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Posts posted by SevenCostanza

  1. 1 minute ago, ClareWalks said:

    I am astonished that anyone can look at Whitney on this show and think that she has anything positive to offer a baby. Those of us unfortunate enough to grow up with a narcissistic parent know how horrible Whitney's personality type is for parenting. My father is a textbook narcissist. We have been estranged for nearly 20 years. He will never change because he thinks he is perfect. Whitney would be a HORRIBLE mother, JUST based on the narcissism alone. That's not to even mention that her obesity has crippled her to the degree that she cannot care for herself, not even to mention that the one time she took care of a baby on the show (babysitting for an hour), it was clearly overwhelming for her and she was overdramatic about changing a diaper.

    One hour? Try staying up several nights in a row with a colicky baby.  You have to give up alot of yourself to be a good parent, you have to come second at least for a few years. 

    I sympathize Clarewalks, both my parents were narcissist's.  My mother and I didn't get along at all, but I had an ok relationship with my dad.  Luckily I married a man who's the complete opposite,

    • Love 7
  2. 1 minute ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Yes, she'll pay the price. It's really sad if she isn't planning on changing, but, real REALITY will get her attention.  You can only abuse your body and neglect your health, but for so long. And, she may live, but, there are some things worse than dying. I'll leave it at that.  Strokes can cause serious disability and brain damage. Not sure what the wake up call will be for her. 

    Me either, but there will be one. I just hope she doesn't become disabled and dependent on her parents full time. 

    • Love 4
  3. 4 minutes ago, kicotan said:

    Todd's comments (and face) to her regarding adopting a baby with Tal (while they were in the car going to Charleston...whoops, Charlotte?...) was EVERYTHING!!!  

    "the same child?"~priceless!

    I browsed some of her Instagram posts and she states there that she weighs 380, same amount as when she started on the show and that it has not, is not and will not be her intention to lose ANY weight.  She's blissfully happy at 380.  Not that there is anything wrong with that, BUT if she is going to mother a child, it would seem to me that her limitations (needing others to assist with her hygiene, for example) would make it very difficult.

    That's awful. 380 at 5'2" is not in anyway healthy, especially if she's still smoking and drinking alcohol.  She doesn't want to loose weight, that's her choice but if she doesn't change something she's going to be very unhappy when she hits her 40's, if she lives that long.  For me at least the 40's were a time when things started to go wrong, vision got worse, blood pressure shot up.  If she doesn't already, she will have high blood pressure very soon.

    • Love 9
  4. I just finished watching this episode.  I DVR it so I can skip past the 30 minutes of commercials TLC blesses us with.   Some quick thoughts.

    I really liked seeing the women at the Charlotte big girl dance class.  As a big girl myself I can appreciate how intimidating it is to go to an exercise class especially when you don't feel good about yourself.  I'd really like to see the show push more for that storyline instead of these nonsense ones like Buddy and Heather (please stop!) and Whitney and Tal becoming parents (yea sure). 

    Why can't Whitney just let Buddy go and do what he needs to do? Did she ever think maybe he's moving  to get away from her? 

    Why did Whitney's head keep changing shape throughout her TH interviews? Sometimes there was a flattish bump and other times it looked 4" high.  Is there no one at TLC that checks for continuity?

    Tal moving in, I thought he had his own place and a partner?

    Something nice to say, I see Whitney was wearing jeans at the balloon thing, that was different they looked nicer than the spandex.

    • Love 5
  5. 27 minutes ago, Calliope12 said:

    When Todd and Whitney were in Charlotte, did Todd point out that she had Cheetos dust under her finger from THE DAY BEFORE??  WTF? I understand that she may not shower daily, but who doesn't wash their HANDS at least once over the course of 24 hours? 

    That skeeved me out. I'm not a clean freak but I wash my hands several times a day.  Speaking of hands I hope Tal washed his before he put them all over Ashley's baby's hands, she'll probably have them in her  mouth at some point.   After this last flu outbreak stuff like that bugs me.

    • Love 11
  6. I've been reading some comments from earlier episodes, and I see that Whitney is also a pack a day smoker?  Why was this never addressed on the show? No wonder she's always so winded just doing basic things, like walking.  At her size that's like playing Russian roulette.  I noticed in Season 1 when her mother is picking up her dirty plates from her room there were alot of wine bottles in there too.  She needs some good therapy to deal with all her addictions.  

    Also I don't believe everything is as loving with her family as they make it seem.  She's got alot of issues and I'm sure a good portion of them come from her parents.  Her father in particular comes off as a nag, she's always talking about what a perfectionist he is and how she hates to disappoint him.  Her overeating could be her way of giving Dad the finger. 

    • Love 9
  7. 7 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

    Give her a hamburger and it would remind me of the video of drunk David Hasselhoff on the bathroom floor. Ok not that bad but, it does remind me of a drunk person lumbering and swaying around. 

    I feel bad because I find this video so funny.  That guy doing the Burpee does a push up, Whit just lays flat on her stomach and then kind of lumbers to a standing position.; Does she really think this is an achievement and something to be proud of?

    • Love 5
  8. 2 hours ago, Pachengala said:

    I'm late to the subject, but wanted to weigh in on that WaPo article. I think the author really bit off more than she can chew here, conflating issues that really aren't correlates: diversity of race, age, etc. and making workouts "accessible." Offering scholarships, pay-as-you-can nights, etc. are admirable and *could* increase your audience in a diverse and inclusive way, and that's admirable. It should absolutely be a goal. I'd love to read an article about these gyms' attempts to achieve this. HOWEVER. wanting to attract a more diverse crowd does not, and for these types of businesses, should not, mean necessarily making the class *physically* accessible to all. One of the major appeals of these classes should be that they challenge people, and make them stronger and fitter. I don't go to them because A) I can't afford it, but also because B) I'm not in that kind of shape and don't want that kind of challenge at this point. So I go to my gym, work out with weights and some cardio, and try to get stronger in a way that I'm comfortable with. I don't need them to dumb down a class just to suit my fitness level. I self-select out. No one's feelings are hurt, the end. 

    I hope I'm being clear. It's one thing I'm very, very sensitive to: the actual struggle for diversity and inclusiveness, versus just lowering the bar so that everyone feels like they can "win." It's offensive to people who have to actually deal with discrimination on the basis of things they cannot change--race, age, gender--to pretend like being out of shape is in any way analogous to that struggle. They are DIFFERENT ISSUES ENTIRELY, and it's irresponsible of the author to pretend they are the same. 

    On a totally different note, congratulations @SevenCostanza on fighting your way back to reclaim your life. You're inspiring! 

    Thank you Pachengala, it hasn't been easy but watching Whitney has helped me to not be a wimp and work through the pain.  

    • Love 2
  9. 2 hours ago, Dot said:

    All her several videos of faux exercises just serve to  further convince me that someone her size should be in a pool, doing aqua aerobics, and on a stationary bike. There will be little to no stress on her joints & she will actually be able to perform rather than pretend. After she loses a couple hundred pounds, she can go back to Will's gym.

    Of course, she also needs to manage her intake of food & to memorialize each day's food & exercise. But she's not going to do that -- or quit pretending she's doing burpees & sit-ups. What a fraud Twit is.

    And I agree with @Ketzel about Jessica. She is really coming off bad in these videos. But like father, like daughter. As I've said before, Will Powell has shown himself willing to do anything for money in his relationship with Twit & MBFFL.

    I think a lot of this is for TPTB at TLC: showing them how healthy she will be for a S-6.

    Yes! Thank you.  Swimming would be perfect for her, as would the stationary bike and plain old ordinary walking.   Why is she stressing that she's not exercising for weight loss?  That should be her number one goal.    Those sit ups are horrible she looks like she'll do more damage to herself doing the exercises this way, she's probably better off not doing them at all.

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