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Posts posted by SevenCostanza

  1. 10 hours ago, liammaam said:

    I’m squarely in Anny’s whining ass corner on this one. Roberts definitely does promise big things and then yanks the rug out from under her once she thinks she’s getting what he promised. She’s no peach, but he’s 100 percent a gaslighting jerk. 

    He's horrible.  I don't understand why he took her to look at an apartment he had no intention of renting.  I also don't doubt he promised her a lot of material things if she came here knowing full well he couldn't make good on his promises so when she complains he flips it back on her and calls her greedy. 

    • Love 6
  2. 2 hours ago, Artsda said:

    Lily has no reaction at all either?

    What lazy writing.  All Lily did the whole episode was walk past different people and deliver one liners.  Have these writers ever been in the presence of a real teenage girl?

    • Love 6
  3. 4 minutes ago, Sage47 said:

    Kate looked bizarre in those shots of her getting ready in her cabin. Bony body, gigantic, inflated lips, yikes. She’s a rough one, appearance and personality. 

    Her lips looked really big in that scene, she needs to stop messing with her face.  She shouldn't have told Courtney what happened with Simone that's  unprofessional.  But that seems to be her thing she always has one stew on the outs.   

    Tanner and his mom were trying too hard, tone it down.  Tanner's gross and disrespectful and Simone is just stupid. 

    I don't know how they consume so much alcohol.  They were drinking at 10;30 in the morning to well after sundown, no wonder they have ridiculous arguments all the time.

    • Love 15
  4. I'm finding this season a little boring.  I used to rewatch the show a day or two after to see things I missed but I don't find myself doing that with this group.

    I don't like Tania's mom.   Syringe is being abandoned for 30 days and her only thought is to use him as a work horse.   "Hey let's power wash stuff!" 

    I don't like Emily or Sasha but their baby is absolutely adorable!  I couldn't stop staring at his chubby legs and big eyes, what a sweetie.  Too bad his dad is a major asshole.    Does Sasha have some kind of pregnancy fetish?   It seems like once his wives give birth he completely losses interest in them. 

    Anna and Mursel  meh.  I don't see what she finds so wonderful about him, they can't even have a normal conversation.  

    Angela getting botox was a waste of money.  

    Blake and Jasmin zzzzzzzzzz

    • Love 13
  5. I haven't seen this episode yet and after reading everyone's comments I'm not sure I want to.  I really hate the up close vomiting/diarrhea scenes.  Sex right after puking sounds really gross, I'm also not a fan of the blurry sex scenes, I really don't need to know that much let these people have some privacy.  Not a fan of Tanner's comment about Simone either.

    • Love 6
  6. 11 hours ago, GaT said:

    Not sorry to see Slapshot go, I didn't like them. The superhero truck can go next, I'm rooting for the lumpia truck, mmmmm lumpias.

    Those lumpias looked delicious, I'd love to try some. 

    When I saw the Slapshot team put the turkey to the side then close early  I knew they were going to go.  

    • Love 8
  7. 17 minutes ago, Mr. Miner said:

    Kevin has the guys walk the steaks to the table, tells them they did a great job and he's going to buy them a beer. It was like the women, who are the actual servers didn't exist.

    I have such violent thoughts when that prick appears. I can't stand the fucking sight of him. 

    When they show the preview for the rest of the season there's a clip of Captain Lee firing someone , let's hope it's Kevin. 

    • Love 8
  8. 58 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

    it’ll catch up to her if she doesn’t lose some weight

    It really will.  I agree because she's "active" she thinks she's fit but those thighs tell a different story.  She's going to be 40 in a few years and if she doesn't  attempt to at least change her diet she's going to be in for a world of pain.

    • Love 5
  9. 28 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

    Lizzy and Daniel sure imploded fast, huh?

    Right?  Didn't he just propose in the last episode?  Now he acts like he can't stand her.  I didn't get the shopping cart on the top of the car thing, not sure how that keeps him "sober".  They made sure to put in a scene there where his friend remarks on his weight loss, they knew we would  be talking about it.   He did Lizzy a favor, now she can move on to something better hopefully.

    I'm sorry but Lacey was the ugliest bride I have ever seen.  The mass of false eyelashes, fake hair and blubbery lips was so awful.   I can't imagine what she's going to look like in 10 years.  Did we really need to see Sean naked?  Is nothing private?

    That ugly ring Tony gave Angela looked like it was meant for a man.  I can't understand why he let production film him meeting a woman at a motel.  I guess he doesn't care if Angela knows.  I can't see what attracts her to him at all, he comes off as very arrogant and he's got nothing in the looks department either.  Those sandwiches she was making looked gross, ease up on the mayo Angie.

    Glorietta and Alex barely seemed like a couple.  Good for Juliana for dropping his stupid ass, she can do a lot better.  

    Amber and Vince, snooze, another fake couple.   Yes Amber join the rest of us and get a job and earn your own way, stop trying to take advantage of people.   Vince sounds like he's gearing up for a shot at 90 Day Fiance. 

    Life After Lock up looks interesting.  I couldn't help it but that clip of Tracey crying on the phone made me burst out laughing.  I can't believe they got to film that.

    • LOL 5
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  10. 8 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I agree. They look like they are having fun. I also don’t think it’s all that weird to be wearing waterproof sandals on the beach. We do it all the time - even into the ocean. In fact, especially into the ocean. You never know what is living on the ocean floor that you might step on. Better to have some protection between you and the ocean life LOL. 

    Glad I'm not the only one that feels this way.  I'm a bit squeamish about stepping on things, plus a lot of time there's rocks and other foot injuring things you can't see.

    • Love 2
  11. 36 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

    Is Vince incapable of breathing with his mouth closed? There was a shot of him driving and it was just hanging open. He's a real-life slack-jawed yokel.

    And he's got that vacant stare, like there's no one home.   He's not very articulate or intelligent either. I think Amber/Puppy/Mom thought he would be an easy mark.

    So Tony went with the first girl that hit on him to play basketball and flee the halfway house.   Wouldn't Angela be the first woman that hit on him?   I thought when she asked him if he wanted a blowjob or a steak that she was hitting on him, guess Tony didn't see it that way.  🙄  She sure is lucky he's making all these "sacrifices" for her. He's a dick.

    • LOL 1
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  12. 1 hour ago, scrb said:

    Plying the cast with free booze is a staple of reality shows.

    I'm sure it's stipulated in the contracts they sign that they will go out for these events.  I think some of the crew would rather not go out in these group settings and get drunk.

    It's a sign of lazy writing.  They're hoping the cast's drunken shenanigans will result in some airtime-worthy footage.

    Yea I know they ply the women on the Housewives shows with a lot of alcohol and not that much food.   And you're right it is lazy writing, I don't find drunk antics very entertaining.

    • Love 2
  13. 9 minutes ago, Special K said:

    While sitting in the crew mess after their night out, did Ashton really say to Courtney "you're very sensible even though you're not as old as you look"?!?  [italics mine] He was attempting to compliment her maturity, but O.M.G.

    Dude's so off his game, it's hilarious, and I love Courtney for it.  It's like he's so hot he never actually learned how to flirt/seduce. 

    Yes he did say that, and that was  after the other guy Eric (?) thought she was 30 and she said "I'm 26!"  Ouch. 

    Wonder who they're bringing back, either Rhylee or that other guy who's name escapes me. 

    I think they all need to cut back on the booze, that type of drinking catches up with you after awhile.  Not being able to remember what happened the night before is never a good thing. 

    I would really like to go one episode without hearing what someone is doing in the bathroom. 

    • LOL 4
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  14. 9 hours ago, lizajane said:

    I think Bryson is actually a very cute kid who is starved for affection, and maybe attention. The way he was clinging onto nAnny was kinda heartbreaking to me. And I would bet that Robert has filled his little head with ideas about Anny coming to be his new Mommy. But Robert better get another bed for him and hopefully not a used one from Sally Ann.

    I felt bad for him when he was in bed calling her saying "I want Anny to snuggle with me".  Poor thing he just wants love.   I have no doubt his idiot father told him Anny would be his new mommy,

    • Love 19
  15. 14 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    Today's video is another "instructional" one from nobsdance. More arm waving, breast caressing, crotch touching. 

    I think she's having problems selling her "dance" instructional videos, so she's adding short clips to IG to shill it. 

    i just watched it.  I doubt there's a lot of people willing to pay for that.  Todd looks ridiculous at the end with his leaps and spins.  Twit of course has to rub her breasts and wiggle her ass, yawn.

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