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Everything posted by AlliMo

  1. So basically, it doesn't matter who conquers Westeros and sits the throne, because it's the Iron Bank who holds the mortgage. Oberyn may be a prince, but he's the King of Throwing Shade.
  2. So, Travelers are basically just another kind of witch, and witches are all huge dicks. Got it.
  3. I get confused about who knows what and who did what, just because SO much happened in that one lousy week that was time jumped. My love for the show is no less, however; I find it frighteningly prescient.
  4. Were those Horik's daughters that Bjorn told to get out? I guess I assumed that they were the family's personal servants.
  5. I liked the parallel of going straight from the scene where Paige asks to be a CIT at Bible camp, to a scene where Nina talks about being a Young Pioneer. I think I have seen cunnilingus depicted more often on this show than any other show in my viewing history. Not an objection; just something I find interesting.
  6. There is so, so much sexual chemistry between Leonardo and Riario that I can't even stand it. Every time they get all up in each other's faces, I'm yelling at the screen, "Just make out already!"
  7. When Rollo went down, I just kept thinking, "He can't be dead - he has to go on to found the Norman dynasty!" Ragnar and Ecbert are a lot alike. They're both wily visionaries ahead of their time, and they both have a sly sense of humor. I kind of want to see them in some kind of 8th century buddy cop romp. Auslaug knows that she'll never be the badass warrior queen that Lagertha is, and she's fine with that. She's figured out that her best role is to be Lady Beneficent. Floki's genuinely shocked outrage at being accused of being untrustworthy was hilarious. I don't know how many times I found myself saying, "Shut up, Floki."
  8. Glad I'm not the only one who's confused about what happened to the poor truck driver. Interesting to see the infamous Oliver North get a screen credit. I don't know if Philip's right when he says that Elizabeth finds it easier, but she's certainly much better at it, possibly because she's very, very good at channeling her own personal experiences into whatever character she's posing as. I imagine that could be somewhat therapeutic in a weird way. The scene with the priest=Matthew Rhys' Emmy reel.
  9. It's a good thing that vampires can just compel people, because Elijah's dry cleaning bills must be outrageous. I do like him as a villain, but I enjoy Klaus even more when he isn't constantly trying to be King of the Jerkwads and shows a little decency. You think it would occur to these people that maybe pissing off a hormonal pregnant werewolf is maybe not the best idea. I like Hayley when she isn't just standing around making eyes at Elijah. Wasn't there a plan to kill Genevieve? Can we get back to that?
  10. To be fair, Sam has fairly consistently been Sammy McJudgerson from pretty much day one, which is why Sam sucks.
  11. Tywin knows how to work people as well as he does because he understands what motivates them. I suspect, however, that when it comes to Oberyn, he has no idea just how clueless he is. Dany sure knows how to drop the mic, doesn't she.
  12. I saw her in an interview talking about the actress who stands in for the other clone when she does scenes with multiple clones in it. She gave her tons of props for essentially playing as many characters as she is and yet never being seen on screen. She always thanks her by name in her award speeches, too. She really is such a class act. I knew Rachel and Co. were bluffing about Kira. I still think Mrs. S was involved from the beginning and has her own agenda.
  13. Time travel is so confusing. I do like how the show handles it, however. I think I find this show so affecting because I find its vision of the future frighteningly plausible.
  14. I really feel like this show doesn't get nearly enough love. I find it highly entertaining and absorbing. There was a moment in the cell where I honestly expected DaVinci and Riario to finally just make out already.
  15. King Shady really isn't a long-term planner, is he? It's tough being a man of vision, Ragnar. Ecbert's "Good luck!" when he sent in the "relief troops" was hilarious.
  16. Drew is such an Eeyore. It's like he's entirely composed of wet noodles and Morrissey.
  17. I'm so sick of Natalie. I don't particularly see it as slut shaming - Drew made her very aware of how he felt, and while she was perfectly free to sleep with Berto, she also knew exactly how Drew would feel about it. Yes, Drew is being ridiculously mopey about it, but her constantly stalking him and demanding that he just get over it is incredibly grating. Move on to someone else else already if you're such a free spirit. Also, thanks,Peet, for confirming that you did, in fact, have designs on Joel and that Julia wasn't being completely paranoid.
  18. Alicia Witt was killing it. Raylan was terrifying in that last scene with the dying Darryl. This season was uneven, but there were plenty of shining moments. Mostly, though, it just seemed like a lot of setup for a truly epic finale season, so I'm excited for it.
  19. I don't necessarily think that Lip is pining for Mandy, but he does care about her. Mandy's a sweet girl in a lot of ways, but she's also a pragmatist. In her mind, Lip is making his way into the world that someone with his intellect and gifts belongs in, and she's in the world that someone with her background and limitations doesn't leave. Lip is starting to see what the world has to offer him if he's willing to work for it, but Mandy is well aware of the pull his "old" life still has on him, and she didn't go through all the work of getting him out of it just so he can slip back in it. She's drawing a line. There have been a lot of screwed up characters on this show, but Sammi certainly tops the list of most pathetic. As harsh as Sheila reminding her that Frank knew about her existence her entire life but didn't choose to bother with her until he needed something may have been, she needed to hear it.
  20. Pedro Pascal is delightful. He brings such a delicious physicality to the role.
  21. This episode was tolerable as long as I FF'ed through everything that had to do with the stupid charter school business. Oh, my, Julia. I have a feeling she's going to regret this, but I can understand it.
  22. Was it wrong that I was enjoying how much pain Tetanus Guy was in? I'm a horrible person, but man, that kind of "I can't take an aspirin, it's poison!" b.s. is one of my buttons. This episode has also reminded me to make an appointment to sign up with the bone marrow registry. Derek and Meredith are such a good team these days.
  23. Ksenia Solo is still killing it, but this season is just all over the place. At this point, the only acceptable explanation is that Bo has been taken over/replaced by something/someone else ala the kitsune, because she's being written as an entirely different character. It doesn't surprise me that Lauren would use sex to get what she needs. As a human among all these supernatural creatures, that and her science brain are the only weapons she has.
  24. Norma and her rattling on to "Big Daddy Romero" about what a scary badass he is was adorable. I love Norma and her complete and utter lack of a filter. When Emma asked Norma about sex, all my alarm bells went off, but the way that Norma handled it so sweetly, especially considering her own experiences, was beautiful. The tiny catch in her voice when she said, "IF it's with someone you care about" killed me. Vera Farmiga is friggin' amazing.
  25. I've long ago stopped expecting this show to make sense and accepted that this show is just racy, silly fun. Though, I'm not feeling how for the entirety of the series, Bo has been Ms. Nobody Tells Me How To Live My Life and now she's all of a sudden, hey, it's my destiny, guess I'll just roll with it.
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