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Everything posted by Lisbeth

  1. Thank you for this! I thought that I was the one starting with the dementia, not poor Dina! I have been noticing this slow build towards Mariah and Tessa as a couple for a while now, and would be willing to bet good money that Y&R is FINALLY going to go with a Gay Storyline with these two. Honestly, out of all the potential romantic partners these girls have so far been paired/tested with, I have only seen true chemistry between the two of them. FWIW.
  2. maybe that is why she was in jail? Maya stole the money to get her reassignment surgery? "Orange Is The New Black" has a very similar storyline thread - it wouldn't surprise me in the least if TIIC are attempting a copy of that story.
  3. Actually, from what I remember of the original storyline, there was a two-fold purpose in choosing Ashley as his target. Number one was her relationship to Victor, Number two was her relationship to Jack; Adam wanted to get back at/punish both Victor and Jack because of the whole stupid Diary Scandal, and tormenting Ashley was simply a means to an end. Adam simply saw Ashley as an effective tool to use in his war against Jack and Victor; he never hated her or her baby; he actually liked Ashley and was devastated when his ridiculous scheme went too far and resulted in Ashley falling down the stairs and losing the baby. As far as the baby was concerned, I never got the impression that Adam wanted to eliminate it, in fact, he always came across as not giving two shits about it one way or the other. The target was always just Ashley, and that was because of her importance to the two men (Jack and Victor) who just screwed him over - at least that is how he saw it. Back then, MAB was writing Adam as a single-minded sociopath hell-bent on revenge. It has always been my belief that Chris Engen wanted out of the show because of the over-the-top, sick-ass storyline - and the whole Gay Scandal was simply manufactured by TIIC to make themselves look good to the viewers.
  4. This is perfect! I can actually see dumbass Nick saying this to himself!
  5. Exactly! The biggest, and most glaring nonsense was Frank sharing a hospital room with a (on her death-bed, no less!) little girl - as in not even a teenager, child!! I have never even heard the news that hospital rooms can now be co-ed, let alone co-mingling the different sexes between adults and children. Does anyone here happen to know if there are any hospitals out there that actually do make a practice of this room-sharing situation? I'm actually really curious to know this. Just thinking of the liability a hospital would face if anything were to ever happen, where, say and adult male would be perverted enough to take advantage of such an arrangement, boggles my mind!
  6. Snarkian: CUTE POST!! I love it!!! One just has to appreciate those "Riley Days O'Yore"!
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