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Posts posted by SevenCostanza

  1. 2 hours ago, Alapaki said:

    The bigger bullshit-call is that a witness’ job ISN’T to agree, understand, or even read the document. They’re just there to confirm that the people who say they signed it did sign it. 

    Yea really.  It's not like she can prevent it from happening by not signing the papers. I hate her.

    Is it just me or are there a lot of people on this season with medical problems?  I'm wondering if that's what's behind the odd behaviors and clingyness these people have.

    I have a lot of crap going on much like everyone else right now and I'm finding it hard to get into this show.  I can't be bothered to learn everyone's names and a couple of the pairs are kind of boring.  I found myself skipping through the diabetic mom and daughter.

    • Love 2
  2. 1 minute ago, 3girlsforus said:

    And I don’t think Ryan cares if Whitney is. Part of it. In fact he probably prefers when she’s not.

    She really doesn't bring much to the table other than her name and her tv show.  She barely participates from what I've heard. Someone on Reddit posted some of their workouts and practically every single one started with a closeup of Twit's cleavage.   So professional.

    • Love 3
  3. 2 hours ago, JessicaJones18 said:

    The way Mary and Brittani were acting about "What Frank Did" , you would have thought he participated in an orgy at an S&M club and then murdered all the participants afterward. 🙄

    I kept waiting for the big revelation and afterwards I was thinking "That's it?" They're one couple where it seems like the daughter is more attached to her mother instead of  the mom being the clingy one. 

      I could only watch bits  and pieces of the pair where the mom kisses the daughter awake and then they chase each other around the living room.  I find it really hard to believe they do that on a daily basis.

    • Love 1
  4. Well that didn't take long.  I feel like the whole relationship was scripted but Chase was too stupid to keep up the charade.   There was never any chemistry between them at all.  I remember Ryan making a few comments about Twit keeping her clothes on when he was at her townhouse, but she never seemed to have that problem with Chase.  It was like she wasn't into him so she kept her clothes on when he was around.

    • Love 10
  5. She's got one of those 24 hour things on her Instagram.  She answers questions and then talks to Buddy outside her townhouse.  Buddy looks so different.  He shaved off all his facial hair and he looks like he lost a good 50 pounds.  I don't know how to freeze the page to get a screen shot but it's worth checking out for anyone here that has Instagram.

    • Love 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Okkkaaayyyyyy......... yea this is where I’m going for relationship advice.  Maybe someone should ask her what you do when your fiancé knocks up another woman


    Why would I take relationship advice from someone that's never been in a relationship?

    • LOL 12
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  7. 1 hour ago, tinaw said:

    I agree that Ben was tempermental and difficult. I didnt get the same malicious feeling from him that i do with Adam.

    Adam to me just gives off a bad vibe YMMV

    I agree. Ben is also a lot more professional.  I don't know if you saw Adam on Below Deck Med. but there was an episode where the primary specifically requested no onions and Adam went out of his way to put onions in everything.  Ben would never do anything that stupid.

    • Love 9
  8. 16 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

    I don’t know, I think the show had run its course, if nothing else I think their appearance probably prolonged the show.  I really never saw her passion for dance, she basically did different iterations of the same move.  I don’t hate Whitney but she seems rather lazy to me.  I do think they saw dollar signs (more so Ryan), but I think Ryan has given her a somewhat legitimate business with this exercise site.  I’ve said before I think he does the majority of the work but she brought the majority of the people, so it was profitable for both of them.  I don’t think the engagement is real, but I also don’t think there was trickery on their part. I think all the participants on the show know what’s going on.  If it’s a real relationship, it’s one that doesn’t particularly make sense to me.

    I agree with all of this.  I think Ryan and Chase were brought in to prolong the show which was dry as a bone as far as material.  Twit liked to dance but  I wouldn't say it was a passion.  More than anything I think Twit loves attention and this show gives her a lot of it so she will do what she has to to keep it going. 

    • Love 9
  9. 3 hours ago, dleighg said:

    yeah the first time Georgia sang was "nice" but I've had enough. And Paget visibly drooling over her while she was singing was unseemly to say the least.

    The first time was ok but I think she's sang for the last 3 or 4 episodes.  And as an extra bonus  last night, we got to hear Jenna sing too!  I ended up muting both of them.  

    Parker gets a little weirder each episode.  Reading that letter from his mom was cringey, not to mention his comment in the preview about still being breastfed. 

    • LOL 1
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  10. 47 minutes ago, cherenkov said:

    These staged feats of fitness are hilariously bad.

    I don't know who exactly they're supposed to inspire.  Maybe the people that are on My 600 pound life.  For the rest of us, even those that are out of shape these "feats" are laughable.

    • LOL 1
  11. On her Instagram in the spot where she posts those videos that only last 24 hours, she has asked that everyone stop saying that being stuck inside from the corona virus is going to make them fat!!  I think it strikes a nerve with her when people say that especially if they're smaller than she is.     Sorry Twit but being inside all day everyday is making  a lot of people gain weight,  myself included.  My gym is closed and there's only so much walking I can do.  I'm really bored and stressed and I've been eating more than normal.    I think she just wants an excuse to eat and lay around and not feel guilty about it.

    • Love 13
  12. 20 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I didn't watch the aftershow.  I just can't get into them anymore.  Other TLC aftershows turn me off too.  The cast just aren't as entertaining as TLC thinks they are. 

    I don't like them either. I watch all the  90 Day Fiance shows but very rarely watch the aftershows. 

    I found it weird how it just ended after the proposal.   That was the end of their trip?  Then right into that stupid aftershow that I could only tolerate for maybe 5 minutes. 

    Climbing the Eiffel Tower reminded me a lot of the 5K Hawaii scene.  So so hard for Twit but because she's such a bad ass she will complete her climb even if it kills her.  After all she came in 2nd place!! in a weightlifting competition did you know that?  She was 2 out of 2 so yea.   Not only was Ashley not tired or winded climbing the stairs,  but she was so far ahead of Twit that she had to stand around and wait for her to catch up. 


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  13. Someone from the show must read these boards because last night after the show they made sure to emphasize that the next season has a new cast !  I'm looking forward to that I was getting sick of most of these people. 

    • Love 18
  14. 5 hours ago, spiderpig said:

    Did they show price points for any of the menus?  If they did it was too quick for me to register.

    I don't remember seeing any prices and I was looking for them too.  I was wondering how much the crust team was charging for toast.  I didn't think they were going to last too long, there's only so much you can do with toast. 

    Like everyone else I hated the Bachelor guys,  hopefully they'll be gone next.

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  15. 8 hours ago, Mommygetz said:

    This! The car was rented in Ashley’s name. Why would anyone else even talk about driving it?? Whitney could’ve sat in the front passenger seat. If I were Ashley (and this situation were real) 1. there’s no f-ing way Whitney would’ve driven a car I rented, and 2. Not a chance I would sit smashed in the backseat!

    She was so rude about it too.  The way she yanked the keys out of Ashley's hand "I'm driving!"

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