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Posts posted by SevenCostanza

  1. Did anyone else hear Twit say "I have to pee" as she was walking down the stairs like a toddler to the paddle boards?   Ryan said "Are you gonna pee in the water?  Ew stay away from me" .  I guess he doesn't know that all Twit's friends must soak in her pee water at least once during their relationship.

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  2. Twitney's such a brat.  How rude of her to stab her fork in Todd's food without so much as asking.    "I should feel empowered but Ryan ruined it because he yelled at me!!" pout pout.   Grow the fuck up you whiny brat.  You're 35 years old not 12.   

    Chase looked like he was trying to stay awake while Twit went on about her true love, her father. 

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  3. I didn't totally understand what happened at the end with Cheryl and Tina.  She said Tina hit her? Or hit her son?  

    Andrea really believed that her kids bought her bullshit about an immaculate conception.  I hate her all she does is lie. 

    There was way too much Michael this episode.  Now we have a third mystery woman in the mix. 

    Angela is never not smoking.  Her stupid list was ridiculous.   Douchey Tony will say whatever she wants to hear as long as he's got a free place to stay.

    Clint looks like hell. 


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  4. 3 hours ago, lizajane said:

    His hair game is a big fail. Looks like a cheap toupee that is put on lopsided.

    It does, I hate it.  Speaking of hair what the hell was Heather doing to hers?  She kept running her hands through it like she was trying to get out a bug.  


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  5. On 1/23/2020 at 8:02 PM, sara1025 said:

    I had to laugh during the scale scene. Tammy's so shocked that standard scales don't weigh 600 lb people, guess what Tammy weighing 600 lbs is NOT standard!

    That made me yell at the tv.  

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  6. 1 hour ago, absolutelyido said:

    Given that Whitney is carrying 200 extra pounds on her frame, is weightlifting really a good idea for her? It can't be good for her back, hips, knees, etc. that are already under extra strain.

    I'm no professional but I always thought it was  a stupid and dangerous idea.  Am I the only one that notices every single time she lifts the bar it gets caught under her stomach?  Do Will and Jessica not see that? 

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  7. Maybe it's just me but I got so bored last night I only watched the first hour.  I used to love this show and be really entertained by it.    Watching the new episode then going on line to snark about everyone was one of my favorite things.  This season  is becoming a chore for me to sit through.  It doesn't help that a lot of the scenes come off as fake and badly acted.  Oh well, maybe the new season will be more entertaining.

    • Love 11
  8. I just watched most of this incredibly boring show.  If I didn't know anything about these people and just listened to the dialogue, I'd think they were in their late teens/early 20's.   All this blabbering  about "best friends", and "we kissed 6 months ago" they sound like kids.

    I don't know why they make the episodes 2 hours, that's way too long.  There's just so much nothing to this show.  Oooooo next week Chase gets jealous of Buddy, what will Twit do??  I'm on the edge of my seat. 🙄

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  9. 58 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I'm beginning to wonder if the attention she gets from being obese is what she is really afraid of losing. 

    Definitely.  She's built a whole career  out of being big and if she becomes just like the rest of us how fabulous would that be? Also she'd have to stop gorging herself on all her favorite foods and actually eat healthy.  Way too much work for Twit.  

    • Love 14
  10. 5 minutes ago, Mary said:

    Hot and Heavy.  

    From the little I saw of that show it was so boring, I actually fell asleep. 

    Can the producer's think up a new story line for Heather besides her once having dated Buddy?  It's been at least 3 seasons and that's all she talks about, please stop.


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  11. 22 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

    Kevin is all about "family style", because he does not have the plating skill of Adrian or Ben, or even Leon, who was famous for his "schmeers" of sauce under beef cheeks! 

    Kevin's food looks pretty underwhelming and simple, not really what I'd expect if I was paying that kind of money for a vacation.   The only chef I think was worse than him was the one on Season 5 (can't remember his name)  he made salad for practically every meal.

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  12. 17 minutes ago, jmcd44 said:

    I totally agree-the great Heather B from Real World season 1 said something along the lines of "Don't be a bitch and they [production] can't show you being a bitch."

    God that feels like a long time ago.  Innocent Julie asking "Why do you need a beeper do you sell drugs?" 


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  13. 10 hours ago, liammaam said:

    I’m squarely in Anny’s whining ass corner on this one. Roberts definitely does promise big things and then yanks the rug out from under her once she thinks she’s getting what he promised. She’s no peach, but he’s 100 percent a gaslighting jerk. 

    He's horrible.  I don't understand why he took her to look at an apartment he had no intention of renting.  I also don't doubt he promised her a lot of material things if she came here knowing full well he couldn't make good on his promises so when she complains he flips it back on her and calls her greedy. 

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