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Posts posted by SevenCostanza

  1. 2 hours ago, Colleenna said:

    Being unable to  go to the gym is  making me  twitchy

    I feel you.  The gym at my apartment has been closed since last week.  My legs are in bad shape after being hit by a car 2 years ago so there are only so many exercises I can do.  I like to do the eliptical and the exercise bike.  So now my only option is to go outside and walk,  but today it's snowing like crazy so I'm stuck inside.  I'm trying very hard not to overeat but it's hard because I'm really bored.   I work for the City and we're closed until the end of the month.  Unfortunately my husband is a mailman so he has to go in everyday and my daughter works in a supermarket so she has to work through this as well.  I hope all of you stay safe and healthy  and hopefully this will be over soonish.  😷

    • Love 1
  2. I thought this episode was pretty boring.  I enjoyed seeing Paris I wish they could have just shown that for an hour I would have been more entertained.   I'm not sure what I can say that hasn't already been said. 

    I did like how Chase jumped in the back seat when they got back in the car after stopping to pee.  Yea he and Twit are so in love.   It's pretty obvious she'd rather talk to her precious "Dadwee" than spend intimate time with her "boyfriend".  

    I didn't understand why Ashley and Todd's room had two huge beds and Twit's/Chase/Ryan's room had only one bed, or why the three of them had to share one room.  

    This whole "we have to go to Paris to expand our business" storyline is beyond ridiculous.  Twit didn't even do the exercises during the shoot she just stood there making stupid comments.  I know I've said it a million times but you can find videos better than the ones they make for free on YouTube. 

    Just like last year we had the gang on bikes with Twit's boobs flapping in her face while she screams like the asshole she is.

    Oh boy next week is the  proposal we've already seen on the endless previews.  See bad acting at it's finest as Twit feigns surprise. 

    • LOL 1
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  3. I've never watched BD Med so this is my first time seeing Adam and he's a real dick.  He's just as gossipy as Jenna.  They're like two mean girls.   I thought it was funny that he shut her down with the hotel room, she was acting really desperate. 

    Jenna is a horrible person.  I don't believe she would have been happy if Madison had woken her during the night.  She probably would have said that Madison was weak because she couldn't handle it on her own.  You can't win with her, no matter what you do it's always wrong.

    Those guests were assholes "Did the bitches leave?"  Pigs.


    • Love 18
  4. On 3/15/2020 at 10:16 PM, HC87 said:

    Anyone else have an incredibly hard time hearing/understanding what the fu manchu Scottish security guy was saying all episode? 

    Yes!  Glad it wasn't just me.

    • Love 1
  5. 18 hours ago, MajorNelson said:

    What a terrible set of guests.

    I cannot believe that Madison, when they came back with a DJ, did not go and alert Jenna about the services needed.  

    I was surprised that no one else on the crew woke up.  It seemed like they were making a lot of noise especially with a DJ.  The boat isn't that big, you would think that maybe Jenna or the captain would have gotten up to investigate.

    • Love 6
  6. 3 hours ago, silverspoons said:

    This is the sad part. She had her own apartment, May was in school, and she was working at starbucks. It was a stable day to day life for May. Nicole said recently she had to drop the apartment because she rushed into it and did not budget it out. So she drops May's stability to use her money for a trip and probably some Azan spending money?

    That's what bothers me the most.  She knows her mother would never let May be homeless so she takes advantage of that.   If you're having trouble paying your rent you don't use whatever money you do have to fly  across the world.   She's so selfish and immature. 

    • Love 10
  7. Just now, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

    Did anyone else notice when they were all huddled after she blurted out "lets eat" she started chanting and they all soon followed with "Fit Whit" ?  I am guessing Dr. Now would totally think otherwise.

    I also find it comical that they want us to believe there are 2 man-babies after this luscious piece of lard  

    I heard that but I couldn't quite believe it. I thought maybe I heard it wrong. 

    • LOL 2
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  8. 34 minutes ago, Barbara Please said:

     She was pushing Harper rather aggressively for her age, and the kid was really airborne and probably vomited afterwards.

    I noticed that too.  She's very aggressive.  I also noticed that Harper looked like she wanted nothing to do with Twit when Twit tried to hug her.  I don't see any maternal instincts in her at all.

    • Love 10
  9. Twit becomes more childlike as time goes on.  "I won 2nd place!"   You had one person competing against you, you basically got a participation medal.   

    Did she think she looked cute swinging in the swing?  Anything to take the attention away from Ashley's baby.

    • LOL 1
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  10. Rosemarie reminds me of Hazel and Jenny (yes love).  I give her points for acting as happy as she did when she first saw Ed.  He's a lot shorter than he told her,  looked greasy and sweaty and his outfit was odd.  I guess the sister said it best "He's rich so I don't care" or something like that.

    I don't know why Darcey and Tom are on this season other than to show more of Darcey crying and getting upset. 

    If the Yolanda story wasn't scripted then she's a moron.

    I forget their names but the girl with the small child that's going to Australia.  That guy had major crazy eyes.  Also his business seems shady.

    So next week we get the next catfish.  An old guy with dyed hair spending money on someone he'll never meet.

    • Love 14
  11. 49 minutes ago, Kid said:

     she inspires them to STAY morbidly obese.

    I agree.    Twit acts like focusing on weight loss is some kind of crime.  You can loose weight slowly by  cutting back in small amounts.  It doesn't have to be this drastic change.  She could start by cutting out one thing a day.  Maybe don't have that third huge venti frap with extra whipped cream.   It seems to work for me if I do it that way.  I've had years of trying weird restrictive diets that I couldn't tolerate for more than a few weeks.  I can understand up to a point why she would want to avoid anything like that.  BUT just eating more healthy and maybe smaller portions might help her to stick with it for a longer time with less pain.

    • Love 13
  12. 2 hours ago, Tosia said:

    I'm sorry but I cannot look at someone feeding themselves.  Anyone. 

    I hate when people make eye contact as they put food in their mouths. 

    Plus Twit talked with her mouth full. Seriously?

    She couldn't "un, huh" with her mouth closed?

    She couldn't stop eating for dialogue purposes? 

    I ff through the Buddy sections cuz BORING.

    This show is more of a joke than ever cuz of the phoniness with Chase and everyone. 

    Go away Twit. 

    What really bugs me about Twit's eating habits is she always has to taste what other people have.  She had to drink some of Chase's juice, had to taste Todd's pasta.  I just think that is so rude, she doesn't even ask she just helps herself.

    • Love 15
  13. 2 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

    3) why the heck is Sandra sitting out every challenge except 1? I thought you had to rotate the folks who sit out??? How can that be good for her gameplay??

    Didn't there used to be a rule that the same player can't sit out challenges back to back? 

    • Love 1
  14. I felt like slapping Twit when she was talking to her mother about being her personal trainer and "the first thing I'd have you do is stairs".   Says the personal trainer who can't walk down the stairs like a grown adult.    

    I hate how they have the old group gather together and sit around and all they can talk about is Twit and her life.   No Twit,  Tal is not like a Golden Girl, he's an adult.  I thought his home and set up were very nice and I would have loved to try those desserts. 

    The "I love you" scene was so stupid.  Yes Twit, Casey waited for the cameras before he could profess his love for you because he's so in love he needed it documented for eternity. 

    Why does she act like a preteen who finds her parents so embarrassing when she brought Chase home?  Can't she behave like an adult?  Maybe give her mother a hand since she's so old and needs a trainer?

    Ugh that's as far as I got, I had to leave for work.   Work Twit, you know that thing that regular people do everyday without taking a nap? 


    • Love 18
  15. Lacey is such a trash bag.  Someone on Reddit posted a picture of her and Chane doing it on the dining room table. Apparently it was on Lacey's twitter.  So who the hell knows how much of this story is true.  Wouldn't surprise me if she's doing both Chon and Chane.

    Why is Meghan still on this show?   Forehead won't even answer her calls, what's she still hanging around for?

    Didn't Britney and Marcelino already have a dog?  I could have sworn last season they had a pit bull living with them.  Marcelino needs to get a dam job, it's not that hard, the hell with your pride.  

    What was Clint smoking when he was talking to Tracie?  I noticed they zoomed in on the ashtray again and I saw there was an unbent paper clip among the butts, not sure what that means.   Also that phone call sounded weird.  It sounded like they just pieced together things Tracie said at some other time and tried to make it sound natural. 

    Cheryl go home and be a mother to your three kids before they forget what you look like.

    Andrea is nuts.  Her kids seemed to have turned out well but I noticed the youngest looked stressed when they were eating and she was talking all kinds of crap "I put poison in the eggs". 


    • Love 8
  16. 4 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

    Watching Whitney trying to squeeze herself into the few sample sizes that Kleinfelds might have in her size would be mildly amusing  until that gives her an excuse to complain about fat-shaming.

    This was one of the first episodes I ever saw and I couldn't believe how she just  went and sat next to her mother in only her underwear!  Who the hell does that?

    • Love 8
  17. So is Queen Meghan out of the picture for good now?  I thought I saw some preview where she was taking a pregnancy test.    I wonder if they're going to add Maria's picture up there too with Forehead's other women.

    I found this episode kind of dull, a lot of repetition.  

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