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Everything posted by AlliMo

  1. I get the feeling that Yara likes whatever happens to be attractive and available at the moment, and doesn't think much about it. She's a practical kind of gal. Lady Tiny Badass is my new favorite. Margery is definitely playing a long con and I'm intrigued to see how it turns out. She's the master manipulator that Cersei likes to think of herself as being. What's interesting to me is how they're showing the ways that war is changing the roles women play in this society, just like it has in many of ours. No matter who comes out on top of all this (unless it's the whitewalkers,) it's going to be a whole new world in many ways.
  2. I think a lot of people - most of us, probably - like to remember ourselves as being much more mature and intelligent as teenagers than we actually were.
  3. I don't think that Paige being traumatized and in shock from having seen her mother KILL ANOTHER HUMAN BEING necessarily means that she's ungrateful or naive. I think that it means she's a very young person with a functioning moral center who's trying very hard to process a whole lot of things in a very short period of time. I think she has every right to be bewildered and confrontational towards the parents who have repeatedly told her that a) they weren't going to lie to her anymore and b) that the work they were doing was peaceful and not at all dangerous. Frankly, I think it would be ridiculous and not at all believable if she was totally blase and accepting towards the entire thing.
  4. Honestly, I don't think Paige is acting unrealistically at all. She's like her mother in that she's sincere about things and has a strong moral center. Adolescence is already difficult, and I she's actually shown considerable maturity in trying to deal with a pretty earth shattering situation. Everything that she thought she knew about her life and who she was has been turned upside down, and she's trying to process things as best she can. Anyone in her shoes, especially someone that young, would be confused as hell.
  5. I don't doubt that Littlefinger genuinely loved/still loves Cat, in his own warped way, and that he does have some weakness for Sansa because of it, though whether that love will win out over his love for power is debatable. Nor do I think that Cersei would turn against Tommen, because the one consistent thing about her is her deep love of her children. The complexity of the characters is what I like best about this show.
  6. The second he appeared swinging at the undead, I yelled "BENJEN! BENJEN STARK!" so loudly that I scared the dog so badly he fell off the sofa. I don't know that Jaquen necessarily ever wanted Arya to become a Faceless Man as much as he wanted to help her figure out who and what she was. He's given her all the training her can, and I'm sure he thinks that if Arya has the stones to defy her orders, she probably has it in her to take on Faceless Waif. Margery has always played the long con, and I don't expect this to be any different. The gypsy woman did tell Cersei she'd see all her children die before her, so I'm not holding out a ton of hope for poor clueless Tommen. Thrilled that Jamie is being sent away so he can do something other than be Cersei's lap dog.
  7. Finally! One of my biggest issues with this show was that the relationship between Lorelei and Rory was held out to be some ideal when in fact it was terribly unhealthy. It wasn't even that Lorelei was a crappy mom as much as she was kind of a crappy person.
  8. I giggled for a good five minutes at the chorus exhorting Jane to "Go get laid!" I can see the show going the route of Michael being in a coma/presumed dead, Jane leaning on Rafael, and being torn between the two of them, again. Man, Petra really cannot catch a break.
  9. I was 12 when "The Day After" aired and though not an especially sensitive child, I remember finding it fairly traumatizing. I do remember growing up in that time period and that the prospect of nuclear war was a very real, very constant concern for us then. I'm still sometimes a bit amazed at how explicit they get away with being on this show.
  10. As someone who worked in politics for years, no show has ever captured the sheer absurdity of the whole thing so perfectly as this one.
  11. I'm not hearing any acent with Ward. If anything, a deliberate lack of accent/inflection. I'm actually enjoying his work; he's exuding this very reptilian quality in his mannerisms that I find very effectively disturbing.
  12. I'm actually really enjoying Dalton's interpretation of Hive. At one point he does this weird little neck tilt that was utterly reptilian and thoroughly creeped me out.
  13. I thought Jeannie was perfectly polite. Even if she was open to being friends with someone that Marty was dating (and as has been said, Jeannie's not really the type to have female friends), the crunchy granola hipster type wouldn't be her thing.
  14. I loved everything with Frank Castle, and I really enjoyed seeing more growth from Foggy and Karen. I have no quibbles with any of the acting; I just found both Stick and Elektra unbearably tiresome. I binge watched season 1. This season, I got halfway through and just... lost interest. Somehow, they managed to make ninjas boring, and I'm so, so over Matt's unending existential angst.
  15. I enjoyed the little nod to other parts of the Marvel universe with the chyron proclaiming the gang war in Hell's Kitchen. Well done, writers. This episode felt like mostly filler, though I am interested in watching Daisy's progression to jack booted thug.
  16. The situation with Vee, Kevin and Svetlana is actually the least shocking storyline, imo. Considering how much Svetlana has been integrated into their life for quite some time now, it almost seems like the natural course of things. It's like everybody's forgetting that this isn't even the first time that she's had sex with Kev OR Vee. She's lived with them before, they work together, they take care of each other's children; hell, she nursed their babies herself. This shouild be a surprise to no one. Nor is it particularly out of character for Frank to play the loving father. He's consistently had flashes of concern, conscience, what ever you want to call them, where he actually steps up and is there for one or more of his kids. It's just that it never lasts, because the person he cares about most will always be Frank. Emmy Rossum was so good tonight. The look of longing on her face when everybody got to hold the baby but her just killed me. Before Debbie starts whining about her lack of support, she needs to consider the fact that she's still LIVING IN THE DAMNED HOUSE and suck it up.
  17. I think that as much as Jane wants them to like and accept her again, she's also too loyal to Michael to bring up to his parents the very valid reasons she had for doubting their relationship.
  18. I thought I'd end up giving this one or two episodes when it started, but it's just progressively gotten better and better. I've enjoyed watching Quentin slowly coming into his own, but Jason Ralph's appearance and mannerisms are so eerily similar to a now deceased ex of mine that I have VERY confused feelings when he's on screen. Poor Alice. I had a friend with parents who were a lot like that and she would never invite friends over. Loved the "Hamilton" reference. I mean, what's the use of even having magic if you can't score tickets to Broadway's hottest show, amiright?
  19. I, too, find the discussions about whether or not someone's level of conventional attractiveness determines the level of realism of the sex scenes ridiculous. Attraction is much, much more complicated than that and people are just projecting their own superficiality with that kind of talk.
  20. Debbie has made so many terrible choices the past few seasons that I genuinely dread the moment when she starts to fully realize just how badly she's screwed up and how wrong she's been. Svetlana has lived in Kev and Vee's home, cared for their children, and had sex with both of them. She contributes just as much to running the business as they do. At this point, she practically was Vee's spouse before they made it legal. I will give this show kudos for not being afraid to go there with the male nudity.
  21. Being as it was a comfy sports bra, I actually get the bra-but-no-underwear sleeping thing. Some things need to breathe and some things need to not flop about, and nightgowns can get all tangled. That seminar or whatever it was looked like my worst nightmare. Hannah's throwaway line about Eileen Fisher made me snort. Jessa may be the most irritating fictional character of all time to me. I like Marianna Palka, but I have no idea what kind of accent she was going for there. She was also in a relationship with Jason Ritter who plays the boyfriend Shosh left behind, so it's a beautiful little circle of friends going on here, clearly.
  22. It wasn't missed; I just disagree. People are certainly free not to enjoy particular scenes or themes, but saying that it wasn't in character for Ragnar is vastly oversimplifying when everything we've seen shows that he's a much more complex person than just, "randy, brutal Viking pillager."
  23. I've never understood why people want more violence but complain about sex scenes, and I particularly don't understand people calling it "soft core porn" when it was quite tame, both by the standards of cable and this show. Sex was equally as important to Viking culture as fighting was.
  24. If Ivar wasn't the song of a king, he'd have been dead before he reached his first year. He's going to need that sociopathy to survive in the world he lives in.
  25. Phillip has always been less devoted to "the cause" than Elizabeth, and more emotionally conflicted about the things that he has to do. I could see him being put in the situation where Martha had to die as being the thing that finally broke him. I'd find it more likely that someone else kills her and he's unable to forgive himself for having put her in danger.
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