier episodes and several times now she's ordered someone to put on her shoes for her, and she's not nice about it. It's like she expects it, she thinks she deserves to be treated this way. She needs some reality bootcamp show to go on and get a taste of what it's like to be completely responsible for yourself. Put her in the woods with a tent, a flint, some protein bars, a gallon of water, and a roll of toilet paper, then leave her to fend for herself for a few days. Now there's a show.
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