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Posts posted by SevenCostanza

  1. 9 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    We recently cut the cord and went to Hulu....they don't have WE.  Crisis! 

    Same here, we just switched to Hulu too and it's the first time I don't have WE!  I can usually find the new episodes on YouTube the morning after they air on tv.

    • Love 2
  2. I really hate Lizzie.  She told Scott that if he didn't have money she didn't need him and then she acts surprised he left.  Now she wants him back?  What's wrong Lizzie you don't like working and paying your own way like the rest of us? I'd love to see him slam the door in her face but you know that won't happen.

    I felt bad for Sarah being so upset when she's 9 months pregnant, pregnancy is hard enough on it's own.  She really needs to get rid of Michael he'll never be anything more than he is now.

    Tracie and Clint make me itch.  Someone on Reddit said they saw something crawling around the clock at Clint's when he was waiting for Tracie to come home.  Doesn't surprise me, neither one of them seems to care much for cleaning.    I'm really surprised that Tracie doesn't have to go for some kind of drug treatment or counseling, she seems like she can really use some guidance and Clint is not the one to give it to her.

    • Love 5
  3. 1 hour ago, Dot said:

    I'm not very mobile, so my days of spending time on beaches or at parks is over. But is it really true that it's now OK for women to be topless anywhere a man can be? I think I'm OK with that, tho I would have preferred that the law prohibited both sexes from exposing themselves. Men's hairy armpits & hairy backs make me gag, frankly. (Most of the time that's true of men's hairy chests, but some are rather sexy.) So why not keep the torsos of both sexes covered? Makes more sense to me, as in the restaurant sign: "No shoes. No shirts. No service."

    It seems to be that way now.  I'm not sure if it's everywhere but I work in a touristy city in Colorado that attracts a lot of young hippyish types of people.  Imagine rejects from the cast of Hair.  Anyway in the summer of 2016 there was this young girl who was with a group and she was always topless.  I couldn't believe my eyes the first time I saw her and kept looking around to see if anyone else was as surprised as me.  This was right in the heart of town 2 blocks from the police station, so apparently it was ok.   I saw her a few more times that summer but never after that and so far I haven't seen any other topless women walking around.

    • Love 1
  4. 4 hours ago, b2H said:

    Nothing can ever be said in a conversational tone - it has to be shrieked even if the dialog participant is standing a foot away; everyone talks through their noses and everyone thinks their 'stuff' doesn't stink

    Totally agree, I'm from Long Island and this is so true.   

    I'm watching a few other reality shows in addition to this one and I'm starting to get confused on who is who on what show so forgive me for not knowing everyone's name.

    The ultra clingy mother that confronted the still married boyfriend is right.  I'm a mom of 2 girls and I would not want either of them moving in with a married man.  That's all I agree with her on, the rest of the relationship with her daughter is too weird.  

    That "45" year old Kim Zolciak wannabe is a mess.  Her daughter didn't need her lips done and they ended up looking horrible.  I felt bad for the girl they looked like they hurt.

    • Love 6
  5. 20 hours ago, Emma C said:

    For some reason, FabFitFun has a new "celebrity" rep...

    All these reality "stars" sell the same crap.  I've seen Kim Zolciak and her daughter selling this along with a couple of people from 90 Day Fiance.    Soon she'll be hawking that diet tea they all sell as well.

    • Love 3
  6. 2 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    I'm assuming the mannequin is wearing the largest size in the Nike Plus range, which is 3X (24W-26W).

    Summary of Gold's article: She stridently scolds Nike for lying by making it look like someone that size is capable of being athletic in any way, when it is obvious (to her, at least) that a woman the size of the mannequin is only capable of being a diabetic couch potato, and disgusting to boot.

    So the writer of the article is just being a bitch?   She's saying that large women shouldn't be able to buy workout clothes because she thinks they're disgusting?   Fuck her. 

    • Love 19
  7. 8 hours ago, auntjess said:

    Did they say what size the mannequin was?  (I've reached my monthly article limit, and can't afford to subscribe  to every paper.)  In the part they showed, the writer called it "immense and gargantuan," which seems immense hyperbole to be.
    Plus size, yes, but vast?

    It wouldn't let me read the whole article either so I'm not understanding what the problem is.  That plus size mannequin looked like a lot of people walking around, hardly "immense and gargantuan".    I don't understand what the author of the article is upset about.  Can anyone elaborate?

    • Love 4
  8. 16 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

    Nicole's purple hair does not make her look thinner, lol. I'm not sure if Nicole is just in this drama for the 90DF money or if she is truly deluded, but this storyline is well past it's expiry date. How many seasons has it been, 3?

    Actually I think this is their 4th.  The longer they're on the show the less we see of Azan.  

    The purple hair looks horrible, you can tell she did it herself just like the bright yellow.  Her hair looked good after the professional guy did it, why couldn't she leave it alone?  Her pathetic exercises were a joke.  She said something about losing weight but she actually looks bigger this season.  

    • Love 8
  9. 2 hours ago, Jennifersdc said:

    I’ve now heard her mention a few times her own You Tube channel starring her and Azan. A real money maker for sure.

    I think she thinks she's quite the celebrity.    How's the store Nicole?  I love her stepfather he's the only one that says what we're all thinking.

    • Love 13
  10. Chantel and Elizabeth are both shit stirrers.  I hate how they talk crap about their husbands to their family, then act surprised when the husbands get upset when they tell them.   What do they expect?  Chantel is being ridiculous acting like everything is Pedro's fault.  He's not perfect and his family is messed up too but her family is responsible for a lot of things and she needs to acknowledge that. 

    Elizabeth is a moron.  She's going to let her free loading husband move her  to another place and she's going to ask her father for the money to help them move out of the house he's providing them for free? 

    Nicole's "friend" seems like a paid actress.  Their scene was so fake,  Nicole barely has any story.  Are we going to see Azan at all this season?

    • Love 21
  11. 22 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I certainly hope the show doesn’t continue to depict Tal living with Twit. The manufactured story lines are bad enough. Presenting situations that we know from their own words are lies would be even worse. 

    Like they do on 90 Day Fiance?  I like the show but thanks to social media we know most of the storylines are fake.

    • Love 1
  12. I'm just curious about something, since Andreeeei has no job who is paying for Elizabeth's healthcare?   As we all know healthcare in this country doesn't come cheap.  Is Daddy footing the bill for that too? 

    Nicole is such a moron.  I know that job interview was staged but she came off really bad.  "Uh I have no experience, no skills, and I plan on leaving suddenly in the near future, when do I start?"  Poor May.

    I skip past more of this show than I watch. 

    • LOL 2
    • Love 8
  13. 9 hours ago, iwasish said:

    Shes supposedly is saying  she is finished with reality TV.   Does  that mean she finally woke up? On her own or is there one more humiliation Azan has for her this coming season?

    She's asking people on her Instagram if they would watch her and Azan if they had their own YouTube channel.  Supposedly we will see how they "really" live and interact.  🙄 

    • LOL 4
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  14. 3 minutes ago, nytonc said:

    I wish Pedro would just cut his losses with Lockjaw. She’ll always choose her family first. Did she get a boob job?

    I know! Lockjaw started all the trouble by lying from day one.  Yes both families are obnoxious but the lie started this mistrust from the start of the relationship.   Pedro's mother and sister are no prize either but Family Chantal was rude and condescending every time they were with Pedro and his family.  

    And her boobs do look bigger.

    • Love 9
  15. 3 minutes ago, Kathy said:

    Are people really that pathetic to see her as some kind of role model?

    Normal people, no.    To future applicants for My 600 Pound Life yes, I'm sure very obese immobile people see Twit as an inspiration.   Honestly I don't think that's a bad thing.  If someone in that condition is inspired to get up and move more because of Twit then good for them.   Personally I find her very immature, self centered, rude, and not the least bit inspiring, but hey that's me.

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