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  1. Just reading that made me well up. What a beautiful thing to do; I had no idea. Thank you for sharing that with us.
  2. If hoping for that is wrong, then I don't wanna be right.
  3. Well we don't have to worry about any "half-eaten food" laying about; it looks like Dorit has completely stopped eating. Frankly, it's alarming. Her bones protruding from her chest along side her massive fake breasts looked, honestly, painful. Her back must hurt constantly from the imbalance in her weight. Along with a divorce attorney, I sincerely hope she'll find a counselor. She places so much of her identity on copying Kyle, I wish she'd follow Kyle's commitment to caring for her body; ditch the booze and focus on getting herself healthy.
  4. Allan hardly got to speak at all! I was so disappointed; I think Allan is a great "chat" guest.
  5. I am so sorry, Stats Queen. Thank you for sharing that with us and giving us important insight into your perspective; I've not been in your shoes and I appreciate what I've learned from you today.
  6. 1. I haven't had a fried egg sandwich in YEARS and I may have to make one tonight. You opened a core memory here. I use mayo in my home and not Miracle Whip, which is what we had when I was a kid. I wonder if it'll still hit. 2. I had to pause the show when Boz was talking about how they will make plans for their marriage and "baby" while building up to the words "I love you" together. Oh. My. God. No. Nooooo. In my experience, a man will tell you when he loves you...a man will show up when he wants to be with you....a man will propose to you when he wants to marry you. Men leave very little doubt about how they feel. This is not rocket science, men are not complicated: he's showing you who he is; believe him, Boz. Does anyone know if her first husband was her first real relationship? Listening to her get it SO WRONG made me wonder if she married young and doesn't have other experience with men. Or any friends who will tell her "ummmm, no, Boz, he's not the one." And to see her so clear with Dorit about PJ's nonsense but unable to see the nonsense she's excusing...seems she's very immature in relationships.
  7. Oh dear....this is the evil cursed hope that's kept me tuning in for almost twenty YEARS (next year is 20 years since OC debuted). RUN Mr. Miner...RUN and don't ever look back!
  8. We caught up through episode four yesterday. I have SO MANY thoughts but don't want to spoil it for anyone else. Looking forward to sharing, though!
  9. I'll be interested to see what she looks like now. She hasn't posted a photo online that isn't filtered to fuck in I don't know how long. I can't wait to see her in actual HD on my television screen. 🤡
  10. Because Kyle is weapons-grade stupid.
  11. That's exactly what I noticed, the bottom half has changed again. She is 100% morphing into Kathy (and that is NOT a complement).
  12. Are you implying that Erica doesn't have a kid??? She has a son and YOU HAVE NO IDEA what she goes through every night. Don't you go there; don't you ever talk about her SON!! 😋
  13. I see someone has found a new sugar daddy...que the newest elderly simp. Is it too much to hope this one actually spends his own money? Not that she'd care either way...
  14. I honestly think this would be the "kiss of death" for this show for me. I doubt most people keep up the house/cooking/dressing/hairdo/makeup for even two weeks, let alone a month. I realize how pessimistic this sounds, but these are grown folks that have spent years living as they did...I really don't think the vast majority of them make serious changes in their lives. It's fun to watch the transformations, but I never take this as a serious change in someone's life.
  15. Why were they together, right after their robbery, when they weren't even very close friends???? 😉
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