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Everything posted by EllipticalAddicted

  1. What is the show trying to "teach us" by hitting us over the head with Henry? Don't. Care.
  2. When I commented earlier that I wasn't sympathetic with Chris as compared to Donathon, it was in reference to when Chris went over to Donathon to bond with him via their shared stories. Instead of listening to Donathon and then empathizing with him by sharing his background, Chris just told him his story with his mom. At least it was edited to look that way. Ive got no issues with Chris. It does sound like a challenging childhood having to watch and live with your single mom suffer from a progressively debilitating disease. Chris seems like a fierce competitor who is fighting to stay in the game but may not be as good with social niceties and emotional connections that are necessary in this game setting.
  3. I cannot quit laughing. "Manta ray". Oh my gosh. Haha!
  4. This. Yes. I have watched every Survivor episode (I wish I could claim "all my life" and have that be all of ten years like Michael!!) since the very first season. Never ever ever have I wanted someone to win the millions dollars based on need. Everyone needs that million for some reason or another and no one's need should be deemed greater than someone else's. However, for the very first time, I want Donathon to win based on his needing the $$$. Unfortunately, should he win, I can see him being guilted to give it all to members of his family, even those who haven't helped him or his grandmother out. Also, I want one of those thingies that Chris was having to throw at and hit with the sandbags. The thing had three arm paddles attached to a metal ball that spiraled down a metal coil. I'd love to have that in my yard. Good job, production crew.
  5. Normally (99.9999% of the time), I would fully agree with you. I was so aggravated the year that the guy won it by throwing in the fact that his wife was pregnant at final tribal. Same for those who leave parents or loved ones behind who are on death's door. You chose to go on the show, no one forced you. You don't deserve a million dollars for your tales of woe. Also, I hated the whole Ben story and how the producers tried to shove that down our throats. First time that I have ever turned off Survivor before the winner was announced. However, Donathon's story makes me somewhat sad. He's the grandchild who has become the de facto caretaker of his grandmother (and I believe he said his mom was disabled). I believe the grandmother has had a series of strokes? He said that no one else would take on the responsibility. He's youngish, but he's got the weight of the world on his shoulders and to me that's wrong. It gives me that same sense of "this isn't right" when a couple chooses to have a bunch of kids, and they have the older kids taking care of the younger kids. It doesn't work that way - the parents chose to have all those kids, they shouldn't burden the older kids with taking care of the younger. Does that remotely make sense?! I just see Donathon as being somewhat trapped, although it's clear he loves his family. Chris, in the other hand, does not come across as sympathetic.
  6. Bradley has the same tiny mouth as Damien Lewis. Sebastian comes across as just so derpy. That whole tribe is like one wet blanket. Except for Michael.
  7. Yes!!!! I've always held my parents in contempt for not following my thoughts and plans that I had as a teenager. How dare they not make new life plans based on what a fifteen year old immature me thought. Random thoughts follow. Between the car wreck and the whack on the back from Lucille, and yes I went back and watched again as Rick connected with the back of Negan, the Fonzi leather jacket is still pristine with nary a scratch or scuff. Am I the only one who was yelling at Michonne to shoot Maggie there at the end when they were having their discussion???? Dwight is strangely now the character that I am most invested in. Whoever said that there is now no character development or interaction is absolutely correct. I don't care about anyone anymore. soooooooooo........apparently no one in the zombie apocalypse has thought to pick up a BOOK to get instructions for BUILDING THINGS???!!!!! So everyone has been waiting for this white preppy lady to show up with a set of sunglass wearing twins (I learned that they were twins on Talking Dead tonight) to give them the KEYS TO THE FUTURE. Let's just ignore the fact that all of the plans for building useful things is already contained in books. Are people now too stupid to look this stuff up??????
  8. Tonight on The Walking Dead: Rick and Michonne enter the Hilltop. Maggie expresses angst and joy and then anger and gravitas in an over-the-top fake southern accent and cups her non-existent baby bump (and also threatens anyone who will take her doctor away). Rick's hair is dripping vast amounts of moisture down his face. Michonne continues to be underutilized, sigh. Carol runs around wearing non-protective old skater gear, thereby making sure everyone remembers her as a Kingdom citizen and not as a formerly bad-ass killer of crazy kids and wicked zombies. Daryl grunts something like "cantcuthair" and "contract". Like Father Gabriel, Daryl is going blind, but due to his hair. Tara appears again in a major story line, reminding us that her Scientology crazy-cult must have some wicked blackmailing material on every writer. Negan wears his black leather jacket and a hankerchief jauntily tied around his neck, talking "dirty" like a fourth grade boy. episode ends with a flash forward of Rick, sitting under the tree o' dreams, clutching his bleeding side.
  9. I bow down to you for this description.
  10. Likes this week: Stephanie (props for the put down of whiny Bradley during her vote), Michael (at 18 years old I was an immature, emotional wild teenager who could never have done what he did last night) and Laurel (athletic and darn smart, I had no idea!!) Dislikes: Bradley and his teeny tiny mouth, especially when he made a little "Oh" expression with it.
  11. At this point, Maggie being pregnant has killed so many people. It's how this whole thing with Negan got started, right??! I am so sick of the emphasis on her, on her baby (when it's convenient), and how it's VITAL that a doctor be found for her even when securing a doctor manages to kill everyone. It has made me absolutely hate her character and wish that she would get killed off. The show has tried to force down our throats that Maggie is the Bestest!!!!: a super strong woman leader who does whatever it takes, represents all that is good, makes just and moral decisions, blah blah blah. Instead, it's done just the opposite and created a character that I root against, roll my eyes at and consider her a cartoonish dolt. The show can take her ridiculous ever-changing southern accent, her mad "I'm serious now!!" face, her representation of all the good that Rick isn't and shove it where the sun don't shine.
  12. Maggie's taking so long to have this baby that the new doctor (Sayid?) will be a very very very old man when he helps deliver baby Glenn.
  13. Tara, you switched sides. You used to be with The Govenor. Idiot.
  14. Why are all these people lost??? In the past everyone was just popping up in each little neighborhood, with hardly any time taken, even if they were walking.
  15. Consistency! Negan was more than willing to forgive Jadis even though she triple crossed him yet he's always threatening Eugene lately. also, shut up, Tara. I like Dwight better than her now.
  16. Angela said that she didn't need nor like Chris ordering her around , hence why she was willing to not follow his orders regarding the vote.
  17. Thank you! I finally understand exactly what happened in the voting process! I couldn't remember who was on what tribe originally so was totally confused during tribal. I didnt even even realize that Donathon was at tribal until they showed the group walking away after the vote. Right now, I am liking James. I can't stand Dom. So, that means that James will get an early boot and Dom will be an annoyance on my TV screen until the final episode. There are some strong women players that I like as well but I don't remember their names yet.
  18. I'm a bit confused. I feel like this guy.
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